Member Reviews

Paige is a baker who’s speciality is wedding cakes. However, she isn’t your usual romantic wedding type, actually she doesn’t want to even be in a relationship with anybody never mind get married, she’s happy to meet a guy, have good sex but keep a two week expiry date in place.

This mindset is challenged when Paige’s ex unexpectedly returns into her life, ordering a cake from her. If she didn’t need the money so badly she wouldn’t have agreed to make his cake, however, she wasn’t prepared for him flirting with her and making excuses to see her. Did she make a big mistake breaking up with him?

Then there is a Noah, a guy Paige has been reliably informed is good for no-strings attached sex. But is she actually falling for him? Could he be falling for her? None of this is part of the plan.

I picked this book because it seemed like a fun and easy read and it definitely was a great literary rom-com that I can definitely see being made into a film. However, what made this book even better was that it had an unexpected emotional depth. I truly didn’t see the cancer storyline coming. And actually I loved that about this book. There is some good fiction about dealing with cancer (The Cancer Ladies Running Club being one of them) but every story I’ve read is very much focused on a cancer diagnosis, I’ve never read a book which is about life after cancer. I think we all experience that feeling after a terrible moment in our lives when we think we need to be over it because people don’t care anymore and I thought this was a really great depiction of that feeling.

I was going to rate this book 4/5 but actually on reflection of how well I think McCulloch weaved in a beautiful depth to a frilly romance it deserves a 5/5. It also made me want to eat cake!

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"The Mix-Up" is the definition of a “beach read” (or in my case, a “lounging in the garden read”). I could have flown through it even quicker if I wasn’t reading other things in between.

Right off the bat, Paige’s love life appears to be turbulent at times. She works as a cake baker, predominantly for weddings, and her ex Chris walks into her shop one day with his new bride Pippa *awkwardness ensues*.
Yet, it seems as though Chris still wants Paige to bake them a wedding cake. This, combined with some failed dates with a not-very-funny-“comedian”, have her feeling quite unlucky in love.
Her outgoing wedding planner friend Mika hosts a party and she tells Paige to approach “the guy in the black shirt” for some fun. But there are seemingly two guys stood at the bar wearing black shirts. The one she approaches is called Noah, but will he be the right man for her? And has she even moved on from her feelings for Chris?

If you’re an avid baker, I’m sure you will get even more out of this story with all the little details.
Overall "The Mix-Up" is a fine story, nothing massively riveting beyond a romcom-esque plot, but an easy, enjoyable, and relaxing read from start to finish. Paige’s past battles with illness does give some more depth and strength to her character.

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After reading (and loving) McCulloch’s first book, Just Friends,

I knew – even before I’d read the blurb – I had to get my hands on this one somehow.

Paige is in a bit of a rut. She’s taken over the wedding cake business from her Gran and, one day, in walks none other than her ex…. asking for a wedding cake. As far as encounters of the ex-kind go, this one is incredibly awkward. Much like the heroine in her debut, Paige is honest, funny but also flawed, sensitive and relatable (not just because she loves cake, which I also definitely do!). At first she irked me a little bit as a character but, towards the end of the novel, we learn a bit more about her that kind of justifies the way she behaves and adds an edge to the book that I wasn’t expecting but I enjoyed reading a more sensitive piece of woman’s fiction than I’m probably used to.

I think pretty much everyone, single or not, has had a moment where you think “I hope the person I’m looking for is that guy/girl over there” and this book is a funny play on this idea as – spoiler alert, but not really – Paige picks the right guy…who happens to be the wrong one. Much like the love interest in her first book, Noah is sweet and funny. I loved his character and the banter between Paige and Noah was gorgeous, though I do wish his character was explored a little bit more (as I think her ex was given a bit too much airtime, that he definitely didn’t deserve!).

I usually gravitate towards books with positive family relationships, perhaps to mirror mine (I guess you read what you know sometimes?), but this isn’t necessarily the case. The family dynamic is tricky but, as you delve deeper, you find that – like every family – there is still love there.

My only (slight) gripe with this one is that some very big revelations took (what felt like) forever to be revealed.

Regardless, there is no denying that this – like its predecessor- is a brilliant example of contemporary romance. You can tell when a writer puts their heart and soul into a book and, in this one, McCulloch certainly has.

The Mix Up is a sensitive, funny book made for the modern person with different outlooks on romance, their bodies and everything in between (though I’m pretty sure everyone is united by a mutual love of cake!).

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1.5 stars

I was really looking forward to reading this. The synopsis sounded like a lot of fun and the cover really drew me in. I was super happy to get an arc of this from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

However, this book really wasn't for me. I struggled through it from the beginning but really didn't want to DNF in case it got better. But the issues I had whilst reading it remained throughout the entire book.

Things I did enjoy:
- Noah as a love interest
- Sara is a great best friend
- Cake content

Let me try and explain a little better. In this book we have our main character Paige. She bakes wedding cakes for a living and is VERY against romance and never wants to be married herself. One day, her ex-boyfriend walks into her shop with his fiancé looking for a wedding cake! He is having second thoughts about his marriage and is now flirting with our main character. To try and forget about her ex, she has a one night stand with Noah, a doctor. Although, it never is just a one night stand.

I hated the storyline with her ex-boyfriend. I understand it is explained to us that he isn't the nicest guy in the world in the past either but I didn't want to read about him flirting with his ex-girlfriend when he was engaged to another woman! And Paige let's him and spends the book deciding what she wants to do? Nothing would be the best choice, considering he is still engaged!? Then at one point in the book it is basically just wiped off and barely spoken about again.

Considering how 'against' romance our main character is, she still spend a lot of time around Noah being romantic. At one point, he introduces Paige to his sister and calls her his friend and she isn't happy about it? But all she wants is sex? No relationship <i>of course</i>. It's all very contradictory and Paige as a character is not very consistent. This trait of hers is carried on through the entire book and this idea of her being so against romance becomes quite irritating considering the way her life is going with Noah. Noah is a really nice guy and a super lovely partner. He deserves better than how he was treated.

There is a cancer story line in here for anyone who wants to be aware of that before going on. It seems like it was written in to the story then partially edited out or something at the beginning? It would be brought up a couple of times at the beginning and I would have no idea what was going on all of a sudden as it felt like it has never been properly explained to me. It gets developed on throughout the story but it felt very odd to me.

There was also this very unnecessary and out of place plot line that involves Paige not getting along with her family that I felt took up barely any time so was very pointless and didn't really add much to the story.

There were a lot of smaller things in this book that I didn't like either. There was one point where Paige thought that she was going to be asked to make a vegan cake and she said "I had worried the 'thing' would be something disastrous like one of the couples wants the whole cake to be vegan. One vegan tier is fine, but a whole cake is too much." It was just so unnecessary to be included and annoyed me on top of everything else I already wasn't particularly enjoying.

The writing in this was meant to be funny, and I think for the majority of people, it will be. My opinion on the book has already been tainted and that hindered my enjoyment of any other aspects of it.

I can see so many other people potentially enjoying this book but for some reason it just did not agree with me at all. I am settling on a 1.5 star rating. I want to be able to give it more but I just can't in good conscience lie to people when arcs are provided for honest reviews. I wish I had enjoyed it a lot more than I did.

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This was well written and easy to get stuck into but I did struggle to connect with the main character Paige a little bit. Whislt the reasons for her not wanting to have anything long term made some sense because of her history I did find her unwillingness to budge a little frustrating. I did like her interactions with her friend Sara, with Mike and with Noah who was lovely throughout. I don’t think Paige should have even given Chris the time of day after what happened between them and her family (aside from her Nan) were incredibly self centred. An interesting enough read that kept me entertained for a few hours.

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I really enjoyed this book, it’s a fun uplifting read even though there is a serious side to it too. I loved getting to know Paige our main character in the book and found that I wanted to read more to see where we’d end up, and at times found myself wanting to shout advice! I enjoyed the writing style and seemed to fly through the chapters as it was so easy to read.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

I really enjoyed this book! Paige was such a lovable and relatable character! The paragraph where she is asking her breast friend (not a typo!) if she smells because she switched to a natural deodorant is the exact same conversation I've had!

I just found Paige such an easy to love character, and I loved Noah and Sally too!

I can't wait to see what Holly will write next! Both of her books have been incredibly easy and quick reads for me and I will definitely be recommending them to friends!

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When Paige's ex-boyfriend walks into her bakery, with his new fiancee, wanting her to make their wedding cake; she needs a distraction. So when Mika points out the guy in the black shirt can take all her troubles away, but don't get attached it's only a one-night stand.
What happens when there are two men in black shirts?
What one is her distraction?
And what will happen if she gets the wrong one?

Paige must not only learn to love again and believe and trust in others, but she must also learn to love herself again.
But is Noah the one to help her do that?

But with her 'breastfriend' Sara to help her along the way; her journey won't be taken alone.

I loved the comment on photographers being wankers, although I don't believe this to be true. However, the character of Jethro reminded me of someone, and yes, he was a wanker!!!
And the dreaded networking meetings! I dreaded these also, and you always got one prepped up snob sticking their nose up at you like they were better than anyone else.
These characters and scenes were well written and realistic; for me, this shows a great writer.

And I agree to like a man with good shoulders. LOL. Totally my type.

At times I cringed at this book. But, as the outsider looking into all romantic relationships, don't we all find them cringe-worthy?
I also felt I had lots in common with this book and the main character; which as a reader I love.
But I also loved the reference to food! Especially dessert! Cake, cake and more cake, and even some pancakes!

Definitely a book for foodie lovers.

But not only is this book a romance and about finding love. It's about loving yourself again.
In this book I cried silent tears, ugly cried and pure soul-baring sobbed my heart out. The raw emotional scenes about the BIG C, we're heartfelt and overwhelming.

McCulloch writes allowing us to get to know the main character; build us up to love her, and break us apart to fight for her!

I loved reading this book. It left me surprised in all the right places, and happy at the end.

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I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review, all opinions are my own.

So when I saw the front cover and read the blurb, I loved the idea of this book and thought it would be an enjoyable fun read for me. Whilst there were things I liked about it, I really struggled to connect or even like the main character. Her constant self doubt and way she treat others especially Noah, just started to grate on my nerves.

Gifted a bakery with a live in flat on the death of her Gran, Paige carries on the family business making wedding cakes. Her ex Chris turns up in the shop asking her to make the cake for his upcoming wedding. Both are very surprised to see each other after numerous years and she doesn't really want to do the job but financially needs must. At this point we don't find out what happened between them, but as we find out later he let her down when she needed him the most.

A quick easy read, but for me it just didn't hit the spot.

Expected publication: August 5th 2021.

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I adore this novel!

I am so obsessed! I’m looking out now for anymore works and anything else alike, it’s fantastic!

The pairing is so adorable and hilarious! And as speaking as someone who has had a similar medical history as the main female character, I felt a lot of it rang a familiarity to me. This beautifully written book needs to be read! It’s gorgeous!

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I absolutely adored this!

A bit of a blind pick, I didn’t read the blurb before I started so I just had my own expectations based on the name and the cover. The idea worked so well, and I don’t think I’ve ever been invested with anyone’s cake making as I have with Paige! Such an easy read (but I love an easy read) that had me thinking about the characters even when I wasn’t reading. I loved Paige, hated her mum and enjoyed the relationships she had with the supporting characters.
More emotion than you’d expect from an average Chick-lit, possible TW for Cancer, though I felt that it was dealt with wonderfully.
Great for a beach read!

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A light, fun read, perfect for a holiday. The characters are well drawn and relatable, and the plot flows nicely so you find yourself finishing the whole book in one sitting

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Good decent book but it wasn't as good as Just Friends in my opinion. There we real funny parts but some just felt very forceful. Also found some bits little repetitive. Still, I will definitely keep an eye out for the new book when it comes out.

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Oh, I was so excited about this book. Seriously. And I've been left disappointed.

I didn't really have any issues with the story. But the writing. Oh man, it was so dull. I found it difficult to immerse myself in it. Maybe it was a case of right book wrong time, as I'd just finished another amazing chick-lit novel. But it just really didn't work for me.

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I went into this fully expecting a love triangle trope, but surprisingly and a bit refreshingly that wasn’t the angle of this book.

Sometimes the characters could be a little lacking, but that’s mainly due to communication break downs. The reasoning behind Paige’s personality difficulties gets explained around half way in and that’s when it all sinks in. Noah is explained as a dreamboat character and don’t get me wrong, he definitely is but I felt like he could have had a little extra time and focus.

This book touched on some sensitive content which isn’t to be ignored, it did really well to highlight the viewpoint and feelings that Paige went through and is still currently coming to terms with.

Overall I enjoyed this book, it was a quick read that took me by surprise with its humour and I found myself being unable to stop reading.

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This book was absolutely hilarious, yet so emotionally moving. I couldn't put it down! Holly allowed the reader to relate to Paige, I found that I had so many similarities with her.
The book was so heartwarming, which made me not want to put it down. if I did, I found myself thinking about Paige!

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If, like me, you love a good romantic comedy, then this is a must read! The hilarious situations in which Paige finds herself are genuine laugh out loud moments. In particular, I found the idea of delivering an ornate wedding cake via public transport, to be a perfect scenario for everything to go wrong.
I’d love to see this book turned into a film, the pace is perfect, and the laughs are both awkward and frequent. Of course, this isn’t a new trope, and I know it’s been done before, but the story felt fresh and certainly not contrived.
Paige and Noah have an entertaining chemistry which carried the main theme and changed it from potentially ridiculous into the sublime story that I finished in a single sitting. Featuring some well-developed characters, such as event organiser Mika and best friend Sara, it was refreshing to enjoy their fun advice and support. Of course, creepy ex, Chris is suitably slimy and irredeemable.
I found that The Mix Up ticked all the boxes for me to make this a great read. I hope you’ll take the leap and see what a witty and clever book this is. A real treat!

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This is more like a 3.5 stars...

It was a really easy read and it was one of those OOOOP moments when Chris walked into Paiges shop to create his new fiancé’s wedding cake!

I think with everything that happened with Paige and being so let down I understand her qualms about certain things but it was just kind of very rooted into her and I don’t know it was a bit difficult for me to see I guess (this might be a me thing here)

I think seeing things from a cancer survivor and how she deals with the aftermath and trying to rebuild her life was such a compelling aspect of this for me!

I just wish the ending wasn’t so rushed but overall I did enjoy the book!

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Paige is a baker who specialises in wedding cakes. She gets a shock when her next appointment turns out to be her ex. He hurt her in so many ways, and as the story unfolds you realise what actually happened.
Paige goes to a party of a work friend, and is only looking for a good time. She is pointed in the direction of the man in the black top - but there are two of them so does she choose the right one? Although I would recommend all books from this author, this book was definitely on another level! I can not recommend this book enough ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 3.5 stars for The Mix-Up.

Paige is a baker - specifically a wedding cake baker. After inheriting her grandmother’s bakery, Paige is focused on her business and is absolutely not romantic or looking for line, despite her industry.

At a friend’s birthday party, she's told if she wants a fun time, no strings attached, she should go take t9 “the guy in the blacktop, ” but of course, there are two men in black (or is one purple?) and ends up hitting it off with Noah, a sweetheart ENT who definitely doesn't seem like a no strings attached kind of guy.

For me, the story falls flat in its many loose ends. Paige never speaks to her brother or parents again after the disastrous lunch; her skeezy ex plotline is just conveniently dropped, and instead, the only conflict could be from her repeatedly lying to and being cruel to Noah. Look - Paige has a lot going on that she internalizes, but the author went for the cheap shots.

Overall I love Noah and enjoyed the book. I also appreciated the author discussing body dysmorphia and insecurity post-op and felt so gutted by Paige’s medical scare and abandonment issues. Still, it left something to be desired in the end.

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