Member Reviews

What a twisted tale, the pace kept me interested and wanting to see what happened. Easy to visualise with great descriptions, all I can say is I cant believe what happens. Read this now you wont regret it.

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thank you NetGalley for the chance to read and review such a twisted thriller! I am not talking gore and satonics. I am talking mind boggling road trips. This is the kind of book that when you get to the end and close it, you just say “wow”.

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This book is well written and has good character development I just couldn’t personally get into the story and found it a little bit of a struggle to keep reading. Either way it just left a little lacking for me personally. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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When troubled actress, Eleanor Russell, lands a dream role in a Hollywood remake of Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca, life begins to imitate art as Eleanor finds herself newly married after a short, whirlwind romance. As the newlyweds begin to settle into their new life in the Hollywood Hills, Eleanor begins to see cracks in her husband's adoring façade, and she begins to question: What does she really know about her new husband? Is he as perfect as she once thought?

Eerie shades of the suspenseful classic, Rebecca, casts a gothic thriller vibe on this novel that punctuates the thin line between reality and imagination.

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This book is what I would call and atmospheric mystery. The atmosphere is one of brooding and melancholy while the story gradually unfolds. I was intrigued in rapt and astounded.

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Within its title alone Ruby Falls gives insight into two key points in the novel, Ruby is the main character's name; and Ruby Falls is the setting that starts the story in motion. Ruby Falls is near Chattanooga, TN a tourist attraction built a around caverns and a set of falls set in Lookout Mountain. I grew up visiting Chattanooga every summer to visit my grandmother there, and I can attest to the sheer darkness of the place. I remember the tour guide saying dramatically, "this is the darkest place on earth". True or not, that's where we find our protagonist as the story begins, a six-year-old in the darkest place on earth with her Dad. Suddenly, he lets go of her hand and is never seen or heard of again (at least by Ruby and her Mom).

Cut to present day - late '80s Los Angeles. I had to keep checking that this story was set in that decade because it has distinct 1940s noir feel to me. Ruby - who now goes by Ellie - is an actress who has fled NYC after an "incident" on the set of the soap opera she starred in led to her leaving the show and the city. On a flight from Zurich to Rome, she impulsively meets and marries a dark, handsome and (naturally) mysterious stranger, Orlando. She and Orlando are settling in LA so Ellie can reboot her acting career with a part in a horror film.

As the story progresses, Ellie starts to question her decision to marry this stranger so quickly, meets her quirky psychic older neighbor Dottie and the line between her film and real life starts to blur. As Ellie' starts to unravel, so do the threads of her past and we the reader slowly learn what's fact and what's fiction in our protagonist's tale.

The story builds to a breaking point that is fast-paced. It reminded me a lot of books like The Silent Patient, where we're wondering if our storyteller is completely trustworthy or if they have only the slightest grip on reality.

As I mentioned before this has a real slick 1940s Hollywood noir film to it, despite the 80s time setting. It's a riveting, haunting read that at times feels as dark as the darkest place on earth - but we eventually come out of the caverns and into the sunlight of day and learn the truth behind Ruby's story.

P.S. - If are in Chattanooga, do go visit Ruby Falls and Rock City. Worth the look for the vistas. :-)

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Ruby Falls
Deborah Goodrich Royce

On a brilliantly sunny July day, six-year-old Ruby is abandoned by her father in the suffocating dark of a Tennessee cave. Twenty years later, transformed into soap opera star Eleanor Russell, she is fired under dubious circumstances. Fleeing to Europe, she marries a glamorous stranger named Orlando Montague and keeps her past closely hidden.

Together, Eleanor and Orlando start afresh in LA. Setting up house in a storybook cottage in the Hollywood Hills, Eleanor is cast in a dream role—the lead in a remake of Rebecca. As she immerses herself in that eerie gothic tale, Orlando’s personality changes, ghosts of her past re-emerge, and Eleanor fears she is not the only person in her marriage with a secret.

In this thrilling and twisty homage to Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca, the story ricochets through the streets of Los Angeles, a dangerous marriage to an exotic stranger, and the mind of a young woman whose past may not release her.


Ruby falls was an interesting read and was well engaging, vivid descriptions and the chapter titles were intriguing they didn't connect so well for me.

The lead character is an uprising actress and she has a whirlwind wedding so they didn't talk about each other's past lives but the past has unexpected ways to come bite you in the butt right.

It was a tale of unexpected twists and turns and even though it didn't click for me it might be interesting for some!! At the start it pretty much gave me there but not there vibes but the characters were good and the word play was good.

Overall it was a good book and it gets 3.8 stars from me.

I just reviewed Ruby Falls by Deborah Goodrich Royce. #NetGalley
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Thank you for giving a chance to review Ruby Falls. Thank you to the publisher who approved this.

For this book, the plot was a good one. It has that mystery shrouded in it. Those who loved mystery can try to read this and maybe able to jump into theories. It's simple yet intriguing. Wondering what's happening behind all of this.

However I wish it was more complicated or twisted. I wish it was longer. Make more gory or something. But in the end the explaination is so easy to be told. I wish for more. The end of this story wraps too quickly. It is still a good read.

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I was mesmerized throughout Ruby Falls. I could not dream where the author was going with this story.

All kinds of thoughts ran through my head as I read this. Is she crazy? Is she imagining those sounds? Or is someone/something really there? Who is Orlando? Who is Dottie? I eagerly read page after page. What a great story.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Ruby Falls. Well done, Ms. Royce.

So, is she crazy?

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I fell for the tale woven by Ruby Eleanor, and what a story that was. A soap opera actress has a whirlwind romance is believable. The bungalow in Hollywood with the yard filled with roses is like a fairytale. The marriage to Orlando ...well, I won’t give anything away. I was hooked to the end.

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What a treat! This book has everything, mystery , intrigue, suspense and a really good plot. Ruby is abandoned on a day out to a tourist attraction cave by her father, and from that day on her life is troubled. She becomes a young actress in a soap opera and things are good until one day events take a turn for the worse. The story is so well told and the twists and turns in the plot are amazing. The book is well written and keeps you guessing right to the end. Thoroughly enjoyed, a great page turner, thank you NetGalley. Looking forward to the next Deborah Goodrich Royce offering.

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Ruby Falls, Lookout Mountain in 1968 is where Eleanor Ruby Russell is abandoned by her father whilst they are deep inside the cave. Fast forward to 1989, she’s now a successful soap star, is married to Orlando Montague, they are moving to Los Angeles where Eleanor is cast as the lead in a remake of Rebecca. Ruby/Eleanor narrates her own story .... reliably? Only time will tell.

First of all, this is very well written and easy to immerse yourself in. It’s very colourful and descriptive, you can almost smell the roses and taste the food! The characters are really good - Eleanor is very damaged by her terrifying childhood experience and loss of her father, Orlando is a controlling enigma who creates a veritable emotional rollercoaster of twists and turns. I really like the Rebecca angle (it’s one of my favourite books) and through the film the book does have a gothic vibe and some spooky elements to it. The story unfolds well, there is growing mystery and tension as you get one bombshell revelation after another although at times you do feel like you’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole with Alice as it’s very riddle-me-ree!! I like the titles of each chapter which are clever and usually film references and you do get the feeling that it’s all very Hitchcockian or Agatha Christie’s Mousetrap - who is the mouse in the conspiracy I wonder??!! I love the puzzle of Ellie’s father and the clues that we get are interesting and we learn the truth about him towards the end.

However, on occasions it’s a bit repetitive as Eleanor turns things over in her mind although I’m certain this is true to life I’d still have preferred less. The ending feels a bit rushed too and didn’t entirely do justice to the rest of the book.

Overall, though it’s a well written and surprising read that keeps you gripped and entertained. The cover is amazing and I love it!

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Ruby is abandoned as a child in the pitch black Ruby Falls cave by her father. As an adult, Ruby prefers to go by the name of Eleanor and moves to California to star in a movie. This story enchanted me and had plenty of twists and turns to keep me turning those pages. Once this book comes out in May 2021, I know my book club will love it. I can't wait to discuss this book (and the ending) with my friends! Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this before publish date in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was different and unpredictable so kept me interested and I sped my way through it. I couldn’t help but feel for Ruby and loved Dottie too. I could go on but don’t want to drop any spoilers.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. #RubyFalls

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What in the world did I just read? My brain is trying to wrap my head around the storyline, characters, and overall emotions. It’s certainly unique and mysterious...very vivid in descriptions with the bizarre behaviors and thoughts. It’s a page turner because you don’t know what’s next but at the same time confusing and I found myself rereading and go back over parts. It’s one that you may want to to check out for the what the heck factor.

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Heartbreakingly relatable until the very end. This book is so full of twists and turns, it will lead you to wonder what is up and what is down. The way that this book is written, I kept finding myself reminiscing on "that movie I'm in the middle of watching," only to then remember that I was actually reading this story. The story kept me so entrapped from the very beginning, I actually read this book in about 3-4 days. The end did seem to be a little rushed, as I had not seen very many errors/typos and then right at the end I spotted a couple. The story builds up perfectly and I do feel that the end was just a tad bit rushed, but it almost seemed fitting to have the story all come crashing down at once, in a way. I am definitely interested in reading more from Royce in the future. Also, very fun, as Ruby Falls is the only cave I have ever been to and one of my favorite family vacations to date.

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I was immediately swept up in Deborah Goodrich Royce's evocative tale about Ruby (or Eleanor as she prefers to be called) Russell's whirlwind romance with the debonair Orlando Montague. The newlyweds move to sunny Los Angeles to begin their new life together. Eleanor is excited to start her burgeoning career as a Hollywood actress with a ruggedly handsome husband by her side. But it isn't long before cracks begin to appear in their seemingly perfect relationship. It quickly becomes clear that the two lovebirds haven't been completely honest with each other. Deceit abounds and Eleanor grapples with her own dark secrets. Her father's abandonment at the infamous Ruby Falls continues to haunt her, casting a long shadow over her charmed life. As the unsettling incidents pile up and tensions mount, Ruby is left wondering.... how well does she really know the suave Orlando?

Ruby Falls is like a vivid fever dream, unsettling and elusive. It provokes the imagination and slips through your fingers like smoke. I very much enjoyed this eerie, ethereal tale that continues to linger in my mind. I know I am under its thrall because I find fragments of the story surfacing in my psyche from time to time. As a Southern California native I especially appreciated Goodrich Royce's lush descriptions of the City of Angels. She perfectly captured L.A.'s eclectic allure. I would have loved to have seen additional content about Eleanor's time on set as a lead actress. That was a very unique and intriguing aspect of the story and it left me hungry for more.

This book struck a nice balance between plot and character development- a rare feat! I found myself reading well into the night, unable to put it down. Ruby Falls is the kind of story that demands to be devoured in one sitting. Goodrich Royce kept me on my toes the entire time and I just had to discover what would happen next. The side characters were especially delightful and dynamic. I loved hearing about the exploits of the supportive and upbeat Howard, the intuitive and compassionate Dottie and Eleanor's adorable (but feisty) cat, Bel. If I had any minor criticism, it would be that certain scenes were drawn out for longer than necessary. Most notably, the hillside scene. Also, while some readers may not appreciate an unreliable narrator as it is admittedly an oversaturated device, I feel that it worked for this particular novel.

Ruby Falls is moody, bewitching and riveting, perfect for fans of psychological thrillers. It is akin to experiencing a literary descent into madness. You won't be able to look away.

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Great page turner that keeps you constantly guessing and wondering what is true, what is reality and what is imagined. Ruby’s fragile character is well done and I loved her mother’s strong and supportive character. Start this when you have lots of time to read because you will want to read until you find answers!

Advanced reader copy courtesy of the publishers at NetGalley for review.

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I liked the premise of the book, but the constant references to Hitchcock & du Maurier were a bit over the top.
Unfortunately, for me it was like the story was written in choppy little sections and sewn together later, so I couldn't get deeply engaged because there was no natural flow in the writing.
While I did enjoy the unexpected last twist, I felt like the first 2/3 of the book were just filler in order to get up to that twist.
I would most likely read more work from this author, provided that a good hard edit happens to make a smoother story with far more fleshed out scenarios and conversations. There was much that seemed rushed or just ... incomplete. 3 Stars - with the potential for 4 with a really good edit.

Thank you Netgalley for providing me the e-copy to review at no charge!
All opinions are definitely my own.

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This was a very intriguing and interesting idea for a novel. I do have to say that this has to be hands down the most unreliable narrator that I have ever come across in all of the many books that I have read over the years. I had to go back and reread the explosive ending twice to make sure that I understood the story and the way it ended I just never could have imagined how it tied up and ripped the curtain down that for the entire book was built on such false pretenses. I thought that I had been reading the narrative carefully but what makes this story so flawless is that the final reveal had me fooled throughout the entire novel. Nothing prepared me for such an explosive ending and nothing about most of the book was really evident that I was supposed to question the narrator as being completely unreliable.

All I can really say is that childhood trauma can leave more of a mark on some than others. That sometimes things that happen to us as children can leave life long affects when we are triggered with a shock even as an adult. Everybody is different. I really loved this book and it was enjoyable to read from start to finish. I think that I am going to say as little as possible so as not to spoil it for any future reader. I loved this novel and I thought that the author has left me feeling grateful for having this wonderful reading experience that I won't soon forget. I really can't recommend this novel high enough. It is a gem that is unforgettable. One of my favorites of all time for sure.

Publication Date: May 4, 2021

Thank you to Net Galley, Deborah Goodrich Royce and Post Hill Press for generously providing me with my ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

#RubyFalls #DeborahGoodrichRoyce #PostHillPress #NetGalley

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