Member Reviews

Lives Like Mine was a wonderful read, I couldn't put it down.

The story touched on many complex issues and did it so well. Life is messy, people are messy and this book brought it all out and showcased how we are all flawed in different ways. I loved it for it's brutal honesty and seeing things through someone else's eyes. I wanted to be friends with Monica - she's so real.

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A superb narrative exploring incredibly nuanced and complex relationship issues such as family dynamics, generation differences, spouses and in-laws, fidelity, motherhood and mixed race relationships.
I loved reading Monica's thoughts, fears and passions, she is far from perfect but I just felt her deeply and all her conflicts. Her strained, almost estranged, relationship with her parents over a shameful secret that hangs over her. Her overbearing and prejudiced in-laws. Her husband who whilst trying to play peacekeeper between everyone risks losing everything. Her friendships and support system.
It is a delicious and deeply moving story about the truths of marriage, motherhood and growing out of the mistakes we make along the way.

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I adored this. I identified with it in lots of ways but also learned loads with aspects of it that I couldn’t identify with. So well written.

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This was a truly wonderful book to read!. The author has written the story so perfectly you can't help but find yourself fully immersed in the world in which they have created.
A brilliant read that focuses on trying to maintain relationships throughout life.

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I found this such a difficult book to read, purely because it was written so well, I was constantly INFURIATED with 90% of the characters! A great look at interracial relationships and dynamics alongside a pre mid-life crisis and deep rooted family issues.

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I enjoyed this book combining the story of a family of immigrants and the difficulty of building a relationship when trying to be a good wife and mother.

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Such a shame I ran out of time to read this, all the blurb sounded right up my street -but good luck to the author, I'll keep my eyes out for the final copy in July!

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