Member Reviews

3 stars
I like _Fangirl_ so much that I've chosen to teach it in a really compact college-level children's and YA literature course at various points, so I was pretty psyched when I got approved for _Fangirl, Vol. 1_.
My main takeaway is that I'm relieved I came into this knowing the plot of the novel since I think it would have been tough to engage with otherwise based on where we leave off here.
While I enjoyed this generally, I wanted much more. To be fair, the watermark on every page is so prominent that there may have been some added distraction, missed text/images, etc. I just did not find myself getting much added insight or even a deeper appreciation for the original here.
This is a fun take, but I'm hoping for more from future installments.

I love Cass and seeing this in a manga format is incredible!!! Absolutely adored it. It was different from the book because I could see what the characters were doing. I’ll admit, Cass is still naive but it was nice to see how she started writing the story and things like that.

This was amazing !! I am so happy they are making this into a Manga series !!! Gosh I just love this story so much ! And the illustrations just add another depth to the story itself !! They have really done a great job of this ! I can’t for the next series !!!
Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy !!!! :)

A great adaptation for old and new fans. I have read the novel and really enjoyed it. The manga adaptation is equal to the original while having it's own flair. In terms of story, nothing seems to have been changed from the novel. It is a story of a fanfiction writer adjusting to college and the changing relationship between her and her sister. Along the way she makes friends with her roommate and meets a few cute boys. The art is a standard manga style, perfectly serviceable to the story. The only issue with the art is that Levi is more attractive in the art than described in the book. There is even a reference to him looking older because of his thinning hairline, which is not reflected in the art.
It seems this will be a four volume manga so I don't anticipate anything being cut out from the novel. Further volumes will explore her relationship with her dad and lack of relationship with her mother in more detail. While the fanfic and cute boys are the hook, the real story is of a girl coming into her own. growing up, and dealing with the changing familial relationships in her life.

I truly believe everyone should read Fangirl once in your life. I wish I had this book available to me when I was younger. I will highly recommend this book to all of my upperclassmen in k-12 and all of my freshmen English classes in college. I think the story touches upon really important aspects of finding yourself, especially in new water. The manga was beautiful!!!! The art was absolutely breathtaking and I loved seeing Cath come to life. I cannot wait for the next volume to come out

I loved the book so to see it as a graphic novel is great!!! I almost had the same in my head while reading it and I loved it. I recommend this along with the book.

The Fangirl manga is a great visual depiction and retelling of the original novel by Rainbow Rowell.
Cath Avery is a new college student, learning to navigate her new life. Amid all of the changes in her life of campus life, being separated from her twin, Wren, for the first time in her life, learning how to live with her new roommate (and her roommate's boyfriend??), Cath also has the overwhelming need to finish writing her fanfiction based on the fictional world of the Simon Snow Series.
This manga does a great job of telling the heart of the original story. And most importantly (as a huge fangirl of Carry On), the boys are absolutely fantastic! I love everything about them.

I think this manga could be a great introduction if you haven't read the novel.
Kath is entering her first year of college, and feeling very alone. Her twin sister is trying to be her own person, and Kath is feeling left behind.
She starts to make friends slowly with her roommate and her male friend, Levi. This is a story about Kath learning to live on her own and be her own person.
The art is lovely, and I enjoyed the reading experience.

Manga + Fangirl = Perfection
I was so excited when I saw this was being made into a manga, I really enjoyed Fangirl when I first read it and then fell HARD for Carry On and Wayward Son...this was the cherry on top I didn't know I needed.
I think the story translates really well into a manga and ofcourse it helps that the illustrations are gorgeous. It feels so different reading it like this that I almost felt like I was meeting Cath, Levi, Wren and Reagan for the first time. Loved it.
Thank you Netgalley and VIZ Media for sending me a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Fangirl is the story of Cath, a young woman, off to university, unsure of herself and her new life. She is extremely introverted, and only really shows herself in writing Simon Snow/Baz fanfiction - think Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy fanfiction. Her twin sister, Wren, is at the same school, but unlike Cath, she welcomes university life with open arms, and wants her own experiences, separate from her sister’s and that means living apart, making new friends and going to lots of parties. Over the course of the story, Cath meets new people who help her break out of her shell, giving her the confidence and maturity to experience new things.
For those familiar with the story, this volume covers the story from the beginning to Cath’s emergency dance party after getting some disappointing feedback in her favourite class. I was a little worried that since this is a straight adaptation, I wouldn’t enjoy this as much as I did when I first read the novel. Thankfully, I loved it and I would definitely recommend this title to both teens and adults, as well as fans of the original novel, and new readers to the story. The artwork is really cute and I love how we can see the facial reactions of our main characters, to better illustrate the dynamics between them. I cannot wait till volume 2 comes out!

I really liked Rainbow Rowell's book Fangirl so I definitely wanted to read the graphic novel version. I liked it, not all the characters were as I had pictured and it had a very Manga feel to me but I felt that it stayed very true to the original.
I think lots of teens will like it.
Thanks NetGalley for this ARC!

Fangirl was such a great read. Cath is a great Fan Fiction writer, she loves the series, Simon Snow. Cath and her twin sister, Wren used to love reading it, writing fanfic, etc. Even now, in college she is taking a writing class, so she can be a better fanfic writer, but her sister is done with Simon Snow, and wants her independence from Cath, from being a twin. She will be there for Cath when she needs it but doesn't want to be roommates anymore, they don't even have any classes together. Cath ends up having a moody roommate, Reagan who's boyfriend, Levi is always around. Yet she is still out of her comfort zone, she doesn't interact much with anyone. Only Reagan and Levi, only because Levi is always around and a nice guy. She is slow to make friends, connecting to other people doesn't seem to be her thing. Her relationship with Wren seems to be all over the place, they each want different things. She worries about her father a lot, not sure if he can take care of himself. I loved every second of it, till the end when I realized I was going to have to wait for vol 2!! Either that or read the actual book! Loved the art style, and the story. Something new and unique.

LOVED!!! I’m normally not a graphic novel kinda gal but I flew through this one. I loved reading (from Cath’s perspective) about the twins beginning college separately and the new experiences she and Wren are going through.
My only gripe was it went by wayyyy too quickly!

Thank you for accepting my request.
I love the YA novel and had to read the manga, I am pleased to say I was not disappointed in the slightest.
Beautifully drawn and ended on a standard cliffhanger. Waiting very impatiently for vol 2!

I've read the original Fangirl novel multiple times because I love it so much, so I was thrilled to hear that it was being adapted into a graphic novel version. This first volume of the graphic novels was amazing, and I gobbled it up in one sitting. I can't say enough good things about this graphic novel and I can't wait to read the ones that follow!

Fangirl is a story about Cath and her journey starting college life. Unfortunately this journey means not sharing a room with her twin sister, Wren, anymore. It also means that her dad will be alone for the first time in a long time. Luckily Cath can count on Simon Snow. She’s read his story since she was a young girl with her sister, and is now a prominent fan fiction writer. It seems that Wren is ready to forget about her love for Simon, but Cath can’t let go.
I’ve never actually read any Rainbow Rowell book, including Fangirl, but I have read plenty of manga.
This book was cute, the artstyle is beautiful and the flow is pretty good. I can’t say if this was a good adaptation form the original novel but I can say, as someone with no bias, that this manga is great.
I’m actually really looking forward to reading the next 3 volumes, and maybe some day the novel. But for now this manga has left me reminiscent of my college life and how her feelings sometime mirror my own. I think the manga format lends greatly to this story. It’s a must read for current Rainbow Rowell fans and I think a good starter for new fans, like me.

I read Fangirl earlier this year and though it’s not my usual type of story, I enjoyed how much it reminded me of who I was when I was younger. This was a faithful adaptation into manga and I loved the art style.

I read the original novel version of Fangirl a few years ago and I adored it, so when I saw a manga version was coming I wanted it without question.
Since the time has passed the story felt refreshing enough for me, but also familiar enough. It was wonderful to see the story unfold in a different way, with illustrations - it gave the characters more life and personality for me. I think it translated incredibly well into manga format and didn't loose anything from the original novel. It is cute, endearing and lets you see into the side characters personalities more with their facial expressions and movements. I cannot wait for the rest of this to be released and to get my hands on it,.
Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing me with a copy in exchange of an honest review.

A brilliant adaptation of Rainbow Rowell’s original novel. The manga style artwork suits the story very well, and the storytelling is quite seamless.

I am a fan of the original text and was apprehensive about a manga version. Honestly, I asked myself if this adaptation even needed to exist. Despite my hesitation, I was pleasantly surprised by this volume. The text stays loyal to the original book, and the art style enhances it.. Even though I know how the story ends, I can't wait to read the next volume! I highly recommend this one and feel confident it will help spread interest in a well-written story that accurately portrays multiple dimensions of mental illness.