Member Reviews

The View Was Exhausting by married couple Mikaella Clements and Onj has been on my radar for a while now, I loved the sound of it and thought that it sounded like a sexy, sultry, summer read. Reader, that is exactly what I got. It’s about British Indian actress Whitman (Win) Tagore, who is carving a career for herself in the viper pit that is Hollywood. Being both a woman and a woman of colour means that she has to work twice as hard to get half as far as her male, white, counterparts and so, whenever something happens which threatens to unbalance her carefully curated image, her PR calls in Leo. Leo is the son of a man who makes Logan Roy from Succession look like father of the year. He is one of three children, and his “job” is to curate the art for his father’s hotels. He is also smoking hot and is the perfect balance between playboy and media darling to calm any troubled waters circling around Win.
The book opens with Win hiding out in Saint Tropez, her relationship with a TV host has imploded in a very acrimonious fashion and she is aware that she desperately needs a positive spin. Enter Leo, who has been in Berlin but after a phone call from Marie, Win’s PR, drops everything to fly to Saint Tropez for staged paparazzi walks and accidentally on purpose photographs taken on the beach of he and Win embracing. It has been a while since they have since one another but they soon fall back into their usual rhythms of deep friendship with a massive dash of sexual tension.
This book sizzles off the page. The relationship between Win and Leo feels authentic, their banter zings, their gazes linger and I felt fully invested in them. They’re both brilliantly written and flashbacks to their past adds depth to their present relationship. It is a richly and deeply written romance full of nuance and tension and I loved it, and them. I was rooting for them to be together which is always a great sign.
This is far more than a romance book though, it is also an exploration of the dark side of fame. Win is constantly battling against prejudices, both overt and covert, and has to portray a certain image all of the time. Any slip can cause her to be dropped from films, meetings with Directors cancelled and the phone to stop ringing. It makes for grim reading and I found it incredibly sad to read. She is constantly at war with an enemy she cannot see which shape-shifts depending upon whatever imagined slight she has failed the public and press with.
Throw in the casual racism which Win is subjected to and it is a wonder she is even able to get out of bed in the morning and face the day. She is made of strong stuff but is written with a great touch of vulnerability, particularly when it comes to Leo and to her mother Pritha who has brought Win up alone since her father died. Their relationship is at times strained and outside forces put additional pressure upon it. It is with Pritha and Leo that we see Win at her most vulnerable and when she is most likeable, even when she does things I didn’t fully agree with.
The View Was Exhausting is well plotted and paced, with a clever narrative switch and a few surprises along the way to boot. It’s super glamorous – yachts, 5 star hotels, parties packed with the glitterati and gorgeous and sexy people leap from the pages. It’s such a great read and one I devoured pretty quickly; it’s full of light and shade, has a lot of heart and is a great summer read with lots of depth. It is a recommended read from me.

SO FUCKING GOOD honestly ... I thought a book written by a couple was going to be gimmicky but this was just a pure delight and I loved it.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this is easily the best romance novel I have ever read! It is so deliciously slick - the authors understand the conventions of the genre perfectly but never lean on them too heavily, and there is never a moment where the novel falls into cliché or gets lazy with plot or character or style. Leo and Win are both interesting, genuinely complicated characters in a way that feels very true to life, and their story is satisfying without ever getting too predictable. I read the end of it while drinking mojitos and it was a near-perfect way to spend the evening - a delicious summer treat!

I adored this witty, and emotional book (it made me blisteringly angry, it made my heart soar, it made me cackle with laughter - I had a great time reading it). The writing style tugged me through the narrative, and I was always eager to find out what happened next. The characters are certainly not without flaws, but this made me root for them even more - even whilst they were making highly questionable choices. I can already think of several people I'm going to recommend this to - this would have been a perfect beach read (not least as then I might not have been so jealous about some of the locations!)

The world can see that international A-list actress Whitman ("Win") Tagore and jet-setting playboy Leo Milanowski are made for each other. Their kisses start Twitter trends and their fights break the internet. From red carpet appearances to Met Gala mishaps, their on-again, off-again romance has titillated the public and the press for almost a decade. But it's all a lie.
If you’re looking for a bit of escapism, this could be the book for you. It’s a bright and sassy novel about celebrity and social networking and it will certainly transport you from your day-to-day life, This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

Leo is an indolent playboy who doesn't understand how hard it is to be a person of colour in Hollywood. Whitman is a control freak who cannot let herself go enough to enjoy her life. They cannot be together and they cannot be apart. This book is the perfect summer read. Amazing!!! Definitely a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book blew me away. The way the authors managed to make everything from the characters to the settings absolutely fabulously spectacular is impressive and rare. I won't lie, I was almost convinced I would have to give the book a one-star when the conflict happened, but luckily the authors managed to subvert the trope instead of fall into it. Ultimately, in the end, the author's choices made sense. And what can I say, that ending??? I would recommend reading the book for that ending alone. The View Was Exhausting was an absolutely spectacular read 5/5 stars 101/10 would recommend and it has definitely earned a place on my favorite books of all time list

This was one of my anticipated releases for 2021 and I'm glad to say that I really enjoyed it. Fantastically written, gripping story that kept me captivated throughout. Would definitely recommend!

Intriguing romance with an unusual premise. The fancy location had me gripped. Thanks for the early read.

An addictive, fun read set 'behind the scenes' in Hollywood, that also touches on the issues faced by non-white people in the industry (and in general). I also loved the cast of characters, and particularly the supporting ones. A perfect summer read that I can imagine devouring in a day on a sun lounger.

Firstly, I found the perspective of a famous British Asian woman to be refreshing, and the casual racism in the book will be an eye-opener to some.
However this isn't really my kind of book, and I just wasn't interested in the sort-of-on-sort-of-off-romance between Win and Leo - the latter who I thought was a bit of a spoilt brat. It's really a romance novel with a lot of glamourous settings, and will definitely be a hit with those who like fluffier beach reads.

4.5 stars
If you’re looking for something great to get yourself lost for a few hours, this is definitely the book for you.
I loved it. From the characters and settings, the writing and how atmospheric and reliable everything was in the book, it surely makes for a must-read beautiful romance story that many people will enjoy this year.
And there’s so much more than the eye cam met in here. A fake relationship with great banter and interesting scenes, a love that blooms big by bit and grows to become one of the most beautiful nowadays romance, everything adds up to a perfect read.
So yes, that’s all I can say, a must-read novel of the year.

Ah this book was amazing! I've been in a bit of a reading rut, but this was so compelling and easy to read. It reminded me of a modern day Beautiful Ruins. I really loved it, five stars.

A fabricated romance between a successful British Indian actress and a billionaire art boy, a rogue night in a London hotel and an Alist celebrity wedding, with plenty of steam in between, what could go wrong?
Ostensibly a romance, full of chemistry and without the cringe, Datta and Clements manage to make some sharp observations at the whiteness of Hollywood, the expectation of exceptionalism actors of colour are burdened with, the hyper beast that is, celebrity media.
Avoiding tropes and deftly weaving internet speak, a tweet gone viral, a front page spread on the daily Mail online, it feels current and recognisably ‘now’.
For lovers of Taylor Jenkins Reed, Emma straub & maybe Sex and the City, this is for you & Thank you @netgalley & @headlinebooks / it’s out in July!
Tw / cancer, death, mild drug mention.

Whitman is an Indian/British film star and she is introdued to Leo by her agent Marie.
The story takes place over time, where Whitman and Leo's on the surface relationship is all about enhancing Whitman's rising star - making her more employable and famous.
Whitman suffers a break up and Leo is rolled out again to assist Whitman, playing our their 'love story' to the press and public.
But not all is as it seems, we learn that Whitman has issues with race when she applies for acting jobs and she has trust and family issues.
Leo has never worked and has always been 'kept' by his father and he is happy to help Whitman until he begins to fall in love.
THe view was exhasuting is a love story with important issues weaved through its pages.

The View Was Exhausting was featured in National Book Tokens/Caboodle's '21 books to look out for in 2021'.

It's a Hollywood romance for the 21st century. Whitman and Leo's lives are an intertwined dance through glamorous and not so glamorous locations. Their lying to themselves about how great their love is makes for an entertaining tale.
Leo is an indolent playboy who doesn't understand how hard it is to be a person of colour in Hollywood. Whitman is a control freak who cannot let herself go enough to enjoy her life. They cannot be together and they cannot be apart.