Member Reviews

Wow! I absolutely devoured this book. I couldn't put it down. I think many of us of a certain age will be able to emphasise with Bessie as a teen and the adult Bessie still reeling from bad life choices. I cried a lot!

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Waiting to Begin
Amanda Prowse
Publication date 6-8-21

This is a beautifully written story about secrets, forgiveness and letting go. This story is told through Bessie’s point of view from 1984 and present day. Bessie is struggling as a teen in 1984, because of her choices her dream of attending university is shattered. Fast forward to present day Bessie is unhappy- she is married and has two adult children she seems to be stuck in the past and always waiting for something. When she delves into her past mistakes she realizes that instead of waiting for a good life she needs to embrace and let her secrets free and then maybe she will be happy. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more of Amanda Prowse’s books as they always stay with me.

Sending a sincere thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of Waiting to Begin for my honest review! Can’t wait to see what comes next!!

Review posted on my Instagram blog


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Another fabulous read from Ms Prowse! I loved being transported back to 1984 and found it brought back so much nostalgia for me. Jeannie and Eddie were so like my best friends parents at this time. A beautiful story throughout.

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I write this as tears are streaming down my face. Wow.. is all I can say. This book has all the emotions putting you on a roller coaster ride. The highs and lows.
Such a fantastic read.. more than 5 stars..
This is going to stay on my mind for awhile. Book hangover in all the best ways

Thanks to the Author, the publisher and NetGalley for an early release of this book.

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Another storming brilliant book from Amanda. She has this gift of storytelling that you are hooked from the first page that keeps you awake at night because you want to know more. The characters do not leave you. This story was no different. Very very moving that will have you in tears as well as joy. This is the story of Bess who made choices when she was young, through no fault of her own, the characters that she surrounded her life with and the effect of those choices that she has carried through her life. Thoroughly recommend. It's a great book

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Oh my goodness, Amanda certainly knows how to pull you in! Waiting to Begin is a story told in two timelines - 1984 and 2021 - of a young woman's life and her life now. I really felt as though a was Bess' sister, travelling on the journey with her. Fingers crossed there's a sequel........

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WOW!! I was only going to read one chapter before bed and ended up reading the whole book.

The story alternates between 1984 and 2021.

In 1984 we meet sixteen year old Bessie ‘A big girl with big dreams” she has her future all planned out and wants to become an air hostess. She is best friends with Michelle and they are inseparable. Bessie has an exciting secret that she hasn’t told Michelle about Laurence, but sadly Michelle also likes him!!

Bessie goes to get her exam results and she is in for a disappointment that will ruin the rest of her birthday. The day gets worse as later at the rugby club she is told some home truths and realises her secret was not so secret!!

We meet Bessie again in the present time, she is married to Mario and they have two grown up children. It’s Bessie’s birthday but she is not happy with her life and has been thinking about when she was young and had ambition and hope.

I loved this book!! You get to see how the past has shaped how Bessie is now. She has been Keeping a secret from her family that has always haunted her, but she needs to face those demons before she can enjoy living life again.

A beautifully written book that had me enthralled.

A MUST read!! I would have have given it much more than 5 stars.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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Another exquisite tale from Amanda Drowse, one of my favourite authors. I really felt for Bess throughout. Difficult to put down- read in one sitting! Would highly recommend.

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I usually love all of Amanda Prowse's novels but this one was disappointing for me. There are two timelines here concerning Bessie the main character and her family which are 1984 and the present. There isn't much happening. Bessie and her best friend in 1984 both like the same boy but Bessie is keeping a secret from her best friend. In both timelines it is Bessie's birthday to which she isn't very enthused at her Birthday gifts.

In the 1984 time line Bessie is disappointed because she discovers that out of 362 people in her class she comes in at 361 (2nd lowest in her class). Her dreams are dashed at becoming an airline hostess and on her way to a dance she learns that her boyfriend has announced that they have had sex to another boy when they had made a pact to each other to tell nobody. This complicates the fact that she had rehearsed a speech to break it to her best friend that her relationship with the boy they both like is not going to turn out as Bessie had hoped.

In the present day it is also Bessie's birthday but she is married to someone else where the doldrums of marriage has set in. She is now in her fifties and has a son and a daughter. She is feeling underwhelmed by her husband's remembering her birthday by his lack of a card. She calls him at work and he surprises her by coming home and he discloses a long ago disappointment that happened that he feels that he didn't get his needs met.

Usually I love Amanda Prowse novels but this one I felt I am in the minority compared to other reviewer's here on Good Read's. This one seemed superficial and less compelling in both the plot and characterization's. This surprises me that I don't feel like this one is very relatable to me.

Publication Date: June 8, 2021

Thank you to Net Galley, Amanda Prowse and Lake Union Publishing for providing me with my Arc in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

#WaitingtoBegin #AmandaProwse #LakeUnionPublishing #NetGalley

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A fabulous novel again by Amanda Prowse. Bessie has been happily married for over 25 years and with two lovely children her life should have been perfect, but she has carried a secret for over thirty years and when she suddenly starts having problems in her relationship she realises she must finally reveal her past before it destroys her life forever, Beautifully and sensitively written with characters you can warm to instantly and a beautiful emotional story , and I shed tears of joy at the ending. Read in in a day it was so good definitely a 5 ⭐read

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Every woman who has wondered if she was good enough will be moved by Bess's story. This story touched my heart and I could relate to Bess in so many ways. On the day of her 16th birthday Bess's life changed forever. On her 53rd birthday, she is reflecting on the path her life took and the weight of secrets she's kept for over thirty years. From the youthful hopes at age 16 to her weary examination of life's disappointing moments, Amanda Prowse writes with tender insight about the relationships a woman has with her mother, children, friends and spouse. This one is a must read, but be sure to have a box of tissues nearby.

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Another amazing book from Amanda Prowse. Such a rollercoaster of emotions. This story centers around Bess. With flashbacks to the younger Bess in the 80's and back to her current life as a middle aged woman. I see a bit of myself in Bess, maybe all women do. One decision can change so much. I think that's why I love these books so much because they always seem to relate to me. You will need your tissues.

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I found the first half of this book frankly tedious. It was worth persevering, though, as the second half was better. Still a little predictable, but a good tale all the same. A lesson in why not to let the past affect the present too much. Most of the action cleverly takes place on 2 specific days, neither of which pans out as hoped or expected.

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Oh my goodness, what an emotional and compelling story! From the first few pages I was utterly hooked. Amanda always manages to touch my heart with her characters and their situations, and this book was no different. I found myself willing on Bessie, to find her happiness again and to live the life she so craved .
It’s was beautifully written and I loved reading every page 💗

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Found this book a real slow burner, have always loved Amanda prowse but feel on some of her last few books that she's losing her edge, maybe due to so many books being released. I did enjoy it but just didn't live it.

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This is such a great read filled with heartbreak and betrayal and loss in a few different ways. Bess learns at sixteen not to trust people and loses the one person she has known from an early age and there are parts of Bess in all of us, again Amanda has written the type of book that is impossible to leave down.

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Thanks verbally for allowing me to read This book Bess had an incident in her life that happened when she was sixteen that shaped her life. I enjoyed the different characters in this book.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amanda Prowse. waiting to begin

Oh my word Amanda Prowse you have created yet another amazing masterpiece in your latest book waiting to begin. I have had to wait a day or two before writing my review as it has left me with a book hangover and has filled a place in my thoughts. I can’t stop thinking about it even now . I couldn’t put it down once I had started reading it and devoured it in a day. I was so excited to find I had been approved by #NetGalley as I love all your books.

Waiting to begin is a beautiful yet heart wrenching in places story of the human condition and emotions and unconditional love and is split into two parts the then and the now and contrasts Bessies experiences over her birthday when she was 16 and a few decades later on the day of her 53rd birthday. It made me laugh and cry at various intervals and also brought back lots of nostalgia and memories of the 1980s as I was reading. Amanda has a brilliant way of capturing the experiences faced in life and turning them into highly relatable and sensitive stories that many readers can relate to.

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What a brilliant read which is set in two different periods in time and centers around Bessie as a sixteen-year-old with hopes and dreams and Bessie in her 50's wondering where the time has gone and what happened to her dreams. The young Bessie makes a terrible mistake when her judgment is clouded by her attraction to the boy they all want to know and be with. Why did he choose Bessie she is ordinary and there are prettier girls around. She soon comes to realise why he chose her but why did he lie to her and make her look so bad in the eyes of her peers. The older Bessie is stuck in a bit of a rut and although she has a husband and two grown-up children she still thinks there's something missing in her drab life. Amanda Prowse is a master storyteller and her books drag you in and keep you hooked to the very last page. I absolutely loved this book and I can't recommend it highly enough.

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I do love Amanda Prowse books and can never put them down. This was no different. I loved it and was captivated from the beginning reading it in record time. Love and friendship together made this book a must read. Moving from the present day to the mid 80s was beautifully executed each era with its own idiosyncracies. I felt so sorry for Bessie and happy for her in equal measure, This is my favourite Amanda Prowse book. It kept me gripped to the very last sentence and how I smiled to myself when I read it. Brilliant.

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