Member Reviews

This book was sent to me On Kindle by Netgalley free for a review. I could not get into this story but others might like it as it is a quick read.

EXCERPT: I'm running out of time . . . I will never have the job of my dreams and take to the air like lucky Daniel . . . Gone is the prospect of great sex with someone who is yet to discover me and who will in turn help me discover myself . . . I'm running out of time to make amends . . . And with each year my kids slip further from my reach . . . falling into the arms of their life partners who they put before me and I know that's how it should be, but I find it hard to be happy about it . . . because it leaves Mario and me on our own.
ABOUT 'WAITING TO BEGIN': 1984. Bessie is a confident sixteen-year-old girl with the world at her feet, dreaming of what life will bring and what she’ll bring to this life. Then everything comes crashing down. Her bright and trusting smile is lost, banished by shame—and a secret she’ll carry with her for the rest of her life.
2021. The last thirty-seven years have not been easy for Bess. At fifty-three she is visibly weary, and her marriage to Mario is in tatters. Watching her son in newlywed bliss—the hope, the trust, the joy—Bess knows it is time to face her own demons, and try to save her relationship. But she’ll have to throw off the burden of shame if she is to honour that sixteen-year-old girl whose dreams lie frozen in time.
Can Bess face her past, finally come clean to Mario, and claim the love she has longed to fully experience all these years?
MY THOUGHTS: Whenever I finish a book by Amanda Prowse, I am emotionally bruised, battered and totally wrung out. Waiting to Begin was no exception.
This is a story of actions and consequences, something few teenagers think about. Bessie is one of those teenagers who let her hormones rule her brain. As a result her life becomes a trainwreck.
Fast forward to 2021 and Bess is suffering empty nest syndrome. On top of that she feels that her marriage to Mario has become stale. Things she used to think were cute, now drive her insane. They aren't close anymore, the loving communication and meaningful discussions, along with affectionate gestures have disappeared. She is at that stage of her life when she wonders, 'is this all there is?' She wants to be loved, adored; she wants to feel special, to feel that glimmer of attraction, a frisson of excitement. She wants to feel alive instead of tired and worn out by the repetitiveness of her life.
I didn't always like Bess, but I have to admit that I could see parts of myself in her at various stages of her life, which gave me food for thought, a reality check.
Prowse takes things that most of us feel at one time or another, combines them with relatable and realistic characters, and weaves a story that both compels and captivates. Tissues mandatory.
#WaitingtoBegin #NetGalley
I: @mrsamandaprowse #lakeunionpublishing
T: @MrsAmandaProwse #LakeUnionPublishing
#fivestarread #contemporaryfiction #familydrama #sliceoflife
THE AUTHOR: Amanda Prowse was a management consultant for ten years before realising that she was born to write. Amanda lives in the West Country with her husband and their two teenage sons.
DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Lake Union Publishing via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of Waiting to Begin by Amanda Prowse for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.
For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the about page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com
This review and others are also published on Twitter, Amazon, Instagram and my webpage

Do you know what I love about novels written by Amanda Prowse? They are always so spot-on raw and realistic topics that are easily relatable. I often find myself saying “Yes! I know exactly how you feel!”, or feeling baffled to know that some similar feelings I may have been having weren’t in fact “normal”. It is so comforting and easy to read about real life people experiencing real life problems and told so straightforward and honest. I love flying through the pages easily, devouring every word, wanting to see what happens next, and I love feeling connected to the characters. Switching from the younger Bess to the older Bess helped us understand why she is the way she is and how she got there, as she moves from life event, stage, and obstacle to the next one. I felt a myriad of emotions and I continued to think about it even after I finished it. It was absolutely captivating and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Another beautifully written book by Amanda Prowse.
This is the story of Bessie who in 1984 was a sixteen year old with ambitions of becoming an air hostess and travelling the world.
Fast forward to 2021 Bessies life wasn’t what she wished for and hasn’t been easy but can she now make changes.
Amanda as always captures the characters so wonderfully they come to life on the page and become your best friend. Not always living in a perfect world with a perfect life you can relate and fall in love with them so easily.
Loved it.
Five stars

Another beautiful book by Amanda Prowse that I am sure every woman who was once a teenager with big dreams, a first boyfriend ambitions of a future as an air hostess will be able to relate to.
The book starts with Bessie in 1984 a 16 year old girl, secretly in love with a popular boy, her birthday, exam results due that day, and a brilliant best friend Michelle who is almost like a sister.
We then change timelines to her birthday again in 2021 when Bessie is in a stale marriage with Mario, has 2 grown up children and feels as if she is still, at 53, waiting for her life to finally begin.
There were moments in the book when I was sure Amanda was writing my life story, and it resonated with me enough to have me break down in tears at one point and sob for "that boy" who broke my heart when I was a teenager and I thought I was in love.
I don't want to give the story away, so I cannot say much more, but please remember to have tissues and tea handy because this book will keep you reading for hours, and make you remember your youth too, with hints of sadness, laughter and rubbish 1980's music too!

My rating:
Plot: 3 out of 5 stars
Writing: 4 out of 5 stars
Character development: 3 out of 5 stars
Overall: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Recommended for readers of:
Women’s Fiction
General Fiction
This is a well written book. It’s told over a dual time line set in 1884 and 2021. The plot gives an inside as to how a trauma and ssecret from the past can hunt you for the rest of your life and even damage relationships with loved ones in the present. It’s only when things start to fall apart in her life that the main character Bess starts to realize this. When she does find the courage and strength to face her problems things finally start to improve for her. The story and de concept of the subject of the plot were fascinating. Most of characters were interesting I found the personality Bess a bit flat and hard to connect with. This made the book less captivating for me.
This is an interesting well written book. That deals with trauma, the cost of having secrets, depression and finding the strength to change. The characters are interesting but I found the main character a bit two dimensional and hard to relate to. This made the plot a bit slow at times but overall this is still an interesting book to read.

This dual-timeline story follows Bessie as her 16-year-old self, and then 37 years later. Something happened to Bessie in 1984, and now, in the present day, it’s time to come to terms with the secrets she’s been keeping.
This was a story filled with emotion and beautiful writing. Prowse has created a wonderful story that shows amazing character growth for the MC. I really enjoyed the supporting characters throughout this story. She has strong relationships with many people, including her gay son, who is a newlywed. She and her daughter seem to have a slightly more strained relationship, but it’s still a good one, and I enjoy reading about it.
This story really focuses on the marriage relationship between Bess and her husband. Bess’s secret is straining their marriage, and it’s up to Bess to come clean to move forward and repair their relationship. I really enjoyed this part of the story. I flew through the pages, and I couldn’t wait to see how it ended!

Amanda Prowse, what a journey you took me on. All the nostalgia of the 80s era came flooding back and as much as I was crying for Bessie, I think I was also crying for my younger self.
This story is set in the 1980s and the present day and both eras kept me equally enthralled.
In 1984 Bessie is a self-assured, extremely bright teenager with everything to look forward to. However, when life throws her a curve ball, she is faced with a choice which will haunt her for the rest of her life.
In 2021, Bessie is 53, her son has just got married but instead of embracing this new chapter of her life she feels as though everything is falling apart. Can she forgive her 16-year-old self and in doing so not only save her marriage but realise her potential?
This author never minces her words, she never apologises for her character’s flaws. However, what she does do in spades is write an intelligent, honest, heart wrenching but always sympathetic account of the frailties of human nature.
I loved every single minute I spent with Bessie and her family. Thank you, Amanda, in these uncertain times your books are keeping me sane.

This was the first Amanda Prowse book that I have ever read, but it will not be my last. I really enjoyed her style of writing. I read that she is the 'queen of family drama' and based on this book I don't have any trouble believing that.
This is the story of Bessie. It jumps between her 16th birthday in 1984 and her 53rd birthday in 2021. Her 16th birthday was not a good day. Stuff happened that changed the whole course of her life and so many years later Bessie has still not recovered fully, suffering having kept secrets for soe many years and generally pretty unhappy about her life it seems. Can she turn things around and find happiness again?
To be honest I didn't really love Bessie or how she handled set backs, but the story was still good, the writing great and I especially loved Bessie's dad. He was real special!
I would like to thank Amanda Prowse, Amazon Publishing UK and NetGalley for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Wow. Yet another amazing book from Amanda Prowse. The first pages will definitely have you hooked. Amanda knows how to create amazing characters which will have you falling in love with them and their story. With all of Amanda’s work, it will leave you crying big tears but also warm your heart. The structure of the book leaves you with enough suspense to keep you reading until you finish. Recommended to everyone who enjoys family drama, a life time of secrets and a compelling read.

Like all of Amanda Prowse books this one will leave you with some very big ugly tears. That is just the way she writes. Emotional and realistic. Happy and still tearjerkers.
This is a story for the heart. It's about two timeframes. About two young girls. A marriage. A love story that will keep you wondering where exactly it's heading. Maybe. It starts out with a train ride in 1984 and ends with hope in 2021.
My very favorite quote from this book is: 'Phillip.' Her voice was tiny. 'I am really, really scared.' Again he sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. 'Don't be. It's only a storm and I'm right here.'
Then there is this one: 'I think you've been waiting to start over, Bess, waiting to begin...'
This book is so good. The characters are great. I liked every one except the boy, Lawrence. But then again he was young too. Young and very stupid. So maybe you have to forgive him. Maybe you have to say he was a kid who really messed up. It's hard to say that though when you read this story. When you read what he did you will not like him at all. Nope, I didn't like Lawrence one tiny bit.
Bess and Mario have been married and happy for quite a few years. They have their ups and downs but they seem to be in it for the long haul. No matter what. Except for maybe that one tiny secret that might break them. I rooted for them. I wanted them to make it so bad. I thought they were perfect for each other. I really hoped they would make it....
Bessie and Michelle were best friends back in 1984. Had been for a while. They did everything together. Even dressed alike. Called each their very best friend for ever ever. What could come between them. You think it was a boy but I say it was much more than that. A whole lot more that they didn't share when it needed to be shared. It was Bessie's birthday and the worst day of her young life. Could it have been any worse?
This story really makes you stop and look at things that you might not even think about. Is your marriage strong enough. Have you grown apart in any way. Can you weather any storm. As long as you are together and have no secrets I believe you can. I believe in love everlasting. Love of a lifetime. Forever and ever. It happens to a lot of us.
I throughly enjoyed reading this book. Even she tears clung to my eyelashes and it was hard to see the words I wanted more. I wanted to know what was going to happen next. Would they make it or not. Would they remain friends. Can they endure. And the ending was total perfection in my humble opinion. Total perfection.
Thank you to #netgalley, #amandaprowse, #lakeunionpublishing, #amazonpublishinguk for this ARC. This is my own true feelings about this book.
5/5 stars and a huge recommendations. Have tissues handy when reading though.

Lake Union publishes a wide range of women's fiction, from light romance to easy book club fiction. Some titles I love (eg: 'When We Believed in Mermaids') and some turn out to be way too light/ superficial (in my opinion) for me. I only choose to read those that I think I will enjoy, of course. 'Waiting to Begin' is not one of them, it turns out. By Chapter 12, for me it was still waiting to begin! I found the style of writing, the absence of character and plot depth, too superficial and I fear, a waste of time. So I gave up. Reading tastes are very subjective, and of course other readers will love it. I simply chose the wrong book for me. Whether that is an issue for the book description or a sign that I didn't read it and other reviews carefully enough before adding it to my 'to read' pile, I don't know.

I have been anticipating being able to read this book, ever since I knew that I had been honoured to be able to review it for you. You could say that I have been ‘waiting to begin’ it. Such is my admiration for Amanda Prowse and her writing, that I have goosebumps all down my arms, in anticipation of starting what I know will be another fantastic first class read.
The prologue provides an ingenious step back in time and tells us about Bessie’s train journey in 1984. The language in this prologue is thick and heavy, cleverly mirroring the atmosphere in the train carriage. If I close my eyes I am instantly transported to that train carriage and I can see Philip’s adam’s apple rising.
The author does a wonderful job of portraying what it was like to be 16 years old, in 1984, with all those pending thoughts of imminent adulthood about to become a reality. The descriptions of the interior of a 1980’s house also rang very true. I think this will finally force me come to the terms with the fact that the 1980’s really were quite a long time ago, as opposed to feeling like yesterday, and things genuinely were tangibly different then! Further to my 1980’s reality check, I also liked the way the reader was able to compare being 16, to the art of being a teenager nowadays, when children seem to grow up so much more slowly. I don’t think many of today’s 16 year old alumni would either think about leaving home, or consider themselves an adult.
This book is poignant, yet funny at times, especially, in my opinion for the 80s teenager. One of the funniest moments for me was when Bessie’s dear Dad threw a glass of orange squash over her head in order to extinguish her hair fire. ‘Only in the 80s’.
It’s safe to say that I loved this book – I loved so much about it: the reason why Bess likes yellow roses, the love that Mario has for Bess, Philip’s loyalty, Bess’s relationship with her parents and her relationship with her children, the way the characters developed, the way Bess gave her relationship with Dan a second chance. MI loved the way the story switched seamlessly between the 1989s and the present day…..and more – so much more, but you will have to read the book for yourself to see what you love about it. Let Ananda Prowse into your life as one of your favourite authors too.
It’s safe to say that while I was reading this book, it felt like the only thing that mattered and whilst I wanted to know what happened in the end, I was also sad to have finished it.
In summary, I absolutely loved this superlative book and it further cemented my reasons for loving what this author produces. She somehow writes an amazing, interesting novel, every time, only for it to be surpassed by the next book.
Thank you

Amanda Prowse always writes stories that really draw you in. I very much enjoyed the structure of this book as it went back in time to explore why the main character was suffering so much. A story which was believable, emotional and enjoyable. Thank you.

A story about Bessie told in a split timeline between when she is 16 and then at 53. Bessie has let her past youthful mistakes hold her back. Seeing her gay son ,recently married and so happy, has made her realize that she needs to change and let go of some things. I am a big Amanda Prowse fan and this book was so enjoyable.

Amanda Prowse did it again!
An amazing story about family, friendship, love, secrets and difficult choices. Beautifully written, it keeps you engaged from start to end. My favourite characters were Bessie's parents, I think that secondary great characters as these make all the difference to a book.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.
I loved the book. I have always enjoyed Amanda Prowse's book.
I am a mystery book lover but Amanda Prowse's books have always got my attention and I have always enjoyed her books.
The Story keeps going back to Bess's childhood and her as an adult. I liked the way she has written it. I would say it was no less than a suspense genre book. There were twists. There were surprises.
I can relate to Bess's story in many ways. her childhood trauma. The way it affected her adult life.
I enjoyed the book and will recommend this book to everyone.

Amanda does it again with a book that has characters that are so believable. Bessie is the main character who tells the story of her life in 1984 as she turns 16 and takes her exams and also 2021 as a wife and mother. You feel for her as she struggles with her feelings as she experiences sex for the first time. Bessie thinks her life is just beginning with dreams of becoming a air hostess travelling the world and begin the girlfriend of Lawrence. In one horrible day her whole world turns upside down. After failing her exams she then goes to a party at the rugby club to find Lawrence in the arms of her best friend Michelle. Bessie’s life is never to be the same again as a huge secret eats away at her for many years to come.

I will leave a review on Amazon or B&N on June 8th
Amanda Prowse is a new author for me, and although this isn't one of my favorite types of reads overall I found the book to be very well written. For me jumping back and forward in a storyline, is not the way I enjoy reading a book. Having said that this book touches on so many different issues, that teenagers may had to deal with in the course of growing up. How they deal with those issues, only time can tell. I would recommend this book to others to read.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher Lake Union Publishing, and am under no obligation to leave a favorable review, all opinions expressed here are my own.

This latest Amanda Prowse novel is exactly what you would expect it to be. An amazing story of women, mothers, and what they will do for their children. It was an immense joy to read!!!!!!!! I highly recommend this book to all.