Member Reviews

‘ The wild girls’ was my first, but definitely not my last, read from Phoebe Morgan!
I was seduced into this great read by the exotic setting - a luxury safari lodge in beautiful Botswana, and the promise of a plot that seemed to satisfy my hunger for psychological fiction. Both these were delivered in abundance.
The plot revolves around a friendship group that seems to have fractured 2 years previously. The group having not been in contact with each other in the interim. 3 of the women unexpectedly receive a mysterious all expenses paid invite to Felicity’s 30th birthday party in the aforementioned exclusive location!
We learn quickly that not everyone will make it out alive, but I was pleased that it wasn’t particularly gruesome!
The book starts and ends with the current timeline, which initially piques curiousity as to what exactly happened to effectively terminate the friendships but gratifying in the second ‘part’ of the book the timeline switches to the events that occurred on a fateful night that reveals all!
To tick my final box we have a, (quite frankly outstanding!), twist at the end. I love this book - it doesn’t try to be pretentious or literary, it just delivers a fantastic story!
My thanks to Net galley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

Thank you to Netgalley for a ebook arc of The Wild Girls, and thank you to Phoebe Morgan herself for tracking it down when i couldnt find if. Lol.
The Wild Girls is a mystery thriller with a sinister undertone that made me want to read more. The Wild Girls is set in Botswana where a group of four friends who have grown apart meet back up for Felicity's mini break birthday party. Grace, Hannah and Alice were treated to a all inclusive holiday to Deception valley Lodge in Botswana, where they were treated to luxury and finery. All their needs were taken care of, they were having a very good time until they discover Felicity hasnt turned up and isnt answering her phone... Dun, Dun, Dunnnnn.
The characters are well written and what i enjoyed most was the characters anxieties - they had everyday relatable anxieties. You genuinely got the feel that these characters were like you and i. They could be your friend or your neighbour or someone you know. My only struggle was that they tended to merge into each other in my head. I struggled to remember who was Alice, who was Hannah and who was Grace. There was a lot of to and fro from past memories to present day and sometimes i failed to distinguish between the two. This adding to my confusion between characters.
Throughout the book there was a very sinister feeling of something is wrong and something is going to happen - and i loved that. The story also hinted that something had happened in the past which caused these girls to drift apart and i spent the majority of the book wondering what it was what was going to happen in the Lodge because of it.
The big finale and plot reveal felt a little rushed, id liked to have read more of the consequences and the relationship between the two remaining friends.
I also would have liked to have read more about Botswana - the people, the scenery the lifestyle. If we were not told it was in Botswana i could have easily imagined this had took part in the English country side or even a Centre Parcs. I think Covid may be the reason for this as travelling to Botswana for research during a pandemic is not wise. Regardless i very much enjoyed the story and the journey.
3.5 stars rounded up to 4

Having read this author’s previous book I was looking forward to this one and it certainly lived up to expectations.
Grace, Hannah and Alice are invited to Botswana to celebrate old friend Felicity’s 30th birthday. Two years earlier, on a cold February night, their friendship imploded and things between them were never the same. But on arrival in Botswana, Felicity is nowhere to be seen and what is supposed to be a happy reunion turns into a nightmare for them all.
A great fast paced thriller with plenty of twists. A story of jealousy and revenge which was an excellent read.

The perfect book to get out of my Christmas / December themed romances rut! Felicity invites her friends Grace, Alice and Hannah on a girls trip for her birthday to Botswana. They haven’t been together for a few years after the mysterious events of a single night shattered their friendship. What seems like the perfect escape from ‘real-life’ turns into a murder mystery - where someone is doing the hunting.
Rated 3.5/5 for the creative and unpredictable twists throughout the book! It was very much a one by one / who dunnit Murder mystery. The characters all had realistic back stories with normal careers, relationships and friendships.
However, I really wasn’t sure what to make of this book in terms of its African Safari component... no spoilers but the theme didn’t actually feature all that much! I was looking forward to reading about the girls’ experiences in Africa and the amazing food, sights and animals. For a book where the main cover features a safari and the main theme is a girls trip to Botswana... it could easily have been set in the English countryside somewhere instead. It didn’t do justice to its setting!

This was so much fun!!!
Having loved The Babysitter I knew I would be in for a treat and I wasn't disappointed.
The Wild Girls is the story of Grace as she and three other friends organise a birthday reunion in the wonderful setting of a Botswanan safari lodge. What follows isn't quite what she had imagined. Even from the outset and the two dead bodies, The Wild Girls was fast paced and furious. I read it in a couple of sittings. As with other Morgan books, there are lots of twists and turns and great well-written characters.
Thanks so much to HQ and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this great book.

I was lucky enough to receive this book as an ARC from NetGalley in an exchange for an honest review.
An old friend reaches out to her former clique offering a all expenses paid trip to a hunting lodge in picturesque Botswana.
2 years ago they all went out and since then they haven’t spoken at all. One night changed everything but is this a chance to make it up?
Each character has a reason why this trip (regardless of how difficult it may be) is exactly what they need. So off they go...
This book is a classic deserted location thriller. Planned well and with a heap of creep factor. It’s very uncomfortable and you certainly don’t feel that anyone is safe.
The book deals with some very dark and difficult issues but doesn’t get too graphic and it’s not thrown in for shock. It’s a very important plot point.
I really enjoyed this book and will be recommending it as soon as it’s out!

I thought this was brilliant! I absolutely loved the concept and the setting, and I just could not put it down.
I really enjoyed getting to know the characters and the author drip-fed just enough information at the right times to keep up the suspense. I really enjoyed the notes that were left around the lodge and I couldn't wait to find out what had happened on the night that tore the girls apart.
There were so many fun revelations during the story and even though you know from the start that some of the characters will die, it is still quite shocking when it happens!
My only issue is that I think things were wrapped up a bit too quickly at the end and there are so many unanswered questions. Personally I like a bit more closure but I can't deny that otherwise this was a fantastic read.

An all expenses paid trip to a safari lodge in Botswana to celebrate an old friend’s birthday sounds like the kind of offer you can’t refuse. Grace, Hannah, Alice and Felicity didn’t part on the best of terms, but now it seems Felicity wants a reconciliation. Or does she?
I was interested in the concept and the Botswana setting, though ultimately felt the latter was a little underused. (The author states in a preface that plans to visit were scuppered due to you-know-what and she researched it via the internet instead, which may account for it.)
When they arrive at Deception Valley Lodges (now there’s a name that should have rung warning bells... though apparently it is a real place!), things go full And Then There Were None, with mysterious messages galore and no sign of their host. This was really well done and set up lots of nice juicy questions - where is Felicity and what’s her game? Is she even the person behind it all?
We know from the outset though that at least two bodies will be found, which did take away a little of the suspense, and perhaps that introductory page or two could have been dispensed with.
I struggled to differentiate Grace, Hannah and Alice for a long time and had to keep reminding myself - Hannah has a baby, Alice is a teacher, etc. It didn’t help that they all had what felt like such generic names. I never quite managed to remember who’d done what, even when we found out about past events.
There are lots of toxic relationships here - indeed, I’m not sure there’s a single healthy one in the whole book, though some are worse than others... and toxic masculinity is definitely a theme.
There is a certain lack of diversity, which I have come to expect from most psychological thrillers – even in Botswana, the only non-white character is the silent, nameless driver who takes them to the lodge. To be fair, the cast of characters is very small.
I liked the premise, the setting - though I’d have liked a bit more local colour - and I really liked the And Then There Were None vibe, but overall I didn’t quite engage with the story or the characters as much as I’d hoped and ultimately it was all a bit far-fetched. A good read nevertheless.

Am amazing thriller set in the romantic setting of Botswana, with danger awaiting the protagonists in every corner. Highly recommended!

Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy. Overall this wasn't bad. I did find myself skimming more. I feel this plot is way overdone. Someone wants revenge so invites all their friends to a party, vacation, and huge affair to kill them. This is exactly what happened. Seemed predictable for the most part. I seem to like every other of Phoebe's book so higher hopes for the next one.

#TheWildGirls #NetGalley
A dazzling hall of mirrors thriller. I'd to pick up my jaw firmly after I read that twist.
Felicity, one of the four girls known as The Wild Girls sends an invitation to her three friends, Grace, Alice and Hannah for her 30th birthday celebration and invites them to a luxury safari lodge in Botswana.
They didn't talk to each other from two years since that awful night in Botswana after which their friendship had fell apart but it seems that things are starting to come on the right track, aren't they?
The three girls cone to Botswana but don't find Felicity there. Although they receive some notes by Felicity giving them various instructions and then they find a note in which she has taunt them. They know it has nothing to do with that night.
Soon their cracks start to come to the surface and the three of them fall apart. Two of them would be dead. Why?
Morgan explored toxic friendship and she proved once again that she's the queen of one more chapter. I was racing through this book until I had finished it.
I loved the characters of Michael, Nathaniel, Hannah and Alice. Grace was pathetic, the odd one.
Narration of the story is buttery smooth but in my opinion Phoebe should've given the back story simultaneously with the present story. Somehow it has affected the flow but it picked up when the story comes to the present again.
Setting, dialogues and theme of the story were brilliant. I'm looking forward for her fifth book.
Thanks to NetGalley and HQ for giving me an advanced copy of this dazzling psychological thriller.

I couldn't wait to delve into my next Phoebe Morgan novel, this one was absolutely brilliant. When three friends are invited to a mini break to Botswana to celebrate their friends birthday what could possibly go wrong? since not seeing each other for a long time and having grown up and going their separate ways, what will have changed between them? I liked how the story grew more as it went on, you didn't really know what was going to happen next. Secrets, lies and betrayals are all involved, which friend would you trust? It will be hard to top this as one of my favourite reads. Phoebe Morgan has written a masterpiece.