Member Reviews

4.5 stars
First Date by Sue Watson follows Hannah who thinks she's finally met the man of her dreams. Alex is good looking, sweet, considerate, has a great job, and wants the same things she does. But as their relationship intensifies, bizarre things start happening to Hannah and she doesn't know who to trust.
A gripping psychological thriller that perfectly captures what it means to be in a toxic relationship. The story kept me engaged from start to finish and I didn't know who to trust or believe. It is obvious that Alex is a controlling boyfriend but I had a feeling there was more to the story than that. I had two theories about what was really going on and one of them turned out to be correct so the twist didn't come as a huge surprise. But overall, a very enjoyable and suspenseful read. I will definitely be reading more books by this author.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

First Date by Sue Watson is a book like no other I´ve read this year. It started so slowly paced and in a sugary romantic kind of way but ends in a terrific way.
Hannah is a social worker, still looking for the one, and with the help of a dating up she is ready for a start. There she meets Alex, a promising solicitor with whom she matches almost perfectly. A dream coming true so fast. However, there are a lot of red flags, a bit too obvious spread across the first part of the story - which involves Hannah´s blind love and desire to finally find a home and a family. Growing up in foster families she is longing for stability and a home nest. Alex, which also have a history of family dislocation, seems to be everything, until she start discovering shocking things about him. As for instance, that he is married - but in process of divorcing. Or, that he is literally following her day and night, including by poping-up ´by surprise´ in places where she was supposed to meet her co-workers and friends. And strange things are about to happen, like when she received beautiful roses with a card with threatening message attached.
Blindfolded by love, she gives him a chance, and another one, and another one. Until there is no way out of this and she runs away of the rented cottage in Devon, after he is revealed as the murderer of an innocent drunk bloke that flirted with her in a bar.
And he killed himself. But although there are so much lies in Alex´s lifestory, enough to make it into a perfect thriller story, the ending is terrific as, he is not the only one longing for Hannah´s attention. This time, is even more psychotic.
How hard was it to put down this read! I´ve hardly resisted the temptation of reading it without any break this weekend - blame the beautiful autumn days for the interruptions - and was happy for the bookish company. Although I was not always happy with the weaknesses of Hannah - after all, I have a completely different dating style and expectations - there is so much suspense to this book built slowly through a combination of story structure and characters development.

Hannah is so happy to have finally come across her perfect match through a dating app. He is kind, sweet, caring, and passionate has the same likes as her and is everything she ever wanted. But soon red flags start appearing and has her wondering if things really are as they seem?
Okay, this just did not do it for me, which is a shame because I went in with high expectations. The start was very gripping and hooked me from the get-go, but after 10 chapters are so, it all went downhill, it all became repetitive, and I struggled with it. It did pick up near the end when things actually started unfolding, and I do get why the blurb said: “for fans of Gone Girl”. In short, I liked the start and the end, but everything in between was a miss!
What really annoyed me was how incredibly stupid the characters were, like, seriously. I mean, I’m not saying stupid in terms of intelligence, but in terms of common sense, and alarms that should set off in situations like these for every person. I understand the desperation and hope that things might get better, but Hannah did not appear a wreck so weak to put up with nasty sh!t like that, I mean it would have been hilarious if it wasn’t so over the top stupid. It’s like all the characters were mentally invalid, even the villains in this one, lol. The only reason I’m giving it 3 stars is because of the gripping start, the ending that made up for the boring middle, and the fact that it kept me turning the pages to get to the end.
Thanks to the Netgalley, author, and publishers for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

A well written psychological thriller that will keep you guessing until the very last page! Just when you think you have it figured out, another twist is thrown at you. Just remember that things on the inside may not be as scary as what is waiting on the outside, and in the end - karma always wins !! Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.

This book had a lot of great parts. The beginning was hooking, it closed with a great twist, lots of creepy, and suspenseful moments. The best part of the book was the thrilling thought that this could actually happen, in this day and age with the accessibility to information online, online dating is difficult and scary. With that said, the chapters are long and there are parts of the story that drag along with repetitive monologues that the story could probably do without.

This book was easy to read but overall forgetable, i like psy thrillers but with more depth, character development. the main character seemed so young and naive and her falling into a relationship ignoring the signs was just too typical. the revelations also didn't seem to come out of real growth. yes i suspected part of the final twist, wasn't 100% sure who is was but it did seem like there was more at work than what was seen

The book begins with Hannah’s first date with Alex after meeting online, as their relationship progresses Hannahs life spirals into fear as she’s pursued by a stalker and she’s struggling to balance work, friends and her relationship.
This book was by far one of the creepiest that I’ve read for a while. I think a lot of that is how the author accurately portrays the beginning of a relationship and how you can be willing to overlook a few red flags because of the great person that they seem to be. At the same time I’m screaming at Hannah not to be naive, I can still see why she thinks the way that she does. All in all, it was a really intriguing read and there was a great twist that I wasn’t expecting at all.

This storyline isn't super unique in this genre but had the potential to be a good read, however, it fell a bit short for me based primarily on the characters. It centers on Hannah, who is in her mid 30's and single- she and her friend Jasmine decide to give online dating a try, and she almost immediately meets Alex, who seems to be fully in tuned with everything she has been looking for in a partner and in her future. As they get more serious, he does things that are concerning and she needs to figure out whether he is really the right guy for her or not.
My first character concern is with Hannah herself- she didn't seem that desperate for a boyfriend initially, having even recently ended a relationship that was "just OK'", Yet, she continually makes stupid decisions and denies/ignores the signs right in front of her and I just couldn't figure that out. What woman is happy that their boyfriend puts tracking software on their phone so they always know where they are?.
I also feel like the author tried too hard to highlight the odd or bad things about Alex to the point where I there weren't many good things, other than the superficial good looks and good job and nice house. I couldn't figure out what made him so endearing that Hannah was willing to ignore signs of concern. Kind of similarly, the author didn't make Jasmine that likable of a character and I had trouble believing in the "best friend" relationship between her and Hannah.
The end of this book redeemed it at bit for me- it tied up some loose ends and also had a twist that made sense to me, though I do wish there had been more signs coming that this might happen (there were a few, but they were subtle).
All in all, this was not a really memorable read for me, but is a fast-paced story in a crowded psychological thriller genre with a unique twist. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I read this book in pretty much one sitting. When I had to put it down to cook or go to work I kept sneaking chapters to read. I literally couldn’t put it down and I actually felt physically sick while I was reading it
So the good points - it feels like you are actually IN the book. I felt all the emotion, I felt sick with the way she was being manipulated and I wanted to shout at her
Less good - hannah. I’m just not sure she would have stayed. She KNEW what he was doing and kept making excuses. I know this happens but it felt pushed too far. I didn’t love the twist at the end. I didn’t hate it either but I’m not sure it matched the rest of the book

3.5. This book has twists & turns but it kinda seems to go on & on.... You know there’s evil lurking somewhere but, as usual, there are plenty of red herrings to keep you guessing. I was able to finish it but it just wasn’t all I wanted. Domestic thrillers, psychological suspense is my fave genre so I read a lot of them & this one just blended into the background. Not a bad read, well written. I just wanted more from the plot.

It's taken me a few days to digest and ready myself for this review. Through the entirety of this novel I was on the fence on whether it was actually worth continuing. However, the ending blew it away and I needed more of that ending rather than so much of what I got in the beginning.
Hannah, is relatable because she's just searching for love. However, she is entirely blinded by the simplest affection shown her way and any and all red flags are somehow completely excused in her effort to be loved.
The secondary characters weren't as developed as I would have liked. The connection the 4 in the office shared felt more forced opposed to anything loving that Hannah feels is there.
I very much enjoyed the writing style, it was evenly paced and well thought on for specific revelations. I just wish the execution had been more rooted. I would have liked to seen this entire thing shaved into the first half and then that ending revealed and then DEVELOPED. This ending felt pushed on as an added shock bonus.

5 stars! I wasn't expecting how this book ended at all. I hated Alex, and figured he was up to no good, but I didn't see the end coming whatsoever, and I love when that happens. This book will DEFINITELY keep you on the edge of your seat and DEFINITELY make you think twice about online dating. Can't wait to read more by Watson!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for a copy of “First Date” in exchange for an honest review.
Having read several of Sue Watson’s books I was very much looking forward to this book. However, there was very little to like about the main character Hannah Weston. She was a well educated woman who worked as a social worker. Her co-workers Jasmine, Sameera and Harry all advise her to be cautious in a new relationship. There should have been so many bells and whistles going off in her head in regard to the red flags that were popping up in her new relationship with Alex Higham. She chose to ignore all of them.
They say when something sounds too good to be true…… how does one get out of the gilded cage when someone has locked the door and thrown away the key??
They met on an online dating site and Hannah pretty much fell in love with him 5 minutes after they met. Alex said he was a solicitor at the law firm of Boyd and Weston. He pretty much parroted everything that she said that she wanted in life and she thought he was her soul mate. She didn’t even think it weird that he picked up the napkin and her coffee spoon at the restaurant after their first date and slipped it in his pocket when he thought she wasn’t looking.
There were so many things as the book went on that she chose to ignore about this “perfect” man. Things like how he knew she’d had an umbrella when she arrived at the restaurant after having kept her waiting half an hour. Why did she go alone to his house - where she wondered why he was looking out the window all the time, why he double locked the doors, often had trouble with the locks and why even the garage had a double lock on it. She saw that there were no personal items in the bathroom when she asked to use it, other than a small wash bag.
She never questions why he insisted on putting a tracking device on her phone. How he always wanted to pick her up and drop her off at work. He never liked her going out with her co-workers and would follow her when they went out for office do’s, even going to Sameera’s Hen. She didn’t see the pressuring, the constant calls and texts which numbered in 20 at times and he passed it off as being “worried” that she didn’t answer, how he never wanted to meet her friends and he never wanted her to meet his friends. Reorganizing her cupboards while she was asleep. Telling others that they were getting married when they had never talked about it and she had definitely NOT said yes. He put a gym in the garage so she wouldn’t have to go to her own gym. Convinced her that it would be more romantic that way. He converted a spare room into a ‘his & hers’ office so she could work from home only.
It seemed quite wrong that he came into her office for a picnic lunch on her desk where confidential files of her cases were. She didn’t try hard enough to say that it was not allowed and that should the higher ups come through for a visit it would not look good.
She actually went so far as to apologize and felt bad for saying that he was trying to control her by buying her a dog and booking a holiday to Devon. He does a very good job turning her against her friends.
As things arrived at a shocking ending, I was left thinking that she’s going to fall into the same pattern again. How does she not see it coming?

Received an eARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review and I apologize for how negative this will be.
I don’t even know where to begin to start complaining about this book. It had the promise of being so incredibly creepy, especially in the era of a lot of people finding their partners online, but this just took such a bad turn. It started off okay, and I was intrigued enough to see how creepy Alex would get, but about halfway through I just couldn’t deal with how incredibly fucking stupid Hannah was. I understand being the victim of manipulation and how hard it is to get out of a toxic relationship, but this went so far past that it became hard to root for her. There were blatantly obvious creepy things that Alex was doing and saying, and she kept shrugging it off and telling herself she heard wrong and that her friends were wrong and he was perfect and honestly after a while I kind of wished Alex would just tell her to her face that he was a stalker just so she would understand the incredibly obvious situation. This book was not subtle or masterful in its manipulation and by the end of it, ESPECIALLY by the end of it, I was kind of waiting for Alex to just kill her.
I also didn’t like the way they tried to redeem Alex at the end by blaming it on childhood traumas. They kind of shrugged it off and even LAUGHED about it and literally said “yeah that’s just Alex” like it was some funny anecdote. It didn’t fit with the theme of the novel, and stalking someone and being a complete creeper is certainly not something to just say oh well over.
And that ending. Oh my god. I won’t spoil it, but the very last twist was honestly so stupid. It was clearly tacked on there as a surprise, but it was not a very good one. It felt more of an “are you serious, come the hell on” instead of a “wow that’s insane I love it”. It felt like the author just added it for pure shock value and not only was it SO incredibly unnecessary, it was a complete waste. It didn’t add anything to the story and in fact is what made me give this one star instead of two.
All in all this was not for me, but maybe the rest of you will enjoy a story about a stupid, naive woman who doesn’t want to see anything that’s right in front of her and a lackluster thriller with no point.

I actually don't know where to start with this review. I feel bereft and don't know what to follow this amazing book with.
Hannah meets Alex and everything seems perfect. Both had unhappy and damaging childhoods and both are desperate to meet "the one".
On their first date they discover they both have the same hopes and dreams for the future, even down to the breed of dog they want to include in their family. What could be more perfect?
Before long Hannah sees the real Alex has a controlling nature and alarm bells start to ring. But she's not giving up on her dream just yet.
I don't generally get worked up over books but I
found myself actually shouting out loud in frustration at both main characters. I was even compelled to tell my hubby what was going on. To Alex I was shouting along the lines of how DARE you do/say that, just stop it! And to Hannah, oh my god girl, wake up!!
This was an easy read, a page turner with fantastic characterisation . From Alex and Hannah themselves to Hannah's apparently jealous and interfering colleague Jas and the kind and caring Harry who looks out for Hannah and brings her pastries to work.
Not just a twist towards the end but a twist on top of a twist. My emotions were all over the place and there's a realisation that people are not always as they appear on the surface.
This is the first book I have read by this author and I'm looking forward eagerly to reading the others. .
Thank you to the author and Bookouture for the opportunity to read a preview copy of this amazing book.

Hannah is a social worker who has been single for a while now, until she meets Alex on an online dating app, and he's everything she ever wished for. They both love the same things and have the same dreams. It's
like he's made for her. It's like he's to good to be true. Hannah's friends aren't so sure about him but Hannah thinks he's perfect. Which is good because Alex knows she's perfect for him too. She's exactly the girl she's been looking for. But something seems off, as everything is unbelievably perfect. Is it all true or has her true love made Hannah blind?
This book utterly gripping and totally unpredictable! I enjoyed it throughout from start. It will surely catch you by surprise. The protagonist is quite dislikable but I was very much impressed by the storyline. It also speaks about life as a social worker in a way, and growing up in foster care as Hannah grew up in a foster family who never completely accepted her. There were multiple small plots/twists and I totally loved the jaw dropping ending. It gets more intriguing towards the end It is a perfect mystery and thriller.
It was surely one of my favorite reads of 2020!
It was my first Sue Watson book and I look forward to reading more of her work.
Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for sending me an eARC in return of an honest opinion on it.

First Date by Sue Watson
Pub Date: 10/16
Big thanks to netgalley, Bookouture & Sue for my copy!
My goodness i was so into this at times that i forgot I'm not the kids babysitter, i am THEIR mother😉
All the twists and turns oh my! I always thought that i was one step ahead, racking my brain of the possibilities. I was always wrong!
I felt it was long winded and certain areas could have been shorter. In all honesty the first half for me was a bit of a drag. It became repetitive the relationship between Hannah & Alex but the story does rebound nicely, as there's always something for you to play detective to uncover, also the last 50% i finished in one sitting. I could not put it down, i repeat, could not put it down! So with all that said i was torn on a rating here but that last half portion with the ending was right in the pocket. Will be checking out more from this author!
This one messed with my head the entire time in the best way. I recommend this book when it comes out October 16th. And yes, that glass of wine on the cover pairs perfectly with the book!!

A modern day whodunit! This was a well written book that takes psycho boyfriends to the next level, adds in a dash of stalking and a whole bunch of lying. There is a pretty good twist at the end as well. Things are not always as they seem.
This was suspenseful for sure but I did find it slow to start and a lot of the info in the beginning had redundancy. Luckily it finished strong so it was worth the read. This one was average for me as I prefer slightly more gruesome fast paced reads. But if you like whodunnits then this will be a great read for you!

Gripping, thrilling and unputdownable. Should you trust willingly, or will it all go wrong in the worst way possible. What starts as an online date and a bit of fun, quickly turns into a real life nightmare, with walking away an unseemingly impossible conclusion. Brilliant book and an interesting and intriguing plot. 5 stars

Wow, that was something else and honestly, I am still processing what I just experienced. I’m saying experienced instead of reading because the last 40% of that book I read in one setting and it felt like I was inside this thriller movie. I laid in bed with a blanket over my head holding my kindle close ready to find out what the heck would come next.
The book starts out with what seems to be the most perfect first date between Hannah and Alex. They want all the same things, have all the same interest, and Alex is obviously super-hot in the eyes of our leading lady Hannah. Well without giving away too much after that things just get a bit Alfred Hitchcock or maybe a bit Ted Bundy. Red flags everywhere, shadows lurking, lots of lies, and sketchy people left and right. This book does a wonderful job of making almost no character trustworthy or at times likeable. It was a wild ride but that first 60% was a bit of a drag to be honest.
There were not many negative takeaways from this book, expect one, Hannah. The main character in this book was much to reminiscent of a dumb high school girl cliché. She ignored the obvious signs, had awful friends, and overall, was not a likeable character for me. I felt like she made the plot repetitive, she just kept putting herself in the same situations repeatedly. I know giving this book three stars just from one character alone seems cruel. But you must understand, this book is about HANNAH and her friends, love life, past, and work. For me she was not a character I was rooting for or even really wanted to read about.
But I say all that to say this, it was all worth it for that last 40% or maybe more so 30%. The plot thickens to something I somewhat expected but then flips on you again for an even better story. I loved how the author worked the doubt into your mind on who you could and could not trust. It felt, at some points, like Hannah had just surrounded herself with obsessive people who all needed her. I loved that feeling of not knowing who the real “bad guy” was, very reminiscent of a who-dun-it. Author Sue Watson also did an incredible job of tying up loose ends as well. The ending feels like chef’s kiss to all the madness that was endured throughout the novel.
I really hate to give this book only three stars, but it took me 10 days to finish this 300-something page novel. Which is not like me at all, but that main character was just a struggle to endure. I will be picking up more of Sue Watson’s work though, because she as an obvious talent in writing and overall, this plot was absolutely killer (lol.) Thank you NetGalley for my copy!