Member Reviews

This is the long-awaited story of what really happened between Mack & Jillie! Communication is not the strong suit of either character. He is hiding behind a ranch hand lifestyle and afraid to admit his fears. She is stubborn and afraid of being rejected again. Relationships never really work when there are secrets, even with their chemistry. Their well-meaning friends realize they are good together, and she just has to meddle. Add in miscommunication, now we have the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the advanced copy for me to review.

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Lot of emotions in this book, will they won’t they get together again. What secrets have they got to tell each other. I thought they both needed a good shake up in some places, but that may have been the author’s intention to get the reader involved., and once shared romance wins again. On the whole a good read.

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Was looking forward to this one, but sadly not as enjoyable as expected for me. Jillie and Mack have a lot of sparks, but trust is a big issue. Considering they knew each other such a short time, it is not surprising, but still hard to see where the love is when they fight all the time. Mack especially keeps hiding things from her, and then gets angry when he thinks she is hiding things from him. Hmm, double standard? Got tiresome after awhile, and almost felt she would be better without him. Harsh, but needed more details to explain his actions for me. Would still recommend though, and some previous characters are here too. A quick and easy read.

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Cute love story with lots of misunderstandings. Mack and Jillie with a little help from their friends find love

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