Member Reviews

I have absolutely no idea how to review this without spoilers, and this is a book which truly deserves to be read with no prior knowledge or expectation. What I can tell you is that "The Last House On Needless Street" is a compulsive read. Catriona Ward's plot is inventive and pushes boundaries. It's an ambitious piece of work, and work it does - extremely well.
I spent the first half of the book having little clue what was happening (whilst absolutely needing to know) and I was fully invested from the start. When the pieces started falling into place, I felt as though my brain was going to explode and my eyes were like this 👀 and continued to bulge out of my head for the entire second half of the book. I can see a migraine on the horizon but boy, will it have been worth it! At 95%, I had to keep taking a break for a wee minute because I felt as though I was going to combust from the sheer emotional overload. The experience was incredibly intense and I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself once I'd finished.
Overall, the entire book took my breath away. If it's not the most talked about book of 2021, then I shall eat my not inconsiderable words. In saying that, those words have been taken from me temporarily as a result of this reading experience. Just... wow!
PS Please do yourself a favour and stick around for the Afterword. It's crucial.

I loved this book - everything about it, from the setting, characters and story! A creepy and atmospheric book that's so hard to read but also so hard to put down. This is an original & unsettling gothic/horror/psych thriller mix that will totally blow your mind & rip your heart into shreds. Fascinating backstory behind the plot too.

Wow this was a breathtaking, scary, terrifying, head exploding, twisty turny, utterly mind blowing story. I loved all the characters which we get to delve into, I also loved certain view points from a cats perspective. I don't want to spoil this, because its just brilliant. I was left gasping at the end with how brilliantly I was led along, I did not see the end coming. I would beg anyone to pick this fantastic, gripping on the edge of your seat book. Stephen King eat your heart out.

The Last House on Needless Street is an incredible novel and the first in a long time that I have re-read in its entirety as soon as finishing. The narrative dexterity within these pages is a literary tour-de-force. This is a heartbreaking, beautiful, brutal and scary book that will stay with me for some time. It fully deserves the buzz surrounding it and I just think everyone should read it as soon as possible!

I have absolutely no idea where to start with the review for this book. I'm not sure any review that I write will do this book justice. This is a hard one to review without giving away any spoilers.
This book is intelligent and extremely well written. This is my first read by this author but it is a book that has definitely converted me as a fan.
The fact this book has a stylish and intriguing cover put it straight on my radar. The synopsis sold me completely and it became one of my most anticipated gems for 2021. Any book that is also praised by Stephen king is an added healthy extra.
I like that this book is told from multiple viewpoints, it is interesting and really gives you an insight. I particularly found it unusual that one viewpoint is from the perspective of a cat.
This is a book which is deeply disturbing and full of atmosphere. I have found myself completely torn between wanting to devour this quickly and wanting to savour every page.
This book has been completely impossible to put down. The plot is unique to anything I've read previously and has been gripping and filled with twists. This has made this completely unpredictable.
As this is one of the most anticipated and sought after books in the bookish community, I feel incredibly thankful and lucky to have a copy of this stunning read. I have to say a huge thank you to Viper books for this one. I have been completely blown away.
This is a novel which is horrifying but heartbreaking, completely unique to anything else I've read and completely addictive. Five stars really doesn't do this justice! It is an amazing book and will definitely be a 2021 bestseller.

Years ago a girl went missing from the lake. That day Dee became an only child and Ted became a suspect. He lives in the last house on Needless Street where nobody bothers him and he can do as he pleases. The outside world is a strange place for Ted but inside his house is not much better.
This book epitomises why I love reading as the highly descriptive manner means we get right inside people's heads and this cannot be matched by any film or TV show. Catriona Ward masterfully does this with not one but four characters all with only a small piece of the puzzle. I was blown away by things I could never see coming because the writer only gave me access to exactly what she wanted me to see at the exact time she wanted me to. I was a captive audience that could not draw myself away from the story and it needed full concentration as I did not want to miss any detail no matter how small. I devoured every morsel of information and was hungry for more. I did manage to work out one aspect of the story before it was revealed but it really only scratched the surface of the much bigger picture. The Last House on Needless is so much more than your standard horror as it terrifies you with the realness and raw emotion of the characters portrayed. Throughout the book I felt like a fly on a wall somewhere I really shouldn't have been. I have never read a book like this before and I doubt I will again. It is a one of a kind.

Thank you so much for the ARC NetGalley!
This is a compelling psychological thriller that has a very surreal twist where different characters become the narrator, for example… a cat.
A lot happens in this book, so you need to make sure you do not miss anything! It is a whirlwind, full of information and eeriness. The whole plot feels tense and creepy and at times, I felt afraid of Ted! The narrative is filled with gothic fiction, horror and mystery where the story unravels and develops throughout, with so much excitement! Catriona Ward’s writing is very clever and unique!
Go grab yourself a copy on March 18th 2021!

I finished this novel in a sort of shell-shocked silence. I felt like I needed to go straight back to the beginning and start again. It is extraordinary and unlike anything I’ve ever read before. It’s also very difficult to review without spoiling other reader’s experience of it, but I have to give it a go.
The house in question is the home of our first narrator Ted. As we read Ted’s view of the world we start to realise there is something unique and odd about the way he experiences the world. He made me feel uneasy. We get a sense that something is very wrong when the birds he loves to watch, are trapped and killed. Ted spends a lot of time thinking about an incident several years before when a little girl disappeared from the lake nearby and was never found. Others might have forgotten, but not Ted and not the girl’s sister who has a huge sense of guilt about her sister’s loss. Ted was a suspect at the time and it’s not hard to see why; he’s a slightly strange loner, living nearby in a ramshackle home with boarded up windows. The girl’s sister hasn’t forgotten that Ted was a suspect and decides to rent the house next door and watch him, in the hope of finally discovering where her sister is. CCTV proved Ted’s alibi at the time, but the sister’s convinced she has found the culprit.
Things take a very strange turn when we meet another narrator, Ted’s cat Olivia. In other hands this might have seemed twee or whimsical, but here it isn’t. It did give me a shock in the first instance, when a narrator I’d assumed to be human, stopped to lick the back of their legs! I loved the way the author played with language in these sections. Olivia doesn’t realised Ted is a name, she thinks it’s a word for his species, so all people are ‘teds’ and dogs are ‘brouhahas’. She describes her love for another of her species, a beautiful cat with emerald eyes that she sometimes spies preening herself, through the cat flap. She also has a belief system, including her very own god who she refers to as LORD. Yet there are aspects of this cat, that are distinctly not cat-like and I started to wonder if all wasn’t as it seemed. Could this cat be someone or something else entirely?
Other narrators are introduced and I was sometimes thoroughly confused, but never contemplated putting the book down. The beauty of the language and cleverness of the structure kept me going, determined to work out what exactly was going on. I was starting to be unsure which sections were real and what was illusion. The author is clearly hugely skilled at creating that sense of the uncanny - when everything seems normal and recognisable, but there is just that sense that something is off-kilter and sinister. This was so psychologically clever and I enjoyed Ted’s visits to the ‘bug man’ who appears to be some sort of psychotherapist, until he appears where we don’t expect him. I was so involved in this world of Ted’s that I was starting to forget the original crime, the loss of a little girl on the beachfront of the lake. The writing is so involving that I was inside Ted at times and the uneasy feeling is that you will never be able to get out. I guessed some of what is going on, but not the whole and I love the ambition and audacity. This is a unique, original and deeply creative piece of work that enthralled and stunned in equal measure. Ward is a writer of immense imagination and talent and I feel privileged to have been given the chance to read this before it hits the shelves and becomes a phenomenon.
I will be reviewing this on my blog just before publication in March.

The Last House on Needless Street has been featured in National Book Tokens' 21 books to look out for in 2021 article on Caboodle.

The Last House on Needless Street is truly a gothic thriller with horror elements throughout. The plot is difficult to describe without spoiling anything. I will say that what you think is going on is not what’s happening and there are more layers hidden underneath. Take that for what you will. The plot is well-researched and I will be looking out for Catriona Ward from now on. Highly recommended to those who enjoy Stephen King or enigmatic gothic thrillers.

Jeepers what have I just read?
Brutally brilliant.
No other words to describe it
I need a lie down now

The Last House on Needless Street. I absolutely loved it. Creepy, poignant and devoured in a day. A five star read. Highly recommend - Casey Kelleher

Total page turner!!!!
Absolutely love this!! Will definitely be recommending this book to anyone who will listen to me

The Last House on Needless Street is a chilling, heartbreaking, clever thriller, that twists and turns like a dark alley. The story concerns a murderer, a missing child, an ordinary man who lives in an ordinary house on an ordinary street - and yet nothing is quite as it seems. A page-turner that will linger in the mind long after the book is finished.

This is the best thriller I’ve read in years, one of those books that keeps you turning and turning the pages, following the trails and traps the author has set out for you with a tremendous sense of building unease. It’s impossible to describe without spoilers, but the setup is that a little girl went missing at the beach some years before. Her older sister, driven by guilt and trauma, has never let go of the case and had been conducting her own investigation, which has led her to a man named Ted. She begins to live in the house next door to Ted’s and continues her investigation…oh, and there’s a talking cat involved. It’s cleverly plotted, with little snippets of information being doled out at precisely the right times to keep you off balance and make you reassess what you’d thought was going on up to then. All the characters in the book are orbiting a core of darkness, a hole in the world where something is very very wrong, but the nature of that wrong doesn’t come into focus until the end. There’s one scene in particular, maybe two thirds of the way through, where it will only dawn on you much later what was really going on, and the lurch in perspective that realisation brings is emblematic of this twisty, turny, unputdownable novel.

When Stephen King started raving about Catriona Ward's new novel, The Last House on Needless Street, Book Twitter went absolutely crazy as everybody wanted to get their hands on a copy. So I just have to give a huge thank you to Viper Books for approving my NetGalley request so that I could read this amazing book.
This is perhaps the most difficult book to review EVER. Less really is more when it comes to talking about The Last House on Needless Street so I'm going to completely avoid mentioning the plot other than to say it's mind-blowing. I can't even talk about the characters for fear of accidentally releasing a spoiler.
Just take my word for it, this book is absolutely brilliant. I did think it was a little weird at first, but that's not a surprise as Stephen King loved it and he's the King of Weirdness, however, once I got used to the strange characters the story flowed beautifully and I couldn't read it fast enough.
Beautifully written, quirky and haunting, I can't stop thinking about The Last House on Needless Street and without doubt this book is going to be huge when it's released on 18 March 2021. I can totally see this being book of the year and we're not even in 2021 yet - it really is THAT good. An absolute must-read, make sure you buy a copy and prepare to be amazed.
All opinions in this review are my own.

I sat and read this book straight through, so completely absorbed that I screamed out loud when a delivery driver tapped on my window!
Ward has crafted a book with elements of the thriller, the gothic, the fantastical, and in doing so creates a atmosphere of dread and confusion, pierced through with shards of hope.
The story starts like many others; a missing child, her sister's pursuit of men who could he responsible, the interior world of a damaged lonely man. In Ward's hands everything you think you know about this scenario is skewed.
To say much would be wrong, as this is a book that readers need to go into without spoilers, but I cared deeply for the characters, I was utterly gripped by the doubt cast over who was good or bad or even who they said they were, the reveals were clever, and the resolution at the end had me wanting to return to the beginning and start over.
I'll be buying a copy in March!

Thank you so much to @viper.books for sending me this proof copy, this was one of my highly anticipated reads and let me tell you it didn’t disappoint at all!.
I equally wanted to read it quickly because I was enjoying it and gripped by it so much but also on the flip side of that I wanted to go slower because I didn’t want it to end. And that to me is the true proof of an absolutely brilliant read!
The writing here is just incredible, the way the different characters voices are so distinct and so well thought through and executed,so so clever and just so much left to think about once the story comes to an end. Also reading the authors note at the end just added such a layer to it all too, the research and the work that went into this is so evident.
This had everything I want from a Thriller/Horror read, it has bags of atmosphere, it had me feeling tense in so many situations were playing out, with it’a vivid and detailed descriptions of everything it’s as if I was watching everything leap off the page and play out in front of my eyes. You can’t ask for more than that honestly. This author had me from the first page and didn’t let me go till the very end.
Such a brilliantly clever story, and one that had me guessing so many times but delivered many twists and turns along the way, pulling the rug out from you non stop. It’s uncomfortable at times, it’s gory, it’s mind bending and it’s at its core very heartbreaking too. It packs a huge punch and I am SO happy that this excelled all my hopes.
This is without any doubt an easy 5 ⭐️ for me, and it’s very easily secured a spot in my Top 10 of the year. Can’t recommend it highly enough! 👀. 🎉 Publishes March ‘21

5 Stars from me
I hope everyone who reads this book gets to do so without a single spoiler.
This is such a clever, confusion, brilliant, addictive, horrible, brilliant book!
I can't praise Catriona Ward highly enough - her publishers must have literally leapt for joy when this landed on their desk! The Last House on Needless Street has it all - it is such a compelling read, I was utterly drawn in.
There should be a pact with books like this, along with the purchase you MUST promise NEVER to divulge the storyline to another!
I really enjoyed reading this - not sure I captured every single nuance but I don't care, I loved it!

I am not sure I’ve read anything *quite* like this. It starts as one thing, turns to another, let’s you think you’ve figured it out then royally mind f*cks you in the best way possible.
This is genre-defying, cleverly written and very addictive to read.
I applaud Catriona for writing this. It is clearly very well researched and also feels very well edited. There is nothing surplus to requirement in this book and it left me wanting more. There is so much atmosphere and so much dark suspense. The change in POV adds massively to the books credit and I think it challenges misconceptions about many things.
Triggers 👇🏻
** TW **
Emotional and physical abuse of a child, self harm, suicide, alcohol(ism), murder, kidnap, snakes, abandonment, mistreatment, lying, hallucinations, poor medical care, stroke, death, entrapment, burns (mostly chemical).