Member Reviews

Cynthia Ruchti never disappoints! I've read all of her books so far. Her books are always emotionally evocative and Facing The Dawn was no exception. She takes real life scenarios and brings Jesus into them.

What does it mean to guard the dawn. Is it protecting the dawning of relationships or renewed relationship. Or maybe on focusing that the first thoughts of the day are healthy ones that will set a tone to draw from instead of being drained by.
What happens when tragedy strikes? A loss of a spouse? A child? How do you deal with grief? Where do you draw strength? From self-sufficiency or sharing the grief? Mara was experiencing such pain in her life. Her mission minded husband is not coming home. Her children each suffering in different ways. Mara was reminded of her name sake from the bible. The meaning of her name - bitterness. A character driven read from tragedy upon tragedy. How grief is worked out with family, friends, community, and find the purpose. How grief is tied to abandonment. The toxic thoughts that go thru our minds that leave you isolated and the strength it takes to reach out for others.
A very multi-layered journey of this family loss is spiritual in nature that can be applied in so many ways. It is also appeals to look into yourself in how you view God, life, and family. The narration is not preachy but inviting. How reality eventually hits everyone and how do we deal if we do deal. A mindful read to be sure!
A special thank you to Revell and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. A good women's fiction drama novel. The cover is beautiful.

I’m still reeling from this emotional roller coaster ride. Wow, I did not see coming any of the twists and turns that author Cynthia Ruchti built into the story.
Mara’s story already starts out heavy. With her husband on a missions trip in Africa, she has to take on both providing for her family and dealing with the home life. And her two older children don’t make it easy for her. Between stress with her family, being overworked at her job, and a distant husband who doesn’t seem to care, Mara is already falling apart.
But then tragedy after tragedy after tragedy strikes.
I could feel the weight of Mara’s grief as it kept piling on. Life just seemed to show her no mercy as it crumbled around her.
I loved Mara’s sarcastic attitude throughout the novel, but it also just made me hurt for her more. People can often use jokes and sarcasm to cover up their pain, and that’s just exactly what Mara does.
However, Mara has an amazing support system that she relies on. Ashley is a sweet character who pushes Mara to work through her emotions. Sol is a quiet support who is always there when Mara needs him the most.
Ruchti beautifully captures all the pain, heartache, and even hope in this novel. I feel blessed to have gone on this journey with Mara, even if it did cost me a few tears.
I would highly recommend this novel and I would also recommend making sure you have some tissues in hand when you read it.
I had received a copy of this book as part of the Celebrate Lit Blogging Team and was required to give an honest review.

Cynthia Ruchti is one of my favorite authors. I can always count on her to deliver an emotional read. That being said, I found it difficult to get involved in the story. I kept going back and reading reviews to see what I was missing with all the 4 and 5 star reviews. There were quite a few that agreed with me, but said once they reached the halfway point, they were sucked in. They were right!
Mara’s snarky attitude and comments at the beginning of the book were so irritating. They were so offputting that I had to force myself to continue reading. And even with the tears streaming down my face, I am so glad I stuck with it. The raw emotion that flows through the pages will rip open your heart. The relationships that develop are touching and encouraging. Her forever friend, Ashlee, is the kind of friend everyone needs. She knew exactly what to do, what to say, how to help Mara wlak through her valley of the shadow of death.
Once again Cynthia Ruchti has weaved a tale of love, redemption, and God’s unending grace. As you travel through the pages, you will be moved by Mara’s grief and healing, her children’s growth and spiritual maturity, Ashlee’s ability to reach through her own grief and minister to her friend, and Solomon’s strength and wisdom and willingness to share God’s love with others right where they stand. I was blessed beyond belief by the time I cried through the last word and closed the book.
Thank you to NetGalley and Revell for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

I could not wait to read this book. I love this author and the premise sounded like one I would love. I was prepared for the first tragedy and honestly, it didn’t phase me much because I wasn’t that invested in the character. However, the second character sucked me under. Could be because I have kids similar ages as hers. Could be because it’s every person’s nightmare being lived out on the pages. Could be many things, but I was caught hook, line, and sinker. Part of me did not want to keep reading while the rest of me could not stop. I was happy she ended up not having to deal with financial issues on top of the emotional tsunami she was dealing with but how realistic would that be? Maybe more than I realize because of what Liam did for a living. Very realistic story and one I could not put down until the end.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit but was not under any obligation to write a review. All opinions are strictly mine.

Facing the Dawn
by Cynthia Ruchti
Pub Date 02 Mar 2021
Christian | General Fiction (Adult) | Women's Fiction
I am reviewing a copy of Facing the Dawn through Revell and Netgalley:
Mara Jacobs has been struggling while her humanitarian husband Liam has been digging wells in Africa. She knows she's supposed to feel a warm glow that her husband is nine time zones away, caring for widows and orphans. But the truth is she exhausted, working a demanding yet unrewarding job, trying to manage their three detention-prone kids, failing at her to-repair list, and fading like a garment left too long in the sun.
But Liam's three-year absence turns into something more, changing everything and plunging her into a sunless grief. As Mara struggles to find her footing, she discovers that even when hope is tenuous, faith is fragile, and the future is unknown, we can be sure we are not forgotten or unloved.
With emotionally evocative prose that tackles tough topics with tenderness and hope, award-winning author Cynthia Ruchti invites you on a journey of the heart you won't soon forget.
I give Facing the Dawn five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!

Sorrow and joy intermingle in this story from Ruchti. Wife of a missionary, Mara Jacobs has stayed in the US for three plus years to keep the home fires burning while her husband worked in Uganda on clean water projects. The weight and time of the separation weighs heavily on the family, impacting husband, wife and three teen children.
When the story opens, Liam comes up missing and Mara's life takes on new, difficult dimensions.
A life long friend, Ashlee, returns to Mara's life and the timing can only be of God.
This is a challenging story that the author brings to life with Mara's conflicted feelings of selfishness of her husband away and then selflessness of his work because she knows of God's plan to care for all people.

Cynthia Ruchti’s Facing the Dawn delves into the uncomfortable experiences of life with candor and humor. Ruchti’s ability to see profound messages in the seemingly ordinary, then craft elegant prose to communicate them kept me pondering for days. She isn’t afraid to tackle what we most fear with honesty and hope.
Facing the Dawn is the story of Mara Jacobs—a wife and mother—who has been left behind to manage the mundane problems on the home front, while her husband, Liam digs wells in Africa and saves hundreds of lives.
A scenario not uncommon in the ministry world. I mean, how can Mara complain about bad plumbing, being called to the principal’s office about unhealthy treats, or feeling resentful for staying home, when her husband risks his life for his work?
But how do you measure sacrifice for God’s kingdom?
If you’ve never read one of Ruchti’s many books, know this, she runs deep—even if it makes the reader squirm.
With relatable characters, Cynthia helps the reader look at the worst life can present with open eyes and heart, thereby allowing us to better hear the comfort and compassion of a loving God.
I received a complimentary ebook from Net Galley and Revell for an honest and unbiased review.
#FacingtheDawn #NetGalley #Revell

Cynthia Ruchti’s writing style is incredible, and she certainly showcases that all throughout this book. She tells this story well, and it’s a heart-touching and emotional ride at times. The thread of hope and spiritual encouragement give the story an uplifting aspect as well. Great characters and storyline make this one a must read.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

I found this book to be the perfect read for anyone who has wrestled with God to overcome loss, bitterness, and grief. Much like Mara, I too have been a “single mom” and experience tragedy after tragedy. I could really relate to this story, and even her quirky bitter personality I found quite refreshing and humorous (as this was how I processed and wrestled with God). I adored her character.
I really loved how the author included scripture in the book to help the readers understand Mara’s journey in learning to surrender to God, and leave fear and bitterness behind.
“O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety,”
I also loved Mara’s friends in the book. They were such pillars of strength and unconditional love. When I was going through my trials in life, I often found myself wanting such friends. Instead I leaned on the Holy Spirit for comfort and strength. I found it refreshing and comforting as she leaned in to her friends (much like I did the holy spirit) to find the strength, hope, and grace that she needed to move forward.
Below are a few of my favorite quotes from the book.
“when life falls apart, Gods plan hasn’t . It is still active but adds a soul-healing component”
“Love doesn’t mean never wrestling with doing the right thing, but choosing the right thing in the end. Every time. And finding grace hidden in the choice. You and God need to work this out together. I’m not your answer. He is.”
“Peace had washed over her like a tidal wave when she’d surrender-knelt by the water” Now, peace settled like honey flowing over buttered toast. Hard doesn’t mean unsurvivable. Mistakes don’t automatically dictate a future. And regrets have an antidote. God’s love and peace.”
My favorite part of the book was the ending when she visited Africa and revisited what her husband had done while he was absent. It was the perfect way that God often allows us to see things from His perspective, and gives us the grace to move on and love as He does.
I highly recommend this book. I couldn’t put it down.

Classic Cynthia Ruchti. Authentic. Emotional. Full of faith, hope and redemption. Engaging characters. Savor this story. Five stars.

This book was moving, inspirational, heart breaking and breathtaking all in one. When I requested a copy of this book on Netgalley I had no idea how much I needed this story. Tales of great loss and massive discovery in turn. You will fall in love with every character in this tale, and the witty humor is so unique and so very enjoyable! The only thing I wish is that we could've read Jeremy's letter. Thank you for your talent and hard work Cynthia Ruchti, it's one I will not soon forget.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
A sweet novel about overwhelming loss and moving forward with the help of God and loved ones.

Facing the Dawn by Cynthia Ruchti is a emotion-packed novel written with an authenticity that will bring you to tears. I have read other books by this author and they all brim with emotional authenticity. This novel is probably the most raw and broken of them all. The circumstances of the main character are heartbreaking and real. You will find yourself sympathizing with her from the start. I love the journey she goes on throughout this book. Readers of women's fiction will love this book. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

Mara encouraged her husband Liam to fulfil his dream of providing water to villages in Uganda, only to find that she's not as strong as she thought, and parenting three kids (including two rebellious teenagers) alone is leaving her feeling deserted. But when she learns that he won't be coming home, it becomes clear that her difficulties have only just begun. Confronted with her own guilt and grief, her kids' issues and friends who try to be helpful - and sometimes succeed, will she come through the darkness and face the dawn?
Warning: this is not a light read - Mara has a lot go wrong in her life and has to deal with a lot of grief. However, despite or perhaps because of the darkness, it is a story of hope and redemption, and one that is well worth a read. The content is clean, the story thought-provoking and inspiring, and the characters well drawn, with plenty of growth happening. I found the ending one of the most satisfying I've ever come across - somehow, it just felt perfect. I hope to read more by the author in future. Highly recommended.
Note that I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and this is my considered opinion of the book.

This book was good and I liked the characters and the way the story unfolded. I felt a lot of emotion reading it, and felt the pain the characters were going through. I did not realize it was Christian fiction, which I don't normally read, but was fine with it. I think the book has a lot of lessons in how to deal with grief. I did feel it went on a little bit. about 2/3 of the way through I started thinking, ok this needs to start wrapping up. All in all, a good book, and one I would recommend.

Facing The Dawn by Cynthia Ruchti wrecked me. And reached me. I don’t think I have ever read a novel more Spirit-filled than this one. Oh, its genre is women’s fiction, but the story that unfolds is one we all face at one time or another. I don’t mean that our lives will mirror main character Mara Jacob’s, but that we all face loss — of loved ones or security or dreams. And God can seem so far away and our lives so parched that we feel we will shrivel up. At first the story seemed too much. But as Ruchti weaves the hope through the hopeless, we see glimpses of God’s grace, mercy, and provision. I may be making this book sound super-religious. It’s not. It’s about how God can take our hurts and turn them into something useful and beautiful. Mara’s internal voice is snarky and so human. I loved that Ruchti did not shy away from Mara expressing anger and lostness. Supporting characters, and I do mean supporting, are wonderful. The transformation Mara goes through, along with that of her children, is a testimony of the faithfulness of those who come alongside us in our life journey. One particular sentence resonated with me — What we thought was pain upon pain paved the way for the work of God. See, Spirit-filled.
Facing The Dawn was not an easy or quick read for me. I needed breaks to ponder and rest. If you read this book you will understand. And I do hope that you will read it because from me it is very highly recommended.
Very Highly Recommended.
Audience: adults.

Mara Jacobs is raising her and Liam's three children alone. For four years. Liam is a humanitarian and in Africa working for Deep Wells bringing fresh water to the people. Mara convinced Liam that she could handle things while he was away. She has their son, Dylan who is on probation after brushes with the law, which has also put him in the same grade with his sister, Chelsea who has gotten pregnant and miscarried. All this while their father is in another country. Then, there's sweet Jeremy, the baby of the family, who has his own issues of his father being away for so very long. Mara also works in a cheese factory. Needless to say, she is stressed to the max.
Then, tragedy strikes, and whatever will she do now? How can she cope? Just when things are so very bad for the family, the unthinkable happens which lands Mara in the hospital for a few days.
Mara's forever friend, Ashlee moves into town, six blocks away to be precise, just when Mara needs her the most. Ashlee is a Godly woman with great wisdom.
Then, there is Logan and Sol that God put into their lives.
I loved Mara's wit and sense of humor. Her thoughts were just so funny! A sense of humor is so necessary in life, and Mara's was spot-on!
I truly loved the writing in this story. At one point, the grief was so great that I didn't know how Mara and her family could go on. The author, Cynthia Ruchti, shows God's mercy and love and how important it is to depend on Him for every aspect in our lives. So many 'Christian fiction' stories have such a teeny sprinkling of Christ in them, but not this one. This is such a good story of grief, friendship and new beginnings.
I was given an advanced copy of this by the publisher, Revell and Netgalley. I was under no obligation to leave a positive review.

Just when Mara had decided life couldn’t get any more complicated, it did.
What, exactly, do you do when all your self-salvation strategies have failed and the problems you are facing exceed anything you’ve ever imagined? Cynthia Ruchti had my undivided attention as she wove the story of Mara’s gradual discovery of the fine line between sacred and scared. Accompanied by her optimistic and supportive friend Ashlee, Mara learns to say, “I am strong, but I am not self-sufficient.”
In Facing the Dawn, readers become witnesses to the beautiful unfolding of purpose in a troubled family and in a broken woman’s own spiritual formation. With her face to the rising sun, Mara experiences the mercy of God as it falls on her in brand new and unexpected ways.
Many thanks to Revell and Net Galley for providing a copy of this book to facilitate my review, which is, of course, offered freely and with honesty.