Member Reviews

Twisty psychological thriller - kept me intrigued all the way to the end.. The main character, Helen, meets Rachel at her first antenatal class. Helen is vulnerable after suffering many miscarriages. Her sister-in-law, Serena, is also pregnant. Helen envies Serena's lifestyle and all her friends. Rachel keeps bumping into Helen. She is a very forceful character and Helen is desperate for company. Helen has taken early maternity leave, Daniel, her husband, works very long hours at the architect business he runs with Rory, Helen's brother. Rachel is always there and eventually moves in with Helen and Daniel on a temporary basis. This is when things start to go very wrong in a terrible way ......

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My first experience of Katherne Falkener, and I thoroughly enjoyed this. A well written story that will keep you reading all night long!

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Really enjoyed this thriller. The foreboding house was always lingering in the background and at one point all of the characters were suspects. There were many twists that I didn't forsee. Would recommend this thriller

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Never read anything by this author before , so wasn’t sure what to expect.

Some good twists which kept me turning the pages.

For anyone who hasn’t read this book I'd say give it a shot.

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This was an unexpected read which I remember so long after reading it which is positive!
I would definitely check out this author again and recommend to others.

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I was asked by NetGalley to review this debut novel. Wow this packed a punch!

Trust no one this thriller is told in a 3-person point of view

A great read, lots of twist and turns and not know the identity until the very end


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Greenwich Park is a twisted, scandalous and addictive thriller which had me hooked from the start. Helen is a privileged woman, finally pregnant after suffering many losses. She meets the bold and mysterious Rachel at an antenatal class and Rachel soon inserts herself into Helen’s life wholly and unsettlingly. However, there is much more to Rachel’s story and her reasons for seeking Helen’s friendship so determinedly, and things soon begin to escalate.

I found this thriller incredibly compelling, not that many of the characters are particularly likeable, but they are certainly intriguing and I always find stories of the rich and privileged falling from grace rather interesting. It is a twisty tale that ended up in a very different place than I expected it to go and I will definitely be reading more from this talented author in the future.

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I love being given the opportunity to update our school library which is a unique space for both senior students and staff to access high quality literature. This is definitely a must-buy. It kept me absolutely gripped from cover to cover and is exactly the kind of read that just flies off the shelves. It has exactly the right combination of credible characters and a compelling plot thatI just could not put down. This is a great read that I couldn't stop thinking about and it made for a hugely satisfying read. I'm definitely going to order a copy and think it will immediately become a popular addition to our fiction shelves. 10/10 would absolutely recommend.

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Really enjoyed this - will definitely be recommending and looking forward to the next one by this author!

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This is a slow burn. The tension builds throughout the book. However it wasn’t very gripping
I didn’t like any of the characters
The ending was just satisfactory

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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This was a brilliantly written thriller that kept me captivated all the way through. The characters were well written, the mystery pacy and interesting and I read this so quickly. Recommend!

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Greenwich Park made me sufficiently uncomfortable which is amazing for a debut novel. The women in the narrative are all individual and believable - the dialogue was impressive and it didnt seem very contrived. I'd read this one again in a heartbeat and lend it to my friends and family.

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Katherine Faulkner has created a complex and engaging psychological thriller in Greenwich Park.

Helen, pregnant after a string of tragedies, and her loving architect husband, Daniel, her charming brother, Rory and his beautiful wife, Serena, attend their first antenatal class together. But then Rachel arrives: an outspoken, confrontational single mother-to-be. As the novel progresses, we come to understand the mysteries of the past that haunt the characters and find out what happens when Rachel is determined to know every secret of the group.

Faulkner expertly weaves this complex psychological tale with enthralling twists and turns, leaving the reader breathless. As you navigate your way through the nuances of human relationships and the darkest of secrets, Greenwich Park will draw you in and keep you gripped until the very end.

This thought-provoking book is perfect for readers looking for a captivating and deeply engrossing read.

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I've really enjoyed this author's writing style and I can't quite believe this was her first novel. She is masterful in creating suspense and making the reader come back for more. In fact, the first thing I did when I finished the book, was to check whether she has written anything since and to order myself an advance copy of that too.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest and impartial review.

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Oh god this was so creepy be so good. An ideal psychological thriller, so well pitched and crafted. Loved it.

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Found this book too meandering and this didn't allow me to settle into any moment, much less the character's persona. The pacing of the story is a thriller and is supposed to keep you on your toes, but the main POV was too meandering and flowing every which way with a level of detail that took me away from the plot every time. As such, this did not resonate with me

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Greenwich Park Katherine Faulkner
This book got off to a good start, but I did feel mixed up at times with the characters, it was drawn out in the mid section too. It did all come together for the ending though.
I had a fair idea what was going on, and kept reading to find out why.

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This was a great thriller and I was captivated all the way through, a fantastic well written plot with some great twists I did not see coming

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The first thing I have to say about this book: why did I wait so long to read it?! My daughter and I were looking for an appropriate book to try out the buddy read function on the Storygraph app, and I have to say I feel we made a really good choice with this debut novel from Katherine Faulkner. We live some distance apart, but both love similar types of books but wanted something which would give us sufficient material to discuss. Well, we weren't disappointed!

The story starts with a letter penned by someone incarcerated in HMP Bowood, writing to the main character in the book, Helen. Therein lay the first clue, one which sadly went straight over my head as I was too busy settling in with thoughts of the bigger picture. The story is told predominantly from Helen's point of view with occasional insights from the other main players. The chapters are a kind of countdown of the final weeks of Helen's pregnancy, one which she is extremely anxious about as her previous experiences haven't ended well. She's nervously excited to be attending NCT antenatal classes with her husband and her brother Rory and sister-in-law Serena who are expecting their first child not long afterwards. But none of the others show up, leaving socially anxious Helen feeling rather awkward among the other couples. Until single mum to be Rachel bursts into the venue late, loud and inappropriately toting a bottle of wine as refreshment.

From this point on the author very cleverly leads the tale down several dark alleys with dead ends, makes suggestions which could very well be truthful but could equally be total fabrication, and plants seeds of doubt about just about every character and situation. Who is Rachel? Where has she come from? Why has she homed in on Helen as her new best friend? Is it just Helen's imagination or does she seem over familiar with some of Daniel and Rory's business associates? For someone Helen has never met before, how does Rachel manage to conveniently bump into her so often? These are just some of the questions which you will have buzzing around in your head along the way.

I'm not going to hint at when the big reveals come in this book but suffice to say that there are clues throughout the entirety of the book, so if you should find it a little slow in some places then I encourage you to stick with it as you won't be disappointed when the pace picks up in other parts.

As a debut novel I am extremely impressed by the quality of both the pacing and plotting within this story and have added Katherine Faulkner to my radar of future reading requirements.

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