Member Reviews

The White Apron takes place in Scotland between 1959-1909. We follow the life of Agnes, a farmer's daughter, who marries a soldier/cobbler and begins a journey that will carry her and generations of her family all across Scotland. Aggie is a woman with lots of good common sense which was very necessary during those trying years, Scotland overrun with the influx of the Irish during their potato famine, and fighting the social mores of the time that kept women silently in the back of the bus.
There is an excellent glossary of Scottish slang, and each chapter is begun with a verse from Robbie Burns. This was an excellent look into a more primitive period of time we most likely won't have to experience in our lifetime, though the news makes that look more and more likely... I received a free electronic ARC of this novel from Netgalley, Christine Eyres, and BooksGoSocial. Thank you all for sharing your hard work with me. I have read this novel of my own volition, and this review reflects my honest opinion of this work.