Member Reviews

OMG! This literally kept me on the edge of my seat, reading the whole thing in one sitting! I cannot recommend enought - bring on the next instalment

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC.
Good fast faced serial killer thriller. Great holiday read

Oops I forgot to do a review for this book......Sorry
The Jigsaw Man by Nadine Matheson was one of the best books I had read back in 2021 and had me reading it to the early hours of the morning. It was brilliant however, a slow start but the bang.....it all started to come togethers. The characters were brilliant and then became very addictive and hard to put it down. Which makes it a great read for holiday's..............Nadine is a author to watch out for....Just brilliant!
Big Thank you to Netgalley and HQ, for a copy of The Jigsaw man.

A good and fast paced serial killer thriller.
It is written so well. I liked all the characters.
The story is well developed and is an excellent debut

Eesh this was a long old book! I don't particularly like long books, especially thrillers which I prefer to be punchy and fast paced. The Jigsaw Man felt so long and drawn out and although the plot was interesting and there was plenty happening it just took way too long to get anywhere.
I felt like it just got bogged down with too many details. I could have easily shaved 50 pages off this book and it wouldn't have affected the story at all. I felt the plot was overly complicated and although I was curious about what was going on, I didn't have the desperate urge to keep reading more that I like to get from thrillers.
Mathesons writing is good and the some of the characters were interesting, but there felt like there were too many and some of them were hard to tell apart. There were also some character's decisions I felt were unnecessary and added nothing to the plot.
The last 10% was a bit more fast paced and gripping, if the whole book had been like this it would have been a lot better. But I can't say I'm not intrigued by book 2 in the Angelica Henley series, mainly because I want to see what Henley does next!
If you're looking for a fast paced thriller, this isn't it!

A tense, suspenseful book that will remind you of all of your favorites in this genre. It has EVERYTHING that will keep you awake and watching the doors and windows to make sure you're alone. I'm going to have to reread this one in a couple of days. I could not predict the ending and I'm sure I missed clues along the way. What a story!!!!

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience

Oh, this book, let me tell you - it's like a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and not always in a good way! I was super pumped about it after reading the overview, but man, some parts left me feeling like a deflated balloon.
Sure, the plot had potential - it was like a well-cooked dish with too many ingredients. I mean, it got a bit overcomplicated for my taste, and I felt like I needed a GPS to navigate through it all.
And speaking of long - boy, oh boy, this book could use a trim! There were moments when my attention wandered like a lost puppy, but I powered through 'cause I was desperate to see how it would all wrap up. And hey, props to the ending - it was pretty darn great!
Now, don't get me wrong, there were some good bits in there. The characters were interesting, even though I couldn't find anyone particularly likable. And the plot, oh, it was like a masterful tapestry - you could tell the author put some serious thought into it.
But here's the thing - something felt missing. Like that elusive sock that vanishes in the laundry. Maybe it's just me, who knows?
All in all, it was an okay read, not the best but not the worst either. I might keep an eye out for more books from this author, 'cause you know, there's potential. Let's hope their next one hits the spot just right!

Definitely grisly, definitely gruesome, and rather captivating. However, sometimes I felt that the story was bit slow and drawn out.
The main character's backstory was certainly interesting, but I didn't find myself drawn to her as a character.
A good book to help pass the time.

I’ve had The Jigsaw Man on my kindle for a while and after seeing a flurry of social media posts about the second book in the series, The Binding Man, I decided it was time to read it. It is a long time since I read a book so gory.
Henley is the lead character in the novel, a police officer whose life is a mess due to being injured in a previous case. Everything about that case was being relived during the current investigation because it looked like there is either a copycat killer or the wrong person was found guilty. The situation was made worse for her because she has a rookie officer shadowing her. Ramouter, relocated from Yorkshire, away from his family, feeling guilty due to his wife’s ill health and who realised pretty quickly how little support his new unit was given and how much he had to learn.
This was a traumatic case for the team of detectives to deal with, and it became evident very early that they didn’t have the support or respect that they needed. All of them struggled with the the level of violence shown towards the victims, the way people were manipulated into helping the murderer and the impact on their personal lives. The author demonstrated how the officer’s families also suffered during an investigation. I have read very few books that showed this and I appreciated seeing another viewpoint from someone who just wanted to keep their family safe and feeling misunderstood.
This looks like a series that I’m going to like a lot. Whilst most of the focus is on Henley and Ramouter other members of the team are shown quite well and I would like to get to know them more. Esra, in particular, was one who intrigued me.
I also liked a lot, the prominence of the handful of characters who were manipulated into doing things they knew were wrong.
I found this to be a fascinating read, I will be reading The Binding Man very soon.

This was quite an interesting book with very interesting characters. The main character is suffering from PTSD from a previous case, and has to deal with another new case as well. Recommended.

This book is the first in a new series; it's a fast paced police thriller set in London. Although a bit too gory in places for me, I liked the characters and the gripping, twisty, edge of your seat plot. Finished on a cliffhanger! I will definitely be reading the second one.

The Jigsaw Man is the first book in a series by Nadine Matheson based on Inspector Henley of the SCU in a police procedural. DI Anjelica Henley lives a fairly complicated life and is just returning from being attached to a desk for a while is forced back into the field by her boss telling her to get to the scene of the crime where various body parts are dotted around the River Thames and a copycat killer could be on the loose. Great storyline if a little (ok, very) gory.
It's a very descriptive and graphic novel and so, not for the faint hearted, but if you love this kind of thing, you will really enjoy this book as it's very well written with complex characters and lots going on.
I also listened to the audio version of the book and can say that the narrator Davine Henry is a fantastic narrator and did a really good job on this book, keeping it flowing along nicely. I'd definitely like to see this narrator working on any future books in this series.
Thanks to HQ and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

This was a great thriller with a fantastic plot that you can get lost in. I will definitely be looking out for more from this author

Absolutely loved this book. brilliant characterisation, excellent plotting. Totally addictive .
It was particularly satisfying to read about a woman detective of colour and I felt that area of London came to life for me.
Thrilling, gruesome, and chilling

As hard as I tried I just couldn’t get into the generic crime drama. I couldn’t understand if I had missed the first novel but just couldn’t get through it sorru

I really enjoyed the concept of this book - not one but two serial killers on the loose!
However, I struggled to get through it due to how unlikable the main character is.
DI Anjelica Henley is totally selfish and self absorbed... everything is about her. She treats her husband like rubbish and her baby daighter like she is an inconvienience.
I wish some of the other characters had been given more page time!
Thanks to NetGalley for an AVC in return for an honest review :-)

Wow what a book! I literally stayed up until 1am to finish it I just couldn’t put it down. I found the first 25% hard going as it felt like no matter how much I was reading I was making no progress. Then the book flew and I couldn’t stop. This is a fantastic police detective thriller with a lot of action and gore. If you get squeamish I definitely don’t recommend this book as there was times I felt my stomach turn and I had to pause. I loved the characters and that ending! I need book 2 like now!

Unfortunately I have tried multiple times to complete this book but have just not been able to get into it. I dont think there is a particular reason, it's just not for me.

Content warnings: dementia, PTSD, murder.
This book is based around a serial killer who is leaving body parts in various locations. However, there is an original jigsaw man - Peter Olivier who is serving life in prison. DI Henley and her team lead the investigation, a case that feels extremely familiar for her.
Sadly, I found this book to be slightly long winded. There is a hell of a lot of backstory which at times, is insightful. But, I felt as though at times it dragged out a bit and I feel the story could have been a lot shorter. Despite this, it was a very well written book that has you on the edge of your seat, constantly guessing what could happen next.
The chemistry between the two characters was something I really enjoyed. and was a great side story. They are completely different people who surprisingly have a lot in common.
Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for a copy of this in exchange for an honest review!