Member Reviews

Math professor Anna Sanchez has it all: a great job, a loving husband, and two beautiful children. But when one of her students dies and she becomes convinced that her husband is having an affair, her life quickly spirals out of control. But Anna is not about to sit in a corner and cry about it. She is determined to do whatever it takes to protect what's hers.
A dark and suspenseful read, with plenty of twists and turns and an unreliable narrator to keep you on the edge of your seat anxiously anticipating what's going to happen next. I still have mixed feelings about the culprit's identity but overall I really enjoyed this book and loved how things ended for Anna. If you're a fan of psychological thrillers, then this one definitely delivers. I recommend going into this book knowing as little as possible.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I have read some previous books by this author and was very excited to receive an advanced copy. As usual, this book did not disappoint! The synopsis had me thinking I had the book all figured out within the first few chapters, but there were so many twists and turns it kept me guessing where it was going and I decided to just enjoy the ride.
Thanks so much to Netgalley and Bookouture for my advanced copy! I'll be sure to circle back to the books by this author I haven't read yet.

Tense Psychological Suspense.....
Anna, an instructor at a University, is determined at all costs to keep intact her perfect family. When a student dies and she becomes convinced that her husband is having an affair events begin to spiral. A tense psychological suspense with a flawed protagonist and narrator in Anna. Many twists, red herrings and misdirection will keep the reader turning the pages. An engaging read.

Unfaithful by Natalie Barelli is a twisty and twisted tale of what people will do to get what they want. Many of the characters have agendas and will do just about anything to get what they want.
Anna is her own worst enemy. She could be successful and happier if she made better choices. Instead, she takes things from others or flits into danger. As a narrator, I found Anna hard to like but that's the point. She's not a perfect character and isn't a hero.
The title initially made me think of the usual plot of having an affair. The word "unfaithful" can be used for many of the characters regarding their loyalty and looking out for themselves. This isn't a bog-standard novel about a marital couple dealing with one of them having an affair. This is about lack of integrity and using others to get what you want.
The ending wasn't a complete surprise but the motivations behind it and some of the reveals were.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my early copy of this novel.

This author will seriously keep you guessing until the end of the book! There were so many clever red herrings. I loved reading this because my mind kept turning the clues over and over, trying to put the puzzle together. I also liked how the characters were all up to something and you couldn’t quite figure out what! Anna, a math instructor at a university, was vying for a coveted professorship there. She felt she deserved it since she worked so hard for it. Luis,her husband was an up and coming artist and they had two children and had the perfect family. That was until secrets came out and Anna didn’t know what or who to believe anymore. I can’t wait to read this authors other books. A intense, enjoyable read.

Really interesting concept. Loved the ending and after all that it was actually her discovery (that won't be published on goodreads) good read

Wow. This was amazing. I could not put it down. So many twists and turns. I loved it. I loved the characters and all the sub plots. I did not see that ending coming!!

It goes to show that people can not change. Anna was hell-bent on keeping her family together and would go through any length to do so. However, as described in the book summary, only one person in their marriage is deadly. Figuring out which one was the most fun. It's not just one storyline, it is multiples. That's where the twists come from. The ending wasn't as dramatic as some of the books in the same genre, but it is enough to where it left me satisfy. Anna's husband's character seems to gloss over and not fully developed. Alex's character was written for one purpose only, and that was disappointing. Overall, it was a fast and good read.
Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for letting me read this wonderful ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wow...props to the publisher for giving nothing away in the synopsis!
Anna is an associate math professor. She’s working with her student, Alex, on something that will change both of their lives...and that it does.
There are secrets galore, and things I never saw coming. I think it’s best to go in blind.
This is a suspenseful and twisted read. There are many red herrings. I never expected the climax. Along with the suspense, there are some parts with dark humor (Barmbies!!).
I shouldn’t be surprised that I love this gem, as I love the author’s Emma Fern series (2 books). This is entertaining and anxiety-inducing.
4.5 stars. A fun and suspenseful read!
Thank you to Bookouture, Natalie Barelli, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was a good read with plenty of twists, chills, and thrills, but couldn’t give a full 5 stars, as it’s not as gripping as I was expecting! Overall, I did find it to keep my attention throughout the book, well written, and realistic; but it was a bit slower paced in beginning for me. I did enjoy the academia plot, which hasn’t been done a lot, didn’t need to suspend beliefs, and did give me my much needled chills, thrills, and shocks! It gets to be faster paced, after the beginning, so it’s well worth reading, but maybe because of what I was reading with it, it felt a bit slower. I do highly recommend though!
Will buzz around and use lower amazon reviewer number!

I knew I would really enjoy this book the moment I read the blurb, and it did not disappoint! Anna has the perfect beautiful family, everyone thinks so, but after an awful day of loosing her student Alex she needs to be close to her husband to confide in, only when she arrives to his studio she finds wine glasses which leads her to think he’s having an affair. A rollercoaster ride of emotions through this book and bam a huge twist I totally did not see coming.

Took me no time to devour this one.
Such a well written book that draws you into the main characters and leaving you want more.
And then boom something happens that I wasn't expecting. Great read would definitely recommend this one.
Thanks to the author,the publisher,and NetGalley for an early release of this book.

I get excited about the next Barelli book the way some get excited about birthdays, vacations and lottery wins. Yay! It’s here and it’s as great as always. The authors female protagonists are normal sounding and acting women, self assured professionals, wonderful mothers, loyal wives, perfect friends. You get the idea. Instantly recognizable and easy to identify with. They tend to be humorous, self deprecating women doing their best. Until they don’t. Even then, when see their reasoning, you nod your head, thinking yep I can see that. In this new one, Anna wins us over as a mathematician, working on a so far unsolvable math equation, living her almost best life with her hubby and kids. As people die, as people are unfaithful, as Anna twists and turns, as characters are changing and reacting to the events, as all of their lives unravel I was sure I knew the truth. I didn’t. Neither will you. Brava Natalie, you got me again.

*Thank you to the Natalie Barelli, NetGalley and Bookouture for a free advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Very often, a book is described as unputdownable. I read this book in 24 hours, waking up on a Friday morning with my kindle on top of my face, in which I started reading again.
Seductive, Sexy, Shocking. All the Ses describe Unfaithful. This novel is about Anna Sanchez, a young Math professor who is working closely with her student on the Pentii math solution - A math problem which has never ever been solved. When she goes to visit her student, he has decided to not include her name on his paper, which puts her promotion to full professorship in jeopardy. He also chooses to commit suicide right in front of her by jumping out of a window. And so begins the novel.
Anna and her Husband Luis, have the perfect life. A gorgeous house, two amazing careers, two beautiful children and so many secrets, not limited to Luis' affair with his art curator, Isabelle. Luis is not the only one with secrets, Anna has also had a brief, almost fling with her professor and another student, among other lies.
There were so many crazy twists in this book that made me rethink who I thought was behind everything many times. As a reader and a Mother, I very much related to Anna's desperate desire to keep her family together despite all that she learns.
This book is 5 huge stars for me. I literally could not put it down.

Seductive, chilling domestic thriller full of cheating, deceit and one wife's deeply hidden secrets.
This novel is a first-person narrative of Anna, a young Math professor who accidentally catches his husband having an affair (by seeing two wine glasses no less - anything more typical and cringy?!). His affair came at the worst time possible when Anna's student, who was about to win a hefty sum of money for them in a Math competition, has died. Now, not only is Anna's promotion injeopardy, but so is her marriage.
However, instead of making a scene, Anna decides to keep quiet about her discovery and act normal in front of her husband and children because keeping her family together is not just a matter of principles - it serves as a cover for some deeply hidden secrets Anna can't afford to come out... And while someone is threating her, Anna will do anything to keep her peace.
Honestly, I couldn't put it down. I read this book in two days! Anna's first-person narrative was my favorite thing about Unfaithful because I have really come to relate to her is some odd way. Most importantly, there were some crazy twists in this book that I truly did not see coming, which is probably the most important thing in thrillers to me. Overall, the only thing I didn't like is the ending, which I found a bit flat despite a much bigger potential, given how great the rest of it was. However, it's still a really good psychological thriller.
*Thank you to the Publisher for a free advance copy of this book in exhcnage for an honest review.

Anna is an associate professor of math in her late 30s who loses her most talented student and then discovers her husband is having an affair. This is all revealed early into the book, no spoilers, here. Her student, Alex, had just solved an infamous mathematical proof and the pair were about to publish it and become famous and wealthy, as by doing so, they would win a $500,000 prize. His death puts everything in jeopardy and her morals are tested.
Anna then discovers that her artist husband has been cheating on her right when she needs his support the most. They have the gall to rub it in her face because Anna knows her and they all talk together and act friendly. This discovery pushes her slightly this side of neurotic and she becomes increasingly unstable throughout the story. The reader almost waits for her to implode with her work and family life crumbling before her eyes. But she's quite determined to do whatever it takes to keep her family together and her position at the college intact.
It's a good story, although I'm quite tired of the cheating husband theme in books lately. That, and the fact that the wife always 'waits for enough proof' or continually doubts herself instead of just talking to her husband. No wonder marriages keep breaking down when no one ever communicates. But anyway, you will start drawing your own conclusions and hopefully be pleasantly surprised with how wrong you are by the end of the book. The author always lends her characters a touch of disproportionate triumph and Anna is no exception. I did find the very last little twist a bit of a stretch, but not beyond the realm of possibility. An apt conclusion to this smart thriller, I do believe.

Ms Barelli has done it again. This is a riveting tale of a woman who feels she just can't get a break in life, with the exception of her talented husband and loving children, of course. I loved seeing hiw her life unfolded, and the ending was shocking, even for me, an avid thrilller suspense maven. Do not miss this one!

A chilling yet amazing book. I could not put it down and read it all in one afternoon. Such a great story that will leave you guessing all the way till the end.

#Unfaithful #NetGalley
I was stock still when I read that twist. A mind blowing psychological thriller.
Have you ever been unfaithful to anyone? I'm sure you would.
There are two sides to every story but how many secrets? What if there's a third side too.
I'm a wife, beautiful and attractive. When one of my favourite students Alex died, I went to my husband's studio for some comfort but all I got there was discomfort. He's having an affair with another woman but who?
I don't want to show him that I knew of his dark secret because I've a dark secret of my own. I want this marriage to work and suddenly threatening messages started appearing on my phone.
I think someone out there knows my secret and they want me to pay for what I did.
Come and read my crazy story.
I loved it's all characters. It's narration was like aloe vera on a sunburn.
I'm doing more promotion on the publication day of this book among my fellow Authors Bloggers Friends Family and followers.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me an advance copy of this psychological thriller.

An interesting psychological thriller about a woman trying to hold together her marriage and her family. This really kept my interest until the last page I was eager to see exactly how it would all play out. I highly recommend this book.