Member Reviews

Honestly I thought this was just terrible. Such a great premise and the first 20% was ok but then it just calapsed into absolute nonsense. From the moment they ran to the lighthouse it became not only dreadfully dull but just so ludicrous I lost the will to live. Handy the whole plot was explained by a video found on the laptop eh!
I could list everything but not sure it will make any difference and there is little point as its due to be published fairly soon.
I won't put this on Amazon as you were kind enough to let me read it.
Sorry just thought it was rubbish.

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Perfect for Halloween! I really enjoyed this eery, claustrophobic psychological thriller and found myself very tired in the morning after nights of “just one more chapter”!

Thea suffers from very serious insomnia. After her state drives her (ha!) to causing a car crash, she decides to join an experimental programme showing promising results. Very quickly, Thea will discover that something is not quite right/ borderline creepy and she will set to uncover the truth about this “Morpheus” programme.

The book reads really well, it is fast-paced, gripping and the descriptions are very realistic. The fear of conspiracy, the treasons and the horror surrounding Thea makes us doubt everything and anything, and it’s impossible to know where the story will take us.

A lot is actually left for the imagination, which might not please everyone but to me it was a nice addition (picture the last scene of Inception for instance).

My only regret is that it is too short! I wanted more! I’m actually hoping for a second book... There is still so much I want to know, so much further this could go..

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How awful to have so much insomnia you’re willing to go to a clinic to help with that, what a mistake it as everything isn’t as it seems and gives you the goose bumps it wasn’t a brilliant book but quite readable I think there was a few loose ends to tie up at the end. Thank you to Netgalley for letting me read it.

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Suppose you have insomnia, suppose that you have lived with sleep deprivation for years, suppose you are desperate enough to try anything to get some sleep, suppose there is an App, suppose you can attend a sleep deprivation centre, suppose you have to pay a price.. Great idea for a tale, filled with lots of colourful characters, however, the story seemed a little unfinished with lots of unanswered questions.

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Thea has insomnia and rarely sleeps for more than a few hours. She seeks help and enrols on a sleep program on a remote island. She joins others who have different sleep problems. Once on the island her phone no longer has a signal (alarm bells should def have been ringing) This is where it all gets a bit weird!
But, hang in there! What I loved about this book was it was really hard to know who the bad guys were. You thought you were being led somewhere & something completely different happened. It kept me turning the pages, when I couldn’t sleep, which slightly amused me!! But overall an enjoyable, different read.

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Thea is an insomniac. She has barely slept for more than three hours for years, she has tried everything but nothing has helped - she is getting desperate.
When she sees an advertisement for a sleep trial that may help people like her she is keen to sign up. She can’t believe her luck when she is accepted, although mother urges caution and is sure it’s a cult and that only harm will come out of it. However Thea is u daunted and leaves for an island where the trial will take place.
Once there communication with the outside world is difficult. There is no internet and mobile phones don’t work. Thea can make the odd call from a landline but even that is difficult.
As the trial begins her sleep pattern starts to improve but then peculiar things begin to happen, she sees a face at a window that Thea is convinced is in trouble. She doesn’t know who to tell or who she can trust and soon things go completely out of control.
I liked the start of this book but that’s as far as it went, I was not convinced by the storyline and couldn’t really engage with the concept. It just wasn’t for me.

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An exciting thriller of a book. Anyone who has enjoyed the series Black Mirror will enjoy this. At times I've actually felt my heart speed up whilst reading, & freeze in other parts.
A great read!
Not quite sure about the ending, it felt like it ended all of a sudden. This didn't spoil the story though.

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Thea is an insomniac and after a near miss in her car decides she must take action regarding her sleeplessness. Up pops a sleep clinic, an island and some very dodgy sleep experts. The start of this book is very good and I thought it would be a real treat. It is well written with a good plot line but sadly the plot started to get very convoluted and too far fetched. Whilst I engaged with Thea and Vivian, some of the characters were too weak and added nothing to the story, though I admire the author for not being afraid to bump off the good guys! The denouement was sluggish and lacking in a real conclusion.
Thanks to NetGalley for this arc.

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This is the debut novel for Louise Mumford and I enjoyed it.

Thea has insomnia and anybody who has ever suffered from it and the debilitating effects it can have will understand her desperation to find a cure. Luckily it is not something I have suffered from for a significant time, just on occasions.

Thea decides to give up everything and participate in a clinical trial to cure her. This is on an island where there are several others. Although fiction, I needed to suspend all reality. Having said that I did enjoy the characters, especially Thea, and how she becomes embroiled in the deaths.

Well plotted with some interesting twists and turns.

Thank you to NetGalley, HQ Digital and Louise Mumford for my ARC of ‘Sleepless’ in return for my honest review.

Good read, recommended

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A promising start which unfortunately does not take off. The premise of this book is a great idea but it just falls flat and becomes too convoluted for its own sake. Such a shame!

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* spoiler alert ** As someone who's had trouble sleeping,I totally felt sympathy for Thea and the all encompassing issue that starts off the book.
It dominates your life,and you're willing to do anything for just a few hours sleep.
Such as quit your job and sign up to a six week program on an island.
As soon as island is mentioned,I'm suspicious,a place you probably can't just walk off.
The sleep trials themselves were creepy enough,without adding mysterious sightings,and unprovoked violence.
When it all goes to pot,and the whole operation needs a clear up,Thea becomes her own version of Lara Croft,and at that point,it was more fun and excitement than a creepy read for me.

Action packed,and just a little worrying at how close we might be to such tech.

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3.5 stars
I was really intrigued by this book as soon as I read the blurb and from the beginning until things at the trial started to go awry, it felt really engaging and believable. I felt for Thea and understood exactly how desperate she felt. Seeing her settle in to life as part of the trial was interesting as well and during these pages I could not wait to read more to see what would happen next.
But once things start to take a turn, it becomes incredibly far-fetched rather quickly. Even when you seriously suspend disbelief, it still feels completely unbelievable, which was such a shame given how rooted in reality it felt at the start and what could have possibly be done with the story.
The other characters, in addition to Thea and her Mother really, didn't feel well crafted enough for me to ultimately care too much about them. Each felt pretty throwaway, which made it difficult to have the reaction that I should have had to so many people being killed/swept under the carpet.
There is suspense but it feels more like a dystopian horror than a typical thriller, as it is billed.
In the end, it just felt too far-fetched for me and the ending pretty basic, with little said about if they released what was on the USB or what happened when the police/coast guard got closer to the island.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved the characters, loved the book, loved the plot. Some parts were a little too far fetched to be believable but still kept me reading and finished the book in a day on holiday. Would recommend x

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This was a good book. The plot although very unrealistic was absolutely delightful to read. The characters were interesting and had good depth. I really enjoyed reading it.

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In the Acknowledgements, the author refers to a book as very much like the performance of a play and that resonated with me, as, this reads very much like a play. It's a different, spooky tale about a young woman, Thea who suffers terribly from lack of sleep.
Then she sees an advert on her phone that continues to appear...'Morpheus, dream your way to a better you' promising that this team of 'experts' can help you sleep and she decides to sign up for this (distinctly weird) sleep experiment.
It's an almost dystopian read and it's definitely different. It's marketed as 'an unputdownable psychological thriller. Not for me it wasn't. However, it was a spooky, unusual read that certainly won't help you sleep!

Thanks to HQ Stories and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview and I wish the author every success with this good read.

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I liked the concept of this book but I felt that it fell short. It was advertised as a psychological thriller but in the end was more of a horror story. It reminded me a bit of the film 'The Island' with the 'uniforms' pristine accommodation and communal areas etc. You knew that the heroine would survive but at what cost?
Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for the arc of this book

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Such a fast paced psychological thriller, has me gripped from the start.. many of us suffer from insomnia, and I’m sure we can relate to Thea. Utterly unable to put this down, all Thea wants is a good nights sleep, so she puts herself forward for a sleep trial, although it’s not all as it seems, what happens when she does finally go to sleep?

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I nearly gave up on reading this book due to initially finding it slow to get going. I'm really glad I kept reading. A really clever story focusing on how far big business is likely to go to both control how people think , and to protect itself when things go wrong. A work of fiction maybe, but gets you thinking if some of this is already happening.

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Oh, I so wanted to like this. The premise is very intriguing, and the writing is good. However, the story meanders too much, and I never got a sense that the new sleep app/study/helper was a big deal to anyone other than the few main characters. I went in hoping for a world-affecting event, and walked away disappointed.

Also, parts of the story were familiar to an episode of Futurama...

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We read all the time that everyone should in theory get 8 hours sleep a night in order to function properly, but what happens when you are lucky to get 4 hours sleep in a week. For Thea this is her reality, she has tried everything, from meditation, to medication. So when she sees an ad for a new trial of an app that will not only help you sleep but will help you become a better you, she decides to apply for it. Thea is not initially the most likeable character but as the story unfolds she gradually grows on you more, as she seems to be more confident and starts making friends something she seems to lack.

There are 50 participants sent to this island to take part in the trials for the app, it’s done in three stages: stage one orientation stage two the start of the tech and fine tuning it as appropriate. Stage three: use the tech to become the best you can be.

But Thea starts to see some things she is not completely comfortable with, what happened to Richard one of the other participants? She sees him in an almost vegetative state in one of the rooms. Her friend Rosie is attacked and ends up in a critical condition. What do the discs on their heads really do? Is this some sort of brainwashing?

Who is Moses? Why is he chained and locked in a room with a guard. So many things don’t add up for Thea and now she has to finally fight to try and save herself and her friends. The tension in this story gradually builds up and the last quarter of the book you are wondering who can be trusted and who can’t, along with a few things thrown in that you just really don’t see coming. Despite suffering from insomnia I won’t be signing up for any apps!!! A gripping psychological thriller.

I would like to thank #netgalley and #HQ for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest, fair and unbiased review.

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