Member Reviews

Sleepless was FASCINATING! I truly was sleepless many a night because I did not want to stop reading! I watch dystopian series and movies with my very mature fourteen year old son and this novel is definitely something I can envision being something we would watch and enjoy together if it were on film. I am tempted to see if he wants to read it, but I hesitate because the not-so-very-mature side of him (who thinks sleep is a waste of time and believes he can live off of very little sleep) would probably get some bad ideas and temptations after reading this. Maybe I will test the waters first... In all seriousness, this book was riveting, intriguing, and compelling! It was unique and written with such talent. I was impressed with the writing, the plot, the characters - just about everything!

So...SO conflicted about this book.
On one hand - I absolutely loved the whole premise of insomnia and the struggles of the lead, Thea. I really felt that Thea was a well written character, and the struggles that she went through with insomnia and visual descriptions the author gave really gave such a great picture of the story. Thea's mother was also exceptionally well written out, and really made such a difference to the story.
HOWEVER. The ending really had me disappointed. I really felt like it was a great lead-up and then just fell short. Hence the reason for less stars - this definitely feels like it needs a sequel.
Thank you Netgalley, the author, and HQ for providing me an ARC.

A decent if lightweight thriller with a science fiction twist about an long suffering insomniac who answers an anonymous ad to take part in a sleep trial on a secluded island. A little predictable but an entertaining read for sci-fi fans and anyone who has difficulty sleeping ;)

Insomnia, what a horrible thing to have. This book just proves how bad it can be. If a high tec company offers you help with it, do you accept? Well Thea does, but was it the right decision?

This was a real page turner despite reality being non existent. The characters were excellent although the heroine, Thea, was the hardest to imagine. Everyone else was easily pictured in your minds eye but her physical description was somewhat lacking compared to the others. One minute she’s a mild mannered, uninteresting woman with a boring job and life and the next she’s an axe wielding murderer. But I’m jumping ahead so this will be a spoiler alert for those who haven’t read it yet. I was surprised and disappointed with Ethans grisly end, with his background in the forces, despite suffering from ptsd in the past, he would have made a more fitting hero than the rather weak Rory. I’m not sure what Kyle had to gain as an appointed assassin, would any of this happen in real life. I think not. The conclusion was excellently delivered by Theas mother, Vivian and her new side kick, the pub landlord. Shame about Rosie. Far fetched but entertaining.

Initially, this book really caught my interest and I was looking forward to a good read. However, the more I read the more far fetched it became and the more I just wanted it to end. I am not a fan of Sci-fi and if I had realised that this was Sci-fi I would not have chosen it. .It was a good plot but the Sci-fi element was to the detriment of what could otherwise have been a very good story.
Thank you Netgalley, Louise Mumford and HQ for giving me the opportunity to give my unbiased opinion.

Wow, how on earth is that a debut, it's fantabulous!
I was hooked rather early on and when I sat down to read more at around the half way point, well 90 mins later and I finished it and nothing would have been able to attract my attention.
I'd been worried that this may make me jumpy and sleepless, but I slept well last night and hopefully it won't affect me tonight as the technology featured in this book is mindblowing. If it exists, or should that be when it is created, it will he utterly terrifying, nightmare inducing, and in the wrong hands could be catastrophic.
It is such an unique storyline, which got under my skin and when I wasn't reading, I was thinking about what was going on in the story. Its unlike the majority of what I've read before which is a good thing.
There is absolutely nothing I can say that will do this book justice, it is hard to know who to trust, and that ending well makes me wonder.... and as a result I'll be highly curious to see what Louise Mumford's next book is about.
It's very clear though that a large amount of research into sleep was done, as it all sounded incredibly clever
What is for sure is this is a very addictive book, it will unsettle you, make you question various things, and ultimately not let you go until you have reached the very last page.
Thank you to HQ Digital and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

This wasn’t what I was expecting at all!
Going into this I assumed Thea would take part in a sleep trial, come home after being ‘cured’ and then she would experience strange things happening…..that’s not how it went at all.
This is definitely more of a dystopian psychological thriller which was a little gruesome at times. The book is set during the entire sleep trial where you a thrown into this crazy whirlwind experiment of sorts. There are hints of ghosts and then pretty early on in the book you find out what is happening and from then on it’s this creepy cat and mouse chase.
There were a few niggles, such as the chapters with Thea’s mum. I didn’t quite understand why they were included as I didn’t feel they added to the story in any way.
Once you discover what is going on it is fast paced and whilst it wasn’t what I was expecting it was still an enjoyable and quick read. The ending was great though and gave me chills!

Thea is an insomniac, she is just not able to sleep at night until 7am, just as she needs to get up for work. As a result, she spends her life feeling spaced out and struggling with day to day life.
A message flashes through to her phone - “sleep trials”. It comes up too many times for Thea to ignore and she decides to apply.
Having gone through the initial application stage, she’s successful in becoming a candidate.
The sleep trials take place on an island and things seem distinctly off - a face in the castle ruins, one of the participants being restrained...she wants to find out more!
I was really excited about reading this book but sadly, for me, I was left disappointed. The book fell flat after 25% and whilst I persevered, it lost my interest.
I rate this book 2 stars 🌟🌟

What a twisty book! Was a little hard for me to get into but once I was hooked that was it, I couldn't put it down , well written by the author, will happily read another if I get the chance to!

Apologies but I really struggled with this book. I felt that the first few chapters were great but then it got a bit weird and started to drag. I was expecting more of a thriller with lots of twists and turns but found that the book got boring and could not decide if it wanted to be a thriller or more sci-fi. The cover led me to think it would be more of a thriller type of book.
I managed to get through to about 25% then skimmed until around 45% then sadly have up.
Sorry but I just did not get in to this

I was really looking forward to this and it was ok, but it did drag a bit and was predictable. It was an ok read though and I would say to give it a chance#NetGalley#Sleepless

Sleepless - Louise Mumford
"Thea is an insomniac; she hasn’t slept more than three hours a night for years. So when an ad for a sleep trial that promises to change her life pops up on her phone, Thea knows this is her last chance at finding any kind of normal life."
Wow, this book was so much more than I was hoping for (and definitely expected). Thea suffers with insomnia throughout her whole life and puts her trust in this new company as a last resort to getting help......What a mistake! The "clinic" is based on a remote island and is the perfect setting for a thriller style book, but events soon start to unfold which gave me sci-fi dystopian vibes.
The writing is so fast paced and gripping I really think this would make a great film. I cannot recommend enough - what a horror of an island!
Thanks so much to NetGalley, Louise Mumford and HQ Publishers for the e-copy in return for an honest review

Being an insomniac I was intrigued by the blurb and requested it. The story is more of a sci-fi thriller. So if one keeps that in the mind, there won’t be much of a disappointment. The plot though predictable moves fast and the conclusion felt like reading a Robin Cook medical thriller. Recommended for fans of the genre.

The elusive good night’s sleep and what people will do to experience it, is the basis of this book. Meet Thea…..a young woman so sleep deprived it affects her life, her job, and her relationships. Desperate in so many ways, she signs up for a study for people with insomnia. Sent to a sleep study lab on an island with no contact with the outside world permitted, she soon finds herself on an island of horrors. This shy, reticent young woman evolves into a take charge person when things go haywire……and they really do. This sci-fi thriller is enough to give anyone insomnia……an exciting read.

I have loved this book. This is one that I haven't been able to put down and has kept me awake at night until I finished. I have absolutely devoured this book from start to finish. It is definitely filled with suspense and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Insomnia is something we've all experienced for certain periods. This book has really kept me awake. I have really liked Thea, she's a great main character who has really made me engage in this book. This is completely unique and different to anything I've read previously. The plot is unpredictable and although this is my first read by this author, I am definitely keen to read more.

I read this just because my husband does not sleep but found myself sympathising with the characters whilst becoming engrossed in the actual plot. It is a good read and I have already recommended it to friends.

Sleepless is certainly a book of two halves. At first it was an intriguing and promising novel that I found hard to put down. Then once they’re on the Island it just seemed to lose its way for me. Some parts were predictable, others far fetched and unbelievable. It went down too much of a sci-fi route for me which I found off putting. Sadly this book wasn’t for me. Thank you to NetGalley, HQ and the author for the chance to review.

I was hooked for the first few chapters, but as the action picked up, the plot and characters became less and less interesting to me. Of course the sleep study was too good to be true and had something sinister hiding behind its glossy surface...but by the end it was starting to feel almost cartoonish.

Thea has been an insomniac for as long as her sleep deprived brain can remember. She struggles through her life with every area of it tainted by her lack of sleep until it all comes to a head, causing danger to Thea and others. After this (ironic) wake up call, Thea is desperate to find a solution to her insomnia and signs up to a research trial at a sleep clinic which promises to not only solve her insomnia but make Thea the best possible version of herself. She is at her wits end so she can ignore the fact that the people running the trial know more about her than she has told them can’t she?
As someone who works in sleep medicine, I was both intrigued by this book and concerned about how the subject matter would be handled. I needn’t have worried. I really enjoyed reading this book. I found I became immersed into Thea’s story very quickly and my interest was held to the end.
I wanted a little more detail in some areas, for example, the differences in the other patients and the tech used in the trial. Perhaps a little more depth and back story for some of the characters too. However, I can see that it’s delicate balance between providing this information and in doing so not affecting the pace of the events of the novel.
The book flew by for me in a fast paced, nail biting whirlwind of tension. I enjoyed the sinister characterisation of those running the sleep trial and the gory and chilling way that the trial descended into chaos. The corrupt motivation involved is scarily plausible. It’s not often that I like an ending that is up for interpretation but I really enjoyed thinking about how the book ended and speculating what occurred.next. It’s a fantastic debut novel and I’ll definitely be up for reading more from this author.