Member Reviews

Detective Clara Jeffries had quite the experience in The Fallen Girls, the first book in the series. Returning to her hometown after several years away was a difficult choice, and the decision to stay on as Chief of Police was even more troublesome.

This is all because the town of Alber is not a “normal” hometown by most standards. It’s home to a sect of fundamentalist Mormons called Elijah’s People. Clara is considered an apostate for having left, which presents her with unique challenges. Especially in the face of the current investigation.

Once again, a member of Clara’s family is involved, but this time it’s Mother Naomi who finds a gruesome scene at the farmhouse of a local family. It’s up to Clara, and her longtime friend (possible boyfriend) Chief Deputy Max Anderson to solve the case.

As with the last book, the author does a good job plotting the investigation so that not too much information is given out all at once. The reader is told of clues as the characters find them – there is not a lot of insight into other characters or from other perspectives that would give the reader a “heads up” on culprits or motives.

I did think that one aspect of Jacob and Carl’s friendship, and their time in Mexico, seemed a bit out of place. It was interesting, and the influence of their experiences with the other sect certainly had bearing on the case. But I wish there had been a little bit more to it and that the author had followed through with some of the imagery and customs. That could have been interesting.

I also honestly expected that there was going to be something more to Jacob and Carl’s “friendship.” The way that some of the characters referred to them certainly made it seem like that was going to go in a different direction, which would have definitely caused a stir in town.

It’s the town and its people who intrigue me most about this series. As I mentioned in my review of the previous book, the author either has experience with or has completed extensive research of the customs, because she brings the alternative lifestyle to the forefront without making judgments or commenting on it.

I’m not sure if that makes sense. Clara and her experiences (both in town and what she deals with upon her return, even from her own family) serve as information about the people and their beliefs. Because of that, the reader gets a “personal” view of it all, which allows it all to seem realistic while acknowledging the dangers and problems of the lifestyle.

Clara has a particular difficulty with this case because part of it reminds her of her own time with Max when they were teenagers. She obviously remains influenced by that, even as she tries to fight through it and move on to acceptance of her current situation.

As to whodunit, I’m not going to say (of course), but the author did a good job of keeping the guessing going right up until the very end. I also liked how there seems to be a set up for a big confrontation between Clara and her supporters and the townsfolk who think she shouldn’t have a position of power (or even be allowed back in town at all).

I’ll be eagerly looking forward to the next book to see how it all shakes out.

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This is a great crime thriller.
Detective Clara Jefferies is called to a horrific crime scene where a family has been killed except for the father and baby boy.
One of her mothers discovers the bodies and soon Clara and Max are there to try and find out what happened.
I’d forgotten about the communities in this series as they have multiple wives and therefore multiple mothers which I’ve never quite got my head around.
Two mothers were killed in the incident but who wanted them dead?
I didn’t guess who the killer was and I enjoyed trying to work it out.
Clara and Max are getting closer but they’ve both got to leave their parts behind to move forward.
This is another great crime thriller.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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I love this series. The community it is based in is fascinating. I enjoy reading about the events in the community as much as I enjoy reading the main storyline. I guessed some of the plot in this book but that did not take away from my enjoyment.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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Detective Clara Jeffries gets called out to a murder scene on a farm outside the town of Alber, Utah.
There she finds two mothers and two of their children murdered. Their husband Jacob and baby Jeremy survive but Jacob is rushed to ICU with his throat slashed.
This book focuses on a close knit community where the men can have several wives and one which Clara escaped from many years before. Clara's family shun her now and the town increasingly blames Clara for the failure to find the murderer, particularly when further murders occur.
This was a really well written and enjoyable book, shining a light on closed communities, misogyny and the impact it can have on those who break the rules.
Clara's story intertwined with her family and the murders make for great reading. Even though I had worked out who the real murderer was it did not spoil my enjoyment of the book.
Thanks to Netgalley for allowing me to read this ahead of publishing in return for a fair review.

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This is the second book starring Clara Jefferies who is now the Chief of police. This time she is solving a family massacre in the town. Clara is not welcome in the religious community as she left so now has to be shunned. Solving a murder when people aren’t allowed to talk to her and others are trying to get her to leave is not easy. There is also unresolved issues with Max her deputy.
I loved how the story developed and the characters you met in book one returning for this second instalment. I thought I had figured the conclusion but I was wrong and enjoyed the reveal of the real perpetrator. Can’t wait for book three.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
#HerFinalPrayer #NetGalley

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Bookouture for an advance copy of Her Final Prayer, the second novel to feature Clara Jeffries, of the Alber, Utah PD.

Clara is now Chief of Police in Alber which means she is leading the investigation when Jacob Johanssen is found bleeding to death on his kitchen floor and his two wives and children dead. The townspeople have decided on a couple of suspects but Clara is determined to follow the evidence no matter how conflicting.

I thoroughly enjoyed Her Final Prayer which has a good plot and likeable characters, in some cases. The plot isn’t particularly original in its thrust but its setting in a polygamous community gives it a novel twist and makes it much more interesting. It’s not something I know much about it and I find it very difficult to empathise with their unyielding commitment to a misogynistic belief system that shuns the majority of the world. The novel sheds light on this belief system, hence my interest, but does little to change my views.

The plot is well conceived with a series of baffling, contradictory facts and several hidden secrets. Add in only two suspects with no obvious motive and the reader gets a real puzzle. About half way through I got an inkling of a suspect but it was not proven until the denouement so I was still glued to the pages.

I like that the novel takes issue with forced marriage and even more that the author blends Clara’s personal history and memories with the current day investigation. It gives the novel more immediacy and bite. Clara is an apostate and shunned by the community in Alber for leaving. Despite this she is a savvy investigator, determined to do her best for the town. Her burgeoning romance with childhood sweetheart, now Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Max Anderson casts new light on her past and insecurities.

Her Final Prayer is a good read that I have no hesitation in recommending.

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An amazing and complex mystery by one of the best! Ms. Casey draws you in to the story, leading you through the evidence and painstaking process until the murderer is revealed. Wonderful second book in this series. Police Chief and Detective Clara Jefferies is called to the scene of a quadruple murder at the home of a polygamist. The husband is barely alive and his young son is alive in his crib. Both of his wives and two children are dead. Who could have committed such evil? Clara, a former Dallas detective, was once a member of the community, but now she is an outsider which makes her job even more difficult. Shunned by even her own family, she has the support from the man she once loved, Sheriff’s Deputy Chief Max Anderson. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

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This book surpasses the previous one in the plot, characterisation, suspense, investigation. It is a continuation from the first book for the main characters and their background. So the reader could enjoy the story better by proceeding with the order of the books. The author has neatly tied all the loose threads in the conclusion. Looking forward to reading more on Clara Jeffries and how she wins over her personal demons.

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This book is another winner in this great series, which takes you to a town filled with adherents to an FLDS-style polygamous Mormon sect and is told through the eyes of a woman who has left the fold, but has returned to help serve and protect the town’s people.

The book opens with one of Clara’s mothers walking in one a horrific scene: four members of a family dead, one barely clinging to life, the only survivor a baby wailing in its crib. Now, Clara is on the hunt for another killer stalking the small town. She’s also dealing with the emotional scars from her last case, which still linger.

Clara is a great character because she cares very deeply about the town and its people, but she doesn’t take crap from them. She doesn’t let them push her around and it’s nice to see someone really stick up for themselves in this situation. Also, it’s really interesting to see someone navigate the politics of trying to help people from the outside. It’s not as easy as people may think, just “getting people out.”

This book had some good twists and it kept my attention the whole way through. I was guessing right up until the end how it was all going to work out. There’s also those little subplots that the author left open that I can’t wait to see continue in the next book - sign me up! I can’t wait!

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I love this series. The community is fascinating. The characters are complex. You either love or hate them. But you feel strongly either way. The mystery is engrossing and took me by surprise at the reveal. Clara is developing slowly, but it suits the books. I love Max. He is a strong supporter of Clara and a complicated character himself. The case itself is horrendous and so well written. It completely sucks you in. I had to read this in one sitting. I can't wait for more!

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Well I just loved this book it was everything I hoped it would be and a whole lot more, I had read the first in the series The Fallen Girls and given that one 5 stars so this next one had a lot to live up to and it did just.
We are back with the extremely likeable Detective Clara Jeffries and she is such a wonderful character, back to stay in her hometown of Alber and still having to struggle with the rejection of her family and townspeople due to the fact she escaped from the polygamous way of life she was brought up with and now classed as an apostate life is pretty hard for her. With the murders of two children and their mothers Clara puts her own troubles behind her and vows to find out who could commit such a heinous and devastatingly sad crime.
It’s a terrific read and that really grabbed me and I just love this series so long may it continue, the writing was top notch, can’t fault the plot it was an excellent crafted one and I just hope the next one in the series won’t be too long in coming !!
My thanks to NetGalley, Kathryn Casey and Bookouture for giving me the chance to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Detective Jefferies continues to struggle with being on the police force in the town of her upbringing and the polygamous practices of the obscure religious cult in which she grew-up. As one who left the "faith," she is now shunned by her own family and held at arm's length by the other citizens of the town, making her job 10 times harder. In this book, Clara and Max are called to investigate the gruesome murder of two children and their mothers that left alive an infant and their father. They find two obvious suspects and try to follow the clues that will lead to the right culprit or culprits. In the midst of the case, Max and Clara are still trying to discern if their high school romance still burns, after years apart and marriages to other people. Clara's past with an abusive husband in an arranged marriage keeps her from giving in to her feelings for Max. It's a great mystery with an unexpected ending and the unresolved question about the couple's future.

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Truly enjoyed this book. I read it quickly. I wanted to figure out who did it. This story was a well written and the murder investigation was a tightly woven mystery.
Clair is back in her home town but not really welcome there. She was raised in a religious sect that believed in the prophet and as a result marriage was not of our own choosing. Clair experiences how difficult that was when the love of her life Max was run out of town and her parents married her off to a much older man. She fled and as a result was shunned.
But she is back and she is the Sheriff in town.

Clair is called to a scene of a murder, where two women and two children where killed. Jacob the husband of the family has had his neck sliced and he is losing a lot of blood. Clair starts to investigate and Lauren and Myles story is very similar to Clair and Max. Lauren was forced to marry Jacob even though she loved Myles.

Will Clair unravel the many secrets? Will she know who the killer is?

The thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Netgalley for complimentary copy.

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Very twisty and interesting book! Detective Clara Jefferies has moved back to her hometown and is immediately drawn into a crime where a family has been murdered. There aren't many clues as to who or why because she and Max (her partner) face obstacles from the townspeople...secrets that refuse to be released and a way of life that honestly, I didn't understand.

Clara was born into the community (I believe it was Mormon) and because she fought against the rule that she had to marry the man chosen by the prophet (who happened to be in jail), she was eventually married to a 65 year old man and she was 16! He eventually divorced her and she was banished from the community for her disobedience. This was a society where man had the voice and women were nameless. Because of this, the community would not cooperate in investigating the murders.

There were a lot of twists and turns to this story! You will definitely like it. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to have an AC of this book!

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Police Chief Clara Jefferies is back in this second installment from Kathryn Casey. Clara left the town of Alber, Utah as a teenager, fleeing from the polygamous sect her parents were a part of. As this book begins, one of Clara's mothers arrives at a ranch for an expected appointment and finds two dead women, the sister wives, and two dead children. The husband of the house is lying in the kitchen with his throat cut while a small baby cries in his crib. When Clara and her team arrive they are wondering who would do this to this prominent family and why the husband and infant aren't dead as well.
This is the beginning of a fast paced thrill ride. Clara has several suspects, the town doesn't want to cooperate with her since she has been shunned and her mothers are throwing obstacles in her way as well.
This story draws you in and I am fully invested in these characters now. I can't wait for the next book!
Thank you NetGalley and Bookoutre for the free copy in exchange for a fair review.

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I struggled with this for the simple reason that it is the second book in the series and I felt like a lot had been set up in the first book that I had missed and was relevant.
I will be coming back to it after reading the first installment though as it did seem really interesting!

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When Detective Clara Jefferies is called to a family ranch just outside of Alber, Utah, she’s horrified to find two innocent young children murdered alongside their mothers. But she arrives at the scene quickly enough to rush their father, Jacob Johansson, to hospital where he begins fighting for his life, and to save his two-month-old son Jeremy, left untouched in his crib.

As Clara begins to investigate, nothing she finds out makes sense. And as the close-knit community comes together to support Jacob, Clara’s own family shut her out of the investigation.

This is the second book in the Detective Clara Jefferies series and it’s as good as the first one! This book begins with a dark and gruesome incident, that itself manages to grab my attention right from the beginning.

Detective Clara Jefferies is simply amazing. Even though she faces protests, lack of cooperation and is constantly termed as an outsider, she carries on her investigation with full determination to get justice for the victims. Her need to get all the answers and not to rest until she does, is what makes this book even more enjoyable to read.

Even though I had a feeling of who might be the killer quite early on, the way the entire investigation was conducted as well as the twists and turns in the plot right till the end were good.

Thank You to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

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A book into a world of a Mormon town with polygamy where religion is everything until you flee as Sheriff Clara Jefferies did when she was a teenager. When she returned as the Sheriff her family turned their backs on her. Then the Johansson family on the bison farm where two women and two children are found brutally killed. it then down to Clara to solve the murders.
I really enjoyed this book and found it hard to put down, it took me into a world I previously did not know existed.. A very good read with twists and turns right up until the end

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This was provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is the second installment in the Clara Jefferies series. Set in Alber, Utah and centered around Elijah's People, a community of polygamists. When there is a brutal murder, Chief Clara Jefferies and Chief Deputy Max Anderson, investigate the crime. Clara and Max both grew up in the community and Clara is now considered an outsider. I enjoyed this story. It was a sequel. I guessed the killer pretty early on, but throughout the story I kept thinking I was wrong. I couldn't figure out the motive. I would recommend this book for anyone who likes detective stories. Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Kathryn Casey.

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This is the second book in the series. It's absolutely brilliant. From start to finish I was hooked. I can't wait for the next one.
I would highly recommend it is put on everyone's to be read list.
Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for allowing me to read this book.

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