Member Reviews

I enjoyed reading this one. I will totally purchase a physical copy!!! The creativy of the writer is evident in this book, I felt her emotions and I was moved. But still, I was looking for more.

While I like the concept of this book, its structure and bad image quality made it a little difficult for me to read. However, I liked discovering new poets on Instagram and all the types of poetry that there are.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me a copy of the book.

It was an okay read, but nothing more than that and I really struggled with the image quality. I liked the concept though.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me this Arc in exchange for a honest review...
I DNF this book on page 6, I was struggling to read it so I skimmed through the rest of the book and I just couldn't read it. I feel like the poems could've been present better on the pages but the were badly edited and pixelated.

Instagram poetry for Every Day is a collection of poems collected by the Nation Poetry Library. This anthology looks at how modern poetry exists and it’s link to social media. Poetry is thriving in the day and age of social media by creating intricate but compelling words to string along a sentence. This book looks at different examples of how Instagram and people that are known as Instagram Poets write their poems, which are short but get to the point. This book is really for the modern day art of poetry.
3 out of 5 stars.

Can be an introduction to a few poets - a selection of some poems from each. More of a visual of the post that the poet had made. Nicely done.

This book is the first of its kind. This means there is no other to compare it with. This makes it a bit more challenging to review cause I feel you can't review it as a whole. When it comes to poetry, preference is key but this book includes multiple genres( it's great but I have a particular type I gravitate towards).
The poems are from famous poets with books already published to poets I have never heard of. This is a great book to use to discover more poets to be on the lookout for. And to try to know which genre you prefer.

This is a collection of visual poetry that were posted on Instagram by different poets such as Amanda Lovelace and Nikita Gill. The poems are all categorised in different themed chapters - love, creativity, spirituality, etc.
What I liked in this book: It is very visual. The poems are real posts on Instagram and with the majority of the posts, there are captions from the poets about how they get their inspirations or what they write about, and so on.
Apart from the poems, the photos are very creative, and as a photography lover I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Another thing is that, it is quite diverse. It features different poets, with different cultures and beliefs too.
What I didn't like: As much as I liked a lot of poems from this collection, there were also some that I didn't enjoy - either I didn't like them or found them to be boring.
In the end, I ended up following a lot more poets on Instagram. It is a good read to anyone who wants to find new inspirations.

I really loved the premise of this book and I think in hardcover it'd be a nice edition. In eBook format, however, it was very difficult to read. I would caution the publisher against publishing this in eBook format without taking a serious look at how that would work functionally.
I'd also like to have seen more artistic Instagram poetry. There are some really beautiful poems accompanied by equally beautiful art. I feel like this book could have done the genre more justice (some of the pieces in this were just poems on a white background...)

Dieses Buch ist in insgesamt 10 Abschnitte mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten gegliedert. Es handelt sich um eine Anthologie von Künstlern, die ihre Gedichte auf der Plattform "Instagram" veröffentlichen. Daher werden ihre Gedichte stets von Bildern begleitet. Manchmal bilden diese Bilder Elemente des Gedichtes ab, manchmal ergänzen sie die Botschaft des Gedichtes, und manchmal geben sie einfach die Stimmung des Gedichtes wider. Neben einer kurzen Einleitung zur Entstehung dieses Buches gibt es auch zu jedem Abschnitt eine kurze Erklärung. Neben den abgedruckten Gedichten/Bildern ist sowohl der Name, als auch der Instagram-Nickname des Künstlers/der Künstlerin vermerkt. Des Weiteren kommen die meisten KünstlerInnen selbst kurz zu Wort und beschreiben bspw., was Poesie auf Instagram für sie besonders macht, wie sie selbst dazu gekommen sind oder welche Vorteile die Plattform bietet.
Mir hat diese Mischung aus Poesie und Fotografie sehr gut gefallen. Es finden sich sehr viele unterschiedliche Ansätze in diesem Buch wieder, und nicht alle haben meinen Geschmack getroffen, aber die Vielfalt, die man auf Instagram finden kann, wurde meiner Meinung nach sehr gut wiedergegeben. Während des Lesens habe ich immer wieder nach einzelnen KünstlerInnen gesucht und mir weitere ihrer Werke angesehen, sodass ich für mich einige schöne Neuentdeckungen machen konnte.
Ich hätte mir allerdings gewünscht, dass mehrere Bilder pro KünstlerIn gesammelt abgebildet worden wären. Und auch ein paar mehr Informationen über die KünstlerInnen bzgl. der Hintergründe ihrer Werke wären schön gewesen.
Empfehlenswerte 4 Sterne für alle, die mal eine etwas andere Art von Poesie entdecken möchten.
In English:
This book is divided into a total of 10 sections with different focuses. It is an anthology of artists who publish their poems on the "Instagram" platform. Therefore, their poems are always accompanied by pictures. Sometimes these images represent elements of the poem, sometimes they complement the message of the poem, and sometimes they simply reflect the mood of the poem. In addition to a brief introduction to the creation of this book, there is also a brief explanation for each section. In addition to the printed poems / pictures, both the name and the Instagram nickname of the artist are noted. Furthermore, most of the artists have their own say and describe, for example, what makes poetry on Instagram special for them, how they got there themselves or what advantages the platform offers.
I really liked this mix of poetry and photography. There are so many different approaches in this book, and not all of them met my taste, but the variety that can be found on Instagram has been reflected very well in my opinion. While reading, I kept looking for individual artists and looking at more of their works, so that I was able to make some nice new discoveries for myself.
However, I would have liked to have shown several images per artist collectively. And also a little more information about the artists regarding the background of their works would have been nice.
Recommended 4 stars for everyone who wants to discover a different kind of poetry.

"Life is too short for poorly formatted, scantily edited, blurry eBooks — DNF @ 35 pages in
While I thank the publishers for the opportunity to read this early, I would implore them to revisit their digital edition and increase its quality." -- as posted to my goodreads for now, as I am foregoing reviewing it in any other capacity due to quality of content making it difficult to accurately consume the book.

Instagram Poetry for Every Day is a unique collection of Instagram quotes filled with poetry.
I liked reading this - it was something different! Seeing posts from instagram that included poetry, photography and inspiration was a really neat idea. I think this will be more of a niche book because it stands out as just being a book full of social media posts. Certain types of people will like this while others may just be bored by the idea. I think it's unique and cool, but it wasn't what I was expecting. The posts themselves kind of steered me away. I wanted to hear the unique poetry from Instagram, not see more of Instagram. Some of the posts felt really random and I didn't get why they were there, to be brutally honest. It felt like it needed a bit more structure if it was going to pull this off (for me, anyways).
Overall, this is a unique idea and some people will totally love it.
Two out of five stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and Laurence King Publishing for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.

I received an advance reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
The cover of this book drew me in and so I had to request it. I am also a sucker for Instagram poetry. However have lost interest in reading this book.
However I believe it expired in the NetGalley App before I had a chance to open the pages so sadly I was unable to read this book.

As in other reviews, I agree that this would be a good introduction to modern poetry for some. The illustrations will look much better in a hardcopy of the book, I'm sure. I follow many poetry accounts on Instagram so felt these were very familiar. I hope others get to enjoy this collection.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I like most of the poems that I read and came across when they weren't blurry. It was hard to read some of them because they were blurry. I might have to get myself or read a finished copy to be able to read all of them. I would give this a three out of five stars. I like the photos in this for the most part.

I think this would be a great introduction to poetry for someone who is trying to expand their reading preferences and learn a bit more about poetry. Many people (myself included) feel intimidated by poetry and starting with instagram poetry is a great way to get exposed and ease your way in. It's "accessible," for people in that it reads from a more modern voice than some of the classics do. I enjoy seeing books like this come out because it helps people get more acquainted with words they might normally steer away from.

Enjoyed this collection for a one-time read.
I ended up loving the pictures more than the writings.
I feel like I have read those lines many a times before. Of course, that's why this collection is called the Instagram poetry.
I wish the beginning was better. The words were almost too crowded and small to read.
However, for the rest of the content too I felt like it's just too random to enjoy the whole collection.
Thanks for the ARC.

A fun little compendium of the wide range of poetic styles you can find on Instagram. I found several new poets to follow as well as ideas for inventive styles I might like to try myself.
Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an eARC of <i>Instagram Poetry for Every Day</i>. I requested this poetry anthology because I was very interested in what "Instagram Poetry" meant (other than of course poetry on Instagram). The fun aspect of "Instagram poetry" is the combination of the words and the visual aspect. Therefore, this anthology also shows the pictures originally uploaded onto the social media platform. It was nice to look through but, personally, I think you might want to look through the Instagram poetry tags first before you decide to pick this book up.

This book was definitely a surprise. I figured it will be a collection of instagram poems but didn't expect it to be an screenshot collection. I loved it. It was definitely a new try and I applaud the author and publisher for it.