Member Reviews

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me a copy of To Kill a Queen! I was really excited to read this book but I was a little bit disappointed. The plot wasn’t as flushed out as I had wished it had been. Overall, I would read more by this author!

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This was a good story. The writing was done well and I'm curious as to how the series will continue!

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Pros: cool world, some magical elements. Interesting premise, beautiful writing, The things that made it difficult for me to love this book were the relationships and characters. I didn't feel particularly attached to anyone.

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I thought that this one had quite a bit of potential as a good fantasy world, but I just found the writing of the story as a whole to be a bit clumsy. In this story I found all the elements that would make a very good story, it just felt like all of important events from the book had already taken place and now we're just being given an overview of what already happened. Overall, I felt like it had a really interesting premise, the book just fell a little short for me.

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i never ended up downloading this but i picked it up recently, so i figured I'd also review it here!

I did like this one very much but..It lacked something.

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ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for a review

I got really bored not going to lie. This is probably one of the worst books I've read to date and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone

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The synopsis is so vague and instantly peaks your interest and i was thrilled to know i was granted an arc in an exchange for an honest review.
All these opinions are my own.
As much as i loved the idea of this book it fell very flat to me. I think it needs much more editing.
The characters weren’t very likable to me, they felt very typical and i couldn’t connect with them.
The writing wasn’t too bad, I could easily follow but there was some info dumping.
I usually love the romances but this also didn't keep my interests.
I’m really disappointed that this book didn't deliver the way i expected it to.

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I am sorry to say that I DNF'd this book quite early on. I liked the premise of the book -mostly because I actually wrote a very similar story several years ago by pure coincidence- but the writing did not deliver. The characters were too flat to be likeable and there were too many implausible parts, so it was hard to take the story seriously.

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I really tried with this book, I just couldn’t finish it. I felt like there could of been so much more. I tried to read it on 3 different occasions but couldn’t get into it.

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This book felt like a fist book. I don't know that it is one but it has all the classic mistakes that new authors make. It leads me to wonder if it was self published. Give this one a pass.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy in exchange for a review.

My review for this book comes late, as I've been trying to collect my thoughts.

It didn't thrill me to be honest. It was fine, I liked the premise, but a lot of it felt sort of... done before and better? There was a lot of info-dumping and I just didn't connect with any of the characters. Raine's friends seemed kind of terrible, <spoiler> her sister is missing and they basically tell her that her sister sucked and they didn't like her so Raine should get over it. </spoiler>

I couldn't understand why no one seemed to care all that much that Alana disappeared? I can't imagine Meghan Markle disappearing and everyone sort of shrugging and saying "well, we have Kate so it's fine."

The writing was defintiely accessible, which is great, and pretty easy to follow. The world-building definitely could have been built up more, and I would have liked to explore Raine's world a bit more. I also just wasn't interested in Raine and Kirin all that much, which is weird because I love a good romance. I think neither of them interested me, so their relationship didn't either.

All in all, 2 stars for me.

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This book had a great concept, but the execution felt much more like fan fiction than a finished novel. I think this title needs heavy editing, particularly toward the beginning. The main character felt clunky and without much substance.

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I got only to the half of this book, but it didn't spark my interest as much as the premise did. The characters are interesting, but the more into the book I get, I feel like the plot loses its purpose and it makes less and less sense. Sadly I'll be DNFing this.

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I really wanted to like this book, it sounded so interesting, the cover was really appealing and caught my eye. Sadly the story just wasn’t for me, the plot felt all over the place. I couldn't really connect with the characters.
Almost DND'd but finished
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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I generally ignore blurbs, but every now and then, if it's from an author I like, one catches my attention. Sometimes, that's a mistake. I picked up To Kill a Queen mostly for its interesting premise. I will say, the cover and synopsis is interesting, but it's a very long way from making this story any more good..

Mostly, the book would have benefited from several more rounds of developmental editing. There's a host of clever ideas in here, but they're all mixed together in a murky mess, and none of them is properly developed. It's the kind of manuscript an astute agent would see and say, "This has promise. Let's work on it." It's not at a stage where it should have been published to a mass audience.

In addition, the balance of the book was off - too much was withheld from the reader, with the effect of making the action unclear. There's so much potential here for it to be overall flat which is disappointing.

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Unfortunately this book wasn't for me. This book was very confusing and in particular the change of characters inside chapters with no warning was unsettling. Characters could also have been more developped as they seemed a bit flat, with no personnalities and it was sometimes difficult to differentiate them. There was also no logic in character's actions which made the story implausible.

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I really wanted to enjoy this, it had a really interesting premise, unfortunately, the story just wasn’t for me. the plot felt chaotic and there was I had no real empathy for the characters or what was happening. I wanted to really like this, but overall the execution just did not deliver.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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it was alright! loved the premise of the story and the setting was very neat to. the characters took a while to get used to but honestly? i ended up enjoying it a lot. the one thing i have qualm about is the romance. like damn, we still got love triangles?

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While I really enjoyed the premise of this book, I didn't love it as much as I wanted to. The largest issue I had with the book is that it seemed like too many things were just too easy for the characters. Several things happened that felt like they would have been a natural place for there to be drama or tension, but instead, events just kind of resolved on their own. I enjoyed the premise and the characters, but would have liked more depth and more world-building. Overall, nothing about the book really stood out to me - either positively or negatively.

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— thanks to #netgalley and the publisher BooksGoSocial for providing me with the arc of #tokillaqueen in exchange for an honest review.

this book had an interesting premise, i went in expecting a new fantasy world to get sucked in. unfortunately, the story fell very short for me. the plot felt really linear and there was no sufficient material to make me connected to any of the characters or what's happening to them. i was so close to dnf-ing this but i kept going back to give it another chance. i wish i'd loved this, but the execution of the premise did not deliver.

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