Member Reviews

I received a copy of this book on netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a graphic novel following 12 year old Pax Samson as he struggles between his passion for cooking and his desire to please his family by following in their (very difficult to fill) superhero footsteps. Pax's grandma is well known in this fantastical world as a hero, and this puts a lot of pressure on Pax as he tries to improve his superhero powers.

Don't mistake the 3 stars as me not thoroughly enjoying this graphic novel, as I did have a lot of fun reading it. The colourful art style is one that I really appreciate and I liked the overall message of this comic. I'm also a sucker for books about superheroes, which, combined with the colourful cover, is what made me pick it up in the first place, so I loved the depictions of all of the different superpowers, as well as the mythical creatures. It was also very refreshing to have the main character and his family be black, as this isn't something I see often in middle-grade fantasy, and I think the inclusion of a family of black superheroes is great as it provides role models and representation for those who are so under-represented in this genre. As I am not black myself I cannot speak on how well this representation was done, but the authors/illustrators are both black.

However, the reason this didn't quite get 4 stars (it was close), is because the plot felt a bit all over the place and I found it hard to follow. Because of this, my intrigue wasn't very high and I didn't engage with the story as fully as I would have liked. Despite this, I still think this was a worthwhile read and I plan to continue with the series.

This can absolutely be enjoyed by people of all ages, but it read on the younger side of middle grade to me, therefore I would recommend this graphic novel to children who enjoy fantasy and superheroes.

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Firstly, the colours and art in this are absolutely amazing! I was continually stunned by the beautiful colour palette.

I loved the story and thought the world building was really well done. I would have liked more scenes with Pax cooking and showing his cooking expertise. I also loved the family dynamic and was with Pax every step of the way and honestly can't wait for a volume 2.

Superbly done.

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I'm giving this a 3 star rating because while it wasn't my cup of tea, I think that kids who are into superheroes and comic book style comics will enjoy this.

Pax Samson is a 12 year old boy who comes from a long line of superheroes. His grandmother is 400 years old and thinks it is time to give the reigns over to a new generation. Pax isn't sure he wants to be a superhero though. While he has telekinetic powers, where he really excels is in the kitchen. Everyone keeps telling him that it is in his blood and that he was made to be a superhero, but they need to let him figure these things out on his own.

The second part of this story is the one of Grandma Samson and the history of where they live. Pax's older sister explains how the land they live in was once an area where enchanted beings and humans did not live in peace. The humans were following a ruler named Odin who encouraged xenophobia. Even after he was defeated, his policies lived on and enchanted beings were used as slaves (you can see where I'm going with this, right?). Odin returns and Pax has to decide if he wants to be a superhero or if he just wants to be a chef. Mixed into this is the truth that we have to be careful with the stories that people tell us because history has 2 sides and "the good guy's not always the good guy."

I think a lot of kids will thoroughly enjoy this, it just wasn't my personal cup of tea.

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I really enjoyed reading this one.
The illustrations are colorful and bright.
The story is perfect for grade 3 and up. The little Pax's adventure is super fun.

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This is a fun, adventure story that’s all about family. Pax is part of a family of superheroes who are ready to pass the torch on to the next generation. The story is fun, filled with humor, action, and heart. The art is really nice, bright and colorful. I think it was a little busy so may be harder for younger children to read. I’d recommend this for 5th grade and above.

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Pax Samson is a twelve year old chef struggling to fit in with his super hero family. I'm not a huge superhero comic reader, but the family dynamic of the Samsons sucked me in. This graphic novel is so wholesome, and it was refreshing to shake up my reading habits as an adult with this book. It is heartwarming to see the acceptance of Pax regardless of which path he decides to follow, and regardless of the decisions he may make, even if they are the wrong the ones. The artwork is stunning and the representation of different body types warms my soul. I hope there will be future volumes so we can watch the development of Pax and his friends and family as they age. I think this series will be a hit with young readers, especially if they are a fan of Steven Universe or She-Ra.

Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for allowing me to read the ARC!

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I read the first few chapters and while I absolutely love the art and creativeness I don't think this one is for me but I'm sure that younger readers will absolutely adore this.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for the opportunity to read this advanced copy of Pax Samson. A brilliantly colored, visually bright, and arresting story which seemed to end way too quickly. The plot and mystery will be easily understood by kids and the struggles of the main character--despite the fantastic backdrop--will resonate with anyone who has felt like they don't fit in or measure up, especially in their own family. It's refreshing to see a supportive, loving, imperfect yet respectful family with multi-generational relationships and strong connections. Perhaps it's because this is an ARC, but some of the panels didn't seem to fit together and at times it was difficult to tell what was going on during the action sequences.

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I loved the synopsis and the cover. It is really pretty. The book is divided into small chapters that follow different adventures but all of them are tied together. But I was not that much invested in the story. I mean I loved the illustrations and I loved how the characters when shown from far away in the illustrations were also recognizable. That requires a lot of work and I appreciate it with my whole heart.
I think I was just too old to read this book. If you are a teenager or maybe you want to narrate this story to your child or you want your child to read it then it is very good. Superheroes taking up tasks to save the world and their people and also struggling with their life problems but thinking about others first, this is the plot that kids enjoy. I loved the idea behind the book and the story and maybe I will pick up rest of the books in the series because I did not hate it. I am just too old for this plot. But I really enjoyed the illustrations and definitely recommend it to kids. A perfect early-middle grade!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Pax Samson Vol. 1 by Rashad Doucet and Jason Reeves is an action-adventure graphic novel for children that will appeal to fans of Steven Universe and Adventure Time. One highlight of this book is that it is an #ownvoices book with a protagonist who is a Person of Color. The situation is getting better now with the current literary landscape, but there could be more graphic novels, particularly superhero graphic novels for kids, that features heroes of color. SInce many of the characters in this graphic novel are PoC, I support the author 100%.

The plot of the story revolves around 12 year-old Pax Sampson, who is a young member of a famous superhero family. Similar to the plot of Sky High by Disney, except in a completely different galaxy, Pax is learning how to live up to the expectations of others and his family, including his grandma, who is "the greatest superhero to ever live" according to the book's description. When trouble comes along, will Pax be able to rise to the occasion and protect his family and the universe?

Overall, Pax Sampson Vol. 1 is an enjoyable, interesting graphic novel for children. If your child is a fan of superhero comics or Steven Universe, I think this graphic novel will also appeal to them. I really enjoyed the bright colors and pastels in the artwork. I also think this graphic novel will appeal to Ms. Marvel's Kamala Khan, another #ownvoices superhero comic. It has similar themes of being brave and rising to the occasion. If you're intrigued by the description above, or if you're looking for a superhero graphic novel for your child, I highly recommend that you check out this book when it comes out in July!

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I loved this as a volume one, and its got me excited for further volumes!

The pictures are great to look at and the dialogue flows well, i just wish there was more of it!

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Heartwarming and fun, the perfect adventure for all the family.
Theres something about the artstyle in this graphic novel that I found captivating, its really energetic, I could easily see it being a cartoon

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Volume 1 of Pax Samson is so cute! The Samson family is lovely, and my favorite character by far was certainly Grandma Samson! Her background and relationships with other characters were the strongest. I wish we could have learned more about everyone's powers, especially Pax's. He is telekinetic, but his power manifests itself through "psy-rush" and the "psy-sword." At one point he uses "psy-calling" to contact Grandma, which is pretty self-explanatory, but I was a little confused about his other abilities.

Seeing Pax's love of cooking was so cute and I hope that in Volume 2 we'll get the chance to see him and Grandma make Galaxy Gumbo!

The artwork of this story was colorful and expressive! It was clear who was talking and did a great job of showing the friendship between Pax and Azul, as well as his special relationship with Grandma.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to read this book! I'd recommend it to lovers of graphic novels, especially those that follow superheroes and families!

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Pax Samson is imaginative, colorful, and engaging. I would gladly share this book in a school library or on a classroom shelf.

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Really disappointing because I couldn't read it. The file type wouldn't download. The cover looks amazing though.

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My son, aged 8, is an avid graphic novel reader. We read this together and it has the makings of a start to a great series. Full of humour and heroic escapades, this is a fun book for young readers.

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I feel bad, but I was not really into this. Don’t get me wrong, the art and the story weren’t bad, but I kept finding myself looking to see how much longer I had left.

You don’t really get too much backstory besides for Grandma. So I liked her, but for the other characters, they didn’t seem fully fleshed out. Pax was interesting, but he came across as kind of whiny. I know he’s young and all, but he was just okay to me. As I mentioned, Grandma was the best character.

I’m not going to harp that I wasn’t into this because I think most other people will enjoy this if they’re into hero graphic novels. I just wasn’t feeling it myself.

Thanks for NetGalley and Oni Press for allowing me to read this for my honest and unbiased opinion.

Will be posted on Amazon shortly.

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Cute start to a kids graphic novel series, I enjoyed it as an adult reader too!
Pax is a kid figuring out who he wants to be and he has a supportive family around him. It’s all draped in fantasy and super powers but at the heart it’s a story about a kid figuring out who he is and what he wants. His family loves him even if he’s a bit different from them. (They’re heroes that punch problems. He’d like to cook and talk things out.)
I’d hand this one to a kid of the right age, maybe 10, who liked fantasy or superhero stories quite happily.

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I was initially meh about another superhero graphic for kids, but this title won me over on the *first page*.

Gray-haired Grandma Samson and her partner Space Cowboy enjoying a little camp coffee while talking about handing over the family business after 400 years of heroing? Their relationship was so loving and cute, the exposition was intriguing: I was immediately hooked.

Pax Samson is a cutie, his super cooking/psy-skills are just good and ridiculous enough that you can believe why he is nervous to set out as a real hero, and also why he (spoiler) ultimately triumphs.

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Review by J.P. C., Age 10

In O.K. Town, on the planet Sotellis, humans and enchanted people live together. A long time ago, an enemy of the enchanted, Odin, tried to enslave humans. The hero, Lionstar, defeats Odin, saves the planet, and is celebrated each year for his victory.

Pax is part of the Human race but has superpowers and loves to cook. His specialty is Dragon Noodle Soup which he makes each year at the celebration for Lionstar. Pax worries he gets in everyone’s way because he’s not as good at using his power as he is at cooking. As Pax learns about his family’s past, he is proud of his super abilities. He practices to get better and learns he can enjoy cooking and be a good superhero.

When Lionstar is summoned from his death and the humans of O.K. Town are in danger, you question if Lionstar is the actual hero. It’s up to Pax, his family, and his best friend, Azul to save the humans.

My favorite part is near the end when Pax, his family, and Azul fight Lionstar by working together to attack his magical army.

I liked the illustrations because they made it easier to understand what was happening in the story.

I wish there were more details about what happened in the past when Lionstar first saved the planet.

Kids ages 9-11 who enjoy comic books, adventures, and superheroes would enjoy this book.

I give this book 3.5 (rounded to 4) stars.

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