Member Reviews

I love that sentence.....there are three versions of the truth. Just as there is definitely a difference in what we see with our eyes vs what we see with our hearts. As young people, their feelings were simple and true. But so many years later, the person our heart sees is not the one who has lived and survived the traumas of life. A wonderful book that leads us into the feeling of falling in love with the same person twice.

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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That was a lovely read, with endearing characters and a heartfelt story. Once you’re done you will feel hopeful and appreciative of perfectly imperfect life is

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This book sounded interesting, but I'm afraid I couldn't get into it and it was a DNF for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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Robin waltzes back into walks back into Izzie’s life following the death of her husband. He walked out on Izzie years prior but can they move forward.

This was a decent read but not for me. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Could not get into the book. Writing style was confusing and hard to follow. I found myself pushing through just to finish to give an honest review. Thank you Net Galley for the ARC.

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An emotional journey into the depths of human nature. This book is written sensitively and with passion, whilst touching on a number of difficult topics such as grief, homelessness, Alzheimer's, mental health and addiction. A troubled journey awaits the characters but the strength and determination of them results in a satisfying ending.

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I was not impressed with this book. I got really confused in several parts and wasn’t sure what the “fairy tree” was in the story. It was a slow book to me.

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I found the story really difficult to get into so had me reading abut then leaving it. Unfortunately not for me but thank you for giving me the opportunity to read it

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The premise of the book along with its cover bespoke of hope, but the final delivery fell way short of my expectations. The book had potential to be a far captivating book that it was.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my digital copy in exchange for an honest review. And honestly? This book and I did not get along very well...I chose it because I really liked the cover but that doesn't always work out for me and this was one of those cases. The storyline itself was pretty good in my opinion and it even started out good...but somewhere along the way, I really started to not like the characters or the the last 1/4 of the book, I could not wait to be done with it...I really really disliked almost every single character in this book and anyone that reads knows that is just hell on your desire to keep going. You wouldn't purposely choose to spend time with actual people you dislike this much and it took everything I had to keep going. This was almost my first did not finish...

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I truly enjoyed this beautiful and poignant book about grief and love, because it manages to do something very difficult. It doesn’t shy away from the depths of loss, but it also manages to be both hopeful and uplifting. As a counsellor I believe anyone can change and this book captures that emotional healing so well. Izzy and Robin were together when they were young, but start to develop their friendship again when they are older. I enjoyed hearing events from both characters, at first it’s a little disjointed, but as time goes on you can take these pieces and fit them together. It’s interesting if they recollect things differently, because this is a true depiction of how we all process events differently. Eventually these pieces weave together and create a whole. Both characters have coped with grief, again in different ways and I thought the author had great insight into healing and developing mental wellness. I loved the way that nature was used as a healing tool as well.

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This was a lovely book. It read very quickly and did not bog down anywhere. The characters were well developed and likable as well. I loved the idea of the fairy tree and wished that had been more prominent. Robin and Izzy had their issues but fighting through them made it an enjoyable story.

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Robin and Isabel were in love decades ago. A chance meeting rekindles their love, but whose memories are the correct ones.? Robin who has had a hard life with lots of struggles or Isabel who had a happy marriage and has a daughter?

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Izzie is a grieving widow and mother of a 16 year old when she comes across Robin, her first big love, living on the streets and unwell. She and her daughter open their home to Robin and as his health improves, they begin to share their memories of the past and rekindle their relationship. But what Izzie remembers is not familiar to Robin. So who has the false memories and why? This was a great story about reuniting with your first love and the impact grief can have on people. Really enjoyed this one.

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Accomplished writing and dual timelines brings us a story about grief, love and memory.

I thought this was a beautiful tale of how two people can love each other but get caught up in lifes difficulties.

A gentle tale that will make you want to know how their story ends.

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What a complex and emotional tale this is. Told from a dual point of view, it explores the complexity of grief and loss, love in all its forms, and delves into depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse too.

Ms Glyn certainly know how to make readers keep reading, and the various interconnected and contradictory memories held by the two main characters serve to drill down ever deeper into the complexities of the human mind.

This is a story about first love, and the rediscovery of it - but it's also so very much more.

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Didn’t do it for me unfortunately. I struggled to get into it and eventually just stopped reading it.

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When Izzie is widowed the last thing she expects is a face from the past to turn up, what happened to Robin all those years ago? An emotional page turner as the two fill in the details of their lives to each other but can they move on after all these years?

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This book...oh man...heartbreaking at points. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Add to your list for sure! The plot was amazing and keeps you reading and intrigued!

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