Member Reviews

Lots of great books coming soon and some brilliant authors.
Thank you so much for sharing. this file

I enjoyed seeing what books to expect next year. Some ones I will really look forward to. I enjoyed reading about the authors too.

A great resource! I love publishing catalogues and Pan Macmillamn is one of my favourite publishers, so I was very happy to see all the titles they will be promoting in teh next year conveniently gthered for my perusal. I was very glad to learn about less known authours. Will be using this as a tool to heklp me choose books for my library.

Such a useful resource - it's nice to have a digital copy of the catalogue so I can keep track of what's coming up. I love Picador so circled lots of titles there - I'm hearing great things about Leilani's Luster already and I've made a note of release dates for The Art of Losing, The Lamplighters and Mieko Kawakami's Heaven! A good few Bluebird bits I'll pick up too.
Thanks for sharing Pan Mac!

This is a wonderful resouce; great to have an overview of what's to come and what titles to look out for.

I don't know if this is the usual procedure for publishers to do, but given that this is the first catalog I have ever downloaded from Netgalley, I am thrilled!
Not only does it give me a chance to stay on top of new releases, I already know what I can expect, so I can prepare my reading & reviewing schedule in advance!

Thank you for making this available! It's exciting to see so many great books coming!
I'm looking forward to a great reading year in 2021.

Useful for stock buying and deciding on future author events - great to access through netgalley shelf rather than downloading from a website!

The catalogue gives an overview of upcoming releases with a short summary and author bio for each title.
So many exciting new releases to add to my wish list!
I look forward to reading some of these soon.

Well my “want to read” list has now grown significantly! Some great authors both well known and debuting; and so many interesting sounding books. I can’t wait to dig into some of these titles

This is very exciting!! Lots of look forward to next year.....I adore Elizabeth MacNeal so the Circus of Wonders looks amazing!!! And the new AJ Pearce also sounds fab!

A great catalogue, showing a number of upcoming releases. I've added lots of new books to my wishlist thanks to this!

A very exciting catalogue, it’s good to see in one place what books are coming out next year. I’ve added quite few of the books to my tbr.

A very exciting catalogue with plenty of great books for 2021. This is such a great idea and have already taken notes of books that I would love to read.
Thanks for offering this to the NetGalley readers!

This is a fantastic catalogue which lists all new books coming under Picador, Macmillan Collector's Library, Mantle, Macmillan, Pan, Tor, Bluebird and One Boat in 2021. There's a bit about each new book, it's author, when it's published and by whom. I now have 12 must-reads. Recommend it!

An interesting overview of the books we can expect from
- Picador
- Macmillan Collector's Library
- Mantle
- Macmillan
- Pan
- Tor
- Bluebird
- One Boat
With about 15 books added to my 'to be read'-list, I already look forward to the new (book) season!

So many exciting new books coming out, I can’t wait. I love that I am able to get these as some are books, I would never consider reading before. This really does stretch my brain.
Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy and the opportunities you have given me.

This is not a novel. This is basically just pages about the upcoming titles by the publisher next year, given with the genres, authors name and a few descriptive lines.

Great way of seeing what's coming up and planning reading for next year. Lots of great sounding books, highlights are the new Kristin Hannah - The Nightingale being one of my favourites so naturally very excited about another book from this author. Also The Missing Sister, Lucinda Riley - again love the Seven Sisters series recently re-enjoyed during lockdown so very much looking forward to continuing the story. Hoping it makes it way on to net galley.
Really appreciated this being put out there by the publishers. Thank you!

A cheeky glimpse of some upcoming titles which really whet my appetite, I look forward to reading some of them soon,