Member Reviews

A fantastic and casual guide to help people discover their bodies. Recommended and bought for a friend.

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If I didn’t work in a school library I would so get this book for our collection! But I have recommended it to many friends and those who read it have learned a lot about themselves. These are definitely the things not taught to women and oh how different the world would be if everyone, including men, knew how to pleasure women! Written in an easy to understand style, not condescending and so very informative. This author needs to be giving TED Talks on this topic!

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I found this to be an interesting read with some new information I'd never heard before or never thought about. I think it's a nice book to empower you into taking responsibility for your own body and asking for what you need and want. It's written in an easy to understand way with lots of descriptive images.
Thanks to and The Experiment for my eARC copy.

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This is a great guide for both men and women. It doesn't matter if you are in a straight relationship or a homosexual relationship. There are tips and tricks that are helpful to both sexes in any type of relationship. The book gives resources for people to go to if they have further concerns or questions. It contains "quickies" which are short, fun little tips. There are also diagrams as needed. It was helpful and gave a lot of information that I didn't know.

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This book is packed with advice, information and truths about orgasms. From anatomy to types of orgasms, from how to talk about it with partners to different positions to try. This book has covered lots of bases to discuss something that is very rarely fully discussed - female orgasms!

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I feel there is still a huge amount of stigma attached to a woman being open and honest about her sex life and heaven forbid a woman being vocal about enjoying sex! I remember back to the sex education I had in school I learnt about periods and pregnancy. There was nothing about sex for pleasure, sex for intimacy, sex for confidence, or more importantly that as a woman we deserve to feel safe, comfortable and enjoy sex.

I was intrigued by this book as a 35 year old woman I believed I was fairly educated when it came to my body and sex but when I read in the blurb there were 13... yes 13 different types of orgasm I thought maybe there are some mysteries yet to discover!

In just 200 short pages Hiddinga covers basic anatomy (I learnt I about parts I didn’t even know) types of orgasm, ways in which to talk more openly with your partner, tips for better sex and advice for those who may have difficulties during sex. It is presented in an easy to read format being neither crude nor like a textbook.

It is well written, accessible and aims to be as inclusive as possible, whilst this is marketed toward those with vaginas I believe that all genders would benefit from reading this hugely educational book.

And to my fellow vagina owners continue to break the taboo and own that orgasm because you deserve to have good sex! ❤️

Thank you for @netgalley and @theexperiment for this copy ❤️

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Are You Coming? A Vagina Owner’s Guide to Orgasm is recommended to anyone who would like to learn more about female genitalia and orgasms. I read this book in one day and found it to be an easy to read guide on a number of (sometimes) difficult topics such as female genitalia, different types of orgasms, solo sex, painful sex, and communicating with your partner. Are You Coming? also strives to take into account more than heterosexual encounters. #AreYouComing #NetGalley

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As an avid Romance reader, I read about a lot of sex. What you don't read about a lot is sexual dysfunction. For those of us that may have a difficult time "getting there' and my growing interest in the shapes and forms of relationships (LGBTQ included), I felt this book was an excellent resource.

The author provides excellent explanations for all the things related to the ladygasm (trans and queer relationships included). Laura Hiddinga provides all the explanations of the many different types of orgasms, positions, and how to "get there" with little tips and tricks thrown in. There is even a section on accessories and details of how and when they might come in handy. Laura also discusses the possibly uncomfortable or maybe less socially acceptable subject of how to talk to your partner about your needs and wants.

Are You Coming? is a very sex-positive book about helping the ladies, gaydies, and theydies make sure they are getting theirs too.

*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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not really my cup of tea, read a few chapters but it was a bit silly and basic.
maybe its aimed at a younger demographic?not sure...

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According to some studies, only 35% of straight women reaching climax during sex compared to 95% of men. For many women who have sex, the unfortunate truth is that climaxing is not always (usually isn’t) guaranteed.

As a female, I thought that I already knew everything there was to know about my anatomy and more importantly the female orgasm - hows wrong I was. Who knew there were different types? Laura takes basic sex education and brings it to the modern world. The book is professional but yet personal and is a book that is thoroughly enjoyable.

The cover is colourful and eyecatching and would make me pick it up from a bookshelf.

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Enjoyed this book. Some books of this type are just too crass, but this title managed to share the information in an educational, but not too scientific way. This would be a great bachelorette party gift also!

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A quick read, but very educational, a book about female orgasm, with plenty of detail and honesty than you find in most books. Informative and honest

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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A great book about female orgasm, with way more detail and honest fact than you'd find in a typical sex education class.

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Reading nonfiction isn’t something I do often, particularly not nonfiction about aspects of sex. But when Imi linked the NetGalley page for Are You Coming? in our discord chat I had a nosey and requested it out of curiosity. So yes, your resident asexual pal is going to review a book all about vaginal and clitoral orgasms.

Something that this book achieves which I really appreciated is that it is inclusive. It addresses differences for lesbian relationships, those who assigned female at birth, trans women, and straight relationships. Also, it’s a very easy to read book, so often I’ll put nonfiction books down because the style of writing feels inaccessible but this is definitely not the case.

The information provided by Are You Coming? ranges from anatomy, medical terms, the 13 different types of orgasms and how to achieve them, addressing problems with sexual partners, and the importance of sex isn’t something that shout hurt. Overall it’s an informative read and I used some of the knowledge to help a pal out, so there’s definitely something even those who are sex-repulsed can take away from it.

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Are You Coming? provides history and information on the female orgasm for vagina owners. In the book, Hiddinga covers topics of different types of orgasms, common issues, and strategies for overcoming issues.

This book was accessible and inclusive in its language surrounding the vagina. I appreciated the acknowledgement that trans folks may have different experiences with the orgasm and the time the author took to explain this in a sensitive way.

While delivering important historical and scientific information surrounding why the female orgasm is considered taboo and how this hidden information creates a gender gap, the author succeeded in pointing out that this should be included more in sex education.

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This is a short, but really educational little book all about female orgasms. It's very inclusive, packed with practical tips and a very easy read. Definitely beats the women's magazines I used to read as a teenager! I definitely had no clue there are 13(!) types of female orgasm...!

Thanks to NetGalley for the free review copy.

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I reviewed this book as part of my November reading wrap-up ( , and also featured it in a reading vlog (

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Apparently there are thirteen different types of (female) orgasm. Ummmmmm….To be honest, I can't name them, for the simple fact I can't remember them. There was a recurring theme across the chapters of "...don't just focus on the final destination, but enjoy the journey itself." with all the tips’n’tricks of how to get there. I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before used in an entirely different context.

I felt like I was revisiting the same ideas, just worded differently across the book. It all blurred together. Or should I say, came together (bad joke, I know, I know). It’s been that kind of year.

But that's ok. I wanted to read something which wouldn't require too much effort from me. Tick.

That’s not to say this isn’t worthwhile. It is. It's fun. It's informal. The tone is conversational and straightforward, a science light guide to female anatomy. There are tasteful illustrations alongside the text. I liked their style. I'd say the target audience would be younger, say early to mid-teens. Late teens at a pinch. It explains things without being boring or snoozy, as some anatomical texts can be. People out of the teen bracket will find this too basic, as they'll already have figured out what best gives them "le petit mort", whether solo or with a partner. Hopefully that’s the case anyway.

There are some really good quotes scattered throughout, many of which I found amusing, most notably "It's my clitoris, not the Sphinx he's looking for!" Loved. I was a huge Sex And The City devotee. Spot on Miranda.

A chapter that did capture my attention was one which talked about sexual dysfunction and the reasons - whether medical or psychological - that may cause them. That sex shouldn’t hurt, either physically or emotionally. This section was informative and more serious and didn't have the “fun” tone of the rest of the book. I appreciated that this chapter was included, as it’s so important for people to take their sexual health seriously. And to not be afraid to seek help if something doesn't seem to feel right.

The cover is what caught my eye. The bright orange picture of the puzzle on a female torso leading to unspoken pleasure is clever. We ladies are indeed an enigma, even to ourselves. Having said that, this book is unlikely to unlock too many mysteries, unless you’re a young ‘un starting on your sensual journey. But hey, you never know…

I’d say it’s a yes (yes, yes, a la "When Harry Met Sally" which incidentally had a different quote appear in this book). Definitely a good book to gift to a younger sister or relative, to get over the “awkwardness” of discussing these things. Let them go away and ponder. Or whatever else.

Probably also a good book for school libraries to have on their shelves. For the families that won’t or can’t speak of sexual matters with their children, for whatever reason. Knowledge is power.

WORDS: Laura Hiddinga

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher The Experiment LLC, and the author Laura Hiddinga for the opportunity to read this advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

#AreYouComing #NetGalley

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
A very easy to follow guide on the multiple ways a woman can reach an orgasim. It includes pictures and has step by step instructions. Informative and engaging. Enjoyed it.

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What a great little book! A definitive resource on the ultimate happy ending! It is full of great little tidbits of information about anatomy, position, as well as varieties of culminating activities. If you can't answer the title with a resounding Yes!, then check it out.

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