Member Reviews

Having read a short story collection earlier this year surrounding the events of The Empire Strikes Back and really enjoying it, I thought I would dip my toe into the wider world of Star Wars and this first book the The High Republic, seemed like a pretty sensible place to start. The action takes place long before the events we are familiar with from the films and while the world itself is familiar, the characters and politics aren't, which did take a bit of getting used to. I also thought that the first 100 pages of the book read almost like an extended prologue, which again, took me a minute to get into. With that being said, I think that the book does a great job at introducing us to the world and time period and absolutely sets up the ongoing story for the books to follow. Overall, I definitely enjoyed my time with this one, but I suspect that I will probably enjoy the future installments more now that I am situated in the world - which wouldn't be possible without the work done in this installment.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

An unheard-of tragedy in hyperspace destroys a starship carrying thousands of Republic citizens to their new homes in the Outer Rim, and raining deadly shrapnel on various star systems. As the Republic and the Jedi struggle to stop these deadly missiles and save millions of lives, a sinister force lurks in the background, a group of bandits and opportunist criminals who call themselves the Nihil. But behind the Nihil is a man who wants much more, a man with a much more sinister agenda than disrupting the Republic’s affairs for his own profit. The question is can the Republic stop him with the help of the infamous Force users, the Jedi?
Welcome to Star Wars: The High Republic. Set some 200 years before the beginning of The Skywalker Saga, this series of books and comics is set to shine a light on the Jedi at the height of their power and influence. In many ways this is the Jedi that many people expected to encounter in George Lucas’ oft-maligned prequel trilogy. The 200-year gap goes some way towards ensuring that we’re unlikely to see much (if any) crossover with the Star Wars film universe (with some notable exceptions) leaving the creative talent free to concentrate on defining this historical era that has yet to be touched upon in the new canon, and the characters, worlds and technologies that populate it.
“We are all the Republic.”
In his opening novel, Light of the Jedi, Charles Soule – who has previously written for the galaxy far, far away in the form of the ongoing Marvel Comics series – does some work to set the scene. Led by Chancellor Lina Soh, the Republic has begun to expand into the Outer Rim, bringing much-needed civilisation to a dark and often violent backwater. Preaching a message of unity Lina Soh already has her sights set on her “Great Works”, the legacy she will leave behind. “We are all the Republic” is the constant refrain, and to reinforce this the massive space station Starlight Beacon has just completed construction, bringing the light of the Republic to the Outer Rim territories. Alongside the Republic, as fans will expect, stand the Jedi, part of the overall body, though autonomous in every other way. The Jedi are peacekeepers, bound to assist those in need by the vows they take and the sacred bond with the Force that they enjoy. Unlike many other Star Wars stories concerned with the Jedi which tend to focus on a master and an apprentice, this first book introduces us to a whole swathe of characters – not all of whom will reach it to the end of the novel – and shows us them working together to solve the problems they face.
With the new era comes a host of brand new characters for us to take into our homes and our hearts, as is always the way with this creative universe. Interestingly, with the new (old) Jedi comes a whole new set of abilities, smashing the boundaries of what we thought we knew the Force was capable of. Here’s Avar Kriss, a human with the ability to create a sort of network within a large group of Jedi, to direct them in battle, or allow them to work in harmony with everyone else in whatever they are doing. Porter Engle can calm with a single touch, while Burrayaga, a Wookiee padawan, can sense the emotions of those around him and beyond. Vast numbers of Jedi of course means a much greater variety of species involved, and here we meet Trandoshan, Ithorian and Twi’lek Jedi, to name but a few, as well as a few familiar names, in the form of long-lived characters such as Yarael Poof and Yoda, who is sadly absent throughout, despite a handful of mentions. Expect to see more of him, possibly, in the books aimed at a younger audience, as he seems to be off working with younglings.
Putting us inside the heads of some of these Jedi, Soule gives us what is probably the first real first-hand glimpse of what the Force is, and how each Jedi sees it in their own unique ways: as an all-encompassing network, a vast seascape, and so on. While the iconic lightsaber remains a big part of the Jedi arsenal, the Jedi of the High Republic era also have access to a wide range of technology that has largely disappeared by the time of the Skywalker Saga. Chief amongst this is the Vector, a one- or two-person spacecraft with a weapons system keyed on the lightsaber, meaning that only Jedi can use them, and they are forced to consider their actions while in control of the craft.
Light of the Jedi is an excellent introduction to this new era. Staying true to the heart of Star Wars while introducing enough new features to amaze and surprise long-time (and often hardcore) fans is a fine line for any writer. Soule stays away from the classic Good vs Evil arc that we often expect from a Star Wars story and instead opts for shades of gray. There is no Sith Lord lurking in the background here (at least not yet) and for much of the novel’s length the Nihil are a band of petty criminals and pirates looking to make a fortune by concentrating on the areas that an all-encompassing Republic will inevitably miss. That said, Marchion Ro, the Eye of the Nihil obviously has bigger plans, and is definitely one to watch.
It’s a great time to be a Star Wars fan. We haven’t had it his good since the 1980s, what with the success of The Mandalorian and the many in-development film and television projects that that success has spawned. Now we have the High Republic which gives us a glimpse at an era we have yet to see within the new Disney canon. Despite a few structural issues that were more irritating than anything else, Light of the Jedi is a thrilling and engaging addition to the Star Wars universe. Providing a glimpse at the Jedi Order at the height of its strength, Soule also manages to focus in on some of the individuals, and gives us plenty of reason to keep coming back for more. Due to last for the next handful of years, look for the High Republic to span adult and middle-grade novels, ongoing comics series and much more. It’s a must for all Star Wars fans and this is one reader who can’t wait to get his hands on the next instalment, in whatever format it comes!

Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher for giving me this book to review.
I adore Star Wars but I am really struggling to get into the books even if they are well written so I cannot give this a proper review as I could not fully finish this. I still recommend this to people who want more canon Star Wars lore though!

A true breath of fresh air in the Star Wars canon, Light of the Jedi introduces the High Republic, a new era and a whole group of new characters. The setting is exciting, the stakes high without being the same as usual, and fantastic writing from Charles Soule.

There is peace in the galaxy and it is the golden age of the Republic.
However, when a ship is torn apart in hyperspace, the fallout will threaten billions of lives. The Republic forces and the Jedi join together to prevent as much destruction as possible, but an emerging enemy won't make it easy for them.
Can the Republic and the Jedi prevail?
Is there more to this new threat than there seems?
As a big Star Wars fan I was excited when I heard that there would be a series of books coming out set when the Jedi were at the height of their power, so I jumped at the chance to read Light of the Jedi.
There were a lot of characters in the book, and it did take me a few chapters to wrap my head around who they all were. I was worried that the amount of characters might mean that there wasn't much depth to them, but I felt that there was good characterisation overall. There were some characters I liked more than others, because of their personalities, and I hope that we get to find out more about some of them.
The setting of the High Republic was really interesting but strange in a way, as I'm used to there not being many Jedi. However, it was nice to read about a time when Jedi were numerous, if a little sad knowing that it doesn't last. I also liked reading about the different ways that some of the Jedi used/saw the Force. I liked the idea of the Chancellor's Great Works and would be interested in finding out more about them.
The plot dove pretty much into the action straight away which was great and had me engrossed, but after a while my interest did wane a little. There were some very enjoyable scenes, but I definitely preferred the first half of the book. The epilogue definitely has me intrigued to read more of the High Republic books.
The writing style was easy to follow and explained things well, making the book fairly uncomplicated to read.
While I wasn't blown away by this book and I'm a little disappointed I didn't like it more, it was a decent read overall.
Overall, this was an enjoyable read.

I cannot give enough praise for this book.
The Light of the Jedi is a canon novel, set in the Star Wars universe and BOY did live up the expectations of that heritage.
Set around 200 years before we are introduced to the boy slave Anakin Skywalker- this tale explores the rich and illustrious history of the Jedi order in it's prime. For most of the universe, this is a golden age- a true space saga in which all your dreams are realised of Jedi society.
There are sabers, senates and of course- the Force.
Sit back, pick this book up and lose yourself in the High Republic.