Member Reviews

Waiting to Begin by Amanda Prowse has Amanda on her top form! I’m in bits! This just smacks of real life, real issues and believable choices. It’s very sad in the honest analysis of relationships and how our insecurities lie so close to the surface, just waiting to trip us up. Amanda always manages to go deep which brings her characters to life. Bessie’s children clearly live their own lives yet value being part of a loving family with shared history so there are no unrealistically saccharine-sweet “living in mum and dad’s pockets” but, instead, shared joy and/or sorrow in significant events and support where it’s needed. Another thing Amanda does well is to bring hope and positivity to the subject matter of her books in a credible way. The issues don’t suddenly, miraculously disappear but are honestly addressed and clear efforts made to overcome the barriers. She has done this in previous books, dealing with topics like Anorexia, Disability and, in this one, past trauma and the necessity for honesty in relationships. A truly great read. Five stars

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Firstly a big thank you to the publishers for my copy to review on netgalley. I have only read a few of her books but they are all beautifully written.

This is a story of life the good bad and ugly parts . Do we wake up fulfilled at 53 ?

Do we have regrets ? Does our paat haunt us? A story of identity, past secrets ,hopes,dreams and family.

Written in alternate timelines so we learn what happened in her past that’s affecting her present . Emotional and life affirming, this is a great read.

Published 8th June

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Another strong,emotional story from Amanda Prowse. Duel timeline story has some slow parts but well worth reading on as total story is emotion packed and worth it.
Thank you Net Galley, publishers and author for this ARC in exchange for my honest review

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Should one "shameful" mistake change your life forever? In 1984, Bessie Worrall wakes up on her 16th birthday, full of optimism and dreams. Today she gets the exam results that will set her on the path to her high-flying career as an air hostess, tonight her boyfriend will finally make their relationship public. Meanwhile, she has a day of fun and celebration to look forward to with her loving family and best friend Michelle.
Fast forward to 2021, and Bessie Talbot wakes up on her 53rd birthday with her usual feeling of dread. A part-time dinner lady, she lives with husband Mario in their neat little dormer bungalow, her two children having flown the nest.
What happened to 16-year-old Bessie's hopes and dreams? How has she let happiness slip through her fingers? And is it too late to start over?
As the narrative flits back and forward between the two days, a raw and powerful story emerges of a young girl's painful coming-of-age and the mistakes she made that continue to haunt and shape her outwardly perfect life.
This story is so relatable. Bessie is such a sympathetic character, at 16 and at 53, with a sterling cast of supporting characters in the shape of her family and friends. Funny and sad by turn, the narrative sweeps you along Bessie's emotional roller-coaster ride, allowing you to experience all her highs and lows.
I loved the backdrop of the 1980s - the author immerses us in that period with cultural refences ranging from legwarmers to eternal bow china, Cyndi Lauper to Chelsea Girl. Anyone who remembers that era can't fail to be empathetic to Bessie and Michelle! They're brash, bold, loving, loyal, sweary but ultimately very vulnerable.
If Bessie could turn back time, should she go back to 1984 and do things differently? It would mean she could lose her sense of shame, keep Michelle as a friend, maybe fulfil her dreams after all - but what then of Mario and her delightful children, Jake and Natalie?
As the day of her 53rd birthday draws to a close, Bessie realises that not only can she not rewrite her past - she must be careful not to repeat its mistakes if she is finally to begin again.
I think I enjoyed this book so much because Bessie represents so many of us in regretting her choices and bearing over-weighty burdens of guilt. She's someone we can all relate to, and if she can find the courage to move forward, it gives us permission to draw on our own strengths and do the same.

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Waiting To Begin by Amanda Prowse really struck a cord with me. This book really hit me right in the heart. It speaks so eloquently about youth and the profound effect it has on our adult life.

Bess is the main character who made a few mistakes in her youth. It gained her a name and a reputation. Ones that she was not able to forget. Ones she kept hidden from her family and Mario, her husband. Bess had a pretty great relationship with Mario based on true love but built on a secret that she kept hidden from Mario. At the beginning of the book, I didn't have much interest in young Bess. I read it anyway and came to understand the adult Bess in a much better way. You'll have to read the book to see how it all works out. I don't want to ruin it for you but, I know my heart was touched.

If you like family drama, you'll love this new novel from Amanda Prowse! I haven't read a book by her yet that I didn't love. Waiting to Begin is no exception.

I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher and #Netgalley for a fair and honest review. Thank you!

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If I could give this more than 5 stars I would. Easy to follow even though the chapters jump between 1984 and 2021. The storyline follows Bessie a 16 year old school leaver to a 53 year old wife and mum. Her life hadn’t been straightforward but she has tried to bury the bad bits however her marriage started to suffer and she is facing a crossroads. I’ll leave the reader to discover what she does.

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The book begins in 1984, with Bessie & her brother Philip on a journey which is explained later in the book. At 16 Bessie is excited about her life but so many things happen where her life takes an unexpected turn. Another great book fom Amanda Prowse. She writes compelling stories about your life & mine & in this book, how a mistake changes your life for ever. I like Bessie, she could have been me at 16 & with a naivety which all 16 years have. Enjoy reading Bessie's story.

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I would like to extend my gratitude to the author, #NetGalley and the publisher for sending me this advanced reader’s copy in exchange for a frank, fair and honest review.

1984. Bessie is a confident sixteen-year-old girl with the world at her feet, dreaming of what life will bring and what she will bring to this life. Then everything comes crashing down. Her bright and trusting smile is lost, banished by shame—and a secret she will carry with her for the rest of her life.

2021. The last thirty-seven years have not been easy for Bess. At fifty-three she is visibly weary, and her marriage to Mario is in tatters. Watching her son in newlywed bliss—the hope, the trust, the joy—Bess knows it is time to face her own demons and try to save her relationship. But she will have to throw off the burden of shame if she is to honour that sixteen-year-old girl whose dreams lie frozen in time.

I have read so many of Prowse’s books that I had just as high hopes for this one. Unfortunately, I feel like the title of the book describes this better than I ever could. I was waiting for something remarkable happening and I finished it still waiting unfortunately. I found the plot really boring and found the main character Bess to be unlikeable. I feel terrible for writing such a harsh review, but it is fair, frank, and honest in my opinion.

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The high price of keeping secrets is explored in the dramatic story of one girls decisions as a teenager. The implications of that secret affects several members of her family for many years. Amanda Prowse successfully delivers another touching and thought provoking book.

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Another good read from Amanda Prowse. Bessie is in her early 50s. When she was 16 she had big dreams of what her life was going to be like. But something happened to her back then that changed everything, and she has lived with the guilt and shame ever since. Now her marriage is falling apart,. Can Bessie finally talk about what happened and come to terms with it? A lovely story with some great characters. Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

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I was given a copy of waiting to begin by Amanda Prowse by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I have read of books by Amanda Prowse so wanted to read this one. The book is based around Bessie, on her 16th birthday in 1984 and then again in 2021 when she is 54. As a confident 16 year old collecting her exam results events which happen on that day stay with Bessie for the rest of her life. In 2021 Bessie must finally face what happened on that day. A lovely story, well written.

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Flitting between 16 year old Bessie and 53 year old Bess this is a lovely book. I really enjoyed the storyline and it was very easy to follow. The characters were well written and it just shows that a simple mistake can define your whole life!

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Amanda Prowse is an international bestselling author of twenty-seven novels published in dozens of languages. And each one of these books is a gem for readers who love to curl up with a story that promises laughter, tears, love and understanding.

“Waiting to Begin” has a clever format, that could be a gimmick, but instead works wonderfully to create a compelling story. We meet Bess on her 16th birthday. A day that her sweet family celebrates in their usual folksy way. Sixteen is always a special birthday, but today is also the day that Beth will receive her O Level exam results. This means she will be able to move forward with her dream of becoming an air hostess. And she has a special boyfriend, and she anticipates celebrating with him. But, by midnight of her birthday, her entire world has crashed down.

We also see Bess on her 53rd birthday. And the story alternates between these two timelines. While still celebrated in the usual way with her parents and family, this 53rd birthday marks another 24 hours for Bess of a life upended. For too many years she has been mired in shame. Will this birthday also end in devastation?

I was quite moved with this story, even though I did not like Bess and could not really relate to her. And this shows what a gifted writer Ms. Prowse is- because I did believe in the story itself and the power of love and light to win. I couldn’t stop reading this book and Bess’s story has continued to occupy my thoughts. Highly recommend.

Thanks to NetGalley and Rachel’s Random Resources for an advance review copy. This is my honest review.

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The concept of ‘Women’s fiction’ has always been a bit of a mystery to me, and this book didn’t do much to clear it up. Can women not cope with excitement, long sentences, sparky characters or complicated plot? I find it rather insulting - sorry! The central character, Bess, is shown in alternating chapters on her 16th and 53rd birthdays, and serves to illustrate how mistakes in early life can alter the course of adulthood. Bess wasn’t particularly likeable and the story was pretty bland overall. I’m perfectly prepared to accept that other readers will enjoy this predictable, unexciting writing and I wish the author well, but women’s fiction isn’t for me and I found its categorisation as also ‘literary fiction’ (which drew me to it in the first place) stretched the truth somewhat.

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Thanks to Netgalley et all for the opportunity to read this book. I found it an okay read, I found that it was too predictable & slow moving The plot was ok but not overly memorable & it didn't grab my attention. I've read books by this author before, but I found that this wasn't up to her usual standards as it felt rushed.

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Really enjoyed this book yet another great read from Amanda Prowse. I enjoyed both story's from either timeline and will continue to follow Amanda and her books.

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Waiting To Begin is the story of a woman, Bessie, but told on two simultaneous days, her birthday, but thirty-seven years apart.
At sixteen, Bess thinks she has it all. Her results are out today, her future is all but planned out, she just needs those results to get where she wants. Bess's family is your usual type, a caring, but an annoying set of parents and an older brother who is just - urgh! She's got a tentative boyfriend and dreams of their life together
Thirty-seven years later, Bess is content. Well, on the surface, anyway. Nothing quite panned out how she hoped, but she's not unhappy with her life. A doting husband, two great kids, one of them married, their own home. But, there are still gaping holes in her life. There are still secrets that are eating away at her, affecting everything she does, though no one else knows.
Not wanting to give the story away, I will comment on the essence.
Decisions we make, flippantly, can have huge effects on our life. The need to be keeping up with the rest of the world can eat away at you, making you do things you might not have, otherwise.
My heart filled with pity for teenage Bess. I wanted to scoop her up into a hug, and tell her everything will be okay. I will admit to wanting to physically harm a certain young man, too,
The same sorrow was felt for older Bess, who is sifting through her life decisions, not sure whether to rock the boat, but finding herself in a situation where she has no choice.
An emotional story that will definitely tug, hard, at your heartstrings.
When Waiting To Begin flashed up as another new book to come, by Amanda Prowse, I jumped at the chance to read, because she is my all-time favourite author.
Her stories never fail to touch the heart, and the way she tells them leaves you emotional for a long time to come,
Many thanks to NetGalley, Amazon Publishing and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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16 year old Bessie is confident that her dreams will come true, but what happens when reality crashes down?

Years later, Bess is at a crossroads in her life. Will Bess finally realize that she must come to terms with her past to move forward?

Waiting to Begin followed along a similar path to other novels written by this author. Family relationships and conflicts were the main premise to this book, with characters that were not all that likable. I could not get into the story, especially because of the lack of character development and unrealistic plot. Considering all that Bess went through as a teen, you would think that her best friend would have heard the story as it floated around school. Overall, I found the story to be predictable and the ending to be inevitable. For these reasons, I would be hesitant to recommend Waiting to Begin to other readers.

Disclaimer: I was given an Advanced Reader's Copy of Waiting to Begin from NetGalley and the publisher, Lake Union Publishing. The choice to review this novel was entirely my own.

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Oh where do I begin to tell of how a book can touch you in a good way so very much? Bessie- 1984 and present day. In 1984 she got her exam results on her sixteenth birthday and realised her head had been elsewhere. Her dreams of becoming an air hostess had flown away when she met Lawrence. Present day and Bessie works in school dinners, her two grown up children having flown the nest and her husband Mario pretty much taking her for granted so she feels they should talk and events of the past coming back to haunt her through one thing and another feel they should have a heart to heart and tell him her secret. This is a read that drew me in- I liked Bessie- there was just that something about her- she was doing her best for all around her and had forgotten the most important one- herself. Whilst her children are just beginning on their dreams she is stuck in a world of “ is this it?” Maybe something we have all thought at one point and then realised the only person who can change this is ourselves. I can’t say how much this book touched and moved me. There's nothing in it about my own life but boy did it hit home- in a very good way. Of how keeping secrets can eat away at you without you realising and when released they can be a volcano- one you aren’t sure if it’s going to erupt or just bubble and bubble until the secret is shared, and halved and wise words can put things into perspective. Of being truthful not only to yourself but to those that matter. Of being kind to yourself step by step. Of living life and carpe diem. Loved this doesn’t cover it. 10* if I could.

(rest of links as part of blog tour)

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I was engaged and frustrated in equal measure.

The dowdy nature of Bess’s lifestyle, her rusty car, shoestring life felt cliched- the compared the friend who has it all.... no one is middle of the road. Added to which I get frustrated by those who never say what they mean/want and swallow the important things.

However I do think Amanda is an excellent story teller and these things aside the actual writing and draft of the tale was great - I was really engaged with the story. And shed a tear for MJ.

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