Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to send me the free first volume of this manga.I will give my honest thoughts about it so here we go!
I really thought the art style was clean just as much as it was on “The Wolf Boy is Mine”. In the story, we get three pretty schoolboys who were suspended due to them smoking on the school grounds and the female lead has to ensure they stay in school atw otherwise her scholarship will be badly impacted due to her working while still in school (apparently shes not allowed to work and study at the same time). The story isn’t really that interesting and it’s probably the fact I’m not really much of a harem reader. I mean its good for readers who are into the harem genre but I just couldn’t engage with the story enough. It’s not terrible but it’s reasonable like it is from the author of “The Wolf Boy is Mine” so it is somewhat of a unique treat!
Overall it’s not to my taste but it’s worth it for shoujo and harem readers!

The last few months have very much become a manga / comic reading phase. After having not read anything in this format for a few years it has been a lot of fun to dive back in to see how stories have changes, and reassuringly not changed.
Those Not-So-Sweet Boys has a well-tested formula of a sweet and kind protagonist (Midori) who gets roped into looking after the aloof trio of beautiful and rich outsiders. I’ve seen a few comparisons to Fruits Basket and based on the first volume I can certainly see where that comes from.
The artwork is nice and while the storyline isn’t unique, I thought all the characters were interesting and likeable. The first volume has enough information so you can make an informed choice about deciding to continue with the series, which for my part I would like to.

Unfortunately, this manga strained me more than it caught my attention. It's been a long time since I've had this kind of irritation.
Nanami's father abandoned his family after falling into debt. Nanami is still a high school student, but has to go to work to help her mother and little brother while attending a scholarship school.
One day, the principal accidentally sees her in her school uniform leaving work and ... literally threatens to stop her from school because his students were forbidden to work while they were studying. She can save her school life only if she fulfills the principal's task - to bring three rich boys back to school because they have seceded for reasons.
The story, to put it even more succinctly, is one of the bad scripts for romantic series. The heroine is of the irritating type of shoujo girls - they are not bad at heart and soul, they are sweet and fragile, they are sweet in appearance ... However, they are hopelessly indifferent. Nanami had only one strong scene - when he drowned the boys on a topic concerning money.
Of course, she manages with hard work, perseverance and infinite kindness, as befits a traditional heroine in the genre, to bring the boys back to school. It became clear that the principal required her to continue supervising them until their last day at school. The boys, of course, begin to look at her with different eyes, she has won their respect with her shoujo values.
There are many unrealistic things in the world of manga, this is clear to every manga reader. But this manga falls into that column with titles that just remain unrealistic and can't become charming to you. The art is good, but not enough. Honestly, I'm not so impressed that I don't even want to guess what kind of person the title might be recommended to.
This review is originally in Bulgarian. I apologize for the translation errors. The link is below.

4,5 Stars
I’ve previously read both That Wolf-Boy is Mine and Love in Focus by Yoko Nogiri and I found both series alright, nothing special but nothing terribly bad either. But when I’ve seen that Kodansha was publishing another series of hers this year, I was really excited and wanted to read it so badly!
We are following Midori Nanami, a high schooler who manages to lose her wallet on the first day of high school but luckily, Rei Ichijo found it. They both meet each other once again when they end up being in the same class. But it’s been a week, and no one saw Ichijo or his friends, Chihio Goshima and Yukinojo Ieiri, at school. So of course, rumors such as they were caught smoking or they beat up people, start circulating around the school. One day, Midori is caught leaving her part-time job by someone from the school’s administration whereas students are not allowed to have a job, therefore Midori could be suspended and lose her scholarship which she terribly needs. In exchange for his silence about her job, the school’s chairman asks her to convince the boys to go back to school. As she tries to persuade the guys, she will realize that they are not as bad as everyone seems to think.
Even though none of her previous works blew me away, I’m always attracted to her manga because I’m in love with her art style. And Those Not-So-Sweet Boys is no exception! Therefore, I knew my enjoyment of the manga would play a lot on the plot.
I’m actually surprised by how much I enjoyed the plot and the characters. A group of guys starting a friendship with a lonesome girl dynamic made me think about Waiting for Spring (minus the basketball aspect)! But while the guys were trying to integrate the girl into their friends’ group in Waiting for Spring, in this manga, Midori is the one trying to stop the rumors going on around the school about them and make their classmates realized that they are actually nice people. It was nice that for once, the roles were switched.
We are introduced to the main character, Midori, a shy girl whose dad left her family with a huge debt to pay. She is working hard to help them and I liked that the mangaka chooses to portray the relationship she has with her little brother Kon. It’s really cute and I don’t think I’ve read a lot of manga with a big sister/little brother relationship or at least a normal one. Regarding the guys, so far, I really like Rei. He’s not your typical rich kid from what we have seen so far, I’m curious to discover more about him. The only character that we don’t know much about is Yuki since Midori didn’t really talk to him, but I feel like it’s done on purpose and that we will discover more about him in the next volume (which I can’t wait to read by the way!)

Just reading the first Volume left my heart aching for more. A beautiful and heartwarming start to the series!

I loved this manga and thought it was so sweet and heartwarming. I thought the way Midori first gets involved with the boys was a tad bit random since the chairman gets involved, but after that I was totally rooting for her and loved the story. Her interactions with the boys was just so precious and I loved her creative attempts to get them to go to school. Also there's an adorable doggo so it's hard not to love this manga. I'm so excited for Volume 2! The format was also very easy to understand and the artwork was so cute!
TW for attempted sexual assault.
4.5/5 Stars

When you have a debt to pay and gotta ‘babysit’ three (hot) not-so-sweet guys, things can be tricky. However, when the right girl is on the job, chances are those guys’ life could turn upside down.
If Midori’s determination and perseverance is something those guys couldn’t anticipate, their kindness is what she would have never expected. Which brings up the question: are they really bad guys? Soon enough, the deal she made with the chairman of the school turns into a personal mission to stop the false rumours about them and, in the process, help them being more social. Although someone may not want that kind of attention . . . But the readers’ is kept constantly alive thanks to their different charm and Midori’s clumsiness and pure heart. So cute! Just like the most adorable corgi in here that you’ll find impossible not to want to spoil—when can I get one, too?
Interesting, sweet, and with a lovely art. A well delivered first volume that opens the door to a shōjo series that makes your heart skip a bit . . . Right, Midori?

I was approved to review a digital review copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This review will be cross-posted on my book blog, Bookmarked, and Goodreads after the publication date.
I picked this up with low expectations, and I've never been more satisfied. Thank you Kodansha Comics for this digital ARC!
What I Liked
I picked it up expecting an absolutely tried-and-tested, cliché romance, but I was very wrong. Although Nogiri uses well-established tropes, the overall feeling of this first volume is fresh. Since setting and story are common staples of the shōjo genre, this is probably due to its engaging cast of characters.
Midori is a joy to read: she may seem shy, but truly possesses a well of inner strength and determination that really gives her character three-dimensionality. Part of her character was also drawn out while interacting with her family, rather than just in reaction to her meetings with the boys. What may seem like hopeless (if not somewhat annoying) positivity is instead the fruit of a much darker family and economical struggle she is trying to overcome. Overall, she's a very relatable character and I look forward to seeing he grow and develop over the course of this series.
The initial reason for the three boys' rebellion was surprising, original and immediately established the strong friendship among them. I like how their group dynamic unfolded, and hope to see more of it in the future. Each one has their own distinct personality (albeit they are common personalities within the genre) and background, and I am excited to know more about them. There seems to be some darker things at play, and I'd love to see who they are beyond the rebelliousness and academic excellence! I'm curious as to whether the story will focus uniquely on Rei and Midori's relationship, or open up to other romances.
What I Liked a Little Less
These are more nitpicks than things I didn't like. I'd generally like to see more of the other boys come to the forefront (that cliffhanger ending was promising!), more family dynamics on Midori's side, and I personally really hope that Midori's friends are not forgotten and get to play a bigger part in the future to give her relationship web a bit more variety. Essentially, I'd like to see more of all their lives beyond the romance, to paint fuller pictures of them.
Although—I do think that the Principal's personal investment in the lives of these three boys is a bit exaggerated, and would, under normal circumstances, lead to some impartiality and professional integrity issues.
Overall, I am extremely excited about this new series and look forward to its publication! If you are a lover of shōjo manga, I would definitely recommend this new, promising series.

This manga got my attention right away with its pleasing art and soft hearted story. It’s only the first volume but I’m already hooked in the shojo and can’t wait to read more in the near future. Thank you so much NetGalley for letting me read something so sweet!

Sometimes I’m just in the mood for an adorable shojo manga.
And this fits it perfectly. It’s got all the usual tropes; handsome boys, a sweet main character, potential love rivalry, sparkly bubbles — sometimes you just want a familiar story, and I just loved this so much. It gave me Ao Haru Ride vibes, even the art style was reminiscent of it. The boys were handsome, and had a cool dynamic and friendship going on that had me invested, although I did think it was weird that the principal tried so hard to get them back to school. I think that’s going to explored later on, because I don’t know many schools that would try so hard. Maybe it’s a cultural difference, but I think it might have character or plot relevance later on.
I found myself more invested in the second half, after we established the setup, because that’s when the drama started to spice up. With the last few pages adding a new twist to the tale, I’m really intrigued. I think this manga has a lot of potential. It’s a perfect shojo manga to satisfy your romance tastes, and I’m eager to see where it may go.

Wow did I enjoy this so much more than I planned! I'm not much of a shoujo fan, but something about the art and description of this one intrigued me and I am so glad I read it. the main girl, for once, is not frustratingly naive or painful to read. There is not much to say on the boys so far as this is the first volume but they are really promising and I anticipate lots of amazing character development with them. The tropes in this volume, although overused and very frequent in shoujo mangas, still had a fun and fresh feel to them. Overall, I have high hopes for this series and will be reading the next instalments asap!!

5/5 stars
I received an ARC of this manga in exchange for an honest review.
On the first day of high school, Midori drops her wallet and some thugs attempt to take off with it. A boy named Ichijo steps in and saves it for her, but he leaves before she can thank him. He and his two friends suddenly stop attending school, and the rumors about them are wild! But Midori is caught working a part-time job (against the school's rules) and the chairman offers her a deal--he won't punish her if she can bring the boys back to school. Having no choice but to accept and wishing to thank Ichijo, Midori agrees. However, the boys are more stubborn than she expected!
This was so adorable! It was everything I had hoped it would be and more! I've read That Wolf-Boy is mine (which is by this mangaka) and I was excited to read this new series. It doesn't disappoint! As usual, her art is beautiful and the characters are so cute. The storyline is sweet! When I read shojo, this is exactly what I'm looking for! This manga put a smile on my face and left me wanting more! I can't wait for volume 2!
Manga readers who love shojo, especially cute and contemporary shojo, should read this! I highly recommend it!

Rating: 3.5
This manga was an enjoyable read, I really like the main female character. She reminds me of Thoru from Fruits Basket, she is cheerful and determined. I also love her little brother. My only critique is the first chapter seemed a bit to fast passed so it didnt feel like the story was being fully developed, this does improve in later chapters. If you like romance manga I would recommend it and I am looking forward to the second volume.
Many thanks to Netgalley for my review copy!

I received an e-galley of Those Not-So-Sweet Boys Volume 1 by Yoko Nogiri from Kodansha in exchange for an honest review.
Those Not-So-Sweet Boys is about a young teenage girl, Midori Nanami, who has just entered high school and already on the first day, she's run into trouble with losing her wallet. A young boy comes to her rescue and before she is able to thank him, he's walked off with his two friends. And thus starts Midori Nanami's interesting relationship with the trio of boys - Rei Ichijo, Chihiro Goshima, and Yukinojo Ieiri.
I was absolutely charmed by another manga series that I had read written by Yoko Nogiri - Love in Focus - and the style and storytelling that came from that story is present in this new manga series. I already adore Midori Nanami who is just the right amount of pure, clumsy and kind that you'd want from a heroine. And the three boys? Definitely each has their own charm and I can see readers choosing their favourites already. I'm not quite ready to choose a favourite amongst the boys myself - and I cannot wait to see how this story continues for these characters. Those-Not-So-Sweet Boys is sure to become a new manga favourite for readers, including myself.

It’s been a while since I’ve loved something this much??? This is a wonderful shoujo manga and made me want more!
"Those not so sweet boys" focuses on Midori Nanami, who meets a trio of rich and isolated boys from her class through some misfortune and has to babysit them (make sure they go to school and graduate) to be able to keep her scholarship and job, since her family is struggling with money thanks to her father’s debts.
Midori is a sweet angel and I love her and her relationship with her family so much - they care for each other and work their hardest to make sure they stay okay. And she’s so kind too, becoming friends with three boys that everyone in school stays away from.
The premise is simple but the execution is very good, in my opinion. We got to see the four of them starting to become friends, while Midori clearly has a crush on Rei Ichijo (who is also the sweetest boy ever... please I love him), while dealing with personal/family issues and getting through school life. There’s simple drama, since it’s a high school setting, but honestly I feel like it was executed in a nice way, and the pretty art helps a lot too.
I’m very attached to the characters and how they interact and care for each other, and I can’t wait to read the next volumes!

Okay, this was way too cute.
I definitely went in expecting our main character Midori to have to deal with these 'bad boys' who aren't attending school, but I don't know why I wasn't expecting all the characters to be so well crafted.
I know this is just the first volume, but I'm loving the bits and pieces that we have seen of Midori and the boys so far, and how their friendship is just beginning to develop.
I'm enamored already. I definitely need to get my hands on this first volume for my collection, and I for sure will be continuing with this series.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is such a cute slice of life high school romance! It definitely requires a suspension of disbelief that the chairman of a high school would assign a high school girl to wrangle a group of delinquents into coming back to school, but if you can get past that little burble it's pretty smooth sailing from there.
Midori is such a sweet and joyful girl, but as the boys say she can be a bit... slow. The chemistry between her and Rei and the other guys is such so cute. I definitely felt mt heart go ba-bump at several of the swoony moments! In volume 1 we already get some great manga/anime staples like taking care of a sick love interest and the school sports festival! I can't wait wait volume 2!!

Artwork: 5/5
Story: 4/5
I don't know why but when I saw this cover I thought it would be a BL. Maybe is because of the 3 guys in the cover looking so good, but at first, I thought it will be a BL. And I was wrong! This is a normal drama/comedy shojo. I love this kind of story so much, to be honest. Our main character, Nanami, is a schooler poor girl, his father left the family with debt and her mum has to apply for so many jobs to get the family forward. But, Nanami works as well in a bar during the afternoons, something that is against the school rules. In order to not get rid of the school and her scholarship, she has to help some handsome rich guys. Maybe her warm heart can change them.
I really like this first volume, I love the characters and how they are with each other, the relationship of friendship between them. Rei and Eiri are my potential crushes and Goshima is my baby boy. I want the second volume so bad!

This was fun! I enjoyed our characters and I'm a sucker for a cute corgi. I already know what guy I'm rooting for, but I like them all. The artwork was good and I'm anticipating volume 2!

As one would expect, the story of ‘misunderstood delinquent boys’ is not the most original plot, however, I still enjoyed this manga. The initial story of finding the boys and convincing them to come back to school did seem to move pretty quickly within the first volume, however, it is also clear that this isn’t the main plot of this story, the relationships between Midori and the three boys is, and it’s just starting to be introduced.
The characters are all charming in their own way and there have already been hints at more depth and emotions behind each one. It’s also nice to see that not all the characters are as good as you would expect and even have some mistrust in Midori – which in the real world would be totally reasonable!
All being said, I’m now intrigued and can’t wait to see how the story develops in the next instalment. Will relationships strengthen and grow? What will the next plot twist be? Overall, this was a pretty decent start to what could be a great lil’ romance and ‘good-feel’ story.