Member Reviews

It's the first book I read by this author and won't surely be the last.
I liked these three novellas and their characters.
A heartwarming, festive and enjoyable read that I recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

Tea coffee or hot chocolate, or one of each with these three novellas in one book making great reads that can be read in one go. Festive and fun, good characters giving a real Christmas feel. 4 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for this ARC in return for an honest review.

I enjoyed 2 out of the 3 short stories in this book. Perfect quick reads for dark, cosy winter nights! I liked the crossover of characters in each story too.

Three short Christmas stories was just what I needed.
It was a quick read. It put me in the good mood.
3 stars.

3 sweet love stories rolled in to one holiday kickoff package. The short story format is perfect for a quick read and gives you enough information to leave the reader rooting for love.

Dana Volney is a new to me author. This is a book with novella length stories in it that have been previously released. The stories are fun and have a Christmas theme.
I enjoyed reading it with it's well developed characters.
Holiday Hearts will take the pressure off of your holidays when you prop your feet up to read it with your mug of tea.
Great holiday read to take your cares away for a few hours.
Published November 5th 2020 by Canelo Escape
I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.
Another fabulous book. This book had three short stories.
The first one - The December Deal
Under pressure, Lilia Carrigan is wanting to raise money for her dad’s cancer treatment.
Vincent Morgenstern whose wealthy, he has to marry so that he can inherit the company he loves so much.
So, a marriage of convenience solves both their problems. As they both put up a relationship and go through events, holding hands and kisses. It remains to be seen if their December deal will stay professional, or will any real feelings that they have ruin everything??
The second story was - A Heart for the Holidays
Silver Morgenstern, works as an hospital administrator, but she can’t understand why Fisher Tibbs would want to request to be removed from the heart donation list.
She decides that she will convince this person whose a big-hearted charity founder, who has so much to give, that a life is worth the fight.
But what she’s not expecting is that the heart that’s saved just might be her own......
The third story was - December Deception
Henry Hale, whose a high- powered lawyer seems to be dreading his family’s holiday celebrations.
But his co-worker, Lorelai Sullivan, when asked, jumps at the chance to be with Henry at his families events and also to prove that she’s worthy as a partner in the law firm.
So can the seasons magic bring together two workaholic legal eagles for something more than just working together??

I received an advance copy of Holiday Hearts by, Dana Volney. This book has 3 stories in it. The December Deal, A Heart for the Holidays, and December Deceptions. I thought the stories were ok. They were a little boring, though. Others might like them though.

This is a collection of loosely connected holiday novellas with the common theme of deception running through them. They have all been previously released so if you're a long time Dana Volney reader you might want to check if you've read them before. For me, this ARC I got from Netgalley was my first experience with this author.
The December Deal is a modern marriage of convenience story in which some people know how Vincent and Lilia got together, and others they are trying to fool into thinking it's a real love story. Vincent's late father left him an inheritance on the condition that he gets married within a year, supposedly so he wouldn't end up sad and alone. I can never really understand why late fathers assumed that getting hastily married for the money would make you any less likely to end up sad and alone. Lilia needs money to help her ailing parent pay for treatment. She overhears Vincent talking about his predicament, and impulsively offers to be his bride. They agree to stay married for a year, and of course you can guess how it will go. I liked the beginning better than the end, because the strange notions of the late father notwithstanding, they got together rather naturally. But the ending feels a bit abrupt, as they go from virtual strangers to being in love within a few rather superficial conversations, and it's rather sudden for me. I think it would work better in a longer novel format so there'd be more room for romancing and heart-to-heart discussions so the reader could see why they were in love. A darker note in the sweetness is cast by Lilia's father who has pancreatic cancer and everyone I have ever known who had it died within a few months. But Lilia has hope for his survival.
Vincent's sister Silver got just a brief mention in The December Deal but she is the heroine in A Heart for the Holidays. Fisher Tibbs has a dangerous heart condition but he has asked to be removed from the heart transplant list that Silver is supervising. She volunteers in his children's charity, hoping to convince him otherwise. She has had health trouble of her own as she hurt her hand in an accident and lost her ability to do surgery. The deception part here involves Silver not telling Fisher her real name and the reasons for being there. It was an unnecessary complication, as she's not famous and they haven't met personally so he might not have recognized her name. And really he should have asked to see an ID anyway before letting her volunteer with the children. But alas, he does not, and of course the longer it takes the harder it becomes for her to come clean. There is an attraction between them but it's difficult to start a relationship because she operates under the cloud of dishonesty and he lives on the edge due to the constant threat of his own death and a past loss. The ending felt a little rushed here too. I don't want to get into spoiler territory but some of the medical details here seem a little iffy.
My favourite is the last one, December Deception which is the shortest tale but it doesn't feel as rushed because the characters Henry and Lorelei have already known each other for some time (we also met them both in the book about Fisher and Silver), and when their families maneuver them into interacting more privately during the holidays there is already some background for attraction. Despite the title, the deception here is a rather mild kind. Lorelei wants to become a partner in Henry's law firm, and he is hesitant. Nobody actually lies that much, it's just mostly just assumptions and expectations that don't get corrected to everyone's satisfaction. The families were nice and I would have liked to hear more about the reasoning behind some of their decisions that threw Henry and Lorelei together.
To sum up, it's a cute and quick read about characters who make some questionable decisions but all get into the holiday spirit eventually. There is no explicit sex, kisses are as far as it will go. Some of the stories might have been more satisfying in a longer format because the novella length necessarily cuts off some of the getting-to-know-you scenes that let the reader know why these people are in love.
I rated it four because I liked the last story I read best but the others are probably more like three, three and a half for me.