Member Reviews

There’s nothing quite like a new adventure with old friends, and that’s exactly what The Edge of the Ocean is. I could not wait to rejoin Jonathan and Flick and dived eagerly into my suitcase to be transported to The Strangeworlds Travel Agency for this next instalment.

The first book in the series was one of my favourite fantasy adventures of last year. From the moment I closed the final page, I could not wait for the sequel: I was desperate to discover more about the different worlds on offer and I urgently needed to unravel some of the unsolved mysteries. I loved the whole concept of the book and found the characters both endearing and enigmatic. In short, I needed more! Fast forward one year and The Edge of the Ocean lands on my Kindle. Nervously I opened the first page. Would it live up to my ridiculously high expectations?

I am so pleased to say it not only lived up, but it surpassed all expectations! Picking up from shortly after the first book, it is as fast-paced, unpredictable and utterly captivating as the original book. I loved it! Jonathan and Flick receive a summons from a pirate queen and must urgently rush to The Break, a collapsing world that needs help before it, and all its inhabitants, disappear forever.

The Edge of the Ocean is a totally different adventure for its reader, but it retains all the heart of its predecessor. We learn more about the magical worlds inside Jonathan’s suitcases, as well as learning some unexpected truths about our protagonists. It ends with another cliffhanger that leaves the reader in no doubt that L.D. Lapinski has a master plan for where the characters are headed in future books. It is well-written and feels well-considered as a series, with a clear arc to the story.

Upon finishing this book, I find myself yet again hoping to fast forward time so I can dive into book number 3 in the series. The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: The Edge of the Ocean will be added to my Year 5 bookshelf as soon as it is released and I have no doubt it will be as much of a success as the first book in the series. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Another triumph for L.D Lapinski in book 2 of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: Edge of the Ocean. Born out of the pandemic, what better stories to lose yourself in, in times of despair, lockdowns and the unknown.

A portal story, that takes Flick, Jonathon and cousin Avery on an adventure to the edge of the ocean. Summoned by the Pirate Queen: Nyfe, the Strageworlds trio must step into another world through a suitcase to save pirates and merpeople from a rapidly crumbling world. Time moves quicker at The Break and Flick, who has only just gained back the trust of her parents after her last adventure in book 1, is in a race against the clock. Can she save them from their perilous fate?

Although this is a sequel, each book stands on its own as a separate adventure. Full of mystery, magic and adventure, woven together with themes of courage, strength, friendship and teamwork, Welcome to the Strageworlds Travel Agency is a wonderful escape story that will transport readers into magical worlds beyond their imaginations.

The perfect class reader for Years 3-6 or as an independent read for 9+ to cast off into magical worlds where possibilities are endless. Fans of Narnia and Piers Torday's The Lost Magician will be enticed and enthralled in this modern-day escapism.

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Lapinski does it again with another rip-roaring adventure to a world on the brink of collapse! Filled with fearsome pirates, mysterious merfolk and a new companion, Edge of the Ocean takes the excitement of book one and triples it!

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The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: The Edge of the Ocean is a breathtakingly brilliant return to this mesmerising, magical world where stepping through a suitcase brings a world of action-packed, nautical adventure, excitement aplenty and frissons of danger … perfect edge-of-your-seat reading at the Edge of the Ocean!

Flick’s parents have grounded her for the entirety of the summer holidays, but fortunately, her situation does not stop her returning to The Strangeworlds Travel Agency after Jonathan works his magic on her Mum in the grocery aisle! When she turns up at the Travel Agency the next day, she meets Avery, Jonathan’s cousin who is visiting him to help in the search for his missing father. However, before they continue their investigations, they are interrupted by a summons from Captain Nyfe Shaban, Pirate Queen, who wants them to help save her world, The Break, which is in danger of collapsing as its magic is being drained. As Head Custodian of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency, it is Jonathan’s duty to answer the summons … and he does so, along with Flick and Avery.

Stepping out of their magical suitcase, they find themselves in the flat, water world of The Break where ships are dropping off the edge, and the world is irreparably shrinking. Will Flick, Jonathan and Avery be able to save the inhabitants of this world by finding them a new world to call home? Will they be able to overcome impossible-seeming dilemmas and find a solution that will save everyone?

Oh my goodness. This world! First, can I just say that I love a book with a map, and I spent a lot of time admiring it, and went back to it throughout as various places were mentioned. The world-building is incredible from the depiction of a world made almost entirely from water and which is flat to the huge ships sailing the ocean to the pirate and mer-people inhabitants and the different factions and alliances within these groups. It feels incredibly immersive and I found myself easily losing myself in this richly imagined world of wonder.
This is a truly action-packed, exhilarating adventure as Flick, Jonathan and Avery find themselves in a race against time to save this disappearing world whilst having to contend with different factions trying to out manoeuvre each other for their own ends. I loved the twists and turns, the revelations, and the element of danger that kept me utterly spellbound throughout. The diverse cast of characters are wonderful from the fierce, power-hungry and rather terrifying Nyfe to the mesmerising Queen of the Mer-people.

I loved the continuation of Flick and Jonathan’s friendship which feels really genuine and supportive, especially when things become really difficult. I also really enjoyed the friendship between Avery and Flick which starts off with uncertainty, but which develops into a deeper bond as they get to know each other, work together and build trust. Flick is finding out more about herself and her magical ability in this story which makes me VERY keen to read the next book. Oh my! I so adore Jonathan! Quick-witted, clever and utterly wonderful! At times, my heart ached for him, but it also rejoiced as he showed how courageous, resilient and determined he can be.

This is an enthralling, magical adventure with a terrific cast of characters who will take you on an unmissable adventure … a perfect delight, and one I can highly recommend.

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I'm such a fan of this series - the evocative writing, the brilliantly drawn characters, the wonderful worlds Lapinski creates, plus the top-notch pacing - I have been on the EDGE OF MY SEAT waiting for book 2.
The premise of this series had me hooked from the very beginning. In the Strangeworlds Travel Agency you can delve into ANY world 'simply' by jumping into a suitcase. Love it! There are many worlds and many suitcases.
Picking up where the previous one left off, Flick (now in trouble with her mum for staying out!) and Jonathan (owner of the Agency), are still looking for Jonathan's dad who suddenly disappeared. No trace.
In The Edge of the Ocean we meet Jonathan's cousin - Avery. I adored the dynamic between Flick and Avery, it was just... brilliant. So brilliant.
Meanwhile, they've been summoned by The Pirate Queen to The Break. It's a world inhabited by Merfolk and two fighting pirate groups. But. The world is disappearing, quite literally crumbling. Jonathan, Flick and Avery need to work together with the eclectic mix of inhabitants in The Break to prevent its demise.
Loved the tension that builds up in this world, the fast-paced action is wonderfully controlled. This new world is also populated with a host of really intriguing characters.
Lapinski has crafted some truly great scenes involving Jonathan, I'll won’t give too much detail here, to avoid spoilers. Jonathan really is a most wonderful character, wonderfully portrayed - and with THE BEST dialogue.
The Edge of the Ocean is filled with richly imagined worlds, fabulous action swirling with humour, and the most wonderful cast of characters.

Emma Perry

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I’ve waited with baited breath to get my hands on the sequel to The Strangerworlds Travel Agency and it most definitely did not disappoint!
I came upon the first book by chance on NetGalley, liked the look of a cover, and thought I would give a new author a go. I was blown away! It was one of the best children’s books I’ve read in a long time,
I couldn’t wait for book 2 and devoured it in one go. It was incredible. The magical worlds entered via suitcases is enough to inspire any child and let their imaginations run wild.

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Flick and Jonathan are joined by Jonathan’s cousin for this new adventure. When the Strangeworlders receive a summons from a pirate queen to rescue them because their world is crumbling, the friends don’t hesitate to respond. They need to find a new, uninhabited world to move them to and a way of enlarging the schism to allow them all to pass through.

I was hesitant about reading this, wondering whether the sequel would be as good as the first adventure, but it was. Some links were made back to characters and events in the first book and a few clues were given in this story which no doubt will be picked up in the next book in the series.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: The Edge of the Ocean.

This review took a little while to be ready to do. It’s hard to describe something that works for me so deeply on two utterly different levels.

Firstly, it’s a pitch perfect novel for older children (9+). It’s the 2nd in the series, & you’d be a fool to miss the first. Go read & come back.


Following Flick, your typical heroine - loving but useless parents & mysteriously powerful chosen one. Mentored by Jonathan, the mildly disgruntled beautiful soul who I would follow ANYWHERE. (I love him), they travel to other worlds through magical rifts trapped inside suitcases.

The second book concerns a water world, The Break, and its Pirate Queen, Nyfe. The Break is shrinking and the factions of that world must work together if they are to survive.

This is the perfect way to do a sequel. It reinforces the main characters, adds new ones you care about and has a ‘guest’ cast and plot you can root for and be thrilled by.

10/10. Would recommend.

But. That second level.

Lapinski has done something so special, and so subtle with her rep here. Without spoiling, one character begins to develop crush on another, entirely in a way that you would expect in middle grade - but it’s queer. Not angsty. Not ‘coming out’. You just know.

Jonathan is quite incidentally trans. It’s not a thing. There are the odd references to his past, and to practical elements of his identity, but there is no struggle. No bullying.

I read YA books, about coming out, queer bashing and difficult first gay affairs. I say ‘I wish I had this when I was a teen’. This is the book I wish I had as a child.

That people like me could be magic. Could be adventurers. Could be the hero. And that that might be what defines me - not who hates me - or who I might love one day. It heartens me to know that this isn’t niche, other kids might see this and take it in. It’s in Tesco FFS.

Me and my gorgeous fellow queer and trans friends might never have got our Hogwarts letter from the High Bigot herself, but it’s good to know there’s somewhere more magical where we could belong.

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I absolutely loved the first Strangeworlds books and was completely blown away by The Edge of the Ocean, L.D. Lapinski has created such believable and relatable characters and the many different worlds are complex and brilliantly imagined. I couldn't put it down, the writing drew me in and the pacing of the story was also brilliant. You could feel the emotions pouring off the pages.

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I loved the first in this series, but the author has surpassed themselves with this new title. It is action packed with wonderfully strong characters and a fantastic twist at the end. It is five stars all the way.

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I was so excited to dive back into a suitcase with The Strangeworlds Travel Agency and "The Edge of the Ocean" did not disappoint!

From the prologue I was HOOKED. I was so impressed by how this sequel dealt with the events of the first book, whilst throwing you straight into a new adventure. I was so captivated by the dynamics of the pirates and their particular world from the very beginning- and my curiosity only grew as more was revealed.

There were twists and secrets I could never have seen coming- and the reveal of each one kept me on my toes waiting to learn more! I did guess one quite big twist, however I am an adult reading a middle-grade book and so did not see this as an issue in the slightest, and just as that was revealed the author SHOOK me with a second secret that I never could have predicted!

Also the new characters were so absolutely fantastic! If you fell in love with Flick and Jonathan in the first book (which...duhhh...we all did) their personalities and relationship just get better and better, but I really adored how well written the new faces were too.
Avery is BRILLIANT and the dynamic between her and Flick had me shouting things at the page (I can't say what because: spoilers!).
Everyone in the pirate world was so well written, to the point where minor side characters had clear personalities and stories I wanted to learn more about.

I devoured it in two sittings in one night (staying up until midnight as I just could not put it down), and can promise you that you will love it!

Only issue: I need book 3 NOW PLEASE.

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'The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: The Edge of the Ocean' is the kind of sequel that makes you feel like you're coming home when reading it.

Flick and Jonathan are back and are summoned to the magical and nautical world of The Brink, where Pirate Queen Nyfe and the inhabitants of this world are threatened by their entire world's collapse. Pirates, merpeople and the like are in danger of disappearing forever if their world capsizes, so it's up to Flick and Jonathan to do what they can to save them.

I love pirate adventures (thank you Pirates of the Caribbean for sparking this love in me), and I have been clamouring for more of them. This book delivers on this front, and one of the reasons why I love this series so much is the endless possibilities of the multiverses that exists within. You could have a piratey world in one suitcase, and an entirely different world the next, which means this series can hop from setting to setting and carry that magic with them. You literally do not know what to expect. The setting in this was wonderful and appealed to everything I love about nautical adventures, and add Flick and Jonathan (and new character Avery) into the mix, you get yourself a mix of humour and terror (because sword fights and swimming is NOT what they signed up for).

Yes, we have a new character called Avery, Jonathan's cousin, who accompanies them on their adventure. I don't actually know what I can say since the book isn't out yet and I do not want to spoil it for anyone, but I will say I love Avery and I love how she annoys Flick a lot and I love them. That's all I'm gonna say (for now hehe).

Jonathan is and will always be one of my favourite fictional characters of all time now. Two books in and he still surprises me. There's a moment near the start that I was absolutely fangirling over, but just the way he tackles challenges in this piratey world and the banter he has is just so endearing and I love him with my whole heart. The mystery involving his father's disappearance (which developed in the first book) is carried over here, and again, no spoilers, but things get EXTREMELY interesting on that front.

The plot involving the pirates and the mer-people (loved the imagining of the mer-people too by the way) was very exciting, literally from the moment Flick, Jonathan and Avery touch down in this new world, things go wrong INSTANTLY. They don't have an easy time of it, and it's a challenge for them to overcome the new obstacles they are faced. It's easy to get lost in what's going on and rooting for our heroes to win. It's full steam ahead to a climax that has a LOT of people's lives on the line. In short, it's exciting and action-packed with a lot of touching character moments along the way.

And don't even get me started on the things you learn in the Epilogue, oh my days! Strangeworlds 3 cannot come any sooner.

'The Edge of the Ocean' enriches the world Lapinski has summoned up from L.D.'s imagination and I still feel like we are only scratching the surface on that. I may not be able to see magic like Flick, but I know a huge magical schism full of possibility when I see one - and 'The Edge of the Ocean' has magic in abundance.

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