Member Reviews

Mary Turner Thomson’s "The Psychopath" is a gripping and thought-provoking memoir that offers a profound exploration of psychological manipulation and personal betrayal. The book stands out for its honest depiction of the author’s harrowing experiences and its insightful examination of the traits and tactics of psychopathic individuals. For readers interested in true crime and psychological memoirs, "The Psychopath" is a compelling and eye-opening read that provides both a personal and broader understanding of the nature of psychopathy.

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

Red flag central!!
This book was a train wreck on page one and I can’t believe that this was allowed to be published or written.

What do you do after discovering the person you're married to and raising a family with isn't the person you thought you were? The Psychopath is a personal story by Mary Turner Thompson and her experience being married to William Allen Jordon, a bigamist, pedophile, and Psychopath among many other things, and gaining the strength to not only leave him, but to help and support other women affected by him.
Thank you to Netgalley, Mart Turner Thompson and Amazon Publishing UK for the opportunity to read and review this book. I am blown away by all Mary endured not only during her marriage to this monster but even after the fact. This was a very interesting and gripping read. Side note: this is not a book for anyone that may get triggered from reading about abusive relationships or molestation. There were definitely parts I had a hard time reading, though as disturbing as it was, it was quite interesting. I commend Ms. Thompson for telling her story. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This book was good but I would have been so much more engaged if I had known it was a sequel. Nothing bad to say though.

Very similar to the Bigamist, which I loved, having not heard the story before. Why was another book needed?

I wish I’d have known this was a sequel! I didn’t realise The Bigamist was her first novel in this series else I would have read that first then probably enjoyed this one slightly more. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it and find it fascinating I definitely did, I just feel it would’ve entrenched it slightly more! I can’t believe there was a second story to tell and even after being called out he continued to do what he did. Very interesting for a real life story!

this was a interesting read, I enjoyed the psychology going on in this book. I hadn't read the first book but I think the author did a good job in keeping me in the loop.

This book was gripping. I was sucked in and could not put it down! The concept was so unique, I loved this book.

Firstly, I have a great respect for a "victim", who refuses to be put in a "victim box" and who pushes back to be more, to have more in life. There is a lot of everyday hard work and courage involved and it definitely is a long journey. Ms Turner Thomson, my fingers are crossed for you.
This is partly a memoir and partly a guide to the psychopathy, based on the authoress experiencing a relationship (a bigamy "marriage") to the (convicted) psychopath.
I recommend to read the previous book "The Bigamist" firstly and then - maybe - this book. I had not know that there is a previous book when starting to read this one and I think that the impact of the first book would be greater. Mostly because, I am sorry to say - that "The Psychopath" would work better as either a shorter memoir or as a guide of sorts to the psychopathy. I am quite interested in the subject and I think that there is nothing like a personal experience in the area of the insight (sadly), so I find the authoress's observations being quite useful. But unfortunately I care less about the many pages containing the cases of the other victims, because I find them prolonged. One detailed case with the clear explanations would work better for me (but I acknowledge that this is my preference and I also recognize that the authoress's intention is to shed as much more light as possible to the victims because the perpetrator might operate in the real time - and that there are other psychopaths running free, too.).
Many statements about how the author has fully dealt with her life circumstances, how strong she is and how she and her children are perfectly happy, sound more like the wishful thinking and that she needs to self-assure herself constantly about that. I do not write this maliciously, but as an observation - those who realize that they live with brokenness live more authentically than those who constantly reassure themselves and others that they have overcome the bad things in life.
But I recognize that this is a long journey and I do wish the best to the authoress. She can do a lot of good with her unique experience (and expertise) - and she obviously cares for other people to do just that.

Three stars! Wow! I haven’t read the Bigamist so I was shocked by the story of Will Jordan. I love how it included red flags and the science behind this kind of behavior.

I started reading The Psychopath by Mary Turner Thomson and realized that it was a follow-up to her book, The Bigamist, so I stopped and read The Bigamist first which I am glad I did because I do not think The Psychopath would have made as much sense if I would have read it first. The Psychopath is Ms. Thomson’s true account of finding out that her husband (and father of her children) was a bigamist and pretty much complete psychopath. Very crazy read. #ThePsychopath #NetGalley

This was a DNF for me. I didn’t realize it was based on a true story and it was just a bit much to finish. But the writing was good!
Thank you for the opportunity to review!

This book was sent to me as an ARC on NetGalley. However all opinions are of my own.
Another true story book which I picked up - where we have details of a psychopath. The story was completely harrowing and in some places it makes you so angry because you really don’t want this harrowing thing to happen to all these vulnerable young women. I think it was very brave that this book was written it shows a lot of inner ability and I also think it’s going to help a lot of young women who have maybe been gaslighted who have been abused in the past or I may be experiencing it now are able to read this book and maybe take something from it.

This book was a page turner from beginning to end. Very captivating with amazing character development. Following the true life of being married to a murderer. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

⭐⭐⭐⭐Thanks to #netgalley for that ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. A disturbing true crime memoir about how Mary was married to a psychopathic, bigamist, con man who was also a sed offender. Mary tells of how she fell in love with her husband and how her dream life slowly unravelled until she discovered just who she had married. A disturbing thought provoking read. #thepsychopath #maryturner-thomson #truecrime #netgalley #goodreads #litsy #thestorygraph #amazonkindle #bookqueen #bookstagram

This is the second book written by Mary Turner Thomson about her experience marrying a bigamist. I hadn't read the first book so went in with no prior knowledge however I feel like the book is more about Marty's recovery from the abuse rather than a deep exploration into the psychopath.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

I did not realise that this was a sequel until reading other reviews in the book.
Whilst feeling completely sympathy for the author and her unimaginable story and what she and her family were put through by her husband I found myself not connecting with the way the story was written.
I did not know much about her story and felt this was covered at the beginning of the book, most likely because it was covered in her first book.

The Psychopath' by Mary Turner Thomson ✔ ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
This is the true story of the aftermath of Mary Turner Thomson discovering that her husband and children's father Will Jordan is a bigamist and con artist with wives, children and victims all over the world. This was a shocking story that follows on from Thomson's previous book 'The Bigamist' and left me absolutely stunned, especially as this happened in Scotland! Thomson's narrative is honest, insightful and informative and kept me engaged in the story as it unfolded. In particular I found her feelings and understandings of her childhood sexual abuse extremely emotional and brave. I really enjoyed this one and had to keep reminding myself this wasn't a work of fiction as it is absolutely mental🤦♀️ now I need to go read the bigamist!

I remember just getting out of an abusive relationship and going to my first support group meeting. I remember the leader passed around a flyer that talked about the Top 5 Warning Signs of an Abuser. I remember thinking . . . he's that simple. He can be summed up on one piece of paper with 5 traits on it.
And I am so much more complex than that.
I remember a power in that thinking, realizing how much more I was than him - how scared that must have made him. How small he must have felt next to me, and felt he had to try to make me smaller. This book has that same exact feel - of that paper being handed to another person. For them to nod their head with wonder that the one person who felt so greater than life, was actually just. . .so small they could be summed up with 5 bullet points.
I liked the story, it had a lot of good points, about gas-lighting and lies and crazy-making. But it also detailed the relationships of the women and how they worked together. It was interesting and I hope it makes it into the hands of anyone/everyone who needs to read it.