Member Reviews

Although a slow start, I thoroughly enjoyed Midnight in Everwood.
An enchanting, magical story, with a feisty, strong heroine, Marietta.
A story of friendship, romance and magic, a recommended read.

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Absolutely stunning.

All the beauty of an Ibbotson novel, with a twisting darkness that kept me turning page after page.

Kuzniar's descriptions are sublime - Everwood was a masterpiece of snow, sugar and magic. Everything was depicted so vividly and Kuzniar's world jumped from the page. From a mouthwatering array of food to gorgeous dresses and astonishing architecture, no detail is lacking.

Characterisation was excellent. Even when Marietta made a decision that made me want to shout at the book, she was so well defined as a character that I knew exactly why she was making the choice she did. The ballet terms grounded her character, making her passion (and therefore the choices dictated by it) utterly convincing. The historical grounding of the world was also superbly done, with hundreds of little touches and details.

Alongside its beautiful, sweeping narrative, Midnight in Everwood had strong feminist vibes, celebrating women's freedom and the right to choose, while also exploring some of the complexities of feminism, choice and privilege.

I had really high expectations for this novel, but it surpassed everyone of them. It is a delicious winter treat and perfect Christmas reading for snuggling up under a blanket with.

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I absolutely adored this story of magic, mystery ,love and fighting for what you believe in!. Marietta is a strong willed young lady growing up in 1906 where woman are not allowed a voice or vote!. This is where she meets an intriguing man who seems very dark and mysterious. I don't want to spoil the rest for you but it will intrigue you and you won't be able to.put the book down, just like me you will want to know what happens next!!!. It's a great ending ,leaving you begging for more!!!. Fantastically written!!
Thanks to Netgalley for the free ARC book for an honest review.

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My first read by the author and I was mesmerised by the writing style and magical world created. Even though I found this story slow in the beginning, I could not put the book down I wanted to know more about the protagonist, Marietta. Absolutely loved her character. She's strong minded and not afraid to live her life the way she wanted. This is definitely a plus point for the book.

This is a magical and enchanting story with friendship and forbidden love. Such an amazing read.

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Christmas Eve. Nottingham. 1906. Marietta aspires to follow her dreams of performing ballet, however, her traditionalist family opposes this fancy, instead planning to wed her off by her 21st birthday. With a suitor chosen for her, Marietta struggles to accept this fate, certain there is something wrong with her soon to be betrothed, the elusive Dr Drosselmeier. When a confrontation between Marietta and Drosselmeier turns sinister, Marietta finds herself falling through a door to another world: an enchanting world full of wonder, confectionary delight and a King who promises Marietta can dance for the rest of her life… but all is not as it seems… and it soon becomes apparent Marietta has traded one cage for another.

This was such a treat! I found it very reminiscent of Disney and Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, and of course, The Nutcracker.

I found Marietta a likeable protagonist, often striking me with similarities to Elizabeth Swan. The way she spoke, her push back against societal restraints, the way she stood her ground against arrogant men, made Marietta a delight to read. Her resolve not to buckle under her family’s pressure and then the cruelty of the King made for chilling reading, but she continuously longs and looks for a more progressive path, where women are not controlled and owned by men and their worth is not defined by marriage.

I struggled with the earlier components, as the plot’s progression moved slower than my liking, and I’d of liked greater depth to the supporting characters, like Marietta’s love interest and the other trapped girls she befriends, even the novel’s villain. The story felt like it only touched on the surface of them all, and instead took the time to provide overly descriptive details on the Kingdoms of the world of Everwood, which didn’t become particularly relevant.

Nonetheless, the book’s villain - King Gelum - had an air of wickedness and true cruelty that had me on the edge of my seat. He’s an ominous ruler, trapping people in his frozen palace who dare oppose him, taxes the local villagers into poverty and does nothing to help them survive a magical disease plaguing the land. As much as he had me grating my teeth not knowing what punishments he’d deliver next, it had me turning page after page, willing Marietta to defeat him and escape his torment and beautifully crafted prison.

I really enjoyed the exquisite balance of historical fiction and fantasy. The prose felt aged like good historical fiction does. And I truly felt transported back in time and then beyond the reach of our world. From frozen gingerbread houses to peppermint candy cane train tracks, it was mouthwateringly enchanting.

The romance was beautifully spun, so much so, I was invested in it before I realised I was. It’s charming and bittersweet, with an ending you’ll love or loathe, but ultimately does not dominate the overall story.

Midnight in Everwood is a wonderful ode to a beloved classic, giving it new life by its sense of female empowerment and drive to reach for your dreams. It’s an enjoyable reimagining offering a whirlwind story to be swept up in, perfect for the winter season and lovers of fairytales.

Thank you kindly to HQ and Netgalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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I found this book a bit flowery? At the same time I enjoyed the world building and characters, especially the ones in Everwood.

This is an ok read for me but for others it will be amazing.

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This really intrigued me. I couldn't remember the story of the nutcracker but this book had all the elements I love. A strong female lead, a little magic and ballet.
The girls really showed how together you can do anything, and often following your instincts leads to greatness

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Marietta wishes to avoid suitors and family duty; and follow her passion for ballet. On Christmas Eve, she falls through a clock and ends up in a world of ice and sugar; where she becomes the new toy for a cruel king.

I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I've not seen any form of the Nutcracker before, so I don't know how closely it follows the original ballet/story.

It is the early 1900's, and the world is changing; but not fast enough for Marietta. She is soon to turn 21, and after years rejecting suitors, her parents have told her that she will have to accept a proposal in the New Year.
All Marietta wants is to keep dancing, and will go to any lengths to follow her dreams to be a professional ballet dancer.
When their mysterious new neighbour Dr Drosselmeier takes a keen interest in her, Marietta sees past his easy charm, and senses something dangerous.

She escapes him into another world, one full of ice and sugar, and strangely welcoming people that all tell her to leave.
Marietta ignores the warnings, and soon becomes a "guest" of the king, and his inescapable palace.

I really enjoyed this. As I mentioned previously, I don't know how heavily it borrowed from the originals; but I loved the world, it was simply magical.
The magic is easy to follow, and although Marietta rarely leaves the palace, you get to learn about the rest of Everwood and the world; thanks to her roommates Pirlipata and Dellara.

I loved how the friendship developed between the three women. Marietta has never had close female friends, and doesn't know how to act around them. It always hovers in the background, whether she can trust them; but it turns into something strangely positive in the dark months Marietta is trapped.
There's also the sweet romance brewing between Marietta and one of the soldiers.

I thought that there were a couple of blips in Marietta's reasoning - mainly her attitude when she first went into the castle. And later on, when her judgement seems a bit too focussed on her secret romance, rather than the bigger picture she has been so faithful to.

Also - small note - yes for setting the story in the UK that is Not-London!

Overall, this was a great story, and I look forward to more of this author's work.

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Maria Kuzniar is an author whose middle grade books I really enjoy so I was more than intrigued to find out more about her first foray into adult literature. And boy was I not disappointed.

This is a wonderful portal, polar fantasy that is based on the beautiful Nutcracker. Set in Edwardian Nottingham, we follow Marietta who is a stunning ballerina unable to follow her dreams. She meets the intriguing and mysterious Drosselmeier who wishes to marry her, but she refuses. However, he gets angry and banishes her to Everwood. Once in Everwood she becomes the toy for the nasty King of Everwood. She befriends 2 other girls who the king has also locked up for different reasons and they form a beautiful friendship. She also meets the enigmatic Captain Legat and becomes embroiled in a revolution to overthrow the king, all while trying to find her way back to Nottingham and her old life.

Marietta is a simply wonderful character who goes through an amazing personal journey. Her relationships are beautiful and the writing is stunning and lyrical. I really felt I was in Everwood with them.

This is a stunning book and I cannot wait to read more from this author. Definitely a new favourite for me. Thank you so much NetGalley for the arc.

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This is a clever riff on the Nutcracker story - lots of ballet and lots of sweets! The heroine is engaging, and her journey from cossetted but restricted young lady to something quite different is well-drawn, but it's the world-building that really delighted me. Our heroine slips into another world, where magic runs things, and that world is beautifully imagined. The Nutcracker echoes through it, and the ending is sweetly satisfying.

Thank you, NetGalley, for letting me read this.

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Although this book followed the theme of The Nutcracker, I found the characters were not as rememberable.
That is not to say it wasn’t a good book, well written and with good storyline.
I just couldn’t warm to the characters, especially the main girl who just came over as spoilt and selfish.

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I absolutely love Christmas, it is my favourite time of year. The Nutcracker is one of my favourite ballets, and I adored the the film that was created based on the story. When I heard there was going to be a Nutcracker retelling, I knew I had to read it. There is something about the wintery, dark, atmospheric vibe that draws me in. Midnight In Everwood did winter justice from the outset. Frosty scenes in books always want to make me grab a hot chocolate and get under a blanket to read, and I almost wish I had waited to read this book at Christmas. I love stories with hidden worlds. It dates back to when I first read Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Hidden worlds that are just beyond the human eye are so thrilling and mesmerising. Everwood was entirely whimsical and charming. I adored Marietta and her powerful presence. I am a huge gymnastics and ballet fan, and have always admired the courage, sacrifice and dedication it takes to reach the peak of a sport, the years of repetition. Marietta would do anything to achieve her dreams. I did not find the romance necessary, and actually preferred the friendships Marietta discovered along the way. Sometimes there is a higher power in the more simple platonic companionship. Kuzniar’s writing is so effortless, so clean and precise. The story unravels so beautifully. I have to say, Midnight In Everwood does not fit into my usual genre, but I am so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to read this gorgeous book. It is hard to top stories that have already been written, previously told. Midnight In Everwood adds an entirely new layer to the Nutcracker, and I know this story will be one I revisit in the coming years.

*Note* My review will be posted on my blogs once I have a physical copy at final publication.

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A good take on the nut cracker interwoven with bits of other fairy tales. The strong female characters were well written and I liked the way they gelled together.
A good book for a winter's night beside a warm fire!
Thank you NetGalley

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I wanted to love this book excited by the promise of ballet, magic, a retelling of The Nutcracker and a confined young woman finding the strength to dance her own path like Harriet in Eva Ibbotsen's superlative A Company of Swans. But in the end I struggled, and instead of relishing each page was eager to finish and move onto something new which is a real shame, because it has such promise but just didn't quite deliver for me.

Marietta lives for ballet, but her rich ambitous parents have other plans for her, preferably a good marriage and her Christmas performance is to be her last. When a mysterious but wealthy doctor moves into their street and he takes an interest in Marietta her parents are delighted, but something about the doctor repels her, even if she didn't have her heart set on another path. The Doctor offers to build her a set for her Christmas performance, and when Marietta repels his advances, he uses the set to send her to another world, a world of sugar and ice, magic and cruelty.

There were things I did enjoy about Midnight in Everwood. It's a unique take on The Nutcracker, inventive and nicely plotted with a strong feminist slant. The world Kuzniar conjures is well imagined and intricately (over intricately at many points) described. But it was ruined for me by over flowery writing, crammed with description and endless adjectives which slowed down the pace of the book and at times made it very hard to read. Marietta doesn't just dance, every dance is described in a series of ballet moves, and the sugary aspect of the world in which she is trapped is used as a motif in nearly every description until this reader wanted to scream 'Yes, we get it!'. And much as I wanted to warm to Marietta, all characters felt two dimensional which made it very hard to care what happened to her.

However enjoyment of writing style is subjective and although it didn't work for me, many people will disagree. It's a wintry, magical Christmassy story and if dense description and well thought out worldbuilding is your thing then you'll probably love this.

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A fiercely feminist historical fantasy, M. A. Kuzniar's adult debut comes out en pointe! If this book was a drink, it would be a hot chocolate orange topped with a tower of cream and marshmallows. It is enchanting, empowering and I loved every second of it.

Midnight in Everwood is a retelling of The Nutcracker, set in 1906 with a beautiful blend of magical realism and frosty setting reminiscent of The Toymakers by Robert Dinsdale. It also reminded me of two of my favourite reads this year; The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu and The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton!

Marietta is a ballet dancer but her father has forbidden her from continuing her passion when she turns 21. Her family expect her to marry Dr Drosselmeier, a toymaker new to town, but Marietta does not want to part with her dream of dancing nor does she want to marry someone she finds threatening. As punishment for rejecting her, Drosselmeier banishes her from her world at midnight and Marietta finds herself in Everwood. Overwhelmed by a newfound sense of freedom, she dances at a ball but is entrapped by a powerful and jealous King who tries to turn her love of dancing against her. The King intends to break her but Marietta intends to break free of her restraints in this world and her own.

For a book set in a wintry fantasy world there is such warmth in Marietta's burgeoning relationships and love of artistry which she expresses through dance. She slowly comes to believe in the force of her own dreams; her physical and mental resilience; the value of true friendship and unconditional love. Marietta doesn't need magic because she has something more powerful: hope. I would definitely recommend this one. It will make a great Christmas present to be read snuggled in blankets with a nice hot drink!

Thank you Netgalley and HQ for the opportunity to read an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A deliciously dark fairytale for adults. Not my usual style of adult read but I loved the escapism and vivid description. By the end of the book I was fully invested in Marietta, her predicament and great love affair. I found the treatment of Marietta to be incredibly frustrating from a gender equality perspective and I like that Maria's writing provoked a reaction in me.

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As always- a huge thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for kindly providing me with this eArc!

I cannot WAIT to get my physical copy of this, I love this so much. I’ll genuinely be thinking of this for weeks after. A nutcracker inspired historical fantasy? WHOA. I genuinely can’t put into words how much I enjoyed this.


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Although the start is a little slow it does set the scene beautifully, giving an insight into Marietta's life, hopes and dreams and her crashing reality of being expected to "make a good match" in marriage rather than pursuing those dreams of dancing.
With her parents pushing her towards the mysterious and sinister Drosselmeier she finds herself hiding from him in a stage set only to be transported through the back of a clock into a new and magical world.
Her arrival in Everwood is where the story really gets started with imagery that transports you breathlessly to the freezing forest in the snow and the magic continues as she finds herself in a world made of sugar and spice (but not all things are nice) where clothes can smell of marzipan and chocolate and patterns on dresses can dance magically.
I absolutely loved Everwood. The details are incredible, everything is special and the author manages to raw you in to the sights and smells without every getting too bogged down in detail so the story continues to pirouette along smoothly.
This book has everything...romance, drama, intrigue and plotting and will keep you reading well past midnight!

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My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eArc.

Midnight in Everwood is a whimsical fairytale for adults. Descriptive and intriguing, I really enjoyed reading this, and loved the character and world building that this book provided. I would agree that if you're a fan of the Caraval series, you'll enjoy this!

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This book is so different to my usual reading genre but I absolutely loved it! I am only slightly familiar with The Nutcracker so I wasn't constantly making mental comparisons. Definitely a great Christmas read and fabulous escapism - although it's not all sweetness and does have a dark side.

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