Member Reviews

Greenwich Park is a phenomenal thriller from start to finish. Filled to the brim with twists and a captivating plot, this one is sure to keep readers hooked. The characters are well-developed. The story is incredibly fast-paced. This is one not to be missed! Highly recommended! Be sure to check out Greenwich Park today.

Fantastic debut read. Loved the twists and turns to the story, kept my attention throughout. Loved how the chapters were divided into the characters. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

*Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.*
My. Word. What did I just read?!
Okay, that sounds bad but considering the main character, Helen, is a whiny, self-obsessed, anxiety-ridden mess, it didn’t help me to enjoy this book. Rachel is clearly a creep, that’s obvious from day one, and Helen still doesn’t have the backbone to say, “no you can’t stay at my house”?
One major flaw that jumped out (I mean, aside from the one where a character is called the wrong name) – the timing on *that* final evening. Helen went to the pub around 8.30pm, she says, then after a drink goes to Charlie’s house. The journey to Charlie’s sounds pretty torturous in terms of public transport so I’m going to assume it would last at least an hour probably two, but I’m really trying to give the author the benefit of the doubt). If we forget about the pub scene – for now – Helen would get to Charlie’s at the earliest of 9.30pm … and his little daughter is still up and having snacks?! WHAT TIME DOES THIS KID GO TO BED???
As for the ending … I got completely lost among a tangled web of lies and double-crossing.
So … Yeah. Some bits were okay. The supporting cast were more likeable and believable than Helen, but hey. That accounts for the two stars I gave it instead of one.

Good enough writing but the pace was all wrong, which meant it ended up feeling like a very drawn out affair which I just didn’t want to finish if I’m honest

I did enjoy this book but also found it quite frustrating at times. Reading though at certain points hoping to get answers but it would just skip to something else. Felt quite dragged out at times.
However the ending made up for it, great ending!

A cracking thriller and I can see why it was chosen for book of the month by Waterstones! Had me on the edge of my seat

I put this novel on my requested list, as I had seen quite a lot of hype about it on social media. It is well written, with a sense of menace which emanates from the pages themselves. Readers who enjoy dark and compelling domestic thrillers, will absolutely love this.

Greenwich park - Katherine Faulkner
Amazingly written! Thank you, I really enjoyed the book and would recommend to everybody.

I didn't enjoy this book as much as I thought I would. I felt the blurb made it sound more of a thriller than I feel it was. Yes, there was the storyline to find out who Rachel is, but I felt Helen made some strange decisions. I didn't like the characters and felt there was very little character development. Just not for me.

A great debut book. I enjoyed the authors writing style. It is very easy to read and enjoyable. It is not a book I would normally pick up but I am very happy I got the opportunity to read this. I look forward to reading more from the author.

Such a cleverly written psycological thriller. The style of writing and intricate plot is totally addictive right from page one. I don't think I've been as absorbed by a novel and surprised by the myriad of twists and turns for a very long while. An outstanding debut!

Wow what a read this was!! I absolutely love when you think you have a story figured out and there is a massive plot twist at the end that throws your theory out the window. This is exactly what this book done and I really loved it!
A fantastic read.

As a daily user of Greenwich Park, I feel like I have a certain amount of expertise relevant to this book. Not so much on the double dealings and shenanigans, but I can definitely speak with authority on Greenwich park and its surroundings. Katherine Faulkner perfectly captures the ambitions and phoniness of a certain type of Londoner, and I read slack jawed as those certain type of Londoners got their just desserts at the end. This was lots of fun to read.

Although this book is implausible at times, if you can suspend disbelief it is a really enjoyable read, and a good example of this genre. The characters aren't particularly likeable, but this adds to the intrigue! I also liked the extra unexpected twist right at the end.

Thank you Bloomsbury Publishing and Natgalley for the advanced copy of this book.
Well that was not what I expected! Thought I had solved the plot and I was totally wrong and I love that in a book. This was dark, slightly disturbing and well written. Some of the characters annoyed me a bit but I know understand why - no spoilers from me! The ending well I loved it …. Can’t say more than that?
Well done Katherine for a cracker of a book and you are definitely on my list for your next book.

A solid 4.5 thriller that kept me guessing until the very end. While it wasn’t the most original domestic thriller in terms of plot arc, the introduction of the suspicious characters was done so skilfully that the last 10% of the book you were racing through to get to the end. Not necessarily for the whodunnit but for the howdunnit/whydunnit. But I like a why and how dunnit as much as a whodunnit so I found the narrative very compelling. Also the satisfying way the ending of the book stretched out, elevated this book into a 4.5. The book didn’t succumb to the temptation to make the plot ending farcical. The questions I had accumulated over the story were answered at the end well and I love when a thriller gives me that.
This follow Helen who has been forced to take early maternity leave due to health complications and ends up making friends with another lady at her antenatal class called Rachel. She introduces her to her luxurious lifestyle in Greenwich where she lives with her architect husband. The husband Daniel owns his own architect firm alongside Helen’s brother(it was Helens father’s self made company before he died). But the more Rachel learns about Helen the more she digs deeper into Helen and her family. Then the more she encroaches on Helen perfect idyllic lifestyle whether Helen wants it or not. Eventually Helen will be confronted with family secrets through Rachel. The question is whether she is ready to face the dangerous consequences once the secrets are revealed?!
Thanks to Bloomsbury publishing, author Katherine Faulkner and Netgalley for a ebook arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

A twisty dark story that centers around two couples that have been friends since university then when one of the girls meets a friend at an antenatal class things begin to spiral out of control. An enjoyable read that deffinatly kept me guessing throughout and I absolutely loved the ending as I did not see it coming at all.

Unlike many thrillers, I felt satisfied all my questions were tied up and answered.
However, do not trust every friendly face. Helen had the picturesque life but latched onto a friendly face. I think this came back to bought her in the behind as history began repeating itself.
Truly enticing.

When Helens husband, brother and sister in law abandon her at her first anti natal class she mets Rachel. A loud crass woman who has no qualms about smoking and drinking during her pregnancy. Rachel soon slots herself into Helens life, turning up where ever Helen seems to be.
Who is Rachel and why does she insist on inserting herself into Helen and Daniels life?
This was a quick paced book despite being nearly 400 pages long. I found myself wanting to know who connected Rachel to everyone. Although I guessed one part of the mystery I found I had been fooled by a red herring.
None of the characters are particularly likeable people, other than possibly Katie, but that didn’t stop me enjoying the book, I just had hardly any sympathy for Helen. But then again maybe the author didn’t want you to.

A really solid addition to the genre; reliable, if a little predictable in places. Would recommend if you know what you want from this sort of book, as it definitely delivers that.