Member Reviews

Once started, I had so much fun reading The Wild Girls. It is entertainment with trepidation, intriguing notes, travel and terrific energy within those pages in this stand-alone book, that will keep you hooked into this thriller until the end. It's a luxury retreat at a safari and birthday party with a difference...

The writing is dramatic and carries a terrific energy, even when it is something as simple as a letter dropping through a letterbox!

It's entertaining, finding out about the lives of Grace, Alice and Hannah the sub-characters ( the main characters, as seems to be a style, which I have grown to like more, have parts of chapters to themselves). There is also quite an introduction of the characters, leading up to the first chapter. There's Grace, who recieves an invitation to Felicity's birthday in Botswana; Alice (and Tom) who appears to be having financial issues; Hannah (and Chris), who have a young family. These are The Wild Girls!

It has much intrigue surrounding Felicity's invitation. There is more than meets the eye to it and it isn't as simple as an invite and that isn't just the location, this involves how it insinuates how relationships between The Wild Girls have been, prior to this, which is said within the book.

Deception Valley Lodge Complex adds an unexpected twist to the accomodation in the gorgeous setting of Botswana, with the African plains, wildlife and Limpopo River, not least as to how it is all set-up and there are messages abound from Felicity, which add mystery and intrigue. There are notes and messages abound from the birthday girl, but the book becomes twisty and has an unexpected sinister and feel with tension and mystery building about the birthday. This is a book with many surprises within it. It has a feel of Agatha Christie's - "And Then There Were None" in a sense, as people's feelings, insecurities and life stories start to tumble out and somone vital is missing, so the hunt is on to find out what is going on as it turns out the birthday party gathering isn't all as is seems and far from what the guests were expecting.

Part Two has many revelations and set before Botswana. This is more deftly done than expected as it is as interesting as Part One and pieces things together. It is cleverly written and writing it this way round works very well and flows incredibly well from what went on previously in the first part. It's a chance to see the characters outwith Botswana and how they interacted with each other then. Part way through, I was hoping for at least a part 3 and it came and plunged the characters to their present time in Botswana and the pace picks up again and the tension builds another notch and it is breath-taking or gasping in the darkest way, which may also make your spine be chilled to the bone as the biggest and deepest revelation of them all comes out.

In a world where foreign holidays are a bit off the cards just now, this book does well in replacing that travel in its vibrancy and the wonderful premise of a birthday party.

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An interesting thriller. 4 friends, Felicity, Hannah, Alice and Grace, have drifted apart due to events of the past. They are brought back together when Frlicity invites them to her 30th birthday party in Botswana on an all expenses paid 5 star retreat.
The past secrets unwind well and keep you guessing throughout the book. I enjoyed reading it and wanted to find out more.
I wasn’t sure why three girls would go to Botswana without questioning anything, just because an old friend invited them. If you can suspend your disbelief at that part then you will enjoy the book.
Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Felicity, Hannah, Grace and Alice used to be the best of friends but something happened to break this friendship apart. A surprise invitation from one of the girls on an all expenses paid trip to a luxury safari lodge in Botswana begins this dark and compelling thriller. As thrillers go it is not too heavy or complex but the slightly sinister undertone grabs you from the onset. You can’t help but get completely immersed in this engrossing and thoroughly enjoyable story.

The characters are credible and really well written and I enjoyed getting to know the ‘Wild’ girls and their different quirks and personalities as well as the exploration of their friendships and interactions. Unaware of what broke their friendship apart until the latter part of the book you are left guessing and wondering for the best part of the book what could have caused such a rift.

The setting is amazing and the remoteness coupled with the suffocating heat adds to claustrophobic atmosphere of the story. With wild animals roaming around outside the camp and the lack of people there is a definite sense of danger and being trapped and isolated. Although there were good descriptions coming from within the complex I was hungry for much more rich and detailed descriptions of the scenery outside of the Lodge and the culture and lifestyle of Botswana.

The plot is exciting and with it’s fair share of twists and turns keeping the reader happily guessing on the outcome. It felt a little rushed towards the end and it was all wrapped up and over quite quickly, however the rest of the story built up nicely. An addictive and fast-paced thriller which is easy to read and the perfect escapism. This is the first book I’ve read of this author and I will definitely be reaching for more.

Thank you so much to the publisher for the gifted ARC and e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

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This book was soo good!  I had that feeling of wanting to read it at every opportunity.  It kept me guessing and kept me turning the pages.
If you want a bingeable book this is definitely the book.

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Wow, what a fantastic read. I was hooked from the first few pages. I inhaled it, I loved how it told the story from each of the main character’s perspectives and then went back to explain what happened on that fateful night two years ago. I do question why any of them went to Botswana in the first place though, I wouldn’t have! A brilliant read.

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Hannah, Grace and Alice have all been invited to Felicity's birthday party in Botswana. The group of friends haven't spoken much in two years so is this the reunion that brings them back together or will the secrets of the night that parted him come out. It soon becomes clear things are not right in Botswana but what is going on and will they all survive?

This was an interesting read. The story is told by the various main characters giving more depth to each role they play in the story. It begins in the present and dots back to the past to tell us the truth of that night. The plot is steady building to a dramatic climax but I found the ending a little quick for me, It left me feeling like it wasn't quite resolved. The writing is well done and creates the right atmosphere for the tone of the book. The characters are interesting but none stood out as really likeable but it works for the story. A good thriller with a clever twist.

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I was fortunate to receive a copy of this ARC from HQ publishing, NetGalley and Pigeonhole.

It was lovely to be transported to Botswana in this story, although not with these friends!

The story goes back and forth, gradually revealing what had led the friends to be at Deception Lodge in Botswana. Phoebe Morgan definitely creates tension and fear, even from 5,000 miles away!

My favourite quote:
"As I turn my head, I get a whiff of her perfume, the ghost of her lingers in the air."

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The 'Wild Girls' are invited to an all expenses paid trip to a luxury resort in Botswana to celebrate one of the girls birthday. They have drifted apart in the last few years so they see it as a good opportunity to sort out some unfinished business and take a break from their own lives for a while.
The break goes nothing like they were thinking it would and by the end of it all of their lives are changed forever.

This book was an interesting read. Split into parts it weaves it's story with past and future narratives as well as from different character perspectives making it a sometimes confusing, but well-rounded read.

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I was really intrigued by The Wild Girls, a promising thriller about four friends with revenge as the key. And the promise lived up.

What I really enjoyed about The Wild Girls is how easy to follow it was. The story was incredibly well-written and suspenseful as it flit between the current day trip in Botswana to the past, recounting the story that threatened to tear The Wild Girls friendship apart.

I found myself trying to read it quickly so I could find out more and more, a great sign for me that I'm hooked.

The Wild Girls is dark, vengeful and full of twist and turns that you can't see coming. It left me on edge throughout, which is my perfect idea of a thriller

The Wild Girls is out today, thank you #NetGalley and @harpercollinsuk for this copy!

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The Wild Girls in question are Alice, Grace, Hannah and Felicity. They used to be good friends but after something happened two years ago they haven't seen each other. Out of the blue Felicity invites the other three to an all expenses paid holiday in Botswana to celebrate her birthday. When they arrive at Deception Valley Lodges Felicity is nowhere to be seen as apparently she has a tummy bug. There is no sign either of anyone else, staff or other guests. We know from the start that two bodies are found so it's a case of discovering who dies and why.

I did enjoy the book though I was left wondering why the women didn't really question why there was nobody about, where their food and drink appeared from and why Felicity didn't put in an appearance if only to welcome them.

I've read two books recently in which the characters were gifted all expenses paid holidays and my advice to anyone getting such an invite would be to say no thanks!

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My thanks to HQ for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘The Wild Girls’ by Phoebe Morgan in exchange for an honest review.

This psychological thriller focuses on four women, who in their younger years nicknamed themselves the Wild Girls. Of course over time they all settled down but remained close. Then two years ago a night out ended very badly and they all fell out.

In the present Grace, Hannah, ana Alice are surprised to receive an invitation from Felicity. She is offering them an all expenses paid trip to celebrate her 30th birthday in Botswana at a luxury safari lodge. They all accept as it seems that Felicity is suggesting an opportunity for reconciliation. Still, when they arrive at Deception Valley Lodges (!) they find themselves alone with only a patchy phone signal. No further details to avoid spoilers but there’s clearly some serious red flags in this scenario.

As is often the case in psychological thrillers the narrative moves between various characters’ viewpoints and we come to know more about their lives both past and present.

Phoebe Morgan is very clever in teasing her readers with details of the events that shattered the friendships. Some aspects of the plot are rather ‘out there’ though it’s rather fun trying to figure out what’s going on. For example, none of these women have clearly ever seen a horror movie in their lives and so keep wandering around on their own.

Overall, another hit for Phoebe Morgan with plenty of twists and turns in an addictive, page turning thriller.

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This is an epic thriller centered around the relationship between four women; Felicity, Grace, Alice and Hannah.
What Phoebe Morgan does best here is to throw a spotlight onto the interpersonal dynamics between these women, and create friction that is caused by secrets and toxic friendships. The characterisation is fabulous and I noticed a great degree of depth to their narratives.

After two years of barely any communication, the women reunite in Botswana to celebrate the birthday of Felicity, who had moved to New York after the events of one evening two years previously. The timelines unfold simultaneously, which I love, as we find out what happened to split up their friendship two years ago, and what is happening now in this luxurious safari lodge in the middle of Botswana. We also get the different narrative voices of each of the women so this book ticks all of my favourite boxes, in terms of dual timelines and multiple narrators, to help propel the story forward.

It’s the kind of book that you will want to devour in one sitting but I read it through The Pigeonhole and had to wait for each day’s installment. I then sat up until ridiculous times at night completely engrossed in this great book.

Oh yes there are events where you suspend disbelief (which book in this genre doesn’t require that?) and the characters are all highly unlikeable (although I did feel pity for them too) but I was completely drawn into this world and just HAD to keep guessing what on earth was going on.

Highly recommend it for all thriller fans.

I ended up reading this through The Pigeonhole app because I wanted to discuss it with my fellow readers as I went along - the suspense and mystery just HAD to be discussed!!!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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Quite possibly my favourite Phoebe Morgan book so far.

I didnt want this book to end but at the same time I was desperate to know who the killer was.

I was positive I had it sussed until the twist right at the end.

The lodge sounds idyllic and divine but after what went on there is no way i would want to visit.

Written from all four girls points of view this book captures you from the very beginning and takes you on a wild journey.

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The Wild Girls, or at least that’s what they called themselves in their younger days, this group of female friends who take the centre stage in Phoebe Morgan’s latest thriller. Estranged for the best part of two years all four are reuniting for Felicity’s birthday celebrations, with invitations to Hannah, Alice and Grace to join her for a long weekend at Deception Valley Lodge in Botswana unexpectedly dropping through their letterboxes. Who could possibly turn down such an opportunity, a chance to bury the hatchet and rekindle their friendship and see the Big Five in their natural habitat especially as Felicity is kindly footing the bill? Curiosity over each other’s lives is far too tempting to ignore so casting any lingering doubts aside all three women decide to take a brief hiatus from their normal lives, jumping on a plane prepared to party and let bygones be bygones. Too good to be true? You can decide as past petty squabbles and jealousies, fears and disappointments threaten to rear their ugly head once more and turn this girls trip into a dangerous game where only one player is privy to the rules. Unfortunately it isn’t just an unexpected encounter with a lion or rhino they need to be afraid of! In a thriller that promises to be as scorching as the Botswana sun, there is an ominous tone from the very beginning, a feeling of dread that only intensifies the minute all three arrive at their isolated destination.

The novel is split into four parts, switching locations from Botswana to London, from present to past and back again. We first glimpse Hannah, Alice and Grace as the women they are today, replicating the roles assigned to them many years ago, my impression being that none of them are particularly happy. Beset by the normal ordinary problems that afflict us all, this trip of a lifetime seems to offer a welcome respite from financial worries, troublesome relationships, motherhood and loneliness and self imposed insularity but I couldn’t help wondering if these friendships would be best left in the past. I immediately wanted to know the reasons behind this huge rift as clearly all three still harbour regrets regarding the abrupt ending to the friendship, hints of troubles that wormed their way into the core of this group skulking in the background, inviting the reader to hazard impromptu guesses for the breakdown. It’s these insights into ordinary lives and friendships that Phoebe Morgan executes so well,drawing you into their inner circle to include partners, Tom, Chris and Nathaniel, whose own actions give the reader cause for concern.

Unfortunately her attempts at creating small acts of menace, which in all fairness are intriguing,and build towards dramatic and shocking scenarios are belittled by a lack of credibility. This is further exacerbated by revelations of the night that split the friendship apart, the hints all too obvious and it’s at this point the narrative plunges into a nosedive. On the plus side details of the night in question affords the reader greater opportunity to understand what motivates these women, how their hopes and fears and dreams shape their personalities and why resentments still linger. I expect to be baffled and bamboozled by the clues that are left for me to pick over, grateful for any small morsel of truth that will ultimately led to enlightenment so to say I was hugely disappointed is an understatement. Sadly from somewhere in part two, where all my initial suspicions were confirmed I lost interest. With much eye rolling and tuts of disbelief I was dismayed at how quickly this storyline started to flounder. I can forgive minor discrepancies in what I deem plausible behaviour and I did manage to turn a blind eye to the fact these women set off to a destination with little or no detail to ensure their safety. Foolish behaviour but I was determined not to let it spoil my overall enjoyment, given that I’d been looking forward to this thriller for some time. I could imagine that given the amount of emotional investment these women were placing in their reunion, all rationale flew out the window the minute they accepted the invite! As long as the rest of the plot remained watertight I would be more than happy. However, this thriller could be set anywhere; I’ve no idea why the author has chosen the location of Botswana ( although I was pleasingly surprised to discover Deception Valley Lodge does exist!) other than as a tempting destination to lure Hannah, Alice and Grace into the lion’s den. I was hoping the author would transport me (virtually) to a place in the world I can only visualise in my dreams, with images of the big majestic beasts roaming free, the oppressive heat and natural beauty of the landscape serving to enhance the action. Phoebe Morgan undelivers on this score and as the final part descends into chaos,verging on the ridiculous I had to admit defeat.

I particularly hate it when, having anticipated the arrival of a new novel from an author you hold in high esteem, you are left feeling cheated and let down, resigned to leaving an average or less than favourable review. I wanted so much to love The Wild Girls but this time around the author failed to coax me out of my overall sense of disappointment. For me it is the plot that lets the side down on this occasion and not necessarily the characters who are mostly well developed. I can only hope and keep my fingers crossed that the next one will see Phoebe Morgan back on top form! My thanks as always to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read.

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A very dark and somehow chilling, book. The four women who have been friends for years have moved on, each busy with their own lives. They each receive an invitation to Felicity's birthday Botswana, all expenses paid. At that point I think I would have wondered why and if this was genuine. But off they went, into the deep and unknown..
I can't say I enjoyed the book, but appreciate how well it was written, with wonderful descriptions of the country. Thank you to NetGalley for a chance to review this book..

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I loved this book. I read Phoebe’s first novel The Doll House a while ago and it was one of my favourites at the time. The Girl Next Door and The Babysitter were also good but they didn’t grab me in quite the same way. But The Wild Girls! Oh boy! What a cracking mystery.

Grace, Alice, Hannah and Felicity were best friends since they were teenagers. They did everything together, spending time in Felicity’s attic, sharing secrets and drinking Vodka – the drinking forms quite a major theme in the book. If I drank like these girls do I would be comatose.

But something happens one night that blows their friendship apart and they haven’t spoken in two years. They have their own lives now – Hannah with husband Chris and baby Max, Alice with boyfriend Tom and Grace almost a recluse. Felicity has gone to New York with her handsome, doctor, boyfriend Nathaniel.

Then out of the blue each of the girls gets an invitation to Felicity’s birthday party in a Lodge in Botswana. Why Botswana? No idea but they all decide to go – it’s expenses paid so why not? To me it would all seem a bit suspicious but they think it will be fun and anyway, they need a break.

Soon things began to turn sinister, slowly creeping up in a way that only really Grace suspects, but then Grace was always like that wasn’t she?

Almost no phone signal, no sign of Felicity, wild animals just beyond the perimeter, no locks on the doors and food that just mysteriously appears, who wouldn’t be worried? In the opening chapter we know that two of the girls will not make it out alive – but which two and why?

This is the kind of book that you really can’t put down, so reading in staves with The Pigeonhole was torture!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole, the author and my fellow Pigeons for making this such an enjoyable read. And also to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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If you are looking for an edge of your seat, gripping, and genuinely thrilling thriller, look no further than Phoebe Morgan's latest offering The Wild Girls.
Tense, taut, and the type of book that invites any amateur detective to endless conjecture, the luxurious trip to Bostwana for a group of girls is anything but simple and straightforward. Once a tight knit group of friends growing up, these women have not seen or been in touch with one another for two years. Deciding to rectify this, Grace, Alice and Hannah accept Felicity's invite to South Africa and find themselves in Deception Valley Lodge to celebrate Felicity's 30th birthday.
The place, the heat, its remoteness and the hint of danger from the wild animals on the plain, creates the perfect atmosphere for fear and suspicion. There are hints and hints and more hints of someone playing a deadly game with the girls, but why and how and who?
I loved the way in which Phoebe Morgan writes about the dynamics between the women, alluding to past history and secrets which no-one seems willing to share. Motives, perspectives, decisions and fears, all not spoken about but taking up a lot of space in the hearts and minds of the foursome, speak much louder, and with much more menace, than that which is referred to directly. Add in partners, Nathaniel, Tom and Chris and the reader is treated to a wealth of emotional detail, to rounded out characters with the insecurities, hopes and dreams so typical of any one of us, and with plenty of emotional baggage besides the cases the girls board the plane with.
Prepare to be shocked, prepare to change your mind and prepare for an ending as sinister as the rest of the book.
With thanks to Phoebe Morgan, the publisher, Pigeonhole and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this highly readable, page turner of a novel.

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This is a great thriller.
Hannah, Alice and Grace receive a message from their friend Felicity inviting them to Botswana to celebrate her Birthday.
It’s clear from their initial reactions that the group have lost touch recently so none of them are keen to go.
Eventually they all agree to go but it’s with trepidation rather than excitement.
When they arrive there’s no sign of Felicity and then they receive a message saying she’s unwell and will see them in the morning.
The next day there’s still no sign of her so the group wonder what’s happening.
Soon events take a sinister turn and lives are in danger.
This is a gripping thriller that I really enjoyed.
Thanks to HQ and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Hannah, Grace, and Alice used to be close friends with each other and with Felicity. Something happened a few years ago that blew their relationship apart, but they each receive an invitation to celebrate Felicity's birthday at a retreat in Botswana. The three former friends decide to go and rekindle their friendships, but when they arrive Felicity is nowhere to be seen and the lodge seems to be deserted apart from them. Then they start receiving sinister notes hinting that there's a reason they've been brought to Botswana and that one of them knows the real reason.

Wow, that was an entertaining rollercoaster of a book. It's dark, with lots of twists and turns, and even though the ending may be a little overdramatic, it works in the context of the plot. All of the friends have their own secrets they are trying to keep hidden from the others, and none of the male characters exactly cover themselves in glory either. If you like twisted thrillers, then this will be right up your street.

T/W: detailed sexual assault scenes, violence, description of a dead animal.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers, HQ, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

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The latest offering from author Phoebe Morgan is The Wild Girls, where we meet four estranged friends, Alice, Felicity, Grace and Hannah. Two years ago something happened to break the friendship apart and the friends have not seen or spoken at all since.

The first half of the book is absolutely on the edge of your seat and racing through to get to the end to find out what happens. The last half lost a little pace for me, hence the four and not five stars.

The story plays over different timelines and we are introduced to them towards the end of their friendship and are teased as to what happened between them and how their family dynamics and partners contributed to the rift.

In present day Felicity has invited the others to a birthday party she is planning in Botswana and the description of the place and the events there are amazing. As soon as I discovered that the venue was called Deception Valley I knew it was not going to end well!!

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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