Member Reviews

A thought-provoking non-fiction book that explores the Christian understanding of God through engaging questions.

Shame on Lion Hudson for publishing this so-called "Christian" book for children. Whether or not one believes the six days of creation are literal or figurative . . . chimpanzees are not the ancestors of humans. Putting these fallacious ideas into the minds of children is nothing short of heresy. The author wrote "humans evolved from a branch close to the chimpanzee, for humans and apes share a common ancestor. Believing in God does not prevent an acceptance of this scientific [sic] theory." We're no longer able to trust publications from Lion Hudson and cannot recommend this publisher.
"What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour." - Psalm 8:4-5

This book was well written. It gives an understanding of God and Christianity. You will see how Christians seek and relate to God in our present day. It could be use as a reference for children too. This would give parents a chance to discussions about God with their children.

Still not entirely sure what age range this series is aiming for and if it's not reductionist and self-defeating, but it does a better job than the previous book (Investigate! Understanding Religions) of making the ideas work by giving identifiable characters and a plot that makes the info sections more memorable.

I was disappointed not to receive a complete copy of this book to review. However, the pages I read gave a good, basic understanding of Christianity for younger readers. This would be an excellent book to have in a school library for children (or even their teachers) to refer to. I liked the way it gave historical as well as Biblical evidence and tackled scientific evidence for and against God too. The format it was presented in is one which would appeal to children, with short text boxes broken up with questions, cartoons and illustrations.
I would have liked to give five stars but I am reluctant to do so when I have not read the whole book.
I received a free sample of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

It is so important to be clear in the words or terms that are used. The subtitle of this book is “The Christian Faith” but this is not correct. Within the first two pages, it becomes clear that this book is really about understanding God from a Roman Catholic point-of-view. The use of the term “Christian” is misleading. While many would group all denominations that claim a belief in Jesus Christ as “Christian”, in reality that is not correct. Those purchasing this book based on the term “Christian” may be expecting that it will discuss faith from a Protestant point-of-view. In the spirit of full disclosure, the distinction should be made. Furthermore, a review of the Table of Contents revealed the topics being discussed leave out certain topics that would be considered critical from a Protestant belief system versus a Roman Catholic belief system. In its current form, I would issue a huge caution to anyone purchasing this book. Be sure it lines up with the desired belief system of the recipient.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the publisher and Net Galley but the thoughts expressed are my own.

I know it is not easy to explain God to kids, but it is important that they know God as soon as they understand. Who is God? Who is Jesus and The Holy Spirit? What is Trinity? All explained painstakingly easy for kids, though in general. Painstakingly, because I know how hard it is to explain the unseen and untouchables to children. Mostly who see less problems nowadays (you have your parents who will provide, so who needs God? They said).
From the few pages I got as a sample, the author explained easily who God is. This book is useful by a catholic or any general christian little readers who is curious about God (or parents who want their kids got a general idea of who God is.)

I thought this book was done very well. It focuses on key questions of Christianity. The book is designed to fit a graphic novel format. I would recommend this book for middle-level readers. The text and ideas are complex.

This review is based on a 23-page sample that I received from the publisher.
From the list of contents I see that the chapters are all about frequently asked questions about Christianity, such as Does God exist? What is the Trinity, and so on. Also, the first comic talks about Communion so we know that this is from the Anglican point of view.
The information given is biblically based and that is the most important thing to say about any books about Christianity.
However there was a particular passage that I was not quite satisfied with regarding the reason why God does not show himself to us directly. In fact he has shown himself directly in the person of Jesus Christ when he walked the earth. So I feel that the discussion there was not complete though I get where the author is coming from.
The cartoons, comics and illustrations make the book more interesting for children but this title is more suitable for older children though.
I find that the comics and cartoons sometimes do not add well to the information and may even confuse the reader. But that is me reading as an almost senior adult! So it is best if someone with Bible knowledge could read the book together with the children to start with.

This is a neat book that teaches kids about Faith in Jesus. I am not Catholic, (which is who I believe this book is geared toward), but I believe aspects of the book can be adapted and can help you teach the basics of Jesus and God regardless of where you fall on the Christian Faith spectrum. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book! (This review is also on GoodReads.)