Member Reviews

My first title from this author, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. My heart was in my mouth the whole read! If you are looking for a new thriller author, try this! definitly a good recommendation.

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Really enjoyed this novel. It brought to life the conflicting emotions that the central character feels around her adoption and the barriers to trusting her new family whilst also bringing to life the victims of the tri state killer.

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Maybe you don't want to know your family tree - and maybe digging around you won't like what you find, and others might not like it too. A twisty serial killer in the family tale - some tense moments and red herring twists that make it a fast read.

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Sorry for taking so long to read this, but having Covid and a chest infection over Christmas meant I got to catch up on my reading this. Why did I wait for so long to read this.
Absolutely excellent and highly recommend.
More please - this reminded me in parts of CSI and I love that.

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Really enjoyed this - will definitely be recommending and looking forward to the next one by this author!

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Imagine her shock when a genetic test reveals her true family history and the fact that she may be kin to a serial killer. How can you begin to know your new family if everyone of them is a suspect? The news lately has had many articles about solving cold cases through the results of just such home testing, but if it was your test and your family? The story flew with the POV swapping back and forth. Just when you think you've pinned down the killer.....nope. Great read worth everyone of the 5 stars.

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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The main character is shocked when an ancestry kit reveals she’s adopted.
She is related to a killer who has been abducting pairs of women for forty years, leaving behind only bodies. What would you do? Contact the police and let them deal with it? Yes me too. But that doesn't make a novel! She decides to get involved and try to solve it herself. Very reckless, somewhat far fetched

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This was creepy and dark and I enjoy it. It had promise, lost me sometimes but overall I liked it and think it’s worth a read, I’m glad o kept reading

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This book had great potential but unfortunately I felt the execution let it down. Still a good read but I think it could have been so much more.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for approving me for this book.

I felt the writing was done well in this book but there was just something missing for me and I couldn't get into it and enjoy it as much as I hoped I would.

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This was creepy and dark and I loved it. An engaging plot from the start with a great premise, a thriller I would recommend

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This book was creepy. It had all the hallmarks of a great thriller and kept me guessing throughout. I think the authors did deliberately lead you down a path so you do keep questioning everyone.

There were a few niggles, including how naive the main character was at times, which made it frustrating at times, but overall I did understand why, as it led the story because of her eagerness to get involved directly.

Overall, it was a good read and premise and I enjoyed this.

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Dark thriller that had you hooked from the off. The book was very well written. Great plot. Very exciting. Fast paced to get your heart racing. Loved this book

Lovely feel good book to rea

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I was fortunate enough to access this copy pre-release from NetGalley and boyyyyy, am I glad I did!
I was truly hooked from chapter 1.
This is more psychological than true thriller I would say, which suited me perfect.
I loved the style of writing and the short, succinct chapters from the victims, it really left you wanting to know and hear MORE. I will say the main character is super frustrating and you find yourself saying “what the hell are you playing at?!” and I guessed SOME aspects of the ending but definitely not to the point where I would call it ‘predictable’

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When Lizzie is gifted a DNA ancestry test, she is shocked to discover that there is a serial killer in her family.

Great concept, with plenty of twists but unfortunately a little clichéd and superficial.

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The Family Tree is the story of not only finding out you're adopted but that you are related to a serial killer! This book draws you in from the first page and doesn't let go! Highly recommend!

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There is a serial killer in the family tree. I enjoyed this book and it had a good writing style. maybe at times a bit cheesy but overall enjoyable. With the rise of people taking DNA test is really gets you thinking about what secrets could lie in the most ordinary families.

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A great read ! An original storyline and twists and turns that kept you guessing right through the book. Cleverly written, giving flashbacks into the abductions of each of the victims with each flashback giving that bit more of what they all endured. Ended on a massive cliffhanger, interested to see whether there will be a follow up!

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Interesting read with good potential let down by lacklustre characters and a disappointing ending. So much potential, but ended up just being an average read for me.

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