Member Reviews

“Fear is a constant for us mortals, [...] but so is the knowledge that no matter what happens, no matter how careful and afraid we are, life does end. So you might as well take every shot you get.”

TW: Aquaphobia/Trauma/PTSD/Waterboarding/Torture/Arson

I’ll be honest, I hurt. ‘2021 is bound to hurt,’ I thought, ‘why not start with a book that’ll hurt me too?’ I’m not sure I’ve quite gathered my thoughts together and I feel like I need to reread it already, but we’re going to try to review it anyway.
Before reading this, I reread the first three books in the series (and the short stories) and I’m so glad I did. It meant that I refreshed my memory of what happened, who characters were and I got a new found respect for certain parts. I can confirm I already want to reread them again given what we learn in this book.
Given my refreshed memory of the London syndicate, I adored stepping into an unfamiliar setting. It was fascinating seeing these two sister cities - formed from the same forced hiding, but developed in their own ways. Seeing Paige try to navigate and find her own way into it was fascinating. Not only was the physical setting interesting, but how the voyants are classified and treated was too.
I also loved seeing the real world weaved into the fictitious in this. The series spans from one specific event that “caused” unnaturalness and I loved reading more about it and how voyants have turned up elsewhere in history. For example, I love seeing which songs get banned because they’re “unnatural” and how historic buildings are treated. I think books that incorporate real history into fiction are fascinating because you can imagine those stories playing out next to ours.
The characters in this were fascinating, both new and returning, and characters we’ve previously heard from a distance but may not have seen up close. There were so many interesting additions to the cast in this book, both voyant and not, and they’re so interesting because it’s impossible to know whether or not they should be trusted.
Paige and Arcturus together and alone make my heart flutter. Paige develops so much throughout the series, from a second-in-command and a slave to a queen and the leader of a revolution. She shows that it’s okay to not always be okay - and sometimes that’s brave too. But she also faces her fears and it’s incredible.
Arcturus has grown on my as my reread has gone on and now I think he’s the kindest soul. He genuinely wants good. And his relationship with Paige. I just...
Paige and their relationship resonates with me so much because Paige is demisexual. They don’t fall into an easy romance straight away, it’s turbulent from the start. But, by allowing herself time and allowing herself to develop feelings as friends who communicate, their relationship blossoms. I loved getting to see her journey, her insights into what everything means to her. I just want more.
And then the end. For the last five, six chapters, my heart was beating uncomfortably fast. Throughout the book, there are plot twists aplenty, but the end really went for it. I picked it up at 11PM and the only think that stopped me from reading the last two chapters an hour and a half later was the fact I knew it would break me and I couldn’t read for an hour and then stare into the abyss for another two so late at night.
This is definitely Samantha Shannon’s strongest in the series. It kept me on the edge of my seat for most of it, but I also adored the downtime. Secrets are revealed and seeds are sown for what will undoubtedly be an epic three book conclusion to an already powerful series.

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Oh my gosh, this book was amazing. I cannot tell you how chilling and tense this was. I've been one of the people who've only recently hopped onto the Bone Season train and read all three previous books in quick succession and couldn't wait for the fourth instalment and OH MY GOSH. This did not disappoint.

I think what is so incredible about this book in particular is the scope of it all, like it goes all over Paris and it also feels like such a wide story if that makes any sense? Like it feels like in a book you usually get one bit OH MY GOSH HOLY SHIT. But here, there are three of those and it feels like three little plots all coming together in this over-arching narrative and when I say this book is emotionally taxing like it really is. In the last 100 pages or so, I was holding my breath and literally screaming. This book changes everything and i'm so excited to see where the story goes next!!!!!!

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Oh my goodness. Samantha Shannon has done it again! This series has broken my heart, fixed it, and then broken it all over again!!!
I thought Song Rising was upsetting but wow...
Paige’s character has really developed over time and Samantha Shannon has really allowed her to showcase her weaknesses alongside her strengths. She is a flawed character which I feel is a lot more real and relatable (eventhough I will never go through what she has!)

I adore Samanthas writing, this was a wonderful installment.

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After the trauma of the previous book, the characters are still suffering but they're still determined to face whatever it's thrown at them, specially Paige. She wants to defeat their enemies and look for allies.
There are new characters joining old ones in order to succeed. The writing was, as usual, incredible and the way the author describes the enemies makes you almost believe they are real.
Danger and emotions involved, this book is a real rollercoaster of action and feelings!!

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Quality Rating: Four Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Five Stars

Since I read the first Bone Season novel I've loved this series, and it always takes me reading the new instalment to remember just how much I do love it (I know I still like it, but it feels like each book rekindles the same feeling of excitement again, and that's priceless). The Mask Falling has, like each instalment, been a long time coming, and I'm very happy to say I enjoyed every minute of it.

These books are pure entertainment and excitement. The characters are fun and investable; the locations are recreated some real cities in full glory with such creativity and wonder; the plots feel like puzzles and murder mysteries without anyone even being hit over the head with a candlestick. It has the flair of revolution and literature and it's a little gilded, but that's where the fun comes from.

That's not to say that the book is perfect. While I love Paige, she, like many protagonists in stories leaning on the YA side, could do with engaging her brain a little more actively sometimes. And while the schemes are ingenious and the puzzles inventive, I can't help but feel it's a little too 'refined' for an attitude that would really nail it home (without drawing comparisons, I couldn't help being reminded that the Throne of Glass series has just as fiendish strategies, but has a bit of an attitude to make it really strike its crux).

And there are so. Many. Names. Samantha, I love you, take all the time you need between books, but please don't expect me to remember who everyone is by their mollisher names (or even just their normal names...) - I appreciate that in the physical books you can flip to the character glossary but it made reading this review galley a little difficult. And there is such strength in the immersion of this vividly rich world that I don't want to be taken away from it to look through a glossary just to be on my feet with the politics.

I do sometimes wonder if The Bone Season needs to be a seven-book series (a lot of similar antics happen over and over again - though the gaps in publication and growing layers of politics mean it still feels fresh) but, nonetheless, I'll be sitting here waiting for the next one, and the next, until we reach the end of Paige's story.

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*Initial review*

I don’t know what to say about this book except ARGHHHHH. It was absolutely everything – I was hooked from beginning to end! The Mask Falling was action packed and fast paced, and was like The Bone Season x 10000. It’s now officially my favourite book of the series.

The book featured everything we have come to know and love about this world and Samantha’s writing, but with added depth as we visit a new country and see the world unfold and expand even more. There were also some 10/10 scenes between Paige and Arcturus but honestly the book had me shook. The ending? I mean… when do we get book five?! You HAVE to pre-order this book!

*Full in-depth review to follow!*

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The writing - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The story - ⭐⭐⭐
Overall - ⭐⭐⭐

After the finale of The Song Rising I was ridiculously excited to read this, and I was... Disappointed. I felt like it was a bit of a slog to get through. The slow burn romance between Paige and Warden at this point just felt incredibly irritating and honestly he didn't even seem all that much like a romantic interest in this book.

This book introduces the mysterious Domino program, the Parisian underworld and reintroduces some old faces from previous books, but none are really given the time and development needed, and the usual intrigue of the rest of the books in the series just felt missing.

I feel like this one was very much a filler book, it was way too long and because Paige is recovering from her many injuries there was very sporadic action, she just seemed to be laid up in bed for half of the book (realistic - yes, interesting? Not so much.)

Fave quote - <i>'This strange life of mine began in a bookshop, and as you know well, Underqueen, stories hold more facets than jewels, and more worth than gold.'</i>

Fave moment - Paige dreamwalking and possessing Frere.

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Holy cow this book took me on a wild and emotional ride. I finished it the other night and had to write down my thoughts straight away because I had so many of them. It shouldn't be possible, but Samantha Shannon keeps making these books better and better and 'The Mask Falling' has to be my favourite so far... even if it broke my heart.

Paige is like a cat with nine lives. After evading death again she is shipped off to Paris with Warden to work for the mysterious Domino programme only, Paige being Paige, she has her own plans and ambitions. Ambitions that will test her resolve and mental and physical health after the torture she suffered at the hands of the Rephaim. She has a long road to recovery, but when the chance comes to help the Mime Order she left behind she knows she must take it, no matter the consequences.

>Paige, Paige, Paige. I loved her so much in this book, even if there were times I wanted to jump in and throttle her. She finds it incredibly hard to trust people, which you can understand after learning about her past and the secrets Jaxon kept from her. She is too willing to put her own life at risk to save others, and it made me incredibly sad to see her valuing her life lower than The Mime Order and those she loves. But through all that she still has an incredible will to fight, she is stubborn to a fault, and she is determined not to let her fears hold her back. She would never describe herself as a 'people person' and lets be honest, she would more likely shoot you than strike up a conversation. But she manages to create a sense of loyalty so deep that Voyant's in other parts of Scion are raising their voices in her name. Her character growth amazes me book by book, and I will be incredibly sad when her story comes to an end.

One thing that makes this series so good is the breadth of secondary characters. We have the likes of the Seven Seals; Jaxon, Nick, Eliza, Dani, Nadine &amp; Zeke. Paige's story would be completely different without these people in it, for better or worse (Jaxon) they are her family, and I thoroughly enjoy seeing her relationship with them all. Some don't have a very big role in this book with Paige in Paris, yet their characters are so rooted in her story that I couldnt help myself thinking 'Nick will kill you for doing this' when Paige tried something stupid. We also have Warden and the other Rephaim. Another group who have mixed feeling about Paige, the Rephaim wanting her dead and the Ranthen strengthening her claim as Black Moth in the hope she can help them defeat Nashira Sargas. But Warden is the only one who truly knows Paige, he has been with her through thick and thin, seen her at her worst, and yet still has an unwavering belief in her ability to be the saviour of Voyants, a belief that Paige find's hard to share. Then there are the other Voyants, the members of the Mime Order, and the Court of Miracles (the french equivalent.) We get treated to some old faces returning, as well as getting the chance to see Paige build some new relationships. This may seem like a lot, but Shannon has a rare ability of giving you just enough of everyone to keep them straight in your head, even people who we might not have heard of since book 1.

I loved the setting for this book! Paris is one of my all time favourite cities and, having had the chance to visit multiple times, I could easily imagine myself in the sites and streets that Paige frequented. I love a good fantasy world, but there is something special about having a fantasy book set in the world we all know and love, and knowing that you can go and visit the sites themselves. I was completely transported to Paris, with its creepy catacombs and beautiful painted glass chapels. I also loved when we were introduced to the Court of Miracles, the French equivalent of the Mime Order. Shannon made them unsurprisingly extra with their Jewels and powdered wigs, it was almost like stepping back in time.

Shannon really took us on a wild ride with Paige in this book. After the torture she suffered under the Rephaim she is understandably traumatised and suffering from PTSD. After being waterboarded, she is unable to immerse her face in water, making showers and even drinking water near impossible. She flinches at the slightest sound and far too often finds herself back in that cell facing down her torturer. I think Shannon dealt with this brilliantly. It's a hard topic and one that can easily be done wrong, but even though we see Paige's resilience shining through, we also see her at her weakest in this book. Taken from her home into a strange city, working for people she doesn't know. Shannon really makes us feel for Paige, we feel her weakness and her strength, and I enjoyed that while she did have to face her fears, it wasn't like and instant fix, Paige knows she still has a long journey to a full recovery.

I've mentioned them before but I really do love seeing Paige's relationships and interactions in this series, especially with Warden. After her putting distance between them in The Song Rising, claiming she couldn't risk the Ranthen backing out of their deal if they were ever caught, I thoroughly enjoyed all the tortured looks and almost jealously we get to see in this book. Their relationship is just so beautifully written, yes it is physical and romantic, but the strength of it lies in the trust they have for each other. Warden is one of the few people Paige allows to see all of her, the good and the bad. And it is similar for Warden, Paige is one of the few he lets in to see his scars both physical and mental. They are incredibly strong together, but both unwilling to admit the true depths of their feelings.

I'm not lying when I say this book took me on an emotional roller coaster. After 4 books I am incredibly invested in Paige's and the other characters outcome, so when certain plot twists happened, I wondered what made Samantha Shannon hate her characters and readers so much 😂... and the ending!?! The ARC was really weirdly laid out so it took me a minute to realise I had actually finished and then I proceeded to say 'What the Fuck' rather loudly at work. Plot twist wise Shannon is firmly in the 'brilliantly landed and thought out plot twists that make you as the reader incredibly annoyed that you didn't see it coming' category. There were a few in this book that had me grinning to myself because I kind of expected it, and others that, while they didn't come out of nowhere, I simply didn't see coming. I'm so annoyed at myself for reading this early because I desperately need the next book to make sure all my lovelies are ok.

One of my all time favourite series, my love for this grows more and more with every book. If you're up for a little emotional torture, and like unforgettable characters, rag tag gangs, a brilliantly built magic system and forbidden romance then what are you waiting for! With 4 books and a novella out already there is plenty to whet your appetite whilst we wait in silent torture for the next book to appear. Another easy 5*. Thanks to Bloomsbury for the review copy.

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One of my favourite series of books ever!

This one has been 4 years in the making and it was so worth it you can see the growth in this author through these books.

The characters are stronger then ever and dig back in to your heart again, so in normal Samantha way she destroys that

Worth the wait

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I was fortunate enough to be granted a Netgalley and -knowing I'd be gone from this world the moment I started- I saved it up to read over Christmas. We all needed something good this year, for me it was TBS4.

It took just minutes to be right back in that world with Paige and man have I missed it. For those like me who didn't read The Dawn Chorus novella between installments of TBS you can continue without. It doesn't take long to feel like you never left. I like that Shannon picks up each novel where the last was left.

This time we see a new side to Paige who has been left drained after the tremendous finale of Song Rising and is now hiding out in Paris.
New characters arrive thick and fast with an entire new host of enemies and allies alongside those we already know and love.
Prepare to fight for every breath alongside Paige as the black moth rises once more to battle for the rights of unnaturals in Sheol II.

As much as I loved The Mask Falling, for me there was one tiny drawback. I didnt like the amount of French written dialogue. I read this on a kindle so it was simple enough to click and translate, but still this pulled me out of the story, and had I been reading on paper I would have been unable to do this. Yes you can continue without translating, but my brain wouldn't let me miss a single word so I had to check it wasn't vital!

Time flies when you read this book and it will be over all to soon. Be ready to grieve in the mother of all book hangovers whilst we wait once more for TBS5!

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Everything hurts. Please bare with me through these trying times.

This book just blew this series onto a whole new level. Every page felt like a shift in the system as more was discovered, and I loved seeing the progression made. The combination of dystopian politics and spirit magic has always been my favourite thing, and this book really shows its strength in this aspect. Though introducing a lot of new power dynamics, mysteries, and problems to be confronted, not for a moment did it feel overwhelming. It's so easy to get pulled in, especially when you're this far into the series.

The characters will always remain some of my favourites, and again with the shift in situation showing a different side to them all, I can only say I fell more in love. I just want to give everyone a hug and one hell of a large coffee. Lord, do they need it.

I feel like there's not too much I can say, with this being the fourth in my favourite series, besides it really is an emotional rollercoaster that I didn't know whether to love, hate, or all of the above. I already know I'll be reading it in the next few months, and I'll love it even more when taking in the details for a second time. But for now I'm just in awe, and shock, and possibly a stage of recovery too.

CW: PTSD, Self Harm

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Yet again, Samantha Shannon has triumphed. Well written, enthralling & I didn't want to put it down. The characters that we've seen return (hellloooo Warden!) have more depth and story. Paige - I feel like I KNOW her, like I could possess her & be her. New characters introduced give us a very clear idea of both Mannequin and The Scion of Paris. I had no idea where it was going throughout but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The prose was beautifully done and as always Samantha Shannon's world building is excellent. I cannot wait for the next installment.

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After escaping from the Citadel of London, Paige and Warden end up in Paris thanks to the Domino programme. There, she is supposed to become a spy for the Domino programme, but she also wants to make contact with the Parisian syndicates and see if she could make an alliance. This book did not disappoint with twist everywhere and a finale that will shock everyone.

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I am so trash for The bone season serie it is absurd the amont of time I spent raving about it.
I was lucky enough to receive this book on NetGalley and it make my day.

Paige is in Paris just after the ending of The Song Rising with Warden for a new mission with the Domino Programme. What is it? I am not allowed to say but this book is full of surprises. Be prepared, it's a rollercoaster of emotions. Paige is in a bad state after the trauma of the Song Rising, she needs time to heal, sadly Scion is still here and there are some matter more important than her healing. I really like her character arc from the beginning of the serie but in this book she is such a great and layered woman and I love her.

Also great point Paris, I am french living in Paris and I was curious to see my city in this world I am not disappointed, I like how the author use the local folklore to create her world and use it for the story. It was great.

The big question, this book is worthly of the waiting? Hell yes, I had so much fun reading it, the action was here, the context so well done and I love this characters. I know I am going to wait a long time for book 5 but I still love this serie so much. And as the author said before the book is a big pivot for the story so read it.

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The Mask Falling is the fourth book in The Bone Season series and Samantha Shannon didn’t disappoint with this book. The story she created is complex with incredible worldbuilding and many twists, action and emotional moments.

The stakes in this book are higher than ever. The ending left me speechless! I love Paige and Warden, their relationship grows even more in this book.

I can’t wait for the next book in the series! The Mask Falling has left me at the edge of my seat wanting for more!

Arc generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review

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So the tldr lifted from my last review is: The Bone Season is action packed, The Mime Order a power shift, and The Song Rising is one of tactics. It was the build up before heading to mainland Europe and in the midst of war and alliances is domesticity and snatches of normal life, life in close quarters and stakes at their highest.

Then, also, the plot thread that I shamelessly root for, it made my heart soar and it made my heart hurt. No spoilers etc etc but I really loved this one. I feel like after the groundwork of book three this just really hit the mark. But now wondering what's next will be quite the wait. Previous reviews in the series have more of the context and background: here and now is just me going !!!

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What words are there to describe this series other than epic and utterly devastating. Samantha Shannon please keep stomping on my heart for the foreseeable future, and until this series is over. The world of The Bone Season really gets thrown open in this instalment as we follow Paige and Arcturus to Paris as they flee Scion. Seeing how far reaching and deep seated Scion is elsewhere makes me so excited for the next book which can’t come soon enough. And *that* realisation at the end literally made me want to tear my heart out. Good thing Samantha already did that for me!

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I love Samantha Shannon and loved the bone season, i hadn’t realized that the season had continued so don’t think I appreciated this book as much as I might have. Need to catch up.

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Jaw-dropping has never described a book more accurately than The Mask Falling. Samantha Shannon manages to combine a complex story with lyrically descriptive writing and her books are always a pleasure to read. This has been my favourite instalment of The Bone Season series so far!

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4.5 stars.

This ebook was sent to me via Netgalley in order to provide an honest review. Thank you to Netgalley and Bloomsbury for sending this to me.

I NEED THE NEXT BOOK AND A HUG. In that order please.

WOW. I loved this book so so much. I am very new to The Bone Season series, having only started it in November. I have been hooked ever since starting the first book. i cannot get enough of this series and the characters. Samantha Shannon is the only author that can confuse the absolute crap out of me, but still make me fall in love with everything about her writing.

I really loved being back with Paige and the rest of the characters. I like that we started where we left off and got straight back into the action. This world is so so complex, and so amazing. I absolutely love everything about how unique the magic system is. The Mask Falling is the first book where I feel like I have a real understanding of the world and the magic and it helped me enjoy he book so much more.

I dont even know what to say without spoiling it. If you have enjoyed this series up until this point this book will not let you down. It is a strong contender for my favourite book in the series and you can be assured that I will be rereading this beauty as soon as my physical copy arrives.

I have so so many unanswered questions and confusing thoughts. I dont know who is meant to be good or bad, or who is even alive. Thats how intense this book is! THE ENDING. I JUST CANT. I need the next book and I cant believe I have to wait so long.

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