Member Reviews

I want to thank the publisher, author, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

DS Karen Hart is out walking with her boyfriend when a scream comes from a local church. She finds a dead body with a cross etched on the man’s forehead. This investigation stretches the team of detectives, as they try to solve multiple investigations. When a threatening note appears, the team is separated and DS Hart is forced to work with a different team, which is lead by someone who might be ‘crooked’. As more deaths occur that seem to be related, the team is in a race to find a murderer.

There were many interrelated storylines in this book, with DS Hart as the main character. The chilling (and thrilling) conclusion puts the police force in an all-out attempt to save their own.

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4 stars / This review will be posted at today.

In the continuing series of DS Karen Hart mysteries, this novel finds Karen still working on her corruption case, as well as being first at the scene in a grisly murder. It’s Christmastime and while shopping with her romantic partner Mike, she comes upon a man who has had his throat slashed and a cross carved into his forehead. Could it be the work of a ritualistic killer? As the man was found in a cathedral, it’s possible.

The team is also on the case of a hit and run murder of a small boy. No one has seen anything. Even after poring over endless footage of CCTV cameras in the area, there is no suspect. With these two murders the team is somewhat overtaxed. After a threatening letter is left on the DI’s doorstep, a second team from another precinct is brought in to help out. Karen is none too fond of the new DI that is taking over, as he’s been a suspect in her corruption case.

I have greatly enjoyed this series. Set in Lincolnshire, England, one can just imagine how pretty the area where the cathedral is located. These well written crime procedurals are fun to read, and the author does a good job of keeping the killer under wraps. My mind went from one character to another, never suspecting in the end, the true killer. I certainly hope this isn’t the end of the line for our DS Hart.

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Karen Hart has had a rough time and has worked hard to move forward. However, when she is out one evening and stumbles upon a murder, things become even more difficult than she could have imagined. She is not sure who she can trust or where she can turn. She is not sure if one problem is related to another or separate events. She is in a race against time to uncover the truth before someone else gets hurt.

I really enjoyed On Cold Ground. As I read, I tried to make educated guesses as to what I thought was going on, and while I was partially right, I was also surprised, and that, to me, makes a good suspense novel. The story moved quickly and held my interest--I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next.

If you are a fan of D.S. Butler or psychological thrillers in general, this book is for you.

Thank you to the publisher and #NetGalley for the free copy. All opinions are my own.

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On Cold Ground by DS Butler is an intriguing murder mystery, which appears to be a serial killer at work, but they're having to work too hard to connect the victims. One is a 12-year-old boy hit on his bicycle. He may not be part of it but it feels like he is. The other three don't seem to be connected but the manner of death is similar. Then there are the letters, seeming to be taunting the police. He mentor is on of the victims. That is too personal. Her direct supervisor has to recuse himself as one of the threats is to him. There has been police corruption and Karen had helped root it out and was even still part of the task force. How did this all fit together?

Karen carries a lot of baggage since her husband and daughter were killed in a car accident. She never had been sure if that had been part of the corruption or just a simple accident. It was sure suspicious. She was finally finding happiness again with Mike Harrington. In fact they had been at a Christmas Market when the first body was found. She was first on the scene. Mike went home alone. Mike was supportive and always available. That and this whole investigation was wearing on her until she didn't know which way to turn. Too many odd things. Too much to go wrong. It was a fabulous story with lots of red herrings and subplots. The characters were terrific, especially those in Karen's squad. It was a very convoluted story, rife with potential for terrible publicity and broken relationships. I recommend it.

I was invited to read a free ARC of On Cold Ground by Netgalley. All of the thoughts and opinions are my own. #netgalley #oncoldground

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I received a copy of this book from the publisher, amazon publishing through in exchange for an honest review.

I haven't read any of the other books in this series and I don't think you really need to but it may be helpful. Detective Karen Hart is being monitored, she knows there is corruption in the police but she isn't sure who but they know who she is and are keeping an eye on her. As she struggles with the death of her daughter and husband Karen is being pressured to attend a support group from her new boyfriend and also stumbles upon a very strange case that appears to be a serial killer with but they can't find the connection between the victims. Between pushing her boyfriend away and finding herself immersed in a very odd murder investigation that begins to hit too close to home Hart finds herself not knowing who to trust or where to turn.

Not having read the other books I found that the author filled in the gaps for me fairly well and I didn't feel lost but I like seeing the evolution of a character so I wish I had picked up the others before this one. However I don't really think you need to read them to enjoy this one. This is a good solid police procedural with a mystery that keeps you guessing and on your toes. I had a feeling I knew who the mystery person was but when it was revealed I was wrong and that doesn't happen often so I was pleasantly surprised.

I now want to go back and start from the beginning of this series which given that I know the outcome of some of the books and it doesn't matter to me means I will probably keep following this author for a while.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and D.S. Butler for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

What a fabulous read.
I was hooked from beginning to end.

Well written, with an excellent storyline and a wonderful cast of characters.

Lots of twists and turns. A real page-turner.

I would highly recommend.


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A ritual serial killer is out there killing people at random. So many twists and turns this book keeps you engaged and wanting to solve the murders. Although I have not read the other books in the series I did not feel lost. Well written with believable characters I would recommend this book to all who enjoy a police crime novels.

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Detective Karen Hart and her crew of Lincolnshire police are back and trying to catch another serial killer. This time she has an annoying boyfriend, a new boss who seems to care too much, and a series of what appears to be ritual murders that don’t have much to tie them together – at least at first glance. Like the other novels in this series, we get to plumb the depths of how her mind works, examine the relationships among her co-workers, and try to figure out the killer’s identity and whether it could be one of Hart’s colleagues. If you aren’t yet a fan of Hart, you will still be drawn into the plot and the numerous quirky characters that populate her world. It is another finely drawn and evocative picture that will keep you reading up until the very dramatic ending, Highly recommended.

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Another solid crime novel from DS Butler. What made this stand out for me was the underlying sorry of corruption in the force in addition to the current crimes the tram is trying to solve. That tugged at my sense of police being good and kept me guessing who Karen could trust. While there were plenty of moving pieces, the story never felt too much. And while this is the 5th in the series, the author does a good job of filling in the previous information you need. But I highly recommend picking up this series from the beginning.

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Detective Karen Hart can't get a break. On her day off, she's strolling after dinner past the Lincoln Cathedral with her "boyfriend" Mike Harrington. It's somewhat of an idyllic setting at Christmas time with flakes falling. Both are oblivious to a man furtively tailing them. He refers to himself as the "Sparrow" and acknowledges in soliloquy fashion that he answers to the "Eagle" . Mike annoyingly continues his relentless pursuit in trying to interest her in group grief counseling ... she has made it quite clear that it is not her style or desire. Her husband, Josh, and daughter Tillie were killed in a car accident in which their vehicle was forced off the road. Their peaceful walk is interrupted by a blood-curdling scream from inside the church. Karen runs into the church to encounter the frantic witness, who points to the chapel. Wedged between the pews is a male corpse with strangle marks around his neck and a bloody forehead where a cross-like mark has been crudely gouged. Her senior, Inspector Morgan soon arrives and assumes control of the investigation. Due to the ritualistic manner of the killing there is immediate concern for a serial killer. The victim is Lloyd Nelson, a member of the cathedral choir. The immediate suspect is his wife Beverly's ex-husband, Brett Wharton ... who already was required by the family court to attend anger management classes. Also in consideration, was Lloyd's boss, Ross Blundell ... young , tall , arrogant and the good-looking owner of Sparks Software Design. Lloyd recently had an argument with his boss, when he would not willingly let him take credit for his innovations. One morning, an envelope is slipped under the door of Morgan's house. Not only is it addressed to Morgan, but it is signed "The Cleanser" It intimates that Nelson had many secrets along with the deplorable behavior of beating his wife, embezzling money, and he needed to be "cleansed" of his sins. Morgan was immediately removed from the case, and was to be replaced by a new team headed by D.I.Churchill. A known detestable, smarmy and condescending officer, with a suspicious past history. He , along with other officers were secretly being investigated by a major corruption inquiry board. In fact, part of the allegations concerned Karen dearly. There was consideration that evidence was tampered with at the scene of her family's fatal accident. Another converging thread of investigation and possible linkage involved the hit-an-run murder of 12 year-old Samuel Pickett, while riding his bicycle down an isolated road.. Then the bodies start dropping... next is Lauren Monro whose corpse was discovered by her sister Nina Brown.... in a similar fashion there were ligature marks on the neck and a cross gouged into her forehead. Next, Karen's old retired boss and friend DCI Shaw was murdered in an identical fashion.
In spite of Churchil'ls condescending and belittling continual attack on Karen, she persists and deflty swims through the murky waters of clues and albis in an unflinching effort to seek justice.
D.S.Butler weaves a masterful police procedural with multiple twists and unexpected reveals that culminates in an explosive denouement. Her compulsive pacing is complemented by her rich character development that is both multi-dimensional and plausible. It is sincerely doubtful anyone will guess the identity of the villain. This gripping narrative is told from the perspective of both Karen and the unidentified assassin. Although this is the 5th outing for D.S. Hart, this novel can be enjoyed as a standalone because of the author's seamless entry of necessary back story.
Thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for providing an Uncorrected Proof of this riveting novel in exchange for an honest review. This is my fifty encounter with Detective Hart and will continue to eagerly await her next investigation.

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On Cold Ground by D. S. Butler is the diabolical phycological thriller of for this year.
With strong female characters, some obnoxious know it all men, with some strong silent type men thrown into the mix. Some trying to cover up murders, and some trying to figure the murders out.
I never knew for sure “who done it” and was shocked at discovering the mastermind of it all.
Definitely would make an awesome movie!
Solid five stars.

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On Cold Ground by D.S. Butler is a good mystery. Her characters have believable reactions. The story could go in many different directions and keeps the reader guessing until the end. Well done.

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I am loving this series, it gets better with each new book. It is a well written story that is fast paced but easy to follow. Looking forward to reading more

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3.5 stars

On Cold Ground by D.S. Butler is the 5th in the Detective Karen Hunt series.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Thomas & Mercer, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Series Background:    (Warning – May contain spoilers from previous books)
DS Karen Hart lost her husband Josh and her daughter Tilly in a car accident.  She has recently discovered that it wasn't an accident, and that it had  been covered up by the police, and one of them someone she had trusted.  She is determined to find the corruption in the force.  She works with DI Scott Morgan,  DC Sophie Jones, and DC Rick Cooper.

My Synopsis:   (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
DS Hart is first on the scene to find a man laying dead in the chapel of Lincoln Cathedral, a cross carved into his forehead. He had been strangled.   Her boss, DI Morgan, receives a note signed by "The Cleanser", which seems to signify a ritual killing.

Since Morgan cannot work the case because he has been singled out,  DI Churchill takes over.  Unfortunately he is on Hart's list of those she feel may be corrupt....and they are not getting along.

When a second body turns up,  the team is trying to figure out how the victims are connected, but having no luck.

Meanwhile,  since Morgan is not allowed to work the case, he is trying to find the driver responsible for a hit and run where a young boy was killed.

My Opinions:   

I must admit to getting a little tired of the non-stop police corruption in these books.  It was getting really annoying, but of course it had to end at some point.

The plot was good though, and because there were such large arrows aimed at a couple of people, I knew the perpetrator must be someone else.

I love Morgan, and Karen, and Rick.  Sophie is rather annoying.  Mike seems to be a non-entity, and I could do without him.

However, the books are a fast and easy read, with everything laid out in the end, so that not much thought is required.  They are perfect reading for those times you finish a deep book, and couldn't possibly attack another.  So I'm looking forward to reading about Karen Hart's next case.

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DS Karen Hart has been pushed through her life by the events that took her family. I'm glad that this book addresses that more directly than in the past. There is an actual commission working on the police corruption. Hart is taking up where she left off. She is working on her relationship with Mike. She is still learning from her mentor Anthony. She is supportive of her boss Morgan. Note how few other women she actually talks to. There are minor characters that are women. Many of the higher ups in the police force do seem to be women, but they have very small parts. It's a lazy way to have strong females in a story. And Sophie, who often comes of as a puppy dog who needs a lot of training, is there, too.

That aside, Karen Hart stumbles upon a murder while on a date. Mike gets tossed in exchange for the case and we don't see a whole lot of him after that. I'm OK with that. He hasn't grown much. Soon, it becomes clear that there is a serial killer at work. Bodies with the same markings are popping up and letters claiming they somehow deserved it soon follow. Finding what the people all had in common will be the key to discovering the murderer.

So, was it a compelling mystery? Maybe. I was pretty sure I had the murderer, the Sparrow, and the man behind it all, the Eagle, almost as soon as they were introduced. Is it compelling to read 60% of a book or so just to find out if your first impression was correct? Sometimes? I'm in no way claiming to be prescient or smarter than the average bear by figuring this out. The previous books have developed a pattern that this book just continued. So I noticed it. If you like comfort in a series, then this will probably not bother you. I am starting to feel like I am just reading the same story with minor changes. I think I would have liked the actual murder more in a different setting or with different characters. The story itself was OK.

I've been reading this series from the beginning and I hoped it had growing pains that it would eventually get past. The over explaining of everything, for example. How many books in before the author doesn't assume that the reader is really dense or capable of looking up something if they don't understand it or are unfamiliar with it? I have an internal voice, but I am seriously worried for the people if the police force has this internal monologue going all of the time and these long discussions about procedure they should not have to discuss every time. I'm honestly not sure how much longer I will stick with the series if it is going to be so repetitive.

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Another instalment of the fantastic Karen hart series. More corruption suspected within the team and a serial killer who seems to have religious connections wanting to cleanse his victims of their sins. A great read~ feels very much like the literary version of line of duty 5 stars ⭐️

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On Cold Ground is an intriguing story about murders that appear to be a serial killer doings. The characters will keep you wondering who to trust. The pieces will finially start to add up.

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On Cold Ground is the fifth instalment in the Detective Karen Hart series, set in and around the cathedral city of Lincoln. The prologue begins with DS Hart off duty and spending time with her boyfriend, Mike Harrington, who she had been seeing for 6 months. It's bitterly cold and they're strolling through the stalls at Lincoln Christmas Market not realising a man has been following them for the past 3 hours. Referred to as "Sparrow" he watches every move they make as ordered by his boss "Eagle". He spots them walking more briskly now towards the cathedral and refers to Karen as the dangerous one out of the pair. While walking past the west front of the cathedral Karen and Mike hear a bloodcurdling scream. It seemingly came from a middle-aged woman who Karen recognises as Eunice Greene, and she tells her that there is a body in the chapel. She had been sitting at her desk in the cathedral collecting fees from those who wished to explore inside as it helped with upkeep. Karen enters the Morning Chapel, while a shaken Eunice stays outside, and finds the body between the first and second pews. It was the corpse of a man with brown hair, greying at the temples. His forehead was a bloody mess; he had been mutilated and a cross etched into his skin hinting at a possible ritualistic killing. A ligature mark snaked around his neck indicating he was strangled. They soon discover that the body is that of 46-year-old Lloyd Nelson, a member of the amateur cathedral choir who practice there every Tuesday. Trust Karen to be in the right place at the right time on a leisure day to be the first on the scene of a gruesome and bloody murder. A short time later, DI Morgan, the lead investigator on the case, finds an envelope on his doormat that had been hand-delivered seemingly through the night.

Addressing him by name and referencing the handiwork at the chapel, it suggests Lloyd had many dirty secrets, such as beating his wife and embezzling money, and that now he had been cleansed of his sins, before being signed as "The Cleanser". Due to this Morgan must be removed from the investigation and Karen and PC Sophie Jones are assigned a new team with DCI Churchill at the helm, an insufferable, arrogant man who may be one of the corrupt officers that DS Hart has been looking into in a Major Corruption Enquiry that is still ongoing. It is believed these corrupt cops conspired to run Josh, Karen's husband, off the road killing both he and her daughter Tilly. There is also a current investigation into a hit-and-run where a young cyclist, 12-year-old Sam Pickett, was travelling home and left to die alone by the roadside. Then another body is found; this time of 27-year-old Laurel Monroe discovered by her sister at a motel. Can Hart and her team find the connection between these two victims and stop this ruthless serial killer? DS Butler has penned the most gripping and addictive instalment of the series so far and the complex, multilayered plot with several different but often converging strands holds you captive throughout. From beginning to end I was riveted by the intrigue, suspense and twists and turns aplenty and the liberal misdirection meant I couldn't figure out the serial killer's identity. With regards to the killer’s case, there is little in the way of forensics or solid evidence, the corruption case is still playing out and Karen continues to struggle with the loss of her husband and daughter. Told from Karen and the unidentified killer's perspectives, this is a fast-paced and enthralling read with an exciting, explosive and action-packed conclusion. Highly recommended.

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The story is entertaining to read, and many ending issues come to a pleasant ends. A new characters is no nasty you want the bad guy. Karen Hart is assigned the unfriendly supervisor as his partner is sidelined by a threat of a serial murderer. As the surprise murders leads to extreme suspense, with two are possible deaths. This was a British procedure, but the action is very as good as it can be. It was exciting, suspense and entertaining. Even the story is a continuing episode, the narrative is enjoyable as a single episode.

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I am really enjoying this series and I found this time be a great addition. The mystery was gripping and the characters interesting. I'm looking forward to future books.

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