Member Reviews

I love this series. You never know what Lady Hardcastle and Flo are going to get involved in. This time they are looking for sores in the airplane construction business. Who has been stealing files to give to the enemy?

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

Think you know them? Emily Hardcastle and her maid, Florence, are not exactly who they appear to be. What else are they up to? Follow their adventures in this seventh entry in an historical mystery series that is loved by many readers.
It is 1911. A test pilot has met an untoward fate with his parachute. Emily’s brother wants Lady and maid to investigate and so they do.
This is just a nice, enjoyable read. It is not too demanding but I mean that in a good way.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for this title. All opinions are my own.

The Fatal Flying Affair by T.E. Kinsey
This seventh entry of the Lady Hardcastle series by T.E. Kinsey was an entertaining mystery set in the early 1900’s. I have read and listened to all the books in this series. It combines four of my favorite book genres, espionage, historical fiction, humor and cozy British mystery. Considering the time period, it is a treat to read about strong female characters who make light of their ’position’ with respect to the male dominated workplace they are infiltrating, the way they are treated (and underestimated!), and their strong friendship regardless of social position and title. With each new book in the series, we learn more of past events that bind these two women together and I love it.
These stories have a nice blend of witty banter, warmth and recurring favorite characters sprinkled into a believable mystery full of intrigue, espionage and, of course, a murder. I was kept interested throughout and learned a bit of history while enjoying a terrific mystery.
The narrator, Elizabeth Knowelden, once again does a wonderful job. She enhanced the story with her character voices and pace. As you listen, you feel the narrator is having as much fun reading the story as you are listening to it. A winning partnership and I look forward to the next book in this fun series!

T.E. Kinsey is consistently producing witty engaging cosy mysteries that have clever insights in the country life of an early 20th century English lady and her maid, enjoying a restful retirement after a life of intrigue, spying, and hi jinks. Well, that was their intent - but somehow genteel mayhem and mysteries seem to pursue them, leavened with good humor and subtle social commentary on social class and norms. The latest mystery centers around a a tragic death associated with a parachute failure at a local airfield - but suspicions mount that it is not an accident after all. All is solved by Lady Hardcastle and her doughty assistant Flo in the end, but the pleasure is in the process of getting there. Highly recommended.

I appreciate the publisher allowing me to read this book. This was a really enjoyable mystery that kept me hooked until the end.

An intriguing mystery with a surprise twist! And the cheeky banter between Lady Hardcastle and her maid Florence Armstrong is as delightful as ever.

Absolutely Love Lady Hardcastle and Flo! The easy and mischievous banter between themselves and their friends really helps these books to just romp along. Superbly written for their time and place in history, and with intriguing mysteries to boot!
Highly recommended.

Another engrossing and entertaining cozy mystery, a good addition to this series.
I had fun and the solid mystery kept me guessing.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

This book is the 7th in the Lady Hardcastle series and i wish i had read the earlier 6 before reading this one. It is a delightful book set in the 1900s. A female James Bond, i loved both Lady Hardcvastle as well as her cohort - Flo. The story is them looking into a possible spy at a local airplane manufacturer who is developing a new kind of parachute.
It is a fun filled mystery joy ride. the perfect kinds to read when you are feeling low!! i am going to dive into the full series soon!

Lady Emily Hardcastle and her small servant Florence Armstrong (nicknamed "Strongarm" by Harry) is once again embroiled in skulduggery and murder. Emily's brother Harry claims that they were both involved in the tragic crash that happened when the new parachute that Bristol Aviation was developing failed. In 1911, parachutes were only in their infancy. Was intelligence leaked to international competitors? Is there sabotage going on?
With Lady Hardcastle and her lady's maid Flo working undercover at the airfield, the annual village show in full swing, and the two ladies enjoying an unusual number of walks across the Common, it seems they'll be able to apprehend the offenders fast. Can they, though, do it? What will the result of this heinous race be?
I adore Harry, Emily, and Flo's back-and-forth. They're all well-suited, and with their wit and humor, they will still lighten up a stressful situation. I admire how brilliant the two ladies are, and how much they love deceiving others. Those individuals, especially males, are prone to dismissing two females, particularly a Lady and her diminutive lady's maid. At their peril, they dismiss Flo and Emily!
The Fatal Flying Affair is the seventh in T.E. Kinsey's Lady Hardcastle Mysteries, and it enthralled me. I spent a lot of my reading time laughing out loud – it's such a fun series, and each episode only gets better and better. On the surface, Flo and Emily seem to be a Lady and her maid happily live in the countryside. But underneath, particularly Flo, you wouldn't want to cross them. The Fatal Flying Affair was another installment of a delightfully enjoyable collection.

I absolutely love this series and this addition was delicious. I enjoyed following along with Lady Hardcastle and her tiny servant Flo on another investigation. I love the wit and play on words in the story,and the characters are delightful.
Many thanks to Amazon Publishing UK and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

Thank you Netgalley. Another delightful instalment in the Lady Hardcastle series. I enjoyed it very much and am already waiting for the next book in the series. The mix of humor and adventure is perfect for an anytime read.

I love Lady Hardcastle and Flo so much, and this book had everything I love about their mysteries - plenty of twists and turns, delightful banter that made me laugh out loud, glimpses of life with the people of Littleton Cotterell, and opportunities for Flo to show what she’s made of. The whole series is wonderful, and this is one of my favorites.
Many thanks to NetGalley for sending me an advanced ebook, but I also purchased a copy on audio because narrator Elizabeth Knowelden is beyond fantastic and adds so much to the reading experience.

The Hardcastle mysteries are one of those series that I instantly gravitate to when a new one is released. It has a variety of twists and turns but is thoroughly entertaining. The characters are a wide array of completely relatable townsfolk, an eccentric lady and her ladies maid. You can't help but be completely absorbed into these books.
In this latest addition to the series Flo and Lady Hardcastle team up to investigate the death of a young engineer and solve the mystery of who is selling the company secrets. There's a bit of action, adventure, and even some torn skirts in the mix. I do have to admit that some of the scenes felt unneeded (such as the town talent show) but it does help with the building of the characters outside of the duo.

Hardcastle and Flo were at it once again in this high-flying cozy mystery. Once again, in my view, Flo was the star, with her doing all the hard work and Hardcastle the easy part, filtering the clues. Together they make an unstoppable and effective team. This has been an engaging and intriguing package.

I love this author and this series so much. Every entry in this series has been so delightful and fun and thoroughly entertaining. I had been saving this one to read like a kid waiting to play with a favorite Christmas gift, but after suffering through two painful DNFs, I rewarded myself by reading another Emily & Flo mystery. This is one of the few authors that can make me laugh out loud while I read, and there are a couple times in every book (including this one) where I think, I want to write this line down and try to use it on someone in my life. The humor is just so witty and dry and clever. As far as the plot goes... I think if you're still reading these books after there being 7 in the series, the plot becomes a little insignificant. You're mostly reading it to enjoy the great writing and to revisit old friends, not necessarily to be stumped by the mystery (which I still found a little guessable). I can't wait for the next one!!!
Many thanks to the publisher for providing an ARC via netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Fatal Flying Affair Finds Folly and Fun Fantastic
Posted on January 24, 2021 by michellelovatosbookreviews, world's first book color commentator
The latest Lady Hardcastle book: The Fatal Flying Affair takes the newly re-minted British Intelligence service woman into the air as she uses her quick-thinking, wit, and style to solve the mystery of how a local pilot fell from the sky to his untimely death.
This Lady Hardcastle installment features Emily, also known as
Lady H’s, her handmaiden Florence, Flo, Armstrong, and her brother Henry, who alerts Emily to the problem at Bristol Aviation and Aeronautics Company, the aeroplane factory responsible for pilot Dickie Dupree’s demise.
This plotline heats up when Lady H begins to suspect the fatal flying affair that killed Dupree is related to an undercover spy operation whose agent is leaking top-secret information to foreign rivals.
The race is on.
Lady H is herself, of course, a woman who thinks, and acts, larger than herself. Thankfully, however, she has Flo, whose reasonable thinking keeps Lady H firmly on the ground. The pair, who spent more than 15 years together already, are full of humor, banter, and ultimately, high adventure.
This lighthearted and fun historic cozy is no disappointment to Hardcastle fans and offers readers another reason to keep clamoring for the next book in this series.
One of the best things about this story is its’ author’s ability to write the history of aviation into the text, both educating and entertaining its readers simultaneously.
The Fatal Flying Affair features three plotlines that all wrap up into a nice little bow at this story’s conclusion. This is an excellent book for those cozy mystery fans who have not yet dipped their reading glasses into historical cozy fiction. The Fatal Flying Affair can be read as a stand-alone novel.
The Fatal Flying Affair: A Hardcastle Mystery by T.E. Tinsley carries multiple plots featuring its familiar cast of characters and incorporates a few new friends to the series as well. It answers open questions from past books and introduces other unforgettable, charming, and dull-witted characters to the series.
My only question here is simple: When is the next one publishing?
ml@michellelovato.com BoutiqueBooks@hotmail.com
Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things. Psalm 128: 1-2

Thoroughly enjoyed it! And the cover art is delightful! Well thought out story, a nice winter read. I really love stories based during these times of history. And the main character makes you feel like she really brings you along in her story.

The 7th book in the series already. Really love the amateur-sleuth cosy mysteries with Lady Hardcastle and her sidekick Florence. I never get bored of this quite unusual relationship with its humorous dialogues or the picturesque setting in the english countryside in the early 20th century.