Member Reviews

Anna is a struggling teacher trying to make ends meet when in walks Guy to give a lecture at her school. Their eyes connect and the attraction is instant. After only a few weeks Anna finds herself moving into his luxurious apartment. Even given a credit card to use however she wants which delights Anna as she is shopping obsessed due to her childhood of poverty.
We also know that Anna is trying to find out what happened to her missing sister, Birdie. We flashback to their childhood and the several families the girls lived with throughout the foster care system.
Her tragic history and her new found pampered life style are about to connect in explosive fashion.
This started off really strong and I was enjoying it. Until I wasn't any longer. First of all this book is much too long and so much could have been left out. Also the subject matter, I feel, wasn't taken seriously enough. I loved My Dark Vanessa and Putney both works of literary fiction that seemed to really shine a light on pedophilia and grooming while breaking your heart into a million pieces. My heart never broke For Anna or Birdie once and it certainly should have. All in all I didn't really enjoy this one much. There will be no fear of missing out if you skip this. 2 stars!
Thank you to NetGalley and Canelo for my digital ARC.

Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy. I couldn't get into this book. The beginning did nothing to grab my attention, it was really drug out, and I just gave up.

Thank you Netgalley for a copy to review in exchange for an honest review. I was very excited to have received a copy. I requested this title because the description sounded promising. However the story was a bit predictable which didn’t keep my interest. I did however finish it because I was hoping for a plot twist to throw me back in. Not a bad story I was just hoping for a bit more.

Unfortunately this book was very disappointing and difficult to read. It did not flow well and the plot was unbelievable. The characters were not very interesting and I struggled to relate to anyone.

Thank you NetGalley and Canelo for an early copy of The Secret Sister. This was a horribly disturbing book and for some unknown reason I didn’t put it down. What a sad plot, just pathetic stories about those poor kids. Definitely not the type of books I usually read but I did finish it and it will stay with me a long time.

I received an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review.
This book was just OK. A standard issue thriller - If you like that sort of thing you’ll like this but there’s nothing really to recommend it beyond just the conventions of the genre for its fans.

Thanks NetGalley publishers and author for this advance readers copy!
So first off..... I have read so many stories similar to this I just couldn't get it into it!
It felt like!e it dragged on and on. The story was there I guess it was me and the fact that I've read so many similar I couldn't finish this one

I'm terribly sorry. I just could not get into this book at all. Wasn't for me. A little too slow burning start where I lost interest xxk

I’m not really sure what to say about this book. Positives first, the premise was interesting and the first half of the books was well written and drew me into the story quickly. The negatives are that I found the narrative somewhat confusing and to be honest I’ve read so many books about a missing sister that despite sounding interesting I don’t feel that the story was original. I guessed the truth about halfway through and keep expecting something ‘more’ to happen.....but it didn’t.
The book is well written, the use of language, editing and grammar are all excellent however I didn’t love it and I found the second half of the book predictable.
Not one for me I’m afraid.
I was given a free ARC from a NetGalley for the purposes of review. All opinions are my own. .

#TheSecretSister #NetGalley
The truth always comes out…
I want to tell my husband, Guy, everything about my past. Honestly, I do. He’s been so wonderful, providing me with a life of comfort and love a world away from the dark life I had before.He deserves the truth.But if he finds out who I really am, the perfect life I’ve built will come crashing down around my ears. And that can’t happen. Not yet. Not until I reveal the truth about what happened to my little sister
Thanks to NetGalley and Canelo for giving me an advanced copy.