Member Reviews

Jillie and Mack had two weeks of scorching romance but it ended when Mack pushed Jillie away. It broke Jillie's heart and she wasn't expecting to see him again until her best friend called her for her wedding. She has a secret of her own but she wasn't ready to share with anyone.
Mack had secrets of his own. He may seem like cowboy in the outside, he is a billionaire oil tycoon. Last summer, he met Jillie and they shared two fantastic time together but he pushed her away and he knows he broke her heart. Now he will be facing Jillie. Can they be civil to each other?
Jillie didn't want to face Mack until the wedding but when he shows up at the airport instead of her best friend. She is not sure if she could be civil with him.
Jillie and Mack has been thrown by her best friends but they will have to figure out how to be civil to each other. They can't forget what happened to them and they will still need to figure out the way to reveal their own secrets.
However, their secrets are tangled more than ever when they were getting closer than ever.
It was quick story but Jillie and Mack seems they are lacking some romance. There is secret baby plot but it seems its missing the chemistry between those two.
I would give 3 1/2 stars. I didn't read previous series and this could be standalone.
Thanks to Netgalley and Sand Dune Books for ARC in exchange for honest review.

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This is your typical romance. They fall in love, they fall out of love, they fall back in love again. I loved it. I hadn't read book one in the series but it didn't matter. It was a great standalone with a happy ever after. Could have done with a bit more editing but all in all a good read.

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This sequel to Roses and Rawhide was cute. It was great to see more into Jillie and Mack's relationship, and the secrets they were both keeping were huge (his, we at least knew one of going into, hers did come as a surprise, though I'd wondered about it a bit in the first book).
At times their internal struggles did get a bit repetitive, but I guess that is how it goes when you start overthinking/hyperfocusing on something. The balance of hypocrisy from each of them was nice-- a bit annoying, but again, definitely rang realistic.
I LOVED the tension between Jillie and Mack and, just like with the first book, this one had me rooting for them and feeling physical pangs in my chest at times when things weren't working out.

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This was my first time reading something by this author. This was an enjoyable read. The story was well-written and flowed nicely. The plot was interesting and had some plot twists and turns that made this an interesting and intriguing story. The characters were strong and well-developed. The author did a nice job of bringing this story to life with her vivid descriptions and well-developed scenes. I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading more by this author.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

This was a hard book for me to rate as I wavered between a 3 star rating and a 4 star rating. Maybe since I have not ready the previous books?? Am I missing something?

I really did not like Mack and how he kept going back and forth and leaving when things got a bit rough. Not sure that I would want to trust a man who runs at the first hint of trouble in a relationship = oh wait, he couldn't even agree that they had a relationship.

Jillie was just too forgiving over so many things and Mack had tons of secrets. I did not read about the relationship between Jillie and Kim in previous books but just her manipulations were a huge turnoff for me. I get that she wanted to "help" but it was so annoying to read.

And wow, after he finally figured out that he was the father, he left her alone without one word of contact for a WEEK! The HEA wrapped things up at the end but Mack really should have suffered more for all the pain he caused Jillie.

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I really wanted to love this book. However it just wasn’t there for me. It seemed to take forever and nothing really happened. All of the secrets aren’t that big of a deal and there was no character development. Disappointing.

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I read an ARC from I had not read Roses & Rawhide (but it is up next in my Kindle), so keep that in mind when reading my unbiased and voluntary review. This is the first book that I read by this author and read it easily as a stand alone, but now want to know what exactly happened on that pack trip that sparked two romances.

Jillie Abernathy and Mack Montgomery had only known each other for 2 weeks and believed that they were in love, so Mack pushing her away and telling her it was over was a hurtful thing to do and I thought that she was better off without the jerk. But he has his own issues that he is dealing with and he is a guy, who puts his foot in his mouth a lot. Now they are both back in Colorado for their best friends wedding and have to deal with their attraction and the secrets that they are both keeping.

They author created endearing characters that the readers is rooting for to get their act together and find the courage to embrace their feelings and be honest. Vivid descriptions, snappy banter and lots of action and twists to keep the story moving.

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Complementary copy given for honest review and opinion.
Oh my word! I loved this book. I was up half the night finishing it. I couldn’t put it down. Stubborn men and even more stubborn women that love them are the premises of this book. Perfect read!

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Maddie James' The Cowboy's Secret Baby is the third installment in the Colorado Dreamin' book series and is also the sequel to the Roses and Rawhide. The book features Jillie and Mack who met who started their relationship in the previous book. Now several months since Mack decides to break off their relationship the couple meets again for their friends' wedding. Through a series of arguments, hurt feelings, and misunderstandings the author pulls together a good if not predictable story. While there is a cowboy-themed background to this story, if you looking for a cowboy you aren't going to find it with this story.

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The Cowboy’s Secret Baby by Maddie James was an enjoyable story. This was Jillie and Mack’s story that contained a well-defined story line and well-developed characters. I loved the location and the drama. These characters struggle with keeping their secrets from one another when all they needed to do was communicate. Eventually they finally lay all their communication cards on the table and get their HEA.
I was provided an early copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Lots of secrets. Misconceptions and stubbornness get in the way of communication. When a simple conversation could clear up their situation, instead the words continued to be unspoken. Sweet and heartwarming story. Thank to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley.

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An entertaining and well written romance. A very good plot and believable characters. Many secrets. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and this is my unbiased review.

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The story of Jillie Abernathy & Mack Montgomery. As the title indicates there is a secret baby, but that isn't the only secret in this book. Both characters are stubborn and headstrong. At times frustratingly so! I had not read the prior books in the series, but was able to follow along with the prior characters and story. The book was somewhat predictable, but I did enjoy the story!

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley for my open, honest review.

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This is the second book and though I did not read the first one the author does a good job in setting you up in the story. You are given all of the characters and the backstories. How they met with. Jill and Kim came to Colorado from Kentucky for a two-week vacation. Kim ended up staying and Jill went back home to Kentucky when Mack Montgomery who had started a two-week affair with Kim walks away from her and says things to her that hurt her.
Now months later Jill is marrying Thad and of course, Kim is on her way back to Colorado, the one person she does not want to see is Mack but from the time she arrives at the airport, this is the person she seems to be stuck with. It is during one of these times that she begins to find out the secrets that Mack had not told her it is those secrets that have kept him away from any relationships. Also, from her. She also has her own and she wants to tell him and when she does it does not go as planned of course. It is up to Mack to grow up and to decide if he wants to be alone or go after the woman how makes him happy. See what happens with this story.

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3.5 stars

I had not read the first book in this series ("Roses & Rawhide"), so I quickly read it before starting "The Cowboy's Secret Baby". In the first book, Jillie & Mack fall madly in love and announce they are going to get married - even though they've only known each other for two weeks. But at the end of the book they go their separate ways without any explanations.

In the beginning of this second book, Jillie and Mack are reunited at the wedding of their best friends, Kim & Thad. It is extremely awkward as neither Jillie nor Mack wants to admit their honest feelings for each other. They keep jumping to the wrong conclusions through misunderstandings. This book is the epitome of "communication is key".

There were so many times I wanted to smack Mack upside the head because he was too hard headed to see the truth. But it's also what gave this book some drama.

Cute read.

I was provided this book in exchange for an honest review. The opinions stated above are mine without biases.

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#TheCowboysSecretBaby#Net Galley
This book is a sequel to Roses and Rawhide. It is the story of the maid of honor Millie and the best man Mack who both have secrets. They end their relationship but will still see each other at Kim and Thads wedding. Will they learn to trust each other again ? They both need to be honest and open to each other. Will you find out their secrets ? Will they let the other in ? Will they have a future together? Thank q Net Galley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Jillie is about to be thrown for a loopby Mack at the end of their 2 weeks of playing camp - now they are pushed back together to get prepared for the wedding of their best friends and man do the sparks fly and fires burn - a wonderful read!!

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The Cowboy's Secret Baby by Maddie James is a Colorado Dreamin' book, sequel to Rawhide and Roses. Jillie Abernathy was on vacation in Colorado, on a trail ride that she had coerced her best friend, Kim, into taking with her. It had worked, Kim had fallen in love. The problem was, so had Jillie, but Mack Montgomery wasn't the marrying kind so leaving, Kim with her fiancé in Colorado, Jillie took herself back to Colorado and her job as an English teacher. It was weeks later that she discovered she was pregnant, with Mack's baby. Now she had to return to Colorado for Kim's wedding and tell Mack the truth. He had a right to know, even if she planned to raise this baby on her own. Things got very complicated. The biggest issue was a total lack of communication between the two of them, but there were other issues as well. Could they work them out?

I love cowboy romance and this was a good one. Watching the two, each wanting the other, but refusing to say it out loud, was, at times, gut-wrenching. At other times, it was plain ridiculous. It did, however, make for a good story. There were subplot and miscues, misunderstandings. Often during the read I wondered if they could work it out. Stubbornness played a big role. All in all, this was a lovely, heart-breaking cowboy romance which in many ways was so much more. It was an all-consuming read, waiting for the two of them to work things out. I loved it. I recommend it.

I was invited to read a free ARC of The Cowboy's Secret Baby by Netgalley. All opinions and interpretations contained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #thecowboyssecretbaby

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Another great read by a talented author I really enjoyed reading it and will definitely read more and recommend reading it

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Long awaited story of Mack and Jillie. After their brief but heated affair over the summer, Mack decides to end things abruptly and they each go their separate ways. Months later they are reunited for a wedding, and lies and secrets are revealed. Problem is, they have both kept so many secrets its hard to see how they can have a future together.
This story was cute, got a little repetitive at times with the "he said, she said". But overall enjoyable.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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