Member Reviews

What a breath of fresh air to read a contemporary book on the (peri)menopause! Written with dry humour and obvious empathy, this is a joy to read, with inspirational sections and in easy-to-digest language (UK English, not American English). It explores a full range of issues and options, from traditional medicine through to nutrition, exercise and natural supplements. There were detailed explanations of exactly what is happening, which is great for people who want to understand why, not just receive prescriptive advice. I suspect I will dip in and out of this book again and again, and thoroughly recommend it to anyone adjusting to a changing body and wanting to make the most out of the rest of their life.
Many thanks indeed to Bloomsbury for an advance copy.

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A well researched book for dipping in to to better understand perimenopause. Useful ideas to consider in terms of changes that can be made to fitness and diet.

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Peri-Menopause Power by Maisie Hill - ⭐️⭐️⭐️.

After reading Period Power by Maisie and learning so much, I knew that this was one I wanted to read.

A few people have questioned why I would want to read a book on menopause when I’m only 26 but this is something I signed up for for two reasons. 1: I’ve been led to believe by several medical professionals that it’s likely I’ll experience menopause a lot earlier than the average. 2: because either way it’s something I will experience at some point and knowing what the hell is going on is important.

Speaking frankly, this book has frightened me to death. I have to be completely honest and admit that otherwise my reviews mean nothing. Maisie provides so much information on what happens during the peri-menopausal period and it honestly sounds horrendous.

I appreciate Maisie details a lot and as individuals we might not experience everything mentioned but still, it’s overwhelming.

That being said. Knowledge is power and all that and it’s 100% better to be prepared and for that I am glad I had the opportunity to read this book. All of this information in one place is hard to come by and I know I certainly wasn’t taught any of it in school. I have learnt a lot and there’s enormous amounts of information on how to manage symptoms of peri menopause including information on HRT. Maisie also provides a huge list of references if further reading is wanted.

I’d encourage everyone slightly interested in their cycles/menopause to look into this or Period Power. If it weren’t for needing to review for NetGalley, I don’t think it’s a book I’d have read cover to cover, rather one I’d dip in and out of as needed but it’s definitely one I’ll refer back to in the future when the time is right. Some information and pages in here and in Period Power and reading them back to back probably wasn’t the best idea.

Thank you to NetGalley for this opportunity, I am extremely grateful.

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Hill provides a comprehensive overview of hormones and their interactions with the body in all stages pre, peri and post menopause. There is a lot of information and at first I felt a little overwhelmed. I could not believe I had reached the age of 35 and knew so little about my body. It was common for me to shout parts incredulously at my husband, or text random snippets to the girl’s WhatsApp chat prefixed with “Did you know this?”

The writing whilst detailed is however accessible and I enjoyed Hill’s little amusing quips through out as it provided humour and personality to the book and it did not feel like I was reading a science textbook.

I mentioned at first I felt overwhelmed but by the end I felt empowered with knowledge and it was shocking how little I actually knew about the menopause and what I did know was manipulated by what the media portrays a menopausal woman to be, for example...

I had no idea the menopause was only one day but that the period synonymous with a stereotypical menopausal woman experiencing hot flushes is actually the peri menopause and this can last between 2-15 years and there are many many more symptoms.

I knew of HRT but genuinely thought it was a single tablet you took for the menopause once your periods stop, a one size fits all drug, like paracetamol for pain whereas there are over 50 different combinations of HRT.

Whilst some may say I am a little young to be considering the menopause I wholeheartedly disagree and I am really glad I have picked this up at this point in my life. There are so many lifestyle changes Maisie outlines which whilst will not prevent the menopause to happen it will give my body a stronger position within which to adapt to the changes: weight training, diet, drinking water, supplements and pelvic floor exercises are just some of the most relevant for me.

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The author has correctly identified that there is hardly any information about Menopause out there and decided to address that by writing this book. It is incredibly scientific, especially about how the hormones change as you move through your menstrual cycle, whilst interesting it's a lot to wade through before understanding what changes happen due to menopause. I did learn that menopause is actually only one day the anniversary of when your periods stop so that's helpful. Either side you are peri menopausal and post menopausal, just having an explanation of these terms that get thrown around by health professionals was very helpful. Sadly this book is still very focussed on BMI as a way to monitor health, given the author's ability to be ahead of the curve on other key matters and their clear desire to write an accessible, modern book, I found this both surprising and disappointing. Research has shown that there are much better ways to measure someone's health than the largely inaccurate and ineffective BMI. In addition, I have removed a star for a lack of diversity around discussing sex, it's very focussed on women in heterosexual relationships, limited by only only considering PIV (penis in vagina) sex and thereby missing a key opportunity to promote different ways for women to receive sexual pleasure, especially when their bodies are adjusting to hormonal changes. My quest for more diverse LGBT menopause information continues.

With thanks to the publisher and Net galley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I found this book very informative and being perimenopausal myself currently I can relate to a lot of the content but I did find it quite heavy reading and could only manage one chapter at a time but I think that was down to the content rather than how the actual book was written.
I have not read anything by the author before and sounds very knowledgeable on the subject matter

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This book will help you to accept what is happening to your body and mind during perimenopause. You should really read it before hand so you know what to expect, but it is a handy reference guide to check symptoms and have guidance during and after.

The book is written in a friendly way and has many pearls of wisdom, you will find out about supplements, exercise, sleep advice and handling your mood and much more.
I have recommended this to friends already - knowledge is power!

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This is quite a scientific book at times which I liked, but was also a big hippyish at times which I was surprised by and kind of in the middle on. An example of this is when she lists health priorities for perimenopause/post menopause and had acupuncture on there - I'd be surprised if this was high up there for a lot of people.

Anyway, I did find this eye-opening in a lot of ways and do hope I'm better prepared for what I hope is still a while away for me. A lot of stuff won't apply to me - my husband does most of the household chores and we aren't having kids so I doubt that I'll rage at him about household issues. I will likely rage about everything else though.

I pray that the science moves and they can offer me some better options with more clear side effect info - it frustrates me that some are like this could happen more or less as a side effect - like come on, there must be numbers here to indicate which is more likely.

She was also quite anti pill. Which I think most people know might not be the best but when used properly it's got a high contraceptive rate and it does minimise lots of horrible symptoms for people as well as being something non invasive to take and easy to stop using. I wish she made more of an effort to see why people might use it. Also, it is obviously getting less common but for women ten years older than me I have to think it's probably the most widely used form of contraception. She was like these symptoms are just masked by the pill, but also damn men there's no cure. I think her biases were most obvious here.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Perimenopause Power is a straight-talking handbook covering everything you may want to know about getting through the perimenopause (and beyond). There’s a lot of medical information packed into its pages, covering perimenopausal symptoms, HRT, lifestyle changes, bone health, and so much more. Maisie Hill admits that she hasn’t yet reached this stage of life, so is unable to provide personal insights about the menopause. Instead, in her book, she explains how your body changes, physically and emotionally, and the different ways to manage troublesome symptoms. Perimenopause Power is based on science and written in a supportive non-patronising tone. There’s a strong emphasis on diet and lifestyle changes, but medication, alternative therapies and psychological treatments are also covered. She discusses the pros and cons of taking HRT, so that you can make an informed choice (with the help of a healthcare professional). You may find it easiest to dip into the chapters you need when you need them, rather than read the book from beginning to end – otherwise it could feel a little overwhelming. This is a useful reference book to help you find the right management approach for you – and may even help to make the menopause a more-positive experience.

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I think this is a very important book for all women to read. I'm approaching 'that age' and I found it useful to read so that I can begin to prepare myself for what might come. It doesn't sound like a barrel of laughs but forewarned is forearmed - or so they say. I think it's important that we are able to make informed choices and Maisie Hill provides us with the tools to do that. It's a book I"m sure I will come back to again and again over time - especially when I begin to experience more symptoms. I may well need reassuarance!
Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for the ARC to review.

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This is a fairly factually dense book which is meant to be dipped into rather than read cover to cover as I did (mainly due to having it as a ARC from Netgalley there is no other way to read it, due to lack of table of contents). It covers a wide range of topics all related to perimenopause and menopause and a multitude of ways to combat the changes that come with "the change". It can be a fairly technical read at times but pretty repetitive. However I am sure it will provide a useful resource as I go through this phase of life myself.

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Maisie Hill deserves a medal. She writes about this important stage in a womans life with frankness, humour, and clarity, and at times with a righteous indignation we can all share. After reading this I immediately wanted all my friends and family to read it. It made so much sense, felt so helpful and necessary. It is also worth pointing out that the perimenopause can start much sooner than we think. So I would recommend it as a companion volume to anyone who has read Period Power, Maisie's earlier book. To be forewarned is to be fore armed. Empower yourself, read it now!

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I haven’t read this book all the way through, I’ve been using it more as a reference book. Until I started having these symptoms I didn’t know anything about it. It’s very informative.

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An informative book on how to thrive and not just survive the perimenopause and menopause years. It is full of medical information so I suggest that you use it as a "dip in-dip out" book on the subjects that interest you. Some parts are well written and fun to read but I found some chapters too "technical". An interesting book.

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Three-quarters of women reaching menopause experience symptoms such as mood changes, insomnia, hot flushes, and night sweats, but there is little in the way of evidence-based information out there to help them presented in a way that's engaging and helpful.

Perimenopause Power is here to change that: finally, this is a book for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause who want to understand what's going on with their bodies and how to deal with troublesome symptoms, but also gain valuable insights into making menopause a positive and powerful experience--yes, it's possible!

The author does the most amazing job at not talking down to the reader, making even the strangest of questions not be strange, and all symptoms are explainable. There is so much to learn from this book and I am very grateful for this, the author has done a wonderful job.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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I think this book is brilliant and should be given to all Perimenopausal women! There has been so little on this subject in the past and it is only now beginning to be talked about. So many women have suffered in silence and I think this is an excellent handbook for anyone unsure of how they are feeling or what help they can get. It is designed to be read as and when needed with helpful chapters that you can dive into rather than reading the whole book all at once. As it says, it is a handbook and a guide and I would recommend reading the bits that apply to you first and then maybe reading other bits as and when they interest you.
Thank you Maisie for finally answering questions that have been forming in the minds of perimenopausal women for a long time.

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A fount of knowledge on the perimenopause, with an informative yet light hearted style.

As the author indicates, this is a book designed to dip into, not to be read chronologically, but to skip to those places where you need help and guidance. Full of facts and information, this captures the key feelings and changes of the perimenopause, alongside hints and tips on how to deal with it emotionally and medically. Invaluable.

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This book is great and very informative. As a perimenopausal woman, I learnt something in the first few pages that clicked with my own experience and I couldn't believe why my doctor had not said that being perimenopausal was the reason why. Perhaps because she didn't know? Unfortunately, not all doctors recognise perimenopause symptoms and I am grateful that I have this book as a guide. I have not read all of the book, just the bits that I need at the moment, but I am sure I will be returning to it as my own perimenopause progresses.

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A great guide to understanding what happens in perimenopause, the hormones and symptoms involved and how the choices those going through such a time can have to improve their experience.
It isn't any more in depth than other books and accounts I have read on the subject, but if you want an introductory book that covers the broad range of indicators and factors then it is a good guide to what to expect.

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A year or so ago, I began to think I was possibly losing my mind. I was feeling anxious, tired, and finding that I was forgetting even the simplest of things - people's names, things I'd promised to do at work, something somebody had literally just told me. I started googling early onset dementia, but it was when I was chatting with another friend about the menopause that she mentioned early symptoms like brain fog and forgetfulness and suddenly all the clues started to point in that direction.
So anyway, I was really interested to read this book!

I think, first of all, you shouldn't read it the way I did, from start to finish. I got part way through and I felt so depressed at the prospect of the menopause, and all the many, many, MANY symptoms and conditions and bits of your body that fall apart (and fall out of your body...) that I could've quite cheerfully lobbed the book, and myself, through the window. I don't recommend that you read it in this way! Better to see it as a resource to come to, in bits and pieces. Start off at the beginning, but then leave out any parts which don't yet relate to you or just pop it on your shelf until you feel you might need to check it again. It is loaded with information, and thoughts and nurtitional tips and suggestions, and medical information, and arguments for HRT and clear explanations of why many doctors will tell you HRT is bad. But it was also confusing at times because so many of the symptoms are the same, but can mean a multitude of things. And, like I said, you can wind up feeling like the next 10 years of your life are going to be one sheer hell of uncontrollable rage and prolapsed lady gardens.

What I liked most was the supportive tone, the confirmation that women aren't going mad at this point in their lives, that it's okay to see the doctor, and it's okay to push for something better than 'you might need anti-depressants' as an answer.
What I liked least, I think, was the lack of other voices in the text. I would have liked smaller case studies, of what other women had specifically been through or experienced, told in their own way, because by the end I just felt like this author was dragging me towards a future of having an extremely limited diet, early bedtimes, and that everything was written from her own life point of view - which was interesting, but it would have been nice to hear how other women were coping, or not coping, and what that looked like for them.

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