Member Reviews

A very Christmas-y read that takes you back into childhood.

I liked the plot and the magic of the fantastic world. I would like a little bit more background info about Everwood and Drosselmeier as I found it vague but the descriptions of Everwood was luxurious, detailed and lush and compensated for it.

I also liked a lot the women representation and the characters were interesting and well developed.

I’ll might only point out that it feels more like a middle grade read rather than a young adult but I would read it regardless! It really had me lost into a fairytale and put me into the perfect mood for Christmas!

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This enchanting retelling of the Nutcracker just sucked me into its world of magic and wonder. Held in its spell, I couldn't put it down until I'd read every last word.

I fell in love with Everwood and all its deliciously dark treats. With writing so lyical and evocative I just didn't want to leave this magical world.

This was the perfect way to while away a winter afernoon or two, PJs on and a mug of hot chocolate.

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Beautiful read. Full review will appear in my newspaper, book review column.

Thank you to NetGalley for the perfect read.

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Midnight in Everwood is a magical retelling of The Nutcracker which is not a story I’m overly familiar with but I really want to see more adaptions now! Marietta is a wonderful and strong protagonist, she is determined and knows what she wants from her life which is vastly different to what her parents have in mind.

Marietta loves to dance, Kuzniar really captured a love of ballet in the language she uses throughout the narrative - I could picture all the dance moves while I was reading! I think ballet is a really magical form of dance with a lot of skill involved and I loved having that in my imagination with this winter wonderland setting; it definitely added to the depth of the story for me.

The relationships in the novel were clever but not overly described although I got a handle on Marietta’s love for her brother through their few interactions. Most of the conversations and actions were between Marietta and the two women also stuck in Everwood and that was great because on the other side of this, while Marietta spends some time with the captain, their romance isn’t used as an integral point of the plot or overly elaborated on which is another plus for me in this one as I enjoyed the relationships Marietta builds with the other women and how they were so very different but strong in all different ways.

Highlights for me in the book were:
The dancing
The various relationships - although not the main character, there are m/m and f/f relationships in the plot
The writing style - easy to read but thorough and the descriptions were lush and made me crave sweet things.

I’m really looking forward to seeing what Kuzniar releases next as Midnight in Everwood is a very niche genre and her style really worked for it. I also cannot wait to see the paperback version next year as the hardback is beautiful.

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This is a retelling of the Nutcracker. Marietta longs to be a ballerina but her parents do not approve of this. A mysterious neighbour Dr Drosselmeier casts a spell that transports Marietta to the magical land of Everwood. Marietta has to try and escape from the king who captures her and uses her as a puppet.

The premise of this book really intrigued me. I thought the setting was well crafted and I could easily picture this wintery place. The plot was interesting but I didn't feel 100% invested in this story. I felt in places that the story moved a little too slowly. There were moments when the writing in this was really beautiful however I the overall story fell a little bit flat.

Overall this was an ok read for me. I was left feeling slightly disappointed as the cover is beautiful and I was very hyped for this one.

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3.5 stars...This book uses extremely flowery language, and as such, is quite distracting early on...however when the book transfers to a different setting later on, this kind of language works very well...good read, expect magic, enchantment and picture postcard imaginary world.! Many thanks to, publisher and author for the chance to read and comment on the ARC.

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I looove stories set in the winter, in a fairytale like setting. And I also LOVE the Nutracker. Nothing more needs to be said really, but here I go anyway:

Marietta dreams of becoming a ballerina. Her parents entertained that idea until now, but now she is expected to marry and give up ballet. Her to-be husband builds her a stage for her final performance, but when she explores the stage, she find herself in Everwood.

This was a wonderful story full of magic and intrigue, passion and determination. Marietta is a committed young woman, seeking the freedom to follow her dreams.

I will be picking this up again on Christmas Eve, I can't wait for my gorgeous Waterstones edition to arrive. Extra points for the wonderful cover design!

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This was so beautifully written that I felt like I could taste and smell the entire story. Often, when the language is so rich it takes away from the action of the novel but this doesn't at all. If anything, it adds to the drama. Let's face it, who doesn't love a Nutcracker retelling. Kuzniar nails the opulence and almost sickly sweetness of the Palace and balances it out perfectly with the lurking darkness that hides beneath. Legat's character was perfect, he struck the right note of being honourable, dangerous and a complete sort. This would be an excellent book to read on a cold winter night when the wind is whistling outside, the shadows are creeping in and you're all cosy under a blanket with a hot drink.

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I was eagerly anticipating this book, as I loved the books it was compared to, and the Nutcracker story, however this fell a bit short of the mark for me. I love a book that I just can't put down, and this was not one of those for me. It was beautifully written but just too slow in many places for me. It also finished a little abruptly with a few loose ends - unless the author is planning a sequel. I am sure many will love it, but for me it was just ok.

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I was not familiar with The Nutcracker but this retelling gripped me from start to finish. Sprinkled liberally with fantasy and a myriad of sweet and sugary descriptions. I enjoyed the fact that women hold a central position in the plot. The romance element is not overly cloying and the end was satisfying.

A good read for the pre-Christmas period methinks!

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I was sent a copy of Midnight in Everwood by M.A. Kuzniar to read and review by NetGalley. This novel is listed as General/Adult Fantasy/Sci Fi genre, but I personally would level it more at young teenagers due to the style of writing. It started off well and the premise of the story is good – set in 1906 and exploring the limits imposed on women at that time it also draws references from fairy tales, however, the prose is overly descriptive with every costume, location, hairstyle etc considered in minute detail. While the essence of these aspects is needed, I personally found it became a bit tiresome after a while. There were quite a few contradictions within the book and though there were some nice passages here and there I felt that this novel could have been so much better. I wonder if this is a very young author as I don’t feel that the prose was particularly mature – or perhaps I am just too old! I have no doubt that a lot of readers will love this book, unfortunately it didn’t live up to the hype for me.

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An absolutely beautiful and magical read. Whether you know the tale of the nutcracker or not you are sure to love this book.

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This one took a little time for me to get into but once I got to about a third of the way in I was hooked. A beautifully written book that is highly descriptive and so very magical. It takes you into a stunningly described world of whimsical fantasy.

A magical retelling of the Nutcracker and set against a winter landscape in Nottingham in a time long ago. I really enjoyed reading about Marietta’s love for ballet and the struggles she has getting her father to let her dance. She is an empowering girl and a strong character who works hard to find a way to achieve her dreams. A particularly nasty villain brings a darker side to this story and I enjoyed the contrast his character brought. Reading about the world of Everwood was fascinating.

Such beautiful imagery makes this a book that will stay in my memory for a long time. A book for fans of Stephanie Gerber. I expect we will see much more of this author in the future.

Thanks to the author, @netgalley and @hqstories for my gifted ecopy and spot on the book tour.

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‘Marietta Stelle’s mother always said that nothing good came of a rainy day. However, it was a rainy day when the magic came, and once magic has entered your life, you stay in its glittering clutches forever.’

My thanks to HQ for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘Midnight in Everwood’ by M.A. Kuzniar in exchange for an honest review. I knew straight away that I was going to fall in love with this novel and so had preordered its exclusive hardback edition from Waterstones.

This was an enchanting story set in Nottingham in 1906. Marietta dreams of becoming a ballerina. Her wealthy parents have allowed her to take ballet lessons though in the coming New Year she is expected to forego the ballet and to marry and assume her ‘proper’ place in society.

Her parents are delighted when Dr. Drosselmeier, a gifted toy maker, moves to the city. He takes an interest in Marietta, including creating a fantastical stage set for her final ballet performance that will take place in her family’s ballroom.

Yet as the clock nears midnight and Marietta explores Dr. Drosselmeier’s set, its dark magic transports her to another world - Everwood. No further details in order to avoid spoilers.

This novel is a reimagining of E.T.A. Hoffmann’s ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, the story that provided the libretto for ‘The Nutcracker’ ballet.

I found this such a wonderfully immersive story, full of vivid descriptions of frozen sugar palaces, winter woods, and fairytale magic both light and dark. Marietta was quite a wilful young woman, living in a time of great change and seeking the freedom to follow her dreams.

I fell completely under its spell and could have happily have read on and on. I wonder if M.A. Kuzniar will write again of Marietta? Only time will tell, though I know that I will be looking out for her future projects.

I also expect that I will be revisiting ‘Midnight in Everwood’ over the Christmas period.

Very highly recommended for lovers of fairy tales, of ballet and as a gift for same.

On a side note the cover design was just incredible; in this case you definitely can tell a book by its cover.

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⭐️ 2 ⭐️

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC, in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

I really wanted to love this book, the cover is gorgeous, and the sprayed edge edition is a work of art, but unfortunately it didn’t live up to my expectations.

The story is very slow-paced and it seems an age before we get anywhere near the magic of Everwood. In my opinion the story lacks depth and the characters are very one dimensional. Marietta, the main character comes across as spoilt and brat-like.

The flowery, sickly-sweet, overly sugary prose made this a difficult book for me to pick up each time, so many repeat descriptions of ‘butterscotch eyes’, ‘molten chocolate’ and other food related similes that just grated on me too much in the end.

Sadly, not for me.

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I don't know if it's a retelling of the Nutcracker, there're some elements in common, but I can say that the author delivered a magical, enthralling and well written fairy tale that I thoroughly enjoyed.
There's a mix of historical fiction and fantasy and the two genre work well together.
The world building is fascinating, some elements reminded me of Alice in Wonderland, and the Christmas night atmosphere is magic.
Great world building, a sweet romance, and well developed characters.
I liked the style of writing and the author is talented storyteller.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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So here we are, one of my most anticipated releases of the year. I was so unbelievably excited for this book and it did not disappoint. AN ADULT RETELLING OF THE NUTCRACKER GUYS ARE YOU HEARING THIS?!

Atmospheric, enthralling and utterly captivating, I challenge you to put it down. You’re transported back in time and into a christmassy landscape. Marietta is a wonderful MC who just wants her freedom.

I love everything about this book and I will happily recommend it to everyone!

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A gorgeous cover and who doesn't love story of The Nutcracker, Midnight in Everwood is a scrumptious delight combining dreams, love, and magic. A protagonist who loves to dance and dares to dream. A world full of glitter and luscious delectable desserts. Strong female characters who persevere and fight for their freedom.

"Ballet resides in your bones; it courses through your blood. For a dancer, it is the very essence of our identity, stripped down to its rawest, most intrinsic parts; you cannot leave it behind no more than you could forsake your own soul. Feel it. Feel the exquisite pain that comes from the purest form of love, for that is what it means to dance ballet."

This tale is told from the perspective of the ballerina, Marietta Stelle, as she struggles between her dreams of dancing and her parents' expectations of an advantageous marriage. An encounter with a mysterious new neighbour caused her to stumble into a truly magical world which at the start reminds me very much of Narnia. However, this world holds its own darkness disguised under a blinding crisp shiny surface.

A very easy read with a likeable protagonist who developed a backbone and an enchanting magical universe; Midnight in Everwood is a wonderful and dreamy read -perfect for that Christmas vibe.

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This story was just so magical and completely transported me into this snowy, fairytale world of the Nutcracker. If you are looking for the perfect snowy read to cozy up to the fire this Nutcracker retelling is it!

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This book is an ode to the traditional story of the nutcracker told with a poetic brilliance I have never read before.
I admit to being completely enchanted, utterly beguiled and at times, full of fear. Terrifying and beautiful, this is a stunning story. I can now see why there has been so much hype building around this tale.
Marietta, the ballerina, is a fiercely independent and determined woman wanting to forge her own path, not succumb to the expectations of her parents and society. New neighbour Dr Drosselmeier, is one to watch- evasive, strangely magical and has his eyes set on Marietta. She finds him unnerving and does not wish to become his wife.
Christmas Eve finds Marietta fighting off his advances and hiding in a grandfather clock. When she exits through the back into another world, she is strangely excited by the possibilities. Her adventure there is frought with danger, friendship and a burning love for a man she cannot be with.
I loved this story, bringing the mouse king into terrifying realness, one who delights in hurting others, murders and emitting fear across his kingdom. The characters are formidable, awesome and amazing to follow as they plan, plot and attempt to flee.
MA Kuzniar is a trusted author for me, both with her YA titles and MG titles- one I am always guaranteed to read and enjoy.
The rich language is poetic, enchanting and will transport readers to a new world!

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