Member Reviews

I devoured this book. Everything about it is spot on - the characters, the plot and the setting. I would recommend this to any thriller fans.

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This was a brilliant and tense thriller that had me questioning everyone until the big reveal. I especially love it when I can’t figure out who is behind it all and I definitely didn’t with this one.

The story is told from Milla’s point of view and alternates between present day and ten years ago. I thought this worked really well as each moment that happened in present day linked back to something that happened ten years ago so it flowed really well, also each chapter left you on a cliffhanger which I love and in turn makes it a real page turner!

This is my second book I’ve read that was set around snowboarding / skiing and I have to say it was my favourite. The details about the snowboarding competitions were fantastic and despite there being a lot of snowboard technical terms it didn’t put me off. I felt like I was right there on the mountain with them.

Overall this was a fabulous debut thriller that was filled with secrets, a gorgeous yet chilling location, a complex set of characters and a final twist which I didn’t see coming!

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Shiver by Allie Reynold.
5 are back at the resort Milla,Curtis, Brent,Dale and Heather. There used to be 7 of them. Why back now after ten years. Who is behind the invite? Who is playing the game?
Wow a very good start. What a debut. I had no clue who it was that was behind it. I was guessing. But it wasn't who I thought it would. 5*.

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“It’s that time of year again. The time the glacier gives up its bodies.” - Prologue, ‘Shiver’.

My thanks to Headline for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘Shiver’ by Allie Reynolds in exchange for an honest review.

This is Allie Reynolds debut novel and is receiving well deserved prepublication buzz. It was one of those novels that once started I ended up reading/listening in a single day.

As for the plot, I shall just give a taster as I always feel that thrillers are best read cold. Milla is surprised to receive an invitation to a reunion in the French Alps resort where ten years ago she had reached the peak of her snowboarding career. Personally she would rather forget the events of that winter but as the invitation comes from Curtis, the dishy brother of her former rival Saskia, she drops everything to attend.

Aside from Milla and Curtis, the group is made up of three others: couple Heather and Dale, and Brent. The five friends haven't seen each other since that time and the disappearance of Saskia, who had recently been declared dead in absentia.

It isn’t long before they realise that they are alone at the deserted luxury lodge high up the mountain, and that they don’t know who really had gathered them there. A series of unsettling events occur that further isolate them. It seems that the secrets of the past are about to come to light.

Reynolds divides the narrative between the present day and ten years ago, slowly revealing the events of the past and developing her characters, including the enigmatic Saskia. I found it well plotted and a highly compelling read.

Snowboarding is very central to the plot. While I am not particularly interested in sports of any kind, there was no doubt that these scenes made for exciting reading. From her biography I saw that in her earlier life Reynolds had competed as a freeform snowboarder, which accounts for the vividness and immediacy of this aspect of the novel.

It proved a very atmospheric whodunnit that kept me guessing and glued to the edge of my seat. She also very effectively created the sense of the alpine cold. Brrrr. I needed an extra jumper and plenty of warm drinks while listening/reading.

Overall, an exciting, immersive mystery that I am confident will be a bestseller. It’s certainly one that I plan to recommend widely to my friends who enjoy intriguing mysteries with plenty of surprises.

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A true thriller which had me trying to guess who was doing what and why all the way through. I loved the fact that it was not until the end that things started to come together, however the final twist was expected but still delivered in a timely manner.
A great read which covered a sport that I knew nothing about but this did not distract from the story line. The characters are so well defined, each having very different but similar outlooks covering their competitive endeavours. The mountain retreat was created in my mind so realistically as well, it was almost impossible not to smell the stale body odours that emanated all over the place.

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I have to say I ended up almost enjoying this book! I nearly gave up a third of the way through, far to many snowboarding details. However I understand why this was as it is a vital part of the story and for us that have never done any form of skiing or snowboarding it set the scene.

The story is about a group of snowboarders who ten years previously were competing in competitions and the various arguments, affairs that were happening, resulting in someone going missing. The story picks up ten years later and flits back and forth between the past and present day.

I didn’t warm to some of the characters, I won’t name them, I’m sure it’s better to make your own minds up.

There are a lot of questions that need answering and I liked the way it kept the reader hooked from chapter to chapter.

The finale is a surprise, not what I thought would happen! However I didn’t like the final comment from Milla. Felt unnecessary.

It was just ok.

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I cannot believe that this is a debut novel. This is such a good read. A genuine did not want to put down read. Told over two timelines ten years apart with alternating chapters, set in the beautiful Alps, in the world of snowboarding. I know nothing about snowboarding but my lack of knowledge did not detract from my enjoyment of this at all. A group of friends meet up for a reunion 10 years after an unforgettable season. Brilliant complex characters, tense claustrophobic plot, the perfect whodunnit with an amazing twist.

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10 years ago, Milla, Curtis, his sister Saskia, Dale, Heather and Brent met and spent their winter in Le Rocher training in the lead up to a snowboard competition. Ultimately it ended in disaster when Saskia disappeared, and another competitor was left paralysed changing their lives forever. 10 years on they have also been sent invites to spend the weekend at the resort following Saskia being declared dead. Shortly after arriving, they realise they have been lured there under false pretences and find themselves cut off, with no way of leaving the resort. Suspicious soon turns to each other as accusations fly about what really happened that winter. As sinister clues emerge that bring into question what really happened to Saskia, the group find themselves struggling to survive the elements and each other. The question is who has brought them there and what really happened to Saskia all those years ago. Told in dual timeline from Millas viewpoint, we follow the events leading up to the disappearance and the present-day threat they face.  

This book was fantastic, and it really did surpass my expectations. The premise intrigued me because not only do we have a mystery we also have some of my favourite tropes in the setting and set up. We have a snowy, isolated setting where the main characters are stranded and cut off. I just love this set up for a thriller or horror and this book used that setting really well. Everything that happened to the characters was as a result and every choice they had to make, made sense in the context of the setting. Often, they had no other choice but to do silly dangerous things that under normal circumstances they would not do. This somehow made the story feel so much more believable. I think this kind of set up is quite classic in a thriller, but this felt quite new and fresh.  

In the past timeline the setting is used in a slightly different way. We follow these young people who meet whilst snowboard training and I really enjoyed how much the story featured the snowboarding aspect. I have never skied or snowboarded, but I have always wanted to try. I really enjoyed learning about the sport and the competitive aspect of it. There were lots of references to different snowboarding tricks and techniques that I didn’t really follow. I found myself looking up pictures and videos online which I always enjoy when I am reading. However, if you aren't familiar with the sport and don’t want to be looking things up, you may get lost with some of what the characters talk about. It left me wanting to read more books that feature snowboarding and skiing as a subject, but I since struggled to find many.  

I also really liked the angsty drama that we followed in the past events. We have a level of quite new adult goings on in terms of people bed hopping and various relationships playing out. However, we also have a slightly more toxic level that Saskia brings, especially in her relationship with Milla. It's this that steers the story with rest of the drama playing out around it. Saskia was a great villain; She had that mix of being brutally cruel but intoxicating. Milla couldn’t help but want to compete with her but also be friends with her. This led to some frustrating moments as a reader because despite Saskias dangerous games Milla always seemed to let her guard down and underestimate her. It was such an interesting relationship with both Milla and Saskia being such intriguing characters.

Both timelines were so compelling especially in the later third of the story. I always enjoy the dual timeline narrative and I found I was equally invested in both stories. I couldn’t wait to finish one section so I could return to the other. It's definitely a book that’s easy to fly through and makes you say, ‘just one more chapter’.  

There present day setting, and story was also done constructed so well. As I mentioned I found the actions of the characters plausible and could see them making bad decisions as they felt they had no choice. I loved watching the group implode, question everything and the secrets pour out. I didn’t predict the ending, I suspected everyone but equally couldn’t see how it could be any of them. Even down to the last few chapter's I had no idea how it would end. I also found it so creepy and atmospheric. One of the most surprising parts to me that there was coupling I really got behind. I wouldn’t call it a romance but there was this constantly simmering relationship where you never knew if those involved could trust each other.  

This book was such a compelling mystery with a real thrilling element. The setting was perfect, there were so many twists and turns in both timelines as well as so much to depth to the characters and relationships. I just couldn’t put it down and thoroughly recommend it to any mystery/thriller lovers and a great way to start my reading year.  

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher Headline for providing me with a copy of this book for review.

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Firstly, I’d like to thank Net Galley for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

Told over two time lines with lots of twists and turns. The story of a group of snowboarders at a reunion in the Alps. However, there is a lot about snowboarding – technical terms and the names for different moves which I didn’t really understand. Also most of the characters were not particularly likeable, probably because they seemed so competitive and self centred. Even the main character Milla wasn’t always very nice.

However, worth reading.

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The French Alps Beckon....
The French Alps beckon in this tense and entertaining whodunnit set among the competitive snowboarding set. A reunion, five friends and a deserted lodge set high on the snowy mountainside. Finding truth may bring lies and secrets to the forefront. Immersive, claustrophobic read with a compelling narrative and some well drawn characters as well as a convincing sense of place.

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What a cliffhanger!!! Exciting, unpredictable and enjoyable. I really enjoyed this book. I liked the alternating of chapters from present day to 10 years ago although I would have liked slightly longer in each time frame.

The rivalry between Milla and Saskia is lethal at times and I wonder whether that ever happens in competitive sporting such as this. Made me think a lot during the reading of this.

Throughout the story there’s always a whodunnit question which kept me on the edge of my seat. There is also a lot of technical jargon which was lost of me however it didn’t stop me from enjoying it.

Thank you to Headline Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy in return for my honest review

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Well I could not put this down!

I loved the way it flicked back between the present day and 10 years ago, I felt it really added to the tension throughout.

It is fast paced, has that creepy atmosphere and so many twists and turns, you find yourself furiously turn the pages.

This is everything I want in a good thriller, highly recommended!!

Thank you to Headline publishers and Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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Great if you like books about snowboarding and snowboarding competitions as there is a lot of info re this,not great characters tbh and a plot that was at times easy to predict

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Really atmospheric, chilling thriller. Had me hooked from the very start. This was one that I read almost in one hit- couldn't put it down. Group of snowboarding buddies all arrive at an arranged reunion in the mountain where they competed ten years ago after one of them is mysteriously lost/ killed. Oddly the reunion was not arranged by one of them. Strange things start to happen and they all wonder if one of them is responsible...dark secrets, insecurities and worse happen. A really great read right to the last page. Thoroughly enjoyed.

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A chilling, atmospheric story set in the French Alps. A group of professional snowboarding friends get together for a reunion . The last time they were there was 10years ago where tragedy struck. Which one of the friends organised the reunion and why ? This story is told in two different timelines, current day and back 10years. It was told very well and was very easy to follow. There was a lot of talk about snowboarding and the different techniques which if I’m honest bored me slightly but it didn’t take away from the enjoyment of the story . 3.5 stars ⭐️

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In a cold, and icy, January, this was the perfect weather to read this thriller, set around a group of snowboarders. Before I go any further, I should say that I have never been snowboarding, or skiing, and have no interest in doing so. However, you do not need to have any knowledge about those sports to enjoy this.

Our main character is Milla, who is invited to a reunion weekend at a resort in Le Rocher. Ten years ago, she was training for a snowboarding competition, but after a tragedy that year, she had lost touch with her former friends. Now, she is nervously anticipating seeing them again; especially Curtis, who she had always been interested in. All those years ago, Curtis’s sister, Saskia, went missing and now all those involved at the time are meeting up again. There is Dale and Heather, Milla, Brent and Curtis.

The novel alternates between past and present and the reader learns all of the relationships that unfolded between the group and the events leading up the disappearance of Saskia. Although she went missing all those years ago, Saskia’s presence seems to haunt the group that assemble for the tense reunion and, when it appears that nobody admits to organising the get-together, suspicion grows.

Without doubt, this is a really atmospheric thriller. You have a group of people who were once friends; all of whom have secrets they are keen not to disclose. A deserted resort, with the group stranded and unable to contact the outside world. Lights that go off and on, doors that lock behind you, knives that go missing…. An excellent read and an assured debut.

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I so wanted to enjoy this novel!

The captivating setting is ripe for a brilliant mystery. I loved the concept, The past and present storylines were used brilliantly to shape character development and it gave me that ooh... I NEED to know what happened now vibe from the start.

But with these types of books, for me, everything hinges on the 'big reveal'. There are two big reveals a present and a past one. I guessed the present one from very very early on. The past reveal no one could have guessed because it was a tad ludicrous pushing the bounds of believability way over the edge.

So, sorry to say it missed the mark for me! 3⭐

I also felt it maybe should have been marketed to a YA audience as a large portion of the book is set around the group and in their teen antics.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this amazing debut...

whats not to like about a group of people who spend their time snowboarding at a competitive level up a mountain...

and one of them goes missing
and another has a bad crash and ends up disabled....

ten years later the remainder of their group are meeting up at the same resort and in a series of before and now chapters the story continues until the present day and they are faced with a murderer in their midst....but who is it....

a brilliant whodunnit and i love a story with snow
cant believe this is the authors debut book...well written and brilliantly written characters...cant wait to see what else this author can do...

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I loved this book! It’s so gripping I couldn’t put it down! The narrative jumps between the present day and ten years ago each chapter which just makes you want to read on to find out what’s happened - I felt like each chapter was a cliffhanger (no pun intended 😂). Because of this at some points, I knew the outcome of a scene but I was still shocked and definitely gasped a few times! I also loved the will they/won’t they relationships which you don’t always get in a thriller.

I'd definitely recommend it’s a definite five star for me I can’t think of a bad word to say!

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A group or ex snowboarders are invited back to the lodge where they all met when they were younger. What was supposed to be a nice friendly reunion turns sinister as each of them is hiding a secret. But which one has blood on their hands?

This is everything The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley wishes it was.

Suspenseful and keeps you guessing from the first opening chapters. Just when I thought I was onto the culprit another plot twist would happen.

The jumping back and fore between then and now kept me hooked. And I especially loved the grey mortality of all of the characters.

A fantastic thriller that you won't want to miss out on!

Thank you to Netgalley and Headline for providing me with a copy to review.

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