Member Reviews

This story is well written and full of humour
This book follows 2 POVs. Both of the main characters are likeable and I could relate to them
I did guess what was happening so that was a bit disappointing

This lacked a real plot and any intrigue as it was clear from the outset who Lucy was. As a parent myself I was looking forward to reading this and parts of it were relatable in that respect but it was just a let down in terms of any real storyline - I was just a bit bored tbh which is disappointing. Thanks to Netgalley and the author for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Just Between Friends
by Rosie Nixon
A fairly average if some what predictable in parts with a few twists and red herrings along the way with the tale of two pregnant women in a baby group and one of the women has a secret. Ok read but it hint at something to come that didn’t which was a little disappointing.

A great storyline. Well written, flows beautifully. I really enjoyed reading this book so much.
Thank you NetGalley and publishers for gifting me the book

The book was very well written and flowed well. The plot was great. Everything I thought it would be from the description

A lot of this story takes place in baby groups with aisha and Lucy alternating between chapters. A plot twist underlying the story but I could sort of see what was coming before the big reveal. The story was an easy read though.

Found this one to be a bit of a 'flowy' read - enjoyed it, though it wasn't a thriller per se. More like pregnancy+baby women's fiction with secrets and (a) 'big' reveal. I'll admit I read this more for Rosie Nixon's voice and writing style as I found it to flow nicely and I didn't really see the time passing. So because of that, for me, it was a nice read and a good time where I got to lose myself in a story

This was a great sequel to Bloodlines. Interesting and compelling storyline. I liked the family feel to the story and the main characters were easy to relate to. Very topical book due to the increase of young people being co-opted into crime. A feel good conclusion.

Just Between Friends, in the main is a book about childbirth. 2/3 of the book centres around baby group, the meeting of mums and dads of all family dynamics. If highlights the importance of making friends with those sharing the experience and is full of useful parent-to-be info.
The remaining 1/3 of the book surrounds a wee twist in the baby group dynamics that is really only addressed in the last 30% of the book.
If you want to read an intimate baby related book, or if you are expecting it’s a great book. It really caused me to reminisce about my own pregnancy. If you’re not the parents type and want to read it for the twist, you may be disappointed.

An easy and enjoyable read, a few twist which were predictable but overall the book was well written and hard to put down.

Although this book was very good and i couldn't put it down, i was able to guess the twist very early on but I was intrigued as to how it would play out. It was very well written and I would recommend this book.

What’s more exciting than a new book?
A new throw and a new book.Today was spent snuggled up with both. What a lovely day I’ve had.
This was such a great book. The characters were strong, interesting and fun. I loved this book.

A wonderful read about how a group of expectant women join a parenting class at the same time. They all bond together and start a WhatsApp group so they can document any highs/lows. But there is a rather large secret brewing you need to read it to find out, definitely worth it

This was a very predictable book about Aisha and Lucy and is told from their points of view.
Two women who are about to become mothers. They meet at a baby group and become friends but before long Aisha thinks that there is something else that Lucy isn't being completely honest about.
I liked both Aisha and Lucy but I felt very disappointed. The whole thing was just a bit ...meh.
As said, it was very predictable but there were other red herrings that led me to thinking that there must be more to the big reveal. Something HUGE. . . there wasn't.

I loved this book, reminded me of when my son was younger and the whole pregnancy and new born stages. Such a relatable read. Humorous at times but also a very gripping read.

I enjoyed this, easy to get into and read. There were a few twists and turns that kept me interested. Definitely worth a read.

Enjoyed this one. I felt like there was something missing though, something I needed to love it. Well thought out plot and easy to read.

I really enjoyed this book even if I did figure out where it was going early on. Nice quick easy read which I would recommend.

A really good easy reading novel. When a group of pregnant couples of all different types attend birthing classes friendships are formed and they keep in touch on a what's app group. But for two couples there are secrets that when they come to light will affect them all in different ways. Good characters who gel well together and the story is well written I really loved it

Thank you to NetGalley and publishers for this ARC
Easy quick read, bestseller vibe but perfect for those days when you just want to zone out