Member Reviews

Wow I loved this book! Amazing setting very atmospheric, great characters and so many twists! This kept me up all night would highly recommend this book.

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Completely zipped through this, pretty sure I held my breath the whole way through.

What kind of magic is Phoebe Morgan pulling?! I couldn't sleep until I finished this, I absolutely needed to know what happened! It's so fast-paced and twisty- you think you know the ending and then the rug is completely torn from under you. What an experience! Great for snippy single-day reads on the beach.

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I loved this book! It's one of my favourite tropes and very well written. The setting is different and atmospheric. Great plot and characters. definitely recommended.

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Four friends reunite for a birthday celebration in a remote lodge in Botswana. Felicity is back from New York, where she's started a new life with  boyfriend Nate. Exhausted first-time mum Hannah is looking forward to a break from her partner and new baby. Alice is a broke teacher, and grateful for all-expenses-paid trip of a lifetime! And finally Grace, the introvert, who is hoping the reunion will bring her out of her shell once more. However, once the girls arrive, they realise there's no sign of the planned party. A feeling of unease falls over the lodge and they realise they're alone in the African wilderness. 🦁🦏🌴

I really enjoyed this one! Told over three parts, I loved reading from the multiple perspectives and jumping to the different time periods. I thought it did a really good job of building suspense and tension, and I was genuinely left guessing what would happen next.

Although the four girls had very different personalities, I did struggle to remember who was who at times! I kept getting mixed up between Hannah and Alice... and looks like I'm not the only one because the Goodreads description has done exactly the same 😂 I loved the location though... I thought it was perfect for a thriller because it's naturally so remote and dangerous!

The ending was fab... albeit a little far-fetched at times! Full of twists and turns until the very end. Can't wait to read Phoebe Morgan's next book 😄

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This is the first Phoebe Morgan book I've read and I enjoyed it. It didn't blow my mind but it was a fun page turner that was easy to read. There are 4 main characters who were friends before something went very wrong and affecting all of them differently. One of the group invites the rest on a fully funded luxury weekend in Botswana for her 30th birthday. Botswana doesn't really seem like a girls holiday location to me but I guess with the rest of the story the location makes sense. However, Botswana isn't really important in itself, its more the sense of isolation and being cut off form the rest of the world.

The book is written in with dual timelines which reveal what's happening currently but also what happened previously. This reveals why the current events are happening and why each character acts the way they do. I think the author did a great job at making sure the timelines are understood and that the reader can follow along easily.

Throughout the book there is a sinister feel that something is about to go very wrong and it quite quickly does. However, for me the ending wasn't what I was expecting and I didn't find it as satisfying as other people seem to have. That being said, I'd recommend this one for a holiday read because it was entertaining but also didn't require too much concentration.

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Twists and turns a plenty. Four characters we have to pick apart to work out all their secrets are, and to find out who a murderer is. I personally loved the fact the setting was a safari lodge, just brilliant.

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An intriguing work of prose from Phoebe Morgan, who hasn't failed yet in creating a page-turning thriller.

It took a while to get into, but from just before half way, the tempo changed and I was compelled to finish it in one fell swoop.

The characters were fascinating, but lacked a little depth. The opening description of an African safari were delicious, but as the opportunity arose to wax lyrical in the open veld, it was not taken. The novel was brought to a formidable climax, but seemed a tad rushed.

I liked it, but did not love it like Ms Morgan's previous novels.

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I quite enjoyed this book but occasionally found it a bit unbelievable. Four friends who haven't seen each other for a number of years go to Botswana to celebrate a birthday. These friends are perhaps not such good friends though. What happens in Botswana is where it gets a bit unbelievable.

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A bit of a slow burner for me, but nevertheless it kept me intrrigued and wanting to read on. Quite dark in parts, with a twist at the end - or is there?

Read it to find out!

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This was a cracker and if you want a thriller with some mystery, intrigue and suspense, this one is for you. I loved the exotic setting, the characters were interesting and varied and I didn’t work the plot out in advance. It kept me guessing and that’s what I want in a good book. I’d definitely read more by this author.

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Another great book from Phoebe, I found it quite a slow burner but it’s still a brilliant read with loads of twists and turns to keep you interest and right on the edge of your seat !
I give it a well-earned 8/10

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I am a big fan of Phoebe Morgan’s books and this is another of hers which I have completely devoured.

The premise of an all-expenses trip to Botswana for a birthday reunion for the four friends who haven’t seen each other for years, sounds almost too good to be true! But, Flick can afford it, she wants to treat her friends, and what nicer way than to bring them to a beautiful setting where they can all catch up with one another, undisturbed, and fill in the gaps of what they have missed in each others lives. They are all so different now, but, once upon a time they were the closest friends, and what an amazing opportunity for them to rekindle this friendship. They are all swept along in the big gesture from Flick; a real treat they could all do with! The guidebooks and swimsuits are packed and hopes are high.

Three can be a difficult number in a friendship group, there are normally two who are closer and one who is left out, we get a sense of this feeling right from the start of the trip at the airport and it seems that some bonds are stronger than others. There are things unsaid and secrets held, I enjoyed trying to guess at what these were with the little hints along the way.

When they arrive in Botswana all is beautiful and even better than they expected; their accommodation is luxurious and a lavish dinner has been set out for them, but, things soon start to feel wrong and we have an intense feeling that something might be amiss. This has a locked room feeling and as a reader I felt very apprehensive and anxious about what was about to happen. With no way of knowing where they were, no way of contacting the outside world and no staff that they can locate they feel trapped and the feelings of a relaxing holiday quickly evaporate. I love the fact we don’t know who to trust and what secrets they have kept. I certainly didn’t anticipate the things that started to happen!

I really enjoyed this; it’s a very twisty, and dark read with an ending I really did not expect showing how the author really sets a scene only for it to be changed so swiftly and dramatically.

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I did enjoyed the idea of this book, but I felt like there was a lot of repetition in this book, and some details were repeated a few times which wasnt necessary. I really wanted to enjoy this book but it wasnt for me.

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Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book is very well written, clever and I thoroughly enjoyed it! It kept me guessing until the very end which I aways like.

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Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book is very well written, and cleverly plotted, The author does really well to never reveal too much too early on, leaving us frantically turning the pages, itching to find out more. I kept picking this up every spare moment that I had, and found myself neglecting my chores just to keep reading. Would highly recommend and will be reading whatever Phoebe writes next.

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Thank you to the published and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

This was a really unique book told in two parts that has you hooked right from the start. You never knew quite what was going to happen and the ending came as a total surprise. Totally one id recommend to everyone.

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The Wild Girls is a gripping, fun read following a group of thirty-somethings who reunite, having not met up for a long time, for a birthday weekend in Botswana. The invite came out of the blue, but Grace, Alice and Hannah leave their lives behind and head to South Africa to join Felicity for her birthday celebrations.

As we can guess, things aren’t as they seem, and the tension builds as the trip takes a very dark turn! I don’t want to give much away about the storyline but there’s plenty of mystery – who is really to blame for the strange things happening around them? – and I raced through it!

I enjoyed the different time frames in this novel – most of it takes part in the ‘present day’, but later in the novel we also go back in time to ‘before’ the group’s big argument – and we find out what happened to split up such a close group of friends!

There are some parts that did feel a bit far fetched, but I think with a novel like this you’ve just got to lose yourself in its pages and enjoy the craziness! I liked the ending and would recommend The Wild Girls as a fun, entertaining and easy read!

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The Wild Girls is a suspenseful locked-room mystery where four friends travel to reunite at a resort in Botswana only to find it deserted and the friend who gathered them all together no where to be found. This story creeped me out. It is one that will have you on the edge of your seat. Filled with tons of twists and turns, the suspense truly never lets up. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a locked-room mystery perfect for summer.

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There was enough intrigue to keep me reading; four women, all with secrets carefully eeked out over the course of the book. But a few things niggled at me while reading. I wasn't sure why some points of view were in first person, but others were in third. The description of the luxury, yet creepy and weirdly claustrophobic resort/house was really good, but I felt the setting of Botswana wasn't really used at all. The big luxury house could have been anywhere.

Overall though, it was the repetition of the same thoughts over and over again that made me want to stop reading a couple of times.

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Once the best of friends, Hannah, Alice, Grace and Felicity grew up together, inseparable until something changed all that. It’s Felicity’s 30th Birthday and she’s going all out, all expenses paid to get the girls back together. On safari, in Botswana. Their lives have all changed, their careers, their lifestyles and geography have kept them apart, plus theres some kind of simmering back story that keeps dropping hints of what happened, and why they haven’t made the time to get together since, but even with trepidation and nerves, theres excitement and its that that propels them, they are all prepared to overcome any fears and enjoy their time together.

They pack their cases and Hannah, Alice and Grace head off to the airport, Felicity has flown out already and is sending photos of cocktails with the beautiful African sunset as the back drop via WhatsApp to them as they take off. What were they worried about, everything is going to be just fine.

Or is it…….

Upon arrival the girls get collected and dropped off at Deception Valley Lodges, to find that Felicity isn’t feeling well and will see them first thing, to make them selves at home and enjoy the facilities. Plunge pools and catering, fizz and relaxation – the girls take full advantage.

The next morning, all with slightly tired and hung over heads the girls meet to go out on Safari, but Felicity is still a no show and the safari trip never happens, alarm bells start ringing and pretty soon it becomes clear that this isn’t the idyllic place to be, cut off from near civilisation without any form of contact. Panic sets in and so do warring words, the girls argue and tensions arise. Whats the best plan now?

Quite simply a truly thrilling read, the sun downers and scenery, arguably make it the perfect destination, who wouldn’t want to be in Africa holidaying right now? Brilliantly written characters and super twisted plot. That dips from present day to past history with the girls and their families. That helps create a picture of their current lives. Phoebe always manages to create the right atmosphere, dark and brooding with the added touch of tension. A great read, a book for many readers to enjoy.

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