Member Reviews

I honestly loved this however i did prefer book 1 - think the characters and plot was very good and well written
I love anything by sara holland she is my go to author

I thoroughly enjoyed Havenfall (I even did a quick reread in preparation) so I was excited to get an arc for Phoenix Flame.
Phoenix Flame is fast paced and action packed from the start, it immediately picks up where book 1 left off, I don’t want to give away any spoilers but it’s a ride until the end.
I know it’s only supposed to be a duology but I’m hoping/expecting more. The pace of the book left a few plot holes and unresolved storylines by the end so it will be disappointing if they aren’t cleared up with another book.
Overall a really good, underhyped duology that deserves way may praise than it gets. I would definitely recommend!
3.5 stars
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I liked this second mook in this series. It was a good follow up with engaging writing and characters.
Thanks a lot to NG and the publisher for this copy.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of Phoenix Flame by Sara Holland.
I was really happy to be accepted for an ARC of this book as I read Havenfall last year and enjoyed it! I also re-read Havenfall this week in preparation to reading this one!
I've been on a long train journey today and I've sat and read Phoenix Flame cover to cover. It wasn't that long, which was a shame as the first book was also quite short. I would of loved a bit more to read, but on the other hand I did also appreciate the fast pace of the story and maybe it would have been too 'filler' if more was added in between the main plot points.
I enjoyed Phoenix Flame, but I don't think I enjoyed it quite as much as Havenfall. That's not to say it wasn't good, because it was an enjoyable and easy read, but I don't think the story really elevated as well as it could have.
I was able to predict almost everything that was going to happen, and the plot twists just made for me rolling my eyes a bit because I desperately wanted to be proven wrong.
I also feel like the characters could of had some more substantial development. Havenfall's timeline is only set over a few days, and the characters all have some growth, whereas Phoenix Flame's timeline spans over the rest of the summer (10/11 weeks?) and I feel like they don't grow like I wanted them to as a reader.
Overall, Phoenix Flame, much like Havenfall, was a simple and easy read. It wasn't bad, but it isn't groundbreaking.

I love the premise of this world that Holland has created and hoped it would develop in the last book in this duology but I just couldn't get into it.
I'm gutted as on paper this sounds amazing and I like Holland's writing but it just fell flat for me.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

HAVENFALL is a duology that sits between contemporary fantasy and portal fantasy. I'm not generally a big fan of contemporary fantasy, but given most of the on-Earth stuff happens in the inn, it doesn't <em>feel</em> like a contemporary, as the world is an inn and a small town so isolated that it could almost be in another world.
Even better, in PHOENIX FLAME, the portal fantasy aspect is realised, rather than just talking about the other realms. Instead, we get to follow Maddie through one of the doors into winter wonderland Fiordenkill. I'd been wanting to see another world since the first book introduced the idea. It would have been a real let down to talk about these magical realms and NOT visit any of them. The focus is still Earth, but the inclusion of Fiordenkill helped shake things up a bit.
This is an incredibly short book - less than 250 pages - and it does feel like there's a lot left unresolved at the end, particularly the soul trade, which is the driver behind at least the first half of the book. The focus shifts in the second half, and even though major players are removed, there's a trial and a network to first of all uncover (let alone dismantle), which leaves the book feeling like it hasn't properly ended. It might have been a bit more satisfying to see the said trial and get at least a sense of closure, that it's not just one family frantically trying to hold back the tide.
This said, there is quite a lot still happening in the book, despite the low number of pages. Yes, some major things happen off page and are explained in a few lines, plus one of the characters doesn't have enough set up for his actions to feel like they have any weight - just flipflopping about - but by and large the pacing is decent. It's a short, easy to read book that can be devoured in one sitting. The overall sequence of events feels like it's designed to be read fast, without needing the time to digest what just happened (and question some things a bit too deeply).
The romance doesn't get tied up in a nice little bow, but is still messy and resolved at the end, which was nice. It just felt more realistic for these teens, who've been through a lot that's altered their world views and shaken their trust in a variety of people, to not be all happily together, but still have jagged edges and issues to work through.

I didn't manage to finish this book, I made it about 100 pages in but the main character was just so flat that I found she wasn't really gripping my attention (I had similar issues with the first book). I like the idea of the story but the execution (of what I read) just wasn't there for me.

The Phoenix Flame continues from where Havenfall stopped. Determined to stop the Silver Prince once and for all and end the soul trade, Maddie goes on a quest that takes us all the way to Fiordenkill, allowing us to know more about the different planets in this universe.
One point of frustration, for me, was not understanding quite well what was going on with her love interests. In the first book, she was very much invested in Taya, but then she starts this book already moving on with Brekken, then gets conflicted again later in the book. It confused me and made me wary of shipping any of the couples, as her feelings didn't seem particularly strong in either direction.
Apart from that, I quite liked the story and am looking forward to the next book!
Thank you NetGalley and Bloomsbury Publishing for the advanced copy :)

So, Havenfall: what happened next? (Scroll down in my feed for the premise of this series and my review of the first book!) I loved Havenfall as it was pure light escapism during the first lockdown, and this next book, Phoenix Fire, is more of the same - something light and enjoyable to get away from everything. At first I thought this one was going to be a flop but then it picked up with big shock moments I did not see coming, which kept things engaging so I’m looking forward to the next book! So, if you feel the same stick with it.
The series is being made for TV by Amazon Prime and I’m really curious how such a detailed fantasy world and flashy magic system is going to play out on the screen.
Havenfall & Phoenix Flame are for you if you loved Sara’s first series, Everless and Evermore, A Curse so Dark and Lonely )I can’t wait to read the final book!) or the Queens Rising duology.

Unable to review as document was not download in time and sent to my kindle.. Really sad as wanted to read, however have added to my wish list!
Thanks for the opportunity and approving me in the first place.

This one was a little slow going compared to book one. But once it got going and a decision was made things started to move quicker leaving me a little wanting at the end.
The relationships between the characters make the book, with a myriad of interconnections and associated feelings, trust and mis-trust. However I did really enjoy the longer glimpses into the other worlds. I really hope there is more Taya and Solaria to come.

As far as sequels go this one was underwhelming even though I was so excited for it.
I am so happy that Maddie found her brother alive after all this time. It makes my heart so full so see her family reunited again.
I hate that there was a lot left unresolved for me, does this mean there’s a third? Because if not then I’m sorry but I need closure.
The storyline is great and the way that Sara builds the drama around everything is incredible but it didn’t leave me wanting more the way the first book did.
Still a great read!

am confused by this book. I honestly thought throughout it would be a trilogy because of the pacing, and this was massively enforced by the ending. While we get resolution on most of the storyline, there is a sort of epilogue moment that really lead me to think there should be more! This review is a little spoilery because I want to discuss some of this, so I've marked it for spoilers and beware if you read on.
So to start there is NO resolution on major life stuff for Maddie - who does she chose for romance? How does she handle all the innkeeper things? What happens with her parents? SO MANY QUESTIONS WTF.
Honestly, I'm getting a little mad about it, now I think back. Which is a shame because there are so many good things. We finally get to see another realm, we get some lovely moments around Maddie's family, and find out more about the soul trade.
I loved Havenfall so much and I wanted more from this. I would have rated it higher if there had been less resolution and a third book coming. I feel Sara struggles with duologies, as I really liked Everless but was let down by Evermore. Hopefully she'll try a standalone next!
3 stars.

I read this in one sitting I just didn't want to put it down. It's fast paced and action packed read, never a dull moment. I loved havenfall, so I was really looking forward to this and wasn’t disappointed. I loved how we found out more about the worlds In this book than in havenfall, I was really happy to get more world building than I was expecting. This is such a fun read with good twists, thoroughly recommended
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.
I really enjoyed Havenfall, so was looking forward to its sequel. Phoenix Flame isn't quite as good but the characterisation was still strong and the plot moved along at a great pace, and was exactly the kind of romp I need right now. The conceit of the armour was a bit of a macguffin, but it allowed us to experience the other worlds along with Maddie. There also wasn't really a satisfactory explanation as to why Sylvia would have got involved with such a shady character, but I enjoyed the rest of the family dynamics and the world itself is beautifully realised. I hope we get more installments from Havenfall in the future.

4 stars!
Phoenix Flame is an incredible sequel. After reading and loving Havenfall last year, I knew I had to pick this one up and read it too. It was so nice to be back in Havenfall and to learn more about this world and its magic and to be with the characters once again.
Maddie wishes her problems could be over right after the events of Havenfall, but instead she finds herself in a new mess with lots of mysteries to solve.
I pretty much read this in one sitting because I didn't want to put it down. It's fast paced and entertaining and there's never a dull moment.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review.

Conceptually, Havenfall has the makings of a fantastic fantasy world with the possibilities for excitement abound. Sadly, for me, this didn't come to fruition.
Phoenix Flame picks up pretty much where Havenfall left off with Maddie Morrow rebuilding the Inn after the Silver Prince escapes and Taya is lost to Solaria. Trying to uncover the Silver Soul Trade, as well as prove her mother didn't murder her brother, and relocate Taya, Maddie has plenty to contend with.
As noted, Havenfall is a really interesting setting. The use of portals is something I thoroughly adore and I believe this is the most exciting aspect of the story - there are so many possibilities. I particularly liked that this time we got to travel with Maddie and see other spaces (which connect her to conveniently placed plot choices...) and I wish there was a lot more of that. Likewise, I would have liked more time talking about phoenix flame, the soul trade and the 'science' of it all. Conceptually this is an exciting idea that feels swept away in favour of a fast paced plot.
This leads me to the conveniency of this novel; a lot of things just fortuitously occur for Maddie which is great for the plot but not for the reader. There doesn't feel like a great challenge when the correct cards fall onto the table so simply.
From that, plot holes seem to develop (gauntlets under a hoodie and not seen?) and actions have little consequence. The timings in this read just felt all over the place. There was no building of tension; gravitas removed immediately by throwing things onto the page that gave me whiplash. I never find myself having to read things back to understand what had just happened but several instances (namely, a reunion on a bridge) felt like they came from nowhere and lacked the weight they needed to be impactful. To me, this would be rectified by simply giving the reader more content - stretch out the drama, pause for effect, let things settle to remind the reader what is at stake. Because if things happen so easily for the hapless heroine, we know she's going to be fine in the end and that undermines the climax of the plot.
For me, this was a disappointing read that had potential to do so much more. Maybe in a longer format series with time given to heighten tension, give voice to other characters and feel the weight of repercussions, it may have been more impactful. Nonetheless, I'm always glad with a happy ending.

The first book in this series, Havenfall, was my favourite book that I read in 2020 so I had pretty high expectations for this book, and whilst Phoenix Flame won't make my top 10 books this year, I did, for the most part, really enjoy it.
The pacing was much better in this as the first book had already laid the groundwork for the worldbuilding, so while we actually got to see glimpses of those other worlds this time, we already had enough of a knowledge that the focus could sway more towards plot. I really liked seeing how Maddie had to deal with juggling with helping Marcus while he recovers from the coma like state he was in during the first book, looking into how they can stop the silver trade, trying to get the delegates to sign the new treaty which includes Solarians and come to terms with things around her mum’s jail sentence... all while being alert for any news on the Silver Prince. I think she handles it all pretty well, especially considering she’s still only a teenager herself.
I really liked the reveals and introduction to new characters as well as old ones, I thought the ending of this and the resolution to the plot involving the Silver Prince was really well done. However, I also did have an issue with the ending; I did originally give this 5 stars and was already searching for when book three was due to be released, and this is where I have an issue because it turns out this is only a duopoly and there are no plans for a third book. So while I did love the resolution to the main plot, there were so many other things left open, there’s no closure on the love triangle and there’s an additional chapter at the end from a different character’s POV which feels like it’s setting the story for a next book. But there is no next book, and it’s kind of disappointed me because it definitely does not feel like a final book in a series.

I really appreciated the recap of the worlds, I read Havenfall during the first lock down in England, and we're currently in our third lockdown so I've read A LOT since then haha.
Phoenix Flame is such a fun read, I loved how we found out more about the worlds because they were such an interesting element in the first book. I also enjoyed the mystery element, it's a fairly short book so it was a fast fun read, with a few twists I enjoyed. A well written book and I'm excited to read what Sara Holland writes next.

Thank you to Netgalley, Bloomsbury & Sara Holland for my arc of Phoenix Flame in exchange for an honest review.
Published: 4th March 2021
This review contains some spoilers for the first book in this duology Havenfall.
I listed to Havenfall as an audiobook last year and really enjoyed it so I was super excited for the sequel. Sadly Phoenix Flame fell flat for me.
The story picks up a few weeks after the exciting events of the first book. The Silver Prince has been exiled from the Havenfall Inn and Maddie is working with her uncle Marcus and his husband Graylin to try and uncover and ultimately stop the silver trade as well as integrating the Solarians back into the Inn and society.
Part of what I really loved about the first book was its unique concept based around portal magic which wasn't something I'd come across before. So I was really excited to get more world building which sadly I didn't receive. Without giving major spoilers all I'll say is that there is the opportunity to explore one of the other worlds and instead of feeling exciting and interesting it just felt rushed and flat, which pretty much sums up the whole book for me. It felt like a trilogy that had been force shortened into a duology. As some other reviewers have stated I am a big fan of 4-5 books series (or more) or at least a trilogy. This duology made the same mistake as most in being too short and rushed. Maddie's character which I'd really liked in the first book became a bit whiney and annoying, I can't stand the sort of character who makes all these secret plots and plans and doesn't share them with her 'group' ultimately leading to huge mistakes being made because of their naïveté and people potentially being killed and that's the kind of character Maddie is.
Really sad to say that I didn't enjoy this sequel very much at all.