Member Reviews

Does anyone else see the name Junko and just think of Dangranronpa? It can’t just be me, surely. But this is a newly translated series by the manga-ka of Kiss Him, Not Me a series that the very idea of makes me cringe. But this one just sounded so fun that I had to check it out. I recieved a free copy of this book through NetGalley in return for an honest review.
Azusa is a massive fan of idol group Prince 4 U, especially Chika-kun. When she goes to their latest concert, she manages to get front row seats. But an accident happens, and without thinking, she tries to save her idol. Unfortunately, they both end up dead. Cue God coming up to them and telling them this was a mistake so they can return to life. Only, something else goes wrong and they wound up in each other’s bodies.
Doesn’t that just sound so much fun? The blurb says they can switch bodies by kissing which just sounds like a recipe for hilarity.
Only…it didn’t really work that way for me. For one thing, the kissing thing only seems to have worked the one time. So whilst I was picturing them kissing and switching bodies. The possibilities of the rumours that this could spread and the trouble it would cause was wild. Instead, it’s just, oh no, we’ve switched bodies again! And them running around like headless chickens.
A lot of the humour was so very cringy, which I should have expected considering the manga-ka’s last series. But I had hope, I really did. An idol and a fan switching bodies could have been so good. And it did have its moments. Azusa being able to mimic his movements perfectly because she watches him so often? Great. Her accidentally fangirling over his hair and knowing exactly what he’d had done to it- whilst still in his body an in an interview – was also great. And his and her family’s reactions at home to that had me giggling. I love that Azusa isn’t afraid to be a fangirl.
But you also have her not wanting to go to the toilet in his body as she didn’t want to touch his dick… You have her perving and getting nose-bleeds over the guy way too often. I get that you’re in his body and you’re a teenager. And like, a little peeking would have been fine. But she’s refusing to touch him and yet being creepy all at the same time? How does that even work?!
I was curious about Chika’s bandmate Haru. I love his character design and it’s obvious he’s either gonna develop feelings for Chika or Azusa. And there’s gonna be a lot of mix-ups there. I’m a little unsure about that as it could be a little bit queer-baity? But no worse than Hani-Kimi I guess and I love that series so I’ll let that go.
I do like the art mostly. The general style was very pretty and I appreciated a lot of the designs. God is a tiny cartoon old guy and that was hilarious. Wasn’t a huge fan of the scribble drawings when Azusa get’s really angry though. I know the face is supposed to be creepy but it really was weird to look at.
I’m honestly not sure how I feel about this series….part of me wants to continue on as there are only like 4 volumes and it seems like it could be fun? It was definitely easy to read at least. But I also was cringing a lot so maybe it just isn’t for me.

i had a lot of fun reading this. i thought the story was cute and entertaining, i laughed out loud a few times. i really wanna read the next volumes now

Thank you to NetGalley, Kodansha Comics, and Junko for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
Star-Crossed!! features P4U fan Azusa, who admires Chika-kun more than the other idol members. When she finally gets the chance to attend one of their concerts, she has a front-row spot. A terrible accident is about to befall Chika-kun and Azusa puts her life on the line to save his. They both die and meet God, who sends them back...but in the wrong bodies!
Further, they are able to switch back, but continue to switch bodies without knowing the means of how they can change back to themselves. This is quite the dilemma for a high school fan girl and a famous idol.
I enjoyed the art and thought this was a rather cute story.

One of my biggest pet peeves about the author and artist by the alias Junko is that she makes her protagonists always the same type of a toxic fangirl archetype – and this book is no different. Azusa was a very selfish and self centered protagonist, which wouldn't be as bad if she didn't harass people (sometimes even sexually when it comes to her favorite idol, Chika-kun).
And yes, sexual harassment is a joke in this manga, which is a huge no for me when it comes to a romance series. If you liked Junko's other series Kiss Him Not Me!, you might enjoy this one because the humor is similar but with less queer-baiting.

This was so fun! I was originally worried about what I would think and whether I'd enjoy it as I saw some mixed reviews, but honestly its so intriguing and I can't wait for volume 2!! I think you simply need to not take it too seriously; it's supposed to be lighthearted and cute, not a fully fleshed out manga on the science of switching bodies and maybe that is what some people had problems with. I'm not usually much of a romance manga fan but I definitely recommend this one!

4.5 stars
When’s the last time I had this much fun with a manga? Way too long ago!
Lately it’s been very difficult for me to find a shoujo manga series I really care about, where I turn pages without looking at how many I have left. I usually try a couple more volumes before giving up. This manga though! It was a breath of fresh air and I finally don’t feel like I’ve already read this story a million times. Plus it was hilarious!! I literally laughed every other page. In comparison to other shoujos I’ve read, this one doesn’t censor stuff as much, and you can understand how that plays out in the story with a girl and a boy exchanging bodies lol. I can’t believe what my eyes have seen but honestly I was just dying with laughter the entire time. I love how this volume was silly and didn’t take itself too seriously.
I can’t wait to read the next volume! I’m especially looking forward to seeing what God will mess up next and what effect fangirl Azu will have on Chika’s boy group 😆

This manga was SO CUTE! I was a fan girl back when I was at school so I can totally relate.
What I would've given to switch bodies with my teen idol.
I cannot wait for the second volume in this series. I can't believe it ended the way it did!
I hope I don't have long to wait for volume 2.

Shout out to NetGalley for giving me an ARC!
I read "Kiss Him, Not Me" by Junko so I was looking forward to reading her newest manga and honestly I liked volume one more than I liked "Kiss Him, Not Me."
It's your classic body-switching trope, but with a fan and her idol. It's really funny and I found myself chuckling to myself a few times while reading. I really enjoy Junko's way of drawing/writing fans; they're over the top and make for hilarious, awkward situations.
Overall this first volume just sets up the rest of the series. There's not much more than that. We get an introduction of the characters, learn what happens to cause the body-switch, and see a couple situations it puts them in. Once we learn a bit more about the characters I think the story will shine a bit more!

As a first volume Star⇄Crossed!! doesn’t provide much beyond what you already learn in the blurb. Azusa idolises Chika-kun, her “room” is a shrine, she can quote magazine interviews and knows by how much got his hair cut. So maybe idolise is underselling it.
While Azusa is rather full-on, she still comes across as kind. Of everyone she is the most rounded character in this volume but given that nobody else really has much beyond a basic overview I don’t think that says much at this stage.
Star⇄Crossed!! has a lot of potential and the first volume is ok, I don’t there could have been more to entice the reader but I do want to try the next book to see how this develops.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This story might be the dream of many fangirls in the world. It is about this girl Azusa who is a big fan of the boys band Prince 4 U and precisely of Chika- kun one of the members of the group. She lives for being his fan. During their concert an accident happens and both Azusa and Chika-kun go to heaven but they are sent back to their lives except there is a big problem, their souls had switched bodies. This story is about their misadventure while trying to protect their secret and finding a solution.
It was so funny and I'm sure there will be a Drama based on this story in the future. this was so enjoyable to read. I'm interested in finding out what will happen to Azusa and Chika-kun next.

Star Crossed
Is my first book by this manga author. Frist of all what drew me to thia was the drawing style and the context of the story. Azuza is a happy girl, a bit of an obsessive fan but what young girl doesn't love a bit of fandom right. While watching her favorite idol perform, an incident occurred. Is a new series with body-swapping, rom-com hit which follows Idol-Otaku Azu-Chan and her Stan, Chika-kun as they navigate the test the mistake as well aslearning how to live in the other’s body after a near-death accident left them “Star Crossed” in the other’s body. This is a hilarious read. I can't wait how this story is going to develop later on. I'm definitely going to read the 2nd book.

Disclaimer: I received this book from Netgalley + in exchange for an honest opinion. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC
IT'S SIMPLY GOOD and breathtaking and I finished this in one sitting obviously.
This is just a typically romance story between Idol and his fan (a girl). I can finish this volume in merely 20 minutes or so BUT IT'S SO GOOD AND LOVELY. The artwork is gorgeous and I can't wait how this story is going to continue later on. I'm definitely going to read the 2nd book if I have a chance. Thank you Netgalley for the chance.

When I heard that one of my all-time favorite authors, Junko, author of Kiss Him, Not Me!, was releasing a new series in English, I jumped on the opportunity to read it and was not disappointed! This new series is a body-swapping, rom-com hit that follows Idol-Otaku Azu-Chan and her Stan, Chika-kun as they navigate the trials and errors of learning how to live in the other’s body after a near-death accident left them “Star Crossed” in the other’s body.
Star Crossed!! Volume 1 left me so excited for the next volume! I highly recommend it for any BL-loving fans of Junko’s last series.
#StarCrossed1 #NetGalley

A Fangirl and her Favorite Idol die and get brought back to life in each other's bodies. What could go wrong?!?
This manga was so hilarious. Just imagine all the daily stuff you do, now imagine you have to do all this in your fav idols body.... Yeah the author doesn't hold back on this.
I already love both the main characters, they are both very likeable and they both play off each other very well.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time reading this, I had a smile on my face the entire time.

Junko is such a fangirl, that's why all her mangas are about fangirls. I liked this one better than Kiss him not me tho.
Anyway, in this one we have a fan and an artist swapping bodies and tbh I'm excited to see where this goes. Like, it was a god mistake? LOL. Azusa is so fun to read and since she's a simp, she'll not have problems imitating Chika on stage, tho I wanna see his interactions with Azusa's childhood friend cuz he's giving him hopes.
Junko has this dumb and super convenient humor that I like. And, well, we have moments, lols.

This manga is completely bonkers in all the best ways! Azusa and Chika both die in the first chapter (it's not a spoiler if it's in the back cover blurb, right?) and God is basically like "tee hee, oops, you weren't supposed to die, no big deal, I'll send you back!" But then WHOOPS, they're in each others' bodies! And since Chika is a huge star in a J-Pop group and Azusa is a normal high school girl, this is a big problem! I love the crazy situations they get into even in just this first volume. It was somehow over way too quickly and I'm frantically searching for when volume 2 comes out. I love the art style, and this first volume does a lot of laying the ground work for the rest of the series. With the way volume 1 ends (I won't spoil it for you!) it's certainly set up for even more wacky fun. I'll definitely be reading more of this fun series!

Wow this was fun! Star-crossed is the story about a teenage girl accidentally dying and body-swapping with the idol she stans. I had no idea what this manga was about before reading it but I can honestly say I really liked it. It's funny and the drawings are really cute. Would recommend to any lover of Shoujo, cannot wait for the next volume!

Azusa is an ordinary high school student (of course) at the age of 17 and is one of the craziest and most loyal fans of Chikashi Chida, a member of a popular boy idol group. She would kill for him and jump off a cliff the moment he looked at her ... She was "sick like this."
On the day of the next concert of the band, our girl managed to reach the coveted first row among the audience. Her idol is right in front of her!
But a small accident happens, the spotlights over Chida suddenly collapse. Ours, of course, rushes to save him ... and they both end up with Grandpa God.
Grandpa apologizes to them that they died, that was not the plan, so he brings them back ... but he makes a mistake and exchanges their bodies ...
A classic cliché is everything that happens in this manga, but originality is not sought here anyway. This is something you read simply because it's cute. It's downright "sugary," like most titles in the genre. In fact, there is an anime based on the author's works (Watashi ga Motete Dousunda) and it wasn't bad (the theme is similar), but I think I liked the current manga a lot more. Perfect work for fans in the category 12-15 years. I give it four stars because it was unloading for me.
The original review is in Bulgarian, the link is below. I apologize for possible translation errors.

An idol and his number one fan switch bodies after a freak accident. That is the synopsis...aaand that's basically it. I hoped to like this or at least to be entertained, but it was just meh. Azusa( the fangirl) is OBSESSED with the idol guy, Chikashi. And it's annoying honestly. There were a couple of funny scenes of them being in each other's bodies and acting weird, those were genuinely fun. But I wasn't interested in the romance at all. Really, what kind of romantic relationship can there be between a star and his way to obsessive fan? Sadly, this one didn't work for me and I won't be continuing with the series.
Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Honestly, I did not even have a slight clue what this was about before picking it up. However, I really enjoyed JUNKO's Kiss Him, Not Me, and I could not pass up reading this.
So this follows a guy that is in a pop idol group and, basically, his biggest fan. There is an accident at one of his concerts and while she tries to save him, they both end up dying. Then they're brought back to life. But in the wrong bodies!
From there wackiness ensues. So far it is a little bit silly, but I'm really enjoying myself and I definitely need to continue on in the series!
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.