Member Reviews

Why do we grow old? It’s a universally accepted part of the human experience. The fact that we are not immortal drives many of our decisions, whether conscious or not: do you want to spend your life in one country only? Single, or married? Chasing a career, and if so, in what? But biologists are investigating a different question – why do we age? And, crucially, can we stop it? In Ageless, computational biologist Andrew Steele reveals the science behind the most important biomedical question of our time: why we get old, and how we can stop it.

This is a fascinating, objective and deeply informative read all compiled into an accessible, well researched and eminently readable book. Steele tells it like it is about the ageing process and you can tell it has been written by a scholar with a profound interest and passion for the topic at hand. From what was known about ageing in prehistoric times, including its origins, through to why we age, where Steele explores DNA, genetics and disease-related reasons of why we age, and from treating ageing, through to the quest for a cure, this is a captivating and wholly engaging read.

Undoubtedly, Ageless is the definitive and most up-to-date work covering all aspects of ageing and its lengthy process and the conversational style made it a pleasure to pick up. Scientists continue to work on a cure for ageing and it would of course revolutionise our entire lives and the way we decide to live. Due to this pursuance, it's only a matter of time before there is a breakthrough. An authoritative and convincing argument that life extension is inevitable, Steele illustrates that it's a matter of when and not if. Highly recommended.

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