Member Reviews

This is a fantastic story or family relationships. The characters are believable. The book starts slow paced Built up. A good read.

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience

I was captivated by the tease of the email from her, the woman who left a bad taste in Jills mouth "you need to know" Jill chose to close they app without reading. On the way to their Christmas holiday home, disaster struck when their family convoy ended in wreckage. The description of the incident was so vivid I felt like I was there. Someone is missing. There were so many layers and points of view unfolding that kept me engaged and the tension and drama built. Questions are asked and details emerge, will this festering family secret finally be unearthed?
Thankyou to Netgalley Uk, Nicola Moriaty and Harper Collins for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I haven't read much by Ms Moriarty in the past, but I really enjoyed this one, and will read some of her in the future. Book was a slow and steady burn, that has you gripped from the beginning and doesn't let go! Recommended.

Fantastic read. Complex characters but gripping to see how it leads to the crash. I was gripped - couldn't stop reading. Interesting twists near the end too.

Dark thriller that had you hooked from the off. The book was very well written. Great plot. Very exciting. Fast paced to get your heart racing. Loved this book

An easy enough to read book, the story was engaging. I found four points of view one too many for me to be fully gripped, I prefer one or two points of view if I’m honest.

You need to know it’s a pulse racing story that has me intrigued and invested from start to finish. Told in 4 povs, it was so interesting to see how everyone sees what happened and described their part of the story in each chapter. The final was really unexpected and one that I haven’t even thought about but that’s what makes it a great story overall.
Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy

Wow, wow and wow - what an amazing book I couldn't put this down - such a well written story and great characters - next book please now !!

I have always loved stories about families, secrets and lies. Jill believes in Christmas traditions. As the matriarch, she ensures that the entire family gets together for the holidays at the family’s getaway home. Last Christmas ended up in tragedy. This year, Jill is determined to get the family together and recapture the magic of Christmas. Things don’t exactly go as planned.
We get to follow the story from different perspectives as narrated by Jill, her son Darren and two daughters-in-law, Mimi and Andrea. Each section of the book ends with a chapter on an accident that takes place on Christmas eve. Through each chapter, we get to know what happened, who was involved and the aftermath. Each little reveal added to the tension in the story.
This was a well-written, captivating story. As much as I wanted answers, I still didn’t want it to end. The family had quite a number of secrets and this kept things interesting up to the final page. The main reveals were jaw-dropping and heart-breaking at the same time. I didn’t see them coming.
This book had me thinking about family secrets. Do we really know everything about our family members? I sure did enjoy this read and I absolutely adore Nicola Moriarty’s writing. Highly recommended.

Domestic drama in one family (3 sons/partners/children). Each and every one of them is hiding something - a bit of a stretch that they’re all having problems at the same time! It was entertaining and an easy read despite the family being self engrossed. Despite some of the subject matter it was lighthearted and wouldn’t keep anyone awake should they choose to read it at bedtime. Another successful book by Nicola!

Really great book, once I started I couldn’t put it down.
Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

A fabulous story about a family and the lead up to a car accident en route to a gathering. Told from different perspectives, I could visualise each character and was gripped from start to finish! Excellent book

Set in Australia this book takes us through a well written family drama. I wouldn't classify it as a thriller but it was a good read anyway.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author and it certainly won’t be my last. You need to know is a excellent family drama that had me hooked from the very beginning. It’s a fairly slow paced read but it actually suited the story and I found it difficult to stop reading at times as I just wanted to know what was going on.

This is a truly compelling and addictive read. I found it a bit slow at the start with all the characters but amazing once I got into it. Loved it.

You would do anything for your kids. Wouldn’t you ?
This is a story of lots of family secrets
Everyone seems to have a secret of their own.
The secrets seem to start to unfurl in the three weeks up to Christmas
When accident occurs when they are all travelling will change their lives forever .
Thanks NetGalley

An amazing book! I loved every word of this one. There were a lot of characters but the writing is so good you followed them all easily. The regular snippets of the accident really kept me hooked and kept me guessing.
A great read. Thank you NetGalley and thank you Nicola Moriarty.

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<p>Wow oh wow!! Moriarty has done it again!!! What a book this is. I cannot express how much I love this author. This is a read you absolutely do not want to miss. </p>
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<p>This is set in Sydney and centred around a cast of great characters all who feel authentic and realistic. This novel held my attention from the beginning and definitely hasn’t disappointed. I have devoured this in just one sitting. </p>
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<p>I love that this is different to the previous novel by this author. It is equally fantastic and filled with tension throughout. I have loved every step of this journey with these characters. </p>
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<p>This is a novel which is fast paced, unpredictable and extremely well plotted. Moriarty has produced a superb read which has completely hooked me. We see secrets unveiled and also family issues. This has been a superb read and I definitely hope this is made into a film or series. </p>
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